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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - July 31, 2021

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - July 31, 2021

    Questions Thread - July 31, 2021

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Questions Thread

    This is a general question thread on. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in any of the questions channels under the "help" category in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.

    We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [Megathread] Royale Weekend 2 - Feedback and Suggestions

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    Royale returns for another weekend! Now you can finally get revenge against all of those exiles who consistently ignore your trade messages!

    Some major balance adjustments have occurred between the first weekend and now, and this is the place to discuss skill balance, passive changes and offer feedback/suggestions. Please keep your comments on topic and don't be afraid to start a discussion.

    Click here for the Royale's latest patch notes.

    Mod Note: Hello everyone! As a trial for some large-scale changes for the sub, we have decided to test out feedback megathreads. We recognize that they may not be immediately popular, but our hope is that we can use these as hubs for focused communication with GGG, provided that everybody does their part in keeping things productive and civil. Individual posts with feedback or suggestions will be removed while this thread is active. You can still post about your winning strategies or buttclenching moments as normal, though!

    If you have any meta feedback about the trial megathread please let us know through modmail.

    If you're looking for the league info megathread, it can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AlfredsLoveSong
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    I'm over 20 Instilling Orbs deep into one flask, I hate the RNG of the new system. I wish it was a simple UI menu like Pantheon instead

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:34 AM PDT

    I feel like a menu similar to Pantheon would fit perfectly and would be way better than simply creating new currency. The currency is way too much RNG.

    Pantheon is character specific and passives can be swapped in your hideout. Those are exactly the criteria that a flask menu where you can choose the flask conditions from Instilling Orb or the flask improvements from Enkindling Orb need.

    If you really want to hold onto the currencies you could make crafting bench recipes that use those to get specific mods, e.g. 3x Instilling Orb and you can choose your specific condition.

    Convenience of the flask system remake should not be gated behind this sort of RNG

    Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/2slow4flo
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    GGG you can't undo 5+ years of content in one patch.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    I'm really trying to give this patch a shot. I'm open to all the changes, and I'm absolutely not opposed to nerfs or attempts at slowing the game down. That being said, what GGG has done here just feels like some awkward purgatory for the current PoE and PoE 2.

    There is more damage spikes in the game now than ever before, not including the league mechanic. There's act 1 white mobs from red maps that hit you harder than some map bosses. Seriously, you just get 1 tapped with absolutely no indication way more than before. And it feels a little unnecessary, given that this has been one of the biggest complaints about PoE for the longest time. This kind of feels like a slap in the face.

    There are more immunities in the game now than ever before. I get it GGG, you just really like these mechanics that nobody else enjoys. It's just funny that once again, this has been one of those big complaints from the community for the longest time. But I'll let it go. Kind of another slap though.

    There are more splinters in the game now than ever before. But this time you guys will keep this complaint in mind going forward? Even though once again, this has been one of the all time biggest complaints about PoE. This one's right up there with trade complaints as far as how often we see these kinds of threads/feedback. But this time you guys will keep it in mind. Slap me harder Chris.

    Despite having said in previous manifestos that you don't want to just buff monster health, the monster health feels incredibly spongy on a ton of mobs now. I guess you stuck to your word because you didn't just "buff health" but you nerfed player damage along with it? I'm not sure why it had to be both by such an extreme amount. This feels like something you ease into. But you just slapped it all into one patch, without changing any other part of the game that players interact with. It feels weird. And not the "I'm just getting used to it" kind of weird but the "this feels very out of place" kind of weird. And it's not difficulty, I wouldn't call brick wall DPS checks on random map mobs difficulty, it just doesn't feel like PoE.

    As many players have already mentioned before, much of what I used to look forward to is simply gone. It doesn't even feel good to get an awakened gem anymore despite the amount of effort necessary to acquire one (way more effort than before, significantly less rewarding). They've just become slight damage boosts. They're boring. This once again doesn't feel like the PoE I love. Slight number increases becoming the new "chase items" from Conquerors/Sirus kind of feels like Diablo 3. Not a good look. But it explains why I'm getting really bored doing these things now.

    To wrap up, this whole patch feels like you guys had a great time playing PoE 2 and wanted to get the current game closer to that. I'm all for it. Unfortunately, you can't just undo the past 5+ years of content in a single lazily implemented nerf patch. To be honest, I'm convinced it can't be done at all, even over the course of many patches. You would have to redesign so many systems currently in the game and almost make another game entirely. Come to think of it, maybe you guys have something like that in the works.... maybe something like..... PoE 2? And that's my big takeaway from playing this patch. This feels like what PoE 2 will be but in a game not even close to ready for that kind of gameplay. I almost feel like I'm playing some janky 3rd party "difficulty" mod. None of it feels polished. Most of it feels random and a lot of it feels rushed/not well thought out.


    submitted by /u/ManyNiinjas
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    "My brother's experience trying Poe out" - the ultimate Brutus OBLITERATOR build

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Hey guys my younger brother tried path of exile about a month ago and had a lot of fun, i asked him to show me his character and talk about his experience with the game. I thought that it was incredible and wanted to share it with you.

    This build is super cheap requiring 0c, it's a completely free and SSF viable build anyone can play.

    I was tired of seeing all these min max super league-start builds "Newbie Friendly" guides , that cost more than free, these Build curators have 0 clue on what it's truely like for new gamers so i thought "why not ask a new gamer"

    OBLITERATE Act 1 BRUTUS in only 8 Hours. Requires only 1 2-link magic glass shank, and whatever you pickup on the ground. Poor friendly, No filter required, little to no game knowledge required

    1. Pick whatever character looks like it will do what you want, or sounds the coolest. We've chosen shadow, the short skinny guy. Read their bio's and see if you like their story.

    2. Lay on the beach for a few minutes, not realising it's interactable and not a cutscene.

    3. press a few buttons and click around to see if it does anything (it does)

    4. Listen to all the tooltips and instructions that are shoved in your face during the tutorial.

    5. Fail to get past the red barrier because you didn't socket the gem, into the weapon. This should take you at minimum 3 minutes to figure out.

    6. Walk around aimlessly, and kill everything in sight with your basic attack.

    7. Die once and find the next red barrier.

    8. Learn about chests, support gems, flasks and links blah blah blah

    9. Flail for a much shorter amount of time because you learnt from your mistakes at red barrier 1

    10. Walk around aimlessly again killing everything you see, until you find a mega zombie. During this time you should have figured out how to use your skills, Kill it.

    11. Die because you forgot about your flasks, and/or believe their one time consumables that are hard to replenish.

    12. Find and attack mega zombie, sort of knowing where to go, but still confused whether you're going the right way or not.

    13. Repeat 10-12 untill mega zombie is dead.

    14. Congrat's you've either just leveled up, or haven't realised it till now press "p" or click the + sign to use your newly aquired passive point.

    15. Yep.... we know.... Just put it on whatever makes most sense to you

    16. Pickup all the cool items and head towards the new area.

    Congrats you've just blitzed through twilight strand, learning useful things along the way, whether you remember these useful things or not, is up to you. This should take you a minimum of 20 minutes to complete.

    If you've done your own thing and chosen something other than shadow, than good luck have fun. Otherwise Welcome to the BRUTUS OBLITERATOR 8 Hour act 1 super build.

    Collect the cobra lash skill from Nessa and start slinging that around act 1.

    Whilst aimlessly wandering around act 1 and talking to the npc's you will find there are lots of items that the enemies drop, white, blue and sometimes gold. Blue and gold items aren't usable because they aren't identified, a tutorial should tell you about this, listen to it i cbf typing it.

    Pick up all the blue and gold items and identify them all. If you run out of wisdom scrolls, here's a Super pro newbie tip, Sell all the white items (you should have learnt about this) and get scroll fragments, sell as many white items to get as many scroll fragments as possible and identify the blues and golds.

    You will quickly come to the realisation that it's impossible to identify all the items, and you should just ignore the blue ones and pickup all the yellow ones.

    After wandering around Act 1 for a good few hours, go back to lioneyes and turn in the random quests you completed. Hopefully you will have access to the final 2 Ultra powered gems to complete the build. Volley and Riposte.

    Link Volley and cobra lash together on whatever weapon you find. Because how do you use an attack if it's on your boots or armour??? stupid right. If your weapon can't fit it, keep killing stuff. Your cobra lash should now have 3 projectiles, which means 3 times the damage.

    Find a shield and put reposte in it, you can't block unless you have a shield. duh.

    Continue your aimless meandering through act 1 leveling up your character, and enjoying your mega OP build. Placing your skill points in whatever seems like a good idea ensuring you don't stray more than 4 passive nodes away from the starting point.

    This is our tree we used. https://imgur.com/a/DIqpBSD

    And that's it you are now able to beat Brutus, Hopefully you were able to obliterate Brutus, just as quickly as my brother did.

    In all seriousness my brother has thoroughly enjoyed playing this game, from knowing nothing to beating Brutus, on a two link. Even though it took him 8 hours, the fun he had explaining it to me was a breath of fresh air and took me back to my first character, a duelist in talisman league with full attack speed nodes and nothing else. Not understanding how links worked, why I was so squishy and dealing no damage, seeing the gems and thinking it's skill customisation was amazing, being content in taking hours to complete anything.

    But as to everything once he hit a wall, he had no idea where to turn to, it's been said time and time again, this game isn't new player friendly. But it can be... Why not add a simple interface mode, for new players. Implement simple premade builds that they can follow directly in game on the passive tree. Highlight weapon bases that will work for well the premade build they selected.. More in your face tips (togglable) because these help a lot. Newbies don't care about the intricacies behind armour mitigation, the exponential effect of increased max res or how to glitch the karui lady to peek at her ASSets.

    They want fun and progression, give them easier information and help, to smooth out their builds kinks, add in game suggestions: "hey exile maybe replace your earthquakes GMP support with 'these gems'

    Instead he has to use third party tools to get the proper information he needs which should by all rights be easily accessible right from the game. Or at least not hidden away.

    submitted by /u/MaorimusPrime
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    There may be portals inside of us.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    As a former CoC lover, I'd like to share some feedback on 3.15

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    First of all Im talking about legit builds, who are allround viable. Not some kind of yellow map farmers.

    CoC builds were always popular despite the high currency cost and a lot of things and downsides we had to get through to make it work. 3.15 with its zero thought out changes killed all the joy in such builds. And no just joy. Despite that Chris promised that coc builds will be fine, they are not. It was just another lie.

    As coc you always had to fix:

    Attack crit cap

    Spell crit cap


    Attack speed tresholds


    Somehow still get enough defense not to die to bosses

    In 3.15, you also have to:

    Damage, yes, damage, because these builds seriously lack damage now.

    Mana cost. Holy moly, how am I supposed to sustain even hundreds of mana cost per second? I ditched passives and some auras for damage. I used clarity watchers for -9 mana cost, double rings -7 mana cost, max clarity, multiple mana reservation nodes and enlighten. Still sucks balls.

    Read map mods twice, because enfeeble makes your build disfunctional

    Read every single god damn expedition "shrine", so you dont encounter damage immunity of your school of magic, because that makes your build disfunctional

    Read every single god damn expedition "shrine", so you dont encounter immunity to crits, which for some reason isnt even marked by yellow despite being gamebreaking, because that makes your build disfunctional. Damn, if I wanted to read everything, I will pay a reading club membership, not a god damn ARPG game.

    How can you make half of the expedition mods immunities? Immunities, us customers and you fought together to get rid of not so long ago?? Why dont u just change it to reduced damage from crits/magic/phys/curse by 90%? That would make it challenging, not forced skip content. Impossible doesnt mean more challenging!

    Curses as map mods are the most bs mechanic atm. You just cant play around it anymore and no, not every build has access to curse immunity or reduction. Definitelly not coc builds.

    Its very hard to get all these things and still have a reasonable defense for 3.15.

    3.15 brought some decent pack size boost in general. I liked the idea, but then I realized, how not balanced the enemy damage currently is, because there was nothing adjusted further, at all. Like every map with baran, veritania or ranged monsters simply randomly instagib you, no matter how tanky you are, unless you are raider, who doesnt get it. I played tank aw chieftain and multiple inquisitors stacking high regen and ehp. None of it made me not to die to random offscreening or overlapping enemies. Im a former hc player and I hate dying, so I always build some reasonable defense even in sc. But I feel like there is no reasonable defense for 3.15 outside of playing raider or broken forbidden rites totem. You just always die helplessly, whether it is 0,5sec bleed to death from random vulne map projectile, not being red map weakness capped or just another overlapping proj in a small space map. Enemies are just too fast and too deadly for us waggling around slowed and barely any flask uptime. Its not fun, its not challenging if I cant react or outplay the situation.

    I played awc chieftain. While it is tanky with insane regen, I used unwavering to not die in stuns, but then I just die to something randomly hitting me with 100% chance due to not having any evade or anything. And the fact that it is too slow for 3.15 enemy power to react to incoming danger.

    Then I tried coc voltaxic burst justs because I thought there is some kind of logical mechanic in it. It is not. You cant win playing this garbility. Not in this game. You either wait 2,5 sec and have clear worse than awc or move along and backtrack all the time for the loot. Not even mentioning the constant dying to enemies, because they are alive.

    Then I tried a cold version of coc with idea of it being way more safe. Its better, but still sucks balls, because these abilities cost a shitton of mana, so you have even less passives and gear options to fit some defense into it. And it still doesnt do that great damage.

    Trade is dead, so is deterministic crafting. Not exactly sure, how would my stay in the league fix these frustrating issues whatsoever. Unless some of you have any tips, how to enjoy this frustrating patch with some interesting new allround good build that isnt totem or raider, I guess this is when Im done.

    There are many more things I wish to say, but its too long already. I would love the league, but 3.15 patch feels like going 10y back in development of our characters and fighting enemies with the speed of light, not being able to counterplay anything. This patch has nothing to do with being more challenging, its just more frustrating, because we lost means to fight the dangers.

    I miss leagues like Legion, where it was all about having fun, not dealing with frustrations...

    Sorry for the wall of text. If you are having fun, I hope I wont discourage you. GL

    submitted by /u/Nikeyla
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    If you haven't yet, click on this.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:27 PM PDT

    Hard to have Pepe hands in POE

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:19 AM PDT

    Exact same rolls on items from my friends shop and mine, all other items are the same rolls too

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    The thing that kept me playing PoE was the goal of getting stronger

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    The feel of getting passive points, or equipping a build enabling unique, or getting that important ascendancy node. Going into maps and seeing that your damage has increased significantly and clearing is much easier. This is why the addition of ascendancies for example, was a VERY exciting league for me. It gave what felt like 20 more passive skill points with no downsides. Leveling was fun, the campaign was fun, maps were fun, because we were stronger. This is also why Harvest and Echoes of the Atlas were enjoyable, it allowed for better gear and target farming.

    With this patch, I don't feel that same motivation I typically have. Even when I do reach a milestone in my build, I'm still getting my ass handed to me whereas before, you felt like a god for a few levels.

    Anyway that's just my two cents. I know powercreep is an issue but I'm just not having fun. Also obligatory 4k hours.

    submitted by /u/kNyne
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    GGG: Players are too OP. We nerfed all player's damage, movement, aliment immunity, and flask in this patch. Monsters in the same patch:

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    One of the worst things about losing nearly 50% of the player base in a week..

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    SC Trade is an absolute graveyard. I have never seen it this bad.

    Trade has never really been that great. But gearing builds for endgame is the most brutal, tedious, slogfest state I think it has ever been.

    I don't know what 3.15 will look like in a few weeks but without reliable crafting options and the new spike in difficulty - those that enjoy SC trade are gonna be hurting.

    Making new SC trade builds in the weeks and month to come is gonna suck.

    And that sucks :(

    Ah well. I do like the league mechanic though.

    submitted by /u/dmix33
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    Friendship ended with Flame Dash. Now Lightning Warp is my best friend.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    This game is unplayable, I quit.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    So uh, I just got this belt from a Grand Heist...

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    I call this painting "-10% xp"

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    Can GGG do something about the nonsense that happens when firing even numbers of projectiles?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    Reducing flask charges gained only promotes zoom playstyle and punishes slower clear

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Especially with automatic flasks, if you want full time upkeep, zoom builds are still the best way to go. Using automatic flasks isn't even as worth it if you go slower. I don't mind the general flask power nerfs, but defensive flask use and upkeep should not have been affected.

    submitted by /u/SilentNomad
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    The path of the homeless warrior

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    Lore compilation update for 3.15

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    This is an update to the complete lore compilation. For those unfamiliar with it, the original post can be found here.

    Complete Lore Compilation (PDF)

    Lore Supplement: The Atlas of Worlds (PDF)

    Lore Supplement: Heists and the Ring (PDF)

    Updated Format

    For this update I have split the lore compilation into three separate documents. The main reason for this is that it was becoming a bit unwieldy. While the first release was less than 100 pages, the most recent was 296 pages, and growing with every league and expansion. Looking ahead to the release of POE 2, we can expect a huge influx of new lore. The Fall of Oriath added 6 new acts, and with that about 100 pages to the lore compilation. POE 2 could easily add more, given the time jump and the likely number of new locations and characters.

    Therefore, I split up the compilation. The main document still serves as a historical account of the game's universe up to the point where the game begins, and provides background and context to the characters and quests encountered. It also covers some of the major events and new environmental lore items that appear during Acts 1-10.

    The second document covers the history and lore related to the Atlas of Worlds and the various beings that have created or taken an interest in it. This is up-to-date for the Echoes of the Atlas expansion.

    The third document covers the content introduced in Heist League. It contains everything we know about the Ring, its boss, and each of the 13 members we meet. This includes the full text of all Heist quests and unique contracts (including two contracts and one boss fight that were fully scripted but have not been released), so that you can skip all the dialogue while playing if you'd like, and then read the stories later. The Heist supplement also includes a section on the replica unique items and their researchers, which were introduced that league and which are an interesting area of the lore in themselves, but currently have little connection to the content of the main compilation.

    In the future I may split the appendix off into its own separate document as well.

    Lore Updates

    • Added lore from the Echoes of the Atlas expansion
    • Added lore from Ritual League
    • Added lore from Ultimatum League
    • Added lore from Expedition League
    • Added lore from GGG's lore Q&A posts (Part 1) (Part 2)
    • Updated the historical timeline
    • Updated the appendix with all of the new characters and additional culture notes
    • In 3.15 GGG corrected numerous typos and punctuation errors in dialogue and environmental lore, so I corrected them in the lore compilation as well. (There's still about 40 remaining, and these are marked with [sic] as always.)

    Other Items of Interest

    • In 3.14 a reference was added to a place named Aesclast, which was possibly another continent (and could be the "east" to Wraeclast's "west"). However, this reference was changed in 3.15 to refer to an unnamed place. So currently there are no references to Aesclast in the game.
    • The Kalguur discovered a large underground mirror that is "older than the oldest men." The Proto-Vaal had also discovered it and built a shrine around it. The mirror and shrine are seen in the Uhtred boss fight.
    • The four Kalguur NPCs mention their king, but refuse to give out any information about him. It's implied he might not be human and would consider himself a god, if the Kalguur had such a concept.
    • Gwennen has a dialogue option that changes after the first time you listen to it. After listening to it the first time, she says you must've misheard her, and then after that it changes. It's also interesting that the only thing Rog says about her is that she won't lie to you.
    • GGG changed Clarissa's dialogue in Act 8 to remove the part where she said Caspiro was Tarcus Veruso's son, so this no longer conflicts with Izaro's dialogue.

    As a final comment, I highly recommend reading the story of the Kalguur colonisation of Wraeclast (p. 57 of the lore compilation). Personally, I think it's the best complete story added to the lore in quite some time.

    See you in Wraeclast!

    submitted by /u/justathetan
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    Gwennen should sell hidden stacks of currency

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    Random essence, random currency, random div card, at a random stack of 1 to 5.

    Or she can sell a hidden tier 1 currency, hidden stacks of 10 tier 2 currency etc.

    a stack of hidden quality currency, a stack of hidden basic currency. The amount of variety for this is endless and could really make her a real gambling npc

    submitted by /u/Sweaty-Painter-1043
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    Does explosive placement need better visual indicators? These two chests are affected by explosives but it's so damn hard to tell unless you spend 10 sec staring at each one

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    Expedition mechanic feels kinda tedious in maps, but great in logbooks

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    I love the idea of doing the whole planning/setting chains of bombs mechanic for one specific map every now and then that has big rewards for doing so -- however, doing that for every single map gets old real quick because it constantly just stops your mapping momentum dead and takes you out of whatever groove you were in (especially with how finicky the charge positioning is).

    I think if it's going to go core after this, I'd much prefer only the logbooks to go core or maybe just have the charges automatically set for random encounters that you find (and get rid of all the immunities and the ones that just insta-kill certain builds like CI), so it isn't so time consuming for meh rewards.

    I know Ziziran has basically said the same thing. Too time consuming in maps, but perfect for logbooks.

    submitted by /u/moal09
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    I've only now noticed that totems are dummy thicc and it disturbs me.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    Is anyone else getting absolutely DESTROYED by Baran influence minions?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    I have 8k Energy Shield, 75/75 block chance and gain 400es on block, 20k armor, and getting BLOWN UP by Baran minions almost every time I see them. Its driving me crazy.

    submitted by /u/TehAntiPope
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