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    Wednesday, July 21, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds This subreddit is the last bastion of sanity

    Path of Exile Builds This subreddit is the last bastion of sanity

    This subreddit is the last bastion of sanity

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 10:44 PM PDT

    Comparing to the endless whines and brainless memes the main subreddit has to endure, this sub is nothing but just coolheaded, constructed and contributing discussions. True alpha treat the game as a game. Please never change, everyone.

    Btw gonna league start with mjolnir until i can find a sensible BMcry build

    submitted by /u/751935736
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    Fyregrass's Freezing Pulse Totem Guide, Fully Updated for 3.15

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJZnJDylFl4&t=2042s&ab_channel=Fyregrass

    Forum Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3145014

    Levelling Commentary: https://youtu.be/OL4d4NNTCuU

    Levelling POB: https://pastebin.com/2GzHKJ6F

    Budget PoB: https://pastebin.com/LLhxuAd5


    Hey Guys! So I've spent the last month or so practising a whole slew of different league starters and I've settled on pushing ahead in 3.15 with Freezing Pulse Totems as both my own league starter, and the build I will be recommending to people who are wanting a solid league starter for the incoming league. I have a 40 minute video guide and a huge forum guide depending on what medium you prefer, both are linked above, along with some levelling commentary to help you get your main levelling set up going by act 4.

    Why Freezing Pulse Totems?

    My other 11 league starters I had prepared got nerfed way too hard and Freezing Pulse Totems with the Ice Spear Gem swap can still reach 2 million boss DPS with a 5 link and a 40c investment. We get curse immunity from a variety of different sources giving us a leg up over other builds and we can automate damage from a safe range. I personally believe this build will be A or S tier as a league starter. I have already tested the nerfs and I am confident this league starter will be fine. Things will be rough compared to 3.14, but that is the case for literally every build in the entire game now.


    My guides are always optimised for softcore league start progression. You should play my builds if you want to finish your atlas fast, farm currency and get your challenges done ASAP. If you view softcore as a practise mode to eventually transition to SSFHC, you won't enjoy my builds as they are neither Hardcore viable nor SSF friendly. We run 5k hybrid eHP, few defensive layers and all in on killing fast and using AoE chill/freeze effects to keep us safe.

    How to Contact Me:


    I will be streaming from the moment league launches, 7 days a week for degenerate hours, eventually dwindling back to my old schedule of 6 hours a day. If you need help with anything, feel free to hit me up on stream, starting week 2 I will be doing PoB Reviews (you dont need to be a sub or follower, I do them for everyone). Until then, send me private messages on reddit and I will endeavour to respond to them all.

    Hate Totems?

    If you really dislike the Totem Playstyle or you've checked out my PoBs and don't think the build suits your needs, I have a few other recommendations based upon some of my own internal testing:

    1. Soulwrest Necro - Grimro has been toying around with a version of this which I believe he is putting content out for. This build has superb bossing post nerfs, the clear speed is too slow for my tastes but if you just want safe access to boss killing, this is an easy choice
    2. Steel Skills - DonTheCrown will likely be putting out content for this and league starting this as he usually does. Steel Skills copped a nerf too but seem fine when I did some testing earlier today simulating the damage changes. Expect to hit maps a few hours slower, but you'll make up for it by being able to kill Sirus with a Terminus Est
    3. Traps - No particular content creator I could recommend, however Ice/Lightning Trap has some decent coverage and boss killing potential post nerf. The new Blade Trap might have potential as well as some others. I hate traps, but they do seemed positioned well relative to many other options right now
    submitted by /u/Fyregrass
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    Experiment: Let's use PoB to compare the old and new FULL DPS for our existing, geared, endgame characters.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    In Path of Building, load a couple of your existing, fully equipped, endgame characters and comment their FULL DPS. After PoB is updated with the patch, update with their UPDATED FULL DPS.

    I think we're all pretty interested to see the actual numbers of these nerfs, and the easiest way to do that is with existing characters. Once PoB is updated, it will be difficult to compare to the old values so we should note them now. Let's see how much damage a build needs to compensate with "utility".

    <Build description>

    Old DPS:

    New DPS:

    PoB Link (if you want to share)

    submitted by /u/YourShoelaceIsUntied
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    Shield Crush Starter Theory Version 2 - Impale, Attack Speed, and Ancestral Totems - Post Patch Notes Pass

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:25 PM PDT

    I have returned with an updated build guide! Make sure to look at the Notes section!

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/51gbnDU1

    Currently it looks like Shield Crush is still going to be a pretty good starter, but at the moment I am not sure how much we can push this build on an Impale end. I have not done much research into bleed variants of this build, but Bleed might have the potential to be the stronger variant depending on investment. We will have to wait and see.

    The PoB is currently applying the changes to skill gems as much as I could, and the skill gem buffs/nerfs have been moved onto the Abyssal Jewel that is connected to the Stygian Vise. I have incorporated the Melee Physical support change, part of the Impale change, as well as an adjustment to the attack speed so we can see how fast Leap Slam is (it's still very fast and our map movement tool). I am also currently assuming that Shield Crush is going to have the same additive damage as shield charge, but it has the potential to be the same as SST. Once the 20/20 gems are shown, I will adjust this build and edit the PoB link appropriately.

    Here are a few ideas that I have to push the build further than what I have currently. I haven't fully pushed these into PoB yet because I want to see the 20/20 gem first.

    • Using Herald of Purity rings and swapping to Purity from Pride gives a great damage boost
    • Impale effect watcher's eye also gives a giant damage boost. Using the double damage with attacks cheap version also helps with damage as well. We can't have both Purity and Pride, though.
    • Another way to scale damage (mostly for bossing) is with a Frenzy Charge on Hit chest.
    • Tombfist to apply both intimidate and maim, freeing up gem slots and increasing damage.

    Key Changes and notable pieces of the build:

    • Multistrike is currently not enabled with the PoB because Multistrike does not work with Shield Charge. We hit nearly 1m sirus DPS with cluster jewels on a 5 link. I am still tinkering to find some better optimization if more exists.
    • Fortify has been removed from Shield Crush and moved to Vigilant Strike. This was done for the sake of more damage on Shield Crush. We have enough attack speed to make Vigilant strike feel smooth, anyways.
    • CWDT has been dropped to 3L (no more increased duration) and Leap Strike has been graduated to 4L (for the Vigilant Strike slot). Vulnerability is still hanging out with CWDT as an option.
    • Brinkmanship node has been rerouted up to the other Physical Damage node by Constitution. Life is also cut in the cluster variant to keep the Vanquisher node.

    Levelling sections have been added! This includes both the best shield you can get from a vendor as well as what acts you get what links from.

    Levelling trees have been added!

    Levelling Uniques have been added!

    submitted by /u/OMFGaTaco2
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    3.15 Patch Notes Discussion

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 04:41 PM PDT

    link: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3147479

    My highlights:

    • Baseline melee skills got buffed, melee phys stays unscathed, seems like melee will take less of a hit.
    • Chaos DoT, bleed and ignite cluster notables seem like they took pretty savage hits.
    • Too many flask changes to actually read, probably all of them nerfs.
    • Pathfinder still has good ailment removal.
    • Some support gems got hit softer than the others. (understatement)
    • Pretty much no reason to use controlled destruction apart from going non-crit chaos hit spells but those spells are already hard to scale might as well go crit poison.
    • SST looks really good, shield crash back on the menu if it also has the same numbers.


    • Mana costs are gonna be humongous now, at least double of what they are. idk where i'm gonna pull that from especially for melee builds.
    • Actually my GH Slayer leaguestart looking better. Melee looking not so bad in general.
    • Shield Crash back on the menu.

    Let me know what you think and if your ideas for the leaguestart changed and if you have any new ideas!

    Edit: self-chill dead for cold conduction, you can still self chill for icefang orbit iirc

    submitted by /u/kebabInASalmonLand
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    How would you build Chieftain - Earthbreaker - Tectonic Slam?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    I've played around PoB for a while and I can't decide if it's a bait or not. As far as I understand the totems should get the AoE and fissure branching chance bonuses from my Endurance charges without the drawback that they will be consumed on every third attack. Here some of my thoughts:

    • Even with the old Mana multipliers Mana cost is pretty huge, so Blood Magic might be an intersting option
    • Accuracy is definitely a problem. Three options here: Lycosidae, Resolute Technique or investing into Accuracy
    • Blood Magic does feel awkward as there are multiple Auras that would boost the damage by somewhat equal amounts. Anger, Herald of Ash, Herald of Purity (if used with Facebreaker), Blood and Sand, Summon Skitterbots
    • Facebreaker might be a solid start but the scaling potential isn't really that great (especially when used with Blood Magic)
    • Chieftain has nice Recovery with Endurance Charges and Damage leeched from Totems, but is lacking defense other than that

    Here is my template for a Facebreaker, Tukohama's Fortress (Blood Magic + Mortal Conviction) Chieftain: http://poeurl.com/dlqA

    submitted by /u/keyviac
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    So what kind of Trapper should i play this league ?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    Manabound, Mjolnir, and Indigon

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    1. Manabond, lightning spell with bonus damage and range based on high/low mana.

    2. Mjolnir, triggered lightning spells on hit cost 0.

    3. Indigon, gain spell damage % based on mana used recently.

    Use melee skill attached with mana leech (?) and other regen + spend methods. This triggers Manabound for 0 mana.

    To ensure that mana drains instantly, we can use CoC/CwC linked with spells. Even with low level gems, Indigon should increase the mana usage enough to keep Indigon topped off. If we need help starting the Indigon loop, throw in an arcane cloak.

    Add flat element damage sources which are then multiplied by Indigon.

    We stack mana regen sources as much as possible.

    I'm not sure if it's require to have something that makes cyclone cost 0, for QoL.

    What you end up with is high Indigon uptime, 0 cost spell on Mjolnir that scales off missing mana, and buffed CoC/CwC spells that fire occasionally.

    Are there any major flaws to this idea?

    Edit: Trickster is very good for this build. You can also get insane amounts of mana through leech increase nodes. Have to test out PoB if I can hit the 4000 mana/s cap.

    submitted by /u/mizmato
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    Impale or bleed for SST on SSF?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    Been theorycrafting on SST since they announced not needing the jewel and its my favourite skill. Leaning towards bleed now but im uneasy with all dot multi nerfs on clusters so far. could impale work?

    submitted by /u/KappaSevzzen
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    How are minion builds in 3.15?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    I just want to hear your opinion on the state of minion builds in the next league. What is ded, what can still ssf to red map?

    My thinking: 1. Support gems: Overall nerfs across all physical attack support gem (brutality, impale). Minion damage nerfed. However I think the damage would still be good, just not crazy anymore. Maybe elemental conversion is better now, considering there are more tools to scale minion elemental damage other than support gems.

    1. Golem Elementalist's elemental immunity is gone, less regen and physical reduction as well. Maybe necro will be better for golem overall. I don't know how the updated AI of golems behave. I may still try elementalist with stone golems to see how it go.

    2. New minions: I like the Absolution gem, like Dom blow without stay in melee range. No idea on the Reaper yet.

    3. HoAg raider still seems solid

    submitted by /u/waterbombardment
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    Recruiting all weirdos that want to play poison, let's unite and share our knowledge!!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    It's way easier if we talk about, by showing what we have been planning and all, different archetypes and weird stuff

    I personally been strugling to pull the trigger and star with someting i never tried before like poison traps or stick with the Raider claw spectral throw poison i've bee planning since before the poison changes
    please feel free to share information/questions :D

    submitted by /u/MegazordDoAxe
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    I there any additional information out there whether Ele Hit and Wild Strike retain their fire, cold, and lightning tag with addition to the prismatic tag?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:20 AM PDT

    patch notes only said about adding prismatic tag (honestly dont know what it is for other than replacing fire cold lightning tag) but doesnt mentioned anything about the existing fire, cold, and lightning tag. If those tags are removed, then RIP ele hit frostferno totem, +2 amulet, and crit multi jewel :(

    I really want to league start with it since the build is cheap to get going, but now not so sure anymore.

    submitted by /u/jonojojo
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    Explosive Trap Raider/Sabo guide

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    Dedicated CONC PATH TOTEMS build thread

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    Boys and Girls, it's almost time.

    How are we all approaching this? Ancestral bond or not?

    Multiple totems? Close Combat? Str Stacking with BLS and Tukohama's Fortress? Big pDPS 2 hander? Facebreaker? Farming Oni-Goroshi for 12 hours at league start?

    Let me know your build ideas down below, PoBs welcome.

    submitted by /u/Lurked_Too_Long
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    Path of Exile - Ward Mechanics and Interactions, Part 1 (11:25)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    Fire Burst Status Report

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:17 AM PDT

    As I was interested in starting Fire Burst I thought I'd write up what changed using the character of u/killeen22's recent post as reference.

    First I'll give a quick overview over what's changed

    Skill changes:

    • base damage was nerfed by about 26%
    • damage effectiveness was nerfed by about 26% (I will be adjusting Immolate to compensate)
    • cooldown is only relevant for clearspeed (especially after the blowback nerfs)

    Cluster changes:

    • shock from cold conduction is dead. (-23%)
    • burning bright is close to useless (-5% total dps each) *3
    • blowback is heavily nerfed (-5% total dps each) *3

    Support changes:

    • ignite prolif, unbound ailments, burning damage and deadly ailments can pretty closely compared to gem lvl 1 now and swift affliction lvl 7 (-50%)
    • immolate loses about 3-4 levels because of the damage effectiveness, so I'll calc with a lvl 17 one (-14%)


    • if you didn't go golems as elementalist nothing changed


    Just combining the numbers we get:

    0.74 * 0.77 * 0.85 * 0.85 * 0.5 * 0.86 = 0.177

    So roughly a 82% damage nerf and a cdr nerf for clear as well.

    I threw together an adjusted PoB to visualise this: https://pastebin.com/b9YCn5pD


    • Fire Burst was hit pretty brutal, I haven't played it before but 400k with very good gear seems rough.
    • That said I haven't looked into alternative passive tree / cluster options, so maybe there are better options now (this is especially true for the cold conduction cluster)
    • Maybe staff is better for better dot multi values now that there is less on clusters
    submitted by /u/jokerServer
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    Forbidden Rite + Writing Jar Worm Interaction

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    Do writhing jar worms count as "enemies" for the purpose of forbidden rite extra projectile shotgunning on single target? I'm considering a pathfinder build that shits out worms on bosses with flask scaling and dying sun for even extra proj for crazy burst damage but I'm not sure if we can know if the worms count as targetable enemies for this skill yet.

    Any ideas/info on something like this? The dmg scaling potential sounds pretty insane if this is possible... I imagine pairing this with unleash and sniper's mark could be really strong for sustain and burst damage.

    Edit: writhing jar avoided any direct nerf completely, also reduced flask charge use seems to be more abundant on the tree as far as I can tell? I believe you can reasonably get the flask usage down to 10 charges or less AND if you somehow fit crit into the build with nature's boon and master surgeon while using sniper's mark you could legitimately have incredibly good hybrid flask sustain here.

    Edit 2: turns out that the worm amount is capped to 2 regardless of flask effect, this might not be a major issue once everything is setup up properly but it does make it a bit harder to abuse in practice.

    submitted by /u/javelinwounds
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    Is vortex dead after nerfs?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    What does title say. Vortex gonna my league start this league but hypotermia+bonechill+efficacy nerf seems so bad on dot build.

    submitted by /u/bpe0
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    Any Templar league start.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:46 AM PDT

    Hey guys, any ideas about a Templar league start? I am gonna play this campaign for the thousandth time, might as well listen to the new voice lines at least.

    submitted by /u/katsaroulhs
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    3.15 Trapper, basic plan easily modifiable, Feedback & Discussion welcome

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    Always have liked trappers, although the last time i played one was incursion.

    With the grand rebalance reshuffling everything Trappers seem to be getting off relatively lightly so it looks like prime time to roll a new one.

    Current 3.15 base tree

    Typically I play SSF so built around the idea of being able to tweak whatever im rolling dependent on what drops, the tree ive specced out is generic Life based EV/Dodge Sab, using lifetap and the sab regen node to manage my main skills costs.

    It would be fairly easy to swing across to EB(or use Devouring Diadem) if a Tinkerskin drops, dropping lifetap for another support.

    Pathing puts me in the vicinity of Crit, poison and Perfect Agony if wanting to use both, so if Blade Trap lives up to its Blade history then i can easily slide it that way.

    In saying this, it's always useful to have a second set of eyes look over your build to catch any blind spots or efficiency improvements so feel free to throw out comments and criticisms.

    submitted by /u/Azerius
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    Mana Management 3.15

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    So mana management seems like it's going to be more relevant than ever in 3.15 and the days of reserving 90% of your mana may be a bit in the past.

    That said perhaps lets collect what are some alternate costs / mana management notables that may help out in discussion as it looks like just dropping in a mana leech node might not be enough any more.

    Personally Life Tap (love to use ) or hell even Blood Magic / Mortal Conviction might honestly be a thing I look to use again.

    Elrond gear will also have some relevance along with Reduced cost of skills mods.

    submitted by /u/omegaura
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    Toxic Rain Dead/Raider Post Nerf Performance.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    How hard do you think it will be to get 1.5M-1.8M DPS On Toxic rain after Nerf?

    Also is it still worth going raider for speed or deadeye for better single target ?

    submitted by /u/DevilxXx16
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    Boneshatter Jugg Theory Crafting

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:08 AM PDT

    Sup guys,

    i really enjoyed strike juggs since i played molten strike jugg back in the days. The aoe from boneshatter looks really promising for me and i´m looking forward to play it next league.

    I´m playing SSF since three years and don´t need any trade league advices like get this unique or get this timeless jewel. i play mutliple characters each league with the uniques i found on the way. the only real challenge is the first character, because he has to work without anything.

    i pob´d a really basic boneshatter jugg: https://pastebin.com/kdHJDAtU

    placeholder right now is heavy strike, until boneshatter is updated in the community fork.

    I just want a lot of opinions on this tree, other acendancy possibilities and so on. theory crafting and discussing in the week before the patch is my favorite time each league.


    submitted by /u/MrPinguinHS
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    So yeah, Enduring Hybrid flask & Numbing Elixir is what you’re looking for.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    Explosive Concoction Discussion

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    Previous thread was mainly filled with people trying to figure out how this skill would work with Facebreakers + Hollow Palm. Now we know that they won't work, anyone have any thoughts?

    Tree looks like it was specifically modified to fit this build with changes to Primeval Force / Command of the Elements / Forces of Nature / Divine Fervor, with 3 of those pathable for Ranger. Going Crit makes sense to sustain charges, but Ranger does not have a lot of sources of generic crit or area of effect in its area which seem to hurt the build to some degree.

    What about Cluster Jewels? Anything meaningful to scale here?

    +Projectiles are an obvious choice because the skill shotguns, but it's ground targeted so I doubt it will chain (unlike with Rolling Magma which innate chains). Any other ground targeted skills that can chain?

    Trinity seems to be the most obvious way to scale. Most information out there right now seems to point to going Elementalist / Ignite, which I don't necessarily agree with (you are trying to scale ignite on a skill that scales with projectiles + shotguns).

    submitted by /u/79215185-1feb-44c5
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