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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - July 08, 2021

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - July 08, 2021

    Questions Thread - July 08, 2021

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Questions Thread

    This is a general question thread on. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in any of the questions channels under the "help" category in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.

    We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    It is done! Torture me no longer! (First 36/40 ever)

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    [SSF] I condensed CI into a single ring slot

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:30 PM PDT

    GGG, please contact AMD to enable FSR in PoE

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    AMD has been asking game devs to contact them regarding FSR

    PoE users need all the FPS we can get ... especially people who play on lower end machines

    Lets make it happen GGG

    submitted by /u/jestarcarbar
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    I learned about the PoE stash and vendor Regex search system today, and I made a few useful search lines. What's yours?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:51 PM PDT

    By the way, I use Awakened PoE Trade, and it has an overlay function via Shift+Space which gives me buttons I can press that automatically types these lines into the POE search box. Super convenient.

    Caster leveling highlights (courtesy of TytyKiller, searches all BBG, GGB and BBB linked items and 10% MS boots):


    Highlights all RGB linked items:


    Search on the crafting bench for movement speed, cast speed, maximum life, spell damage, resistance, and socket crafts (for caster leveling):

    t s|m life|ll d|res|soc

    Highlights maps with crappy mods (phys reflect, temporal chains, chance to avoid poison, no regen), specific for a poison build, courtesy of u/barkze:

    of phy|mpor|id poi|nnot reg

    Looks for all items from item level 1 to 78:

    "item level: ([1-9]$|[1-6][0-9]$|7[0-8])"

    Looks for all rare items from item level 60 to 74 (chaos recipe):

    "rare"|"item level: ([6][0-9]|[7][0-4])"

    I'm definitely still a noob in this so there may be some syntax errors. Happy to learn more and happy to see what your search strings are.

    submitted by /u/doobeedoobeed
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    Path of Exile Gameplay on PS5 (Amazing load times)

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    This was my first league, and I grinded out a Headhunter - my review of POE as a new player.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:36 PM PDT

    tldr for you lazy people in the crowd: 6/10 worth a league or two but may not come back nearly as hard due to major design problems

    (EDIT: here's my profile, here's a list of all of my characters, the instant accusations of lying and unwillingness to just take a cursory look through my post history is part of the toxic-but-helpful community I noted below! )

    For some context - I play a ton of different game genres, and I've gone super hard into a lot of different games. I tried POE in the past, didn't get very far (level 40ish in Abyss league?), and this was my first real league, with the motivation of wanting to play with a friend.

    I started very early into the league - early enough to see the league first Shaper kill notification, at least, but late enough that I dodged all the login queue nonsense.

    I did a lot of research, and did a lot of activities considered external to POE as part of playing, such as using tools like Awakened POE trade, Exilence, and TFT trades - if you're not into doing research or getting helpful tools, then POE's less likely to be for you.

    I also did smack down $60 on a supporter pack (worth $60 for the ~400 hours I played), and got every good stash tab, which I feel is pretty mandatory for the kind of end-game grinding I did. Yes, this means I spent $60 on a 6/10 game, but I bought Cyberpunk, so it's not the first time lol

    The Good:

    Early game was huge fun, experimenting with shit, doing research, learning the ins-and-outs of builds, and installing tools that made the game way more playable. The discovery/novelty phase of POE is absolutely incredible - the first fight with many super bosses is both a joy and a terror, seeing new content and getting that loot explosion is sweet, grinding to end-game bosses like the Betrayal boss and bosses in the Mines is sweet, having your build become absolutely batshit insane with good upgrades feels amazing, and the core gameplay loop is very fun. Lots to do, lots of different ways to make money, and content throws itself at you in so many different forms that you're always able to try something new. Y'all have an insanely helpful community despite the high toxicity, and it made picking up the game pretty easy and a joy to learn.

    Making money is pretty easy, and there's a ton of good ways to do it. You can just fast-map and clear trials, you can set up min-maxed Valdo's canyons for the huge currency explosions with some investment, you can sell TFT crafts, you can do Sirus rotations, you can farm shaper/elder rotas up to UE, you can heist for massive disappointment and a bad time, you can delve for fossils and loot caches and boss drops, and I did it all to grind up my HH. I averaged probably 10-15ex a day with most of my farming methods, which I've heard is either an insane rate of profit and "lol you're poor" based on who's judging me. I never really felt like I couldn't afford anything I wanted - most of my stuff was 5-10ex, and I ran a turbo cheap build (BF/BB archmage ranger raider) that got me into farming T16s and Sirus and Mavens with an investment of about 2ex worth of rares, 2ex worth of uniques and about 10ex of auxiliary gear. Used all of that to fund a flicker strike champion, which I used to grind out the HH and stick on him for MAX FLICKER SPEED (along with all sorts of other medium-price shinies like awakened multistrike, bottled faith, rysthala's coil for bossing, a good paradoxica, etc.).

    Random other praises: Music's good, graphics are good, sound effects and directionality are on-point, most of the voice acting is at least fitting, fuck the Trialmaster, EDIT: the lore is amazing, and the story's pretty good too, core gameplay loop was satisfying though it did start to drag at the end, and once I reached my goal of an HH, I played with it for a few days and then basically quit the league.

    The Bad:

    As much as I loved POE, it has a ton of glaring flaws, many of which will lead me into not playing nearly as much in the future.

    The biggest is the fucking clicking. I did one Valdo Canyon farm, and picked up over a thousand separate items, each with a floating box that moved after you clicked a different box. Looting alone, plus the high APM required for movement + skill spamming + buff maintenance + flask maintenance, makes POE one of the highest-APM games I've ever played. I seriously started to have hand pain while playing, which was a major contribution towards me dropping the game. And I'm no stranger to high-APM games - I played Starcraft a lot, I Full Comboed The Devil Went Down To Georgia in Guitar Hero 3, I was like -200 on Soulless 4 before I gave up that grind, played Stepmania/Osu for years, I've pushed many fucking buttons in my life, and nothing has given me hand pain quite like Path Of Exile did. It is vital, from both a health perspective and a "respect yo players" perspective, that they add some kind of auto-loot or loot-grouped-objects options to the game. You can complain about botters, but any kid with access to Google Tesseract and a python script can code a bot to pick up items for you - it's really not worth the bad PR on these health issues. Making things like breachstone shards and frags drop one-by-one and not in a stack at the end of the rift is a travesty.

    For how hard you can go into the loot explosion realm, the game's really not optimized for it - every single item is lovingly rendered in maximum-frame-eating detail, and my fucking 5900x and MSI 3080 was chugging in some big Valdos. I was having random deaths to frame spikes, and it was pretty bad. They seem to be working on this, which is exciting.

    The game feels like it simultaneously encourages specializing your farming methods, and actively discourages me from farming the same thing over and over. I get that they want me to diversify my play to keep me from burning out, but at the same time, farming for a specific thing must be a fucking nightmare in SSF. I never played SSF, but I imagine that trying to target-farm a rare unique, a specific div card set or a boss drop like Starforge or Bottled Faith must be a joke. You want me to make regions content-specific, but then when I run those regions, I'm forced to go into other places unless I buy maps. If I don't delve, sulphite becomes wasted.

    I never feel safe, no matter how much gear I have or how much I focus on defenses. Archmage builds are supposed to be super tanky, but then I randomly pop during trials. Gladiators are supposed to be super tanky, especially with 7k hp, 88% in all resists, fortify with a bunch of fortify bonuses, a bunch of endurance charges and so on, but you still randomly instapop in large mob packs or especially trials. Maybe I was just doing it wrong, but I never got to a point where I felt like I could relax and just farm. The 10k molten shells, the 78% block chance, the 75% dodge chance, the 50% evasion chance, they all helped a lot, but none of those are always up or always apply, so you're always close to being instakilled. I was always on edge, always ready to leap slam out and mash healing flasks. The experience penalty is just so harrowing lategame - and it actively discourages exploration and trying new content, since you're stuck in this wonky min-max mindset of "oh, I have too much exp to go try fighting this boss, guess I'm stuck waiting til I level or die a lot elsewhere". I get that you have to play a specific way to level past 96 or so, but that way is just usually not that fun - either you play super carefully and can't relax, or you buy a leveling service like 5way rotas and purchase your sense of pride and accomplishment. Not great. Being able to bank earned exp at a reduced rate would help guarantee progression while still penalizing you for the sin of being randomly killable and also give you a way to decide to proactively make that sacrifice to explore new content.

    The Meh

    Trading's meh - I played D2 back in the day, I've dealt with worse. Being able to post listings and getting handed macro messages to send is fantastic. An AH would benefit and hurt a lot of groups in a lot of different ways, I'm not anywhere near smart enough to decide if it's a good idea. Having to message 10 people to buy one item sucks. Having 50 people message you when you list something underpriced sucks. But these are pretty expected things, so I don't mind too much.

    Many bosses were fantastically designed, like Sirus and Maven - and then shit like Atziri exists, and you realize that this game's got a lot of history behind it, and not all of it's pretty. As much as I enjoy sitting on the Omnitect and waiting centuries for every zombie to slowly pull its head out of its ass so I can kill it, being able to actually play the game is more fun than that. I love Sirus transitions because they're very active, with dodging, screaming, yelling at the fucker to please just stop floating over that one goddamn storm, but just sitting there and waiting for the Vaal Oversoul to eventually, some day, exist, is super meh.

    I hate RNG-gated progression. I absolutely loathe not knowing if I'll ever be able to get an upgrade. I'm fine with having no upgrade possibilities, but having something I'm looking for and having no clear path to actually attain it is horrible. I fucking hate rolling fusings to 6L things - I loved grabbing the recipe and spending 1500 fusings to 6L things. Crafting is just an RNG hopefest, and I saw the shit the people buying my TFT crafts went through - not fun. Without playing in a market league, I would have quit way faster. Thank goodness other people are crazy enough to play with the strategic gambling simulator that is "crafting" for me.

    It is incredibly repetitive, and it is pretty grindy. I'm used to it, but this game does feel like it really doesn't respect your time. Repetitive atlas boss grinds, repetitive breachstone collection, repetitive grand heist reveal grinds, repetitive harvest grinds, repetitive shaper/elder map grinds, etc. etc. - you're basically forced to do map busywork in order to get to the actually fun content of bossing and running progressively harder content. Once the novelty of some content wore off, I found myself growing to dislike it very quickly - even when I was forced off of it and forced to do other content, it didn't reduce the burnout that started to set in from just how much work the game expected from you for a chance at a good outcome.

    So all in all, it was fun, definitely worth a serious (and I mean kill Maven, A9 Sirus, UE, farm a few expensive items-level try), but I don't like the unhealthy mouse motions and found myself getting kind of bored by the end. 6/10.

    submitted by /u/Kwahn
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    Glove Enchant Uber Elder kill

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    Voting in Iron Hideout Competition #5 started! It's time to choose the winners!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:41 AM PDT

    Submission period has ended and voting has just started in Iron Hideout Competition #5. It's time to choose the winners! I added a 10:49 minutes video showcasing all entries to make it easier for everyone, also a longer video too with more details(17:12 minutes). Multiple choice is allowed while voting, meaning you can pick more than one entry. Here's the competition thread where you can vote:


    submitted by /u/Pegasus_RydeR
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    Everybody strike a pose!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    Noob question: How to do Atziri/Uber Atziri without reflect immunity from Elementalist/Slayer/Assasin if your skill has cleave/aoe?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    Sorry this is probably a really noob question. Atziri has reflect but a lot of skills have some sort of cleave or aoe so you accidentally hit the mirror version of her and one shot yourself. How do you combat this if you aren't an Elementalist, Slayer of Assassin for the full immunity?

    submitted by /u/GivingItMyBest
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    Stop giving him Sulfite, he is becoming to powerful!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    Help for one handed players

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    I always use minion builds and I know we recently got nerfed this league. But I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for one handed type builds, just as a backup plan trying to dot my i's and cross my t's, obviously waiting on patch notes but I like being prepared. Saw somebody with a ballista build and had me intrigued that maybe I don't have to be a minion build every league. Thx to anyone with any info for this topic greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/M1chaelMy3rs
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    Glove enchant Shaper kill

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    Whats the state of deep delving after the nerfs this league?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    So how profitable is deep delving now, compared to pre nerfs?

    submitted by /u/smaili13
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    What Minor changes you expect from 3.15 to game feel fresh for you?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    For me its at least atlas changes, maps shifting !

    submitted by /u/FORTNlT3
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    Does Abyssus synergize with Juggernuats Unbreakable node?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Hey there, does increasing physical damage taken with by abyssus lead to more life regenerated due to juggernauts unbreakable passive? I read that the increased damage taken is applied after mitigation so I assume it wont turn out benefitial for the jugg, as it counts the amount of damage that has been mitigated.

    submitted by /u/oskar1929
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    made a sweet ring to convert my character off of slayer. . . 1 essence later :)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    Just lost my 100% aoe The Feared (last thing for 36/40) to the instance completely lagging me out and I just need to post to let the pain out.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    I was doing pretty good too. I hate this fucking game so much sometimes... I don't want farm it all up again just to lag out again either. I just feel kind of crushed.

    submitted by /u/4x6
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    Last post was deleted because I did not read rules but guys, I'm really proud to present you SNEK 2: Electric Bogaloo

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    Ohn Climax Ultimatum Private League

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    Ohn Climax Ultimatum Private League


    Ohn Climax Ultimatum is going to start this Friday at 3pm EST and I hope to see you all there! The forum link is https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3145177 and you can use https://www.pathofexile.com/private-leagues/league/Ohn+Climax+Ultimatum+HC+Trade to apply directly.
    Hope to see everyone there and GL!

    submitted by /u/ChillOutTube
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