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    Path of Exile Builds From Vertiania 3-shot to zDPS after upgrading

    Path of Exile Builds From Vertiania 3-shot to zDPS after upgrading

    From Vertiania 3-shot to zDPS after upgrading

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    [3.15 - Expedition] Rage Vortex Berserker - All endgame

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    How to make inquisitor great again: My 15-20 ex HoWA lightning strike mapper

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    Hello guys,

    So since this build was working really well for me in the last days, i wanted to showcase it to you on Reddit. The new LS mtx is so much fun and makes the build feel really fresh.

    Here is some gameplay footage: https://youtu.be/a6nEJfymi4Q (PoB in the description)

    Basics: The main idea is to stack a lot of attributes and then use HoWA, shapers touch, cyclopean coin and righteous providence (inquisitor notable), to generate a lot of value out of them. The build reaches 100% crit without any external investment, which means I can get full advantage of the newly buffed nightblade and critical damage support. Then I combine this with heavy aura stacking, which has several synergies with attribute stacking: - purity notables in aura Cluster jewels give a lot of attributes - since this build uses almost exclusively uniques (and attributes are suffixes), reserving all 4 purities solves the resistance issue completely. - saqualas nest and mask of the tribunal both provide tons of attributes and reduced reservation at the same time - Grace has really good synergy with shapers touch and int-stacking, it provides up to 30k evasion on its own for this build fully buffed. - Arctic armor gives easy access to freeze immunity, which is missing from Cyclopean Coil.

    The good: - the build is very cheap for how good it is. The uniques cost around 7-9 ex (including 6-link), decent rings 2-4 ex and decent jewels another 5-6 ex. If you add 1-2 ex for gems, it costs around 15-20 ex total to bring the build to a good level, that can clear most content in the game with ease. - the build is fast af: nightblade support and a whirling blades with a bazillion attack speed, as well as a buffed haste aura and 3 movement speed nodes on tree makes this build zoom through maps in seconds. - the build is quite tanky. 55k evasion, blind AND enfeeble on hit, 83% all resistances, Arctic armor, sand stance, complete ele ailment immunity, 8k energy shield is enough to survive most hits in the game.

    The bad: - the build (at least the CI Variant) doesn't really work with less investment, because every piece of gear is mandatory and it's not that easy to get to the right levels of energy shield. You can try a cheaper variant with Ivory tower and low life, because that means you 1) need less rmr, and 2) need less flat ES - it's very hard to scale this build further. That has 2 reasons: 1) the build has many uniques, so the only possible upgrades are divines and corruptions, and 2) the inquisitor notable that makes the build ignore resistances means we cannot abuse any form of resistance shredding. - as most self cast/self attack builds it is really not the greatest endgame bosskiller.

    Tipps: - use ancestral call instead of inspiration for clearing. It makes the feeling of the build SO much better. - flat ES is King: clarity watchers eye, high level discipline, high ring mods and es implicits on helmet make a huge difference - Astramentis + alphas howl with LS pierce enchantment is a budget alternative to the amulet. Less ES, but way cheaper, and gives lvl 23 purities and freeze immunity for free.

    Possible scaling options (I don't think any of this is really worth it tbh): - good corruptions (attack speed/crit on weapons, % attributes on belt, +2/4 aura/aoe on head/boots, +2/4 duration/projectiles chest (LUL)) - better watchers eye - second cluster jewel cluster with lvl 97+, rmr on jewels, which allows for more aura effect on cluster jewels --> transition into a "real" aurastacker - going back to lowlife: this allows the build to use good influenced rare boots and helmet which will be huge upgrades. I would play this with coruscating elixir, the traitor keystone and triple flasks. - aspect of the avian would be huge for big shocks on bosses

    If anyone has other tips on how to improve the build, i would love to hear them.

    submitted by /u/thiscantbesohard
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    PSA Replicas Rumi's concoction & enkindling orb interaction

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    PSA Replicas Rumi's concoction & enkindling orb interaction

    Quite a niche usage here, but to counteract the movement speed nerfs from 3.15 I have opted to play max attack speed and leap slam around. Doing so makes kaoms roots a great choice for defence following the ailment nerfs as they make you immune to freeze, chill and stun all from one item.

    Pre 3.15, using the replica rumis would only last 0.4 seconds. however, the new enkinidling orb duration mod stacks additively with the reduced duration mod on the unique. This eliminates the duration issue and puts it back up to like 4 secs. Using kaoms means you are immune to the petrify from the flask.



    TLDR: Replica Rumis + Kaoms roots + enkindling orb = Rumis flask with 50 block 30 spell block and endurance charge on use.

    P.s As a berzerker using the Actum axe with blitz charges means I can leap slam like 5 times a second. A new Zoom meta?? also like 6k life and 5 mil DPS. Feel free to leave any critiques of my build

    submitted by /u/TheBigD9292
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    Frost Shield + Eldritch Battery is a pretty good tech

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    I was tweaking my Dominating Blow guardian and for a long while I was a little peeved that my (essentially 1.4K EHP) in the form of ES was lost because of the Devouring Diadem, although to some extent I know that it barely has any uptime in maps because I have no way of recovering ES.

    Frost Shield has become a pretty essential staple on my COC wander CI deadeye and I was thinking to myself "this skill is pretty good".

    Then it suddenly occurred to me, that if I used Frost Shield on an EB char I essentially turn pseudo mana (ES) back into EHP, the Frost Shield consumes my ES to form an EHP buffer as long as I'm in the shield.

    Been using it right now in my trigger weapon and man does it help alot in keeping me alive. And because the drain isn't from direct damage and it's drawn from Frost Shield it also means I never have an instance where my ES gets depleted to a point that it hurts my mana management.

    Hope this helps you if you have an EB build and want to optimize your ES usage!

    submitted by /u/Uberj4ger
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    3.15 Cheap Builds that use Herald of Ice?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    i'm kind of obsessed with that beautiful ice shattering sound, but unfortunately with the wave of nerfs a lot of stuff has been rendered obsolete/expensive, so i wanted to inquire about any fun HoI builds that aren't expensive

    submitted by /u/Ombric_Shalazar
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    Fulcrum Self-Chill/Ignite/Shock BF/BB Inquisitor - 419% Movespeed, Map/Boss Showcase + Full Build Guide (in-depth)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    [Google Spreadsheet] PoE Armour Calculator: Community Tool (direct link in comment)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    Assassin's Mark on ring vs linked with CWDT

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 03:51 AM PDT

    I can see why most top builds would want it from a ring because they want it to be applied ASAP because they intend to kill things very quickly and their intention is to not get hit cuz they can hardly survive being hit. But if were playing a tanky champion character that wasn't 1 shotting bosses, how well does Ass mark with CWDT work?

    Guess another benefit to it being on ring is it generating power charges from rares while mapping, but that also doesn't concern me i'm using just power charge on crit with my leap slam. It also saves on gem slots, but let's say that also isn't an issue.

    submitted by /u/spaceinthemind
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    Bossing build for around 20-25 ex budget?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    Played FR totems but got tired of the playstyle really fast, switched to SST but that got pretty boring as well.

    Anything else worth trying for bossing?

    submitted by /u/Rooosifer
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    Looking for a boss focused tanky build

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    So let me preface this with the fact that I have a cold SST raider (low budget) that I run maps with. And this is softcore trade with around 20 ex budget.

    I'm looking for a character that I can log in to to do the big bosses (Sirus, Maven, Logbooks) or map bosses that I've accidentally rolled too hard for my raider. Normally I ask for boss killers in those cases because I dislike doing those on builds focused on mapping speed.

    I've never played a Juggernaut and it seems like a decent choice I think. Or maybe a scion? This character does not have to be quick in maps. Just has to be very tanky for bosses and harder content. Good single target is a bonus too.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Danieboy
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    How do u dodge cap in 3.15?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    So this is the first league ive managed to farm a HH and Due to some earlier mechanics I messed around with while leveling my league starter I kinda had some interesting ideas for making a ice shot Clear/Single target build damage wise.

    However figuring out damage for the most part is relatively easy. Its getting tanky and now dont get me wrong I know Ice shot deadye being tanky is a bit of a long shot but I still want to be able to mitigate a hit or two here and there.

    So the first thought was just getting some evasion based items and scaling a small ammount on the true and then trying to get as much dodge as the build allows for. But during my POB experiments I couldn't really find a good way to dodge cap I think I cap out at 60

    I dont have a POB at hand as my remote software is dead and im at work but I was curious regardless.
    So instead of asking a build specific qeustion I'll rather ask

    1. What are the ways to dodge cap
    2. What are my Defensive options besides dodge/evasion as a Deadeye Bow build for big hits i can compensate smaller hits with leech. its the big Sirus type hits I mean to mitigate as much as possible
    3. Whats a decent amount of hp to avoid most 1 hits in the game
    submitted by /u/Routine_Additional
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    CoC Forbidden Rite

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    Hello! I'm back again with another build -- actually, I'd really like help improving this one. It's been my red-headed step-child for the past 2 weeks as I attempt to mitigate all the chaos damage we take, while balancing defenses and damage. I actually have a character with this exact build, but a worse staff and lower ES, just due to currency constraints. That said, let me talk about my experience with it, what needs fixing, and how it feels.

    First of all, the damage is awesome and clearing large packs feels great. I still have CwC on with Unspeakable Gifts, which gives the clear speed for packs a huge advantage. Having Ambush on CWDT also means my character will randomly teleport from pack to pack as I'm spinning and that's a "cool" mechanic that I haven't been able to make use of before; it's interesting that it works with staves, even though it only exerts one-handed abilities, you also get the blind from it for single-target.

    Bossing is great as well, but it's more of a "pop your vaal defenses and pray"-type situation. I would say the largest draw-back is that during boss fights, your projectiles go wherever your cursor is. So there's no way to spin around with CoC or CwC and launch projectiles at a boss--you have to keep your cursor on the boss or you don't get full damage.

    The largest issue is one-shots. I haven't had any issue with chaos damage, at all. Even poison is fine. Without mitigation, one-shot physical damage feels really bad. Especially when you have to play it like I described above, for bosses. It feels like you're playing a glass-cannon slayer with a lot of leech, but almost no defense (the ES ping-pong is real).

    -It actually can sustain CoC FR with 21mil+ DPS on Sirus a9
    -LL means big damage
    -High leech and regen
    -Near chaos immunity
    -Some small room for DPS improvement
    -Starts feeling really good once you have all Mana Recouped As Life items/crafts and are running Cast While Channeling
    -Can melt bosses that let you spin on them
    -You can use CWDT with any selection of skills (I used Ambush, Withering Step, and Summon Holy Relic)

    -Very tight to build around, but still do-able (talked about more later)***
    -Almost no other defenses, except it's decent ES pool (20% dodge/spell, and 20% attack/spell block), high-regen and leech, plus you don't take much chaos damage
    -Can't get any attack speed past base, or you'll kill yourself
    -Depends on an Enduring Ethernal Mana Flask to be up at all times. Doesn't feel that bad for most content as that only need to be employed if you're spinning on something for minutes at an end (other situations will be just fine with regen)

    The entire theory is based on Low-life Ivory tower with mana regeneration.
    I've actually got this setup working well on an ESC character, but I added Aspect of the Cat to my boots as I was still in the CwC phase and wanted the extra damage. It may be the best combo post-CoC swap and it will give a TON more DPS, not that we need it.

    Now it's time to talk about how this build works. To save a lot of time:
    I created a spreadsheet to see how much damage I'd take as mana with Ivory Tower.

    And without any futher ado, here's the full build:

    I've included CwC and the full CoC tree for anyone that wants to try and replicate it, though, and please read this: I do not recommend replicating the build as it is. It was super fun to create and play, but it's just too expensive and doesn't pay off atm.

    The issue is mostly with one-shots due to lacking defenses. If I swapped to life and MoM, with regen, that might be more viable, but it would kill a lot of our auras and damage. Honestly, I'm not sure how to solve this one... So this is my plea for help:

    If anyone has any ideas about how to make this work better, PLEASE let me know and I'll test it on my character that's already basically built, but is pre-CoC.

    Thanks all and I hope people are able to get some ideas off my build (:

    EDIT 1: Seiyashi made an really good suggestion as I overlooked the ascendancy's innate chance to Wither. That plus Withering Step on CWDT means we don't need Wither Totems and I added a 2nd CWDT setup with Frost Shield and Soul Rend. We are much more tanky now!

    submitted by /u/Soulune
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    SST or Lightning Strike?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    So i wanna reroll and try something completely different for once (i usually do comfortable stuff with little aiming like minions, mines or brands). I've seen that both Lightning Strike and SST have been popular thanks to their buffs and would be interested in giving one of them a try. What's easier and more comfortable to play out of these (budget: ~35 ex) and can do mapping and bossing well enough?

    submitted by /u/scytherman96
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    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    Question regarding impale and the recent nerfs to the support gem. It looks like they moved some of its bonuses to the Forceful Skewering passive node, which is fine. However I am stuck in trying to determine the best possible approach with my setup.

    Basically it is this, I'm running 7-8 attacks per second. I can run 70% chance to impale, without impale support and replace it with something to give me more damage, or I can run 100% with impale support at the cost of a damage support gem, now that impale support doesnt give damage anymore. So basically, is it worth it? I don't know enough about impale to know if <100% chance versus some extra phys dmage/more damage is worth the trade off. Thanks for any input.

    submitted by /u/SnooCompliments4025
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    Brutal Restraint provides a LOT of value now

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Looking for something to replace my autobomber

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    Just got my HH and it doesn't do so well on an autobomber. Want to replace it with a better mapping build since I already have a good bosser. Was looking to utilize my lvl 90 deadeye and was thinking about taking x3 inspired legion farmer into maps. Unsure if it can do glen nem farm and maybe the occasional juiced delirium mirror.

    submitted by /u/PastaAdventures
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    Dancing Duo with summon reaper?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:10 PM PDT

    I love Dancing Duo paired with HoA but was wondering if it would work with the Reaper instead. I currently have a Pathfinder set up for The Duo with Grip of the Council and a Kintsugi (it's an old toon) but could easily switch over to an unused Scion. Dancing Duo for clearing Reaper for single target.

    submitted by /u/jabber_wockie
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    Lightning strike Raider

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 02:48 AM PDT

    I wanted to try a lightning strike Raider, i have a budget of 30/35 exalted but before starting a new build i wanted to know how actually good is this build in 3.15

    submitted by /u/Drako311
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    Help on wander - NON INT STACK

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    Ok so im back from a few days ago from asking about a wander thats not an int stacker and I (kind of?) made something but mostly testing. It runs a few auras and not TOO expensive and has rooms for improvement. I have some free slots open and can definitely make improvements in optimization. PS im quite squishy so defs need more ES

    POB https://pastebin.com/XvQ815hj

    Plans for improvement -

    Belt - better crystal with % ES or HH once i get funds/res on other gear

    Better vaal regalia ofc

    Frostbite on hit might be better and i self curse assassins mark.

    might get another enlighten for summon skitter bots and 4L it so i have more mana.

    Also going to slot in more reduced reservation jewels and need a watchers but im waiting till i see which is most optimal.

    Maybe use a brand for applying exposure/curse

    submitted by /u/TheSanaLife
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    Understanding Ruetoo's FR build

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 02:12 AM PDT

    TLDR: Is his build just power charge scaling + Headhunter with a bit more chaos res and life recovery than usual?

    I've had a couple people comment already that they intended to follow RT's FR build but it was too expensive for them, so I looked it up really quickly. As far as I can see, it's a standard (and pretty expensive) crit power charge scaling build with some concessions for chaos res and life recovery - some of the conveniences of being able to trigger CWDT on demand are offset by requiring a CWDT dedicated to life recovery.

    Would I be right to say that you could swap in any other spell and get pretty much the same results? In which case, his build is basically just "I make any spell work with enough currency" and there's nothing really FR specific in there?

    I'm also curious as to his single target DPS as I don't think he's getting as much out of his projectile scaling as the numbers say they are: Balor says that you can only hit a single target with up to 5 FR projectiles even with more projectiles, and my testing (with various combinations of GV and GMP) seems to bear this out. Anyone else has also tested this for sure? Right now I see a lot of people going for Dying Sun and + proj when that might not even be necessary, as the clear is plenty good enough as is (especially if going Occultist Profane Bloom).

    submitted by /u/Seiyashi
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    Ele Hit Chest: Power Charge on Crit or - Mana Cost?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    Building my Ele Hit Raider, and see people using both. Wondering if you can sustain okay without the minus mana cost chest for socketed attacks, or if it's a big QoL? Is it worth dropping Power Charges over?

    submitted by /u/Mr_McGibblits
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    Deadeye Ice Shot

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 12:55 AM PDT

    Hello guys I'm playing ice shot as i mentioned and im looking for upgrading my dps im little bit stuck here is my pob: https://pastebin.com/V8asJvQX

    Thanks for your suggestions!

    submitted by /u/Poisonbergs
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    How to improve my totally meta build?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    Hello there,

    I have over 1.4k hours in PoE but i don't consider myself a good PoE player. I found myself a bit stuck with my character: https://pastebin.com/zFYPUp2A . I'm looking forward to improve my totally meta character even more. I literally have no ideea what should i upgrade next.

    I've fought sirus 4 awakening once, got rekt by some mechanics and bricked the portals. My fault, the damage was there tho.

    Would you be so kind to give me some advices?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/raresh3lu
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    What do I improve in my SST Raider from now on?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:10 PM PDT

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