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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - August 31, 2021

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - August 31, 2021

    Questions Thread - August 31, 2021

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Questions Thread

    This is a general question thread on. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the community wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in any of the questions channels under the "help" category in our official Discord.

    For other discussions, please find the Megathread Directory at this link.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
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    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.

    We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    When you forgot to enable affinities stash

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 12:43 AM PDT

    My statue arrived �� seems like the crown of solaris got broken on the transport tho (one tip is broken and I found it in the box). What do you guys think? Makes it more unique isn‘t it?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    HUGE shoutout to PINKYXBRAIN, and all experienced players who take the time out of their day to help new players grow

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    I started playing poe a few days ago, and while asking for advice I was pmed by one of pinky's characters. He then spent the next 45 minutes answering any questions I had about the game, giving me advice on my build, showing me the trading sites, and a couple days later he even gave me two rings I needed, but wasn't able to craft on my own. Just an awesome player overall. So much of this community has been welcoming to me and I'm very appreciative.

    submitted by /u/Killerchoy
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    Made a decent Max Block Divine Flesh Shield

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    Tujen gave me an enlighten support for 33 common fragments and I have no one to show off to

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    Preach discovers Flicker Strike

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    When someone you don't recognize calls you by your name during a world pandemic

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    Ran into an aura stacker

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    Iv been trying to get a non aurastacker EK build working. Im sitting on 162k tooltip DPS, .25 cast time.


    Nothing great. Clear is solid but as you would expect single target is kinda shit.

    Then an aurastacker PMs me to buy something. Checked my tooltip DPS when he joined my hideout thinking Id see like double DPS. I was WAY off.


    Simply having an aurastacker in the party basically gave me over 8 times my current damage.

    submitted by /u/Wasabicannon
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    Rage Vortex Berserker vs The Feared

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    Found an Alluring Pool logbook area

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    In an i84 Shipwreck Reef

    Had the implicit "Additional Underground Area"

    Dropped a normal quality fishing rod, also i84.

    Have a full vod of the run. After watching it back it looks like I am standing in the water at the maps edge when the explosion that unlocks the alluring pool underground area detonates.


    submitted by /u/lotekk1
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    What is the real reason for such a high cost of an effect that differs little from the others? $42.. jesus

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 03:50 AM PDT

    Announcements - Hideout Competition Highlights

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    Vorana's March is an emblematic example of what not to do with a end-game unique item.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    Vorana's March is perhaps the most utterly disappointing example of a unique item I have ever seen since I've started playing.

    That's not even because the idea is bad. Far from it. It's a very interesting unique item. There are a lot of intriguing possibilities for such an item given the wide variety of mod combinations. Looking for a minion that can debuff enemies? Vorana's March can do it. Looking for a ton of projectiles/extra clear? Vorana's march can do it. Looking for a minion that has built in conversion abuse? Vorana's march has it, if you roll the right mods.

    Cool, alright. It's like a watcher's eye, but for a minion. Neat!

    This is where the good news ends, I am sorry to say.

    Vorana's March triggers Level 20 Summon Arbalists. These minions are immortal, and you are normally capped to two (or three if you get a +1 to summoned arbalists roll on your boots).

    The minions themselves are objectively horrible. Unmodified they fire precisely one arrow with every attack.

    Thats it. They do not have the rain of arrows that runic mobs have. They do not have the cool delayed series of explosions bolt. They don't summon additional mobs to fight along side you. (Meanwhile spectred runic Arbalists do all of these things). I also checked: The boot mods do nothing to impact spectred runic mobs. At the very least if they did THAT then it'd make up for the mobs the boots summoned being horrible.

    But no, they...they're just bad summoned phantasms, if that.

    Certainly they have abilities that can apply decent-ish debuffs...at the cost of losing 4 gem slots which could probably apply the debuffs you want to, on a better minion, while also retaining meaningful defensive stats.

    I even bought a pair with fairly intriguing mods to test, just to see if they might be decent. The 'projectiles split' behavior causes arrows to fire in a nova around a target when they hit an enemy at roughly 120 degrees apart in a triangle-like fan. With +4 projectiles, projectiles split into 3, and +2 chain (aka very, very absurdly rare boots), they could theoretically be made to clear decently well...if they did any damage.

    Did I mention that these boots have no gem slots? Because they don't.

    It would be one thing if this was a throw-away leveling unique. Like 'trigger level 1 summoned arbalists' on boots that you could equip in lioneyes watch. Two free minions early while leveling to help with clear would not be...the worst thing in the world. Especially if they had debuffs rolls.

    But instead this is a unique that is dropping from the highest level end-game boss for Expedition content, one Mr. Olroth (and not Vorana for some reason.)

    Now look. I'm not saying that every unique has to be build-around-me, headhunter tier levels of broken and viable. But this item is such a goddamned disgrace that it boggles my mind how anyone could think to release the item in this state. It is patently useless. The mobs with multiple debuff-focused rolls are BARELY worth the lost gem slots and stats, to say nothing of how other boots can be build-enabling (Omeyocan, Skyforths), while still having enough stats to make it worthwhile to choose them over influenced options.

    I also have to posit the question: Are these mobs bugged? Are they not meant to do anything but use the most boring, basic looking arrow attack? Like come on, at least give them some variance in attack pattern, or SOMETHING.

    Really this unique is so laughably bad it skips over comedy, smashes through tragedy, and comes back out the other side. It's just so, so funny how fucked these boots are. Their redeeming qualities are just non-existent. It's honestly an insult to see these things drop in place of literally anything else. This is such a joke reward from the Olroth fight, which is already a decent challenge (with an annoying anti-boss killer mechanic). A -single- reroll currency is on average worth more than these boots.

    It would be one thing if this was another meh leveling unique. But come on GGG, Hateforge gets to be absurdly broken one league, meanwhile you could easily give these boots four sockets and they'd still be bad. Hell you could give them *six* sockets and given how BAD the basic attack is for these mobs Absolution could probably out perform them.

    I would love it if we got some confirmation on the status of what skills the mobs should be using as well. Because if its bugged at the moment and the mobs are meant to be identical to runic mobs, great. That would at least be something and might make the boots intriguing enough to make them worth it to use. But until some major buff (or a series of buffs since these boots are probably even worse than I'm making them out to be), these items will remain perhaps one of the most absolutely worthless boss-only uniques to ever be released into the game. A major disappointment for long-time players like myself whom look forward to seeing what new build-enablers get added to the game each league.

    submitted by /u/Grinnin_Gin
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    Einhar Woke Up And Chose Violence

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    Can we please have the solution to a problem you're creatin in the same patch instead of 2-3 leagues after?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    This trend has been going on since forever. The last example of this is the upcoming nerf to fortify. You're making it so it can only be used by melee characters yet not giving another defensive option to casters at all, with your classic "people have raised concerns about defensive options for casters, we've heard your feedback and are working on it" but we all know this won't be coming in 3.16, maybe not even 3.17 because that's what you guys do...

    The same can be said about loot. Taking all the fun deterministic crafting because "ideally" you want to fix all the yellow drops being trash, so when is that coming? What do we do in the meantime?

    Another one I found funny is that last league you guys said that ideally you'd want league content to be the best way to farm it's own content (when all the league improvements came) yet I still clear a juiced up breach and get maybe 10 splinters when I can just reroll Tujen a couple times and get a full breachstone.

    Sorry for the rant but seriously, I hate this trend of creating a problem and not fixing it for several patches, PLEASE start giving us alternatives to stuff IN THE SAME PATCH instead of the classic GGG way "yeah we know, we're working on it".

    submitted by /u/german39
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    How hard is it to get into the game?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 05:24 AM PDT


    I've downloaded this game some time ago. Despite some rumors that it is a good hack and slay game I knew nothing about it.

    So I created a character and gave it a try.

    It was definitely fun but seeing the variation of skills you can choose from I was kinda overwhelmed. But "hey, it's the first try, let's just skill a bit and see how it goes. If it doesn't wordk out delete the character and start new - you'll lose some time but next time you use a guide."

    So I looked for guides. And quit shortly after. Watching youtube videos explaining builds and variations it looked like I'll never get to have fun with this game. It seems too complicated for a guy who just wants to fill an hour after work with killing virtual enemies. I felt like I'd spend the hour more with skilling and gearing up than actually playing the game.

    It's not like I'm new to gaming even though I rarely played POE-esque games (some Diablo II and III and Titanfall). But I'm not sure if this would be the right fit for me.

    How was your time starting this game? How long did it take you to know what you are doing? Maybe I've just looked for the wrong guides and those are just for the hardcore gamer? I would love to hear your opinion on this matter.

    Obligatory PS.: English is not my first language. If there are parts that are not understandable I'm sorry. Let me know so I might try to explain.

    submitted by /u/Tim_Parsons
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    Thank you to whomever posted this a few months ago. Just found my first.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:53 PM PDT

    I had a dream after losing -23 House of mirrors from Gamba last league, and I've come back stronger than ever.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    I had a dream after losing -23 House of mirrors from Gamba last league, and I've come back stronger than ever.

    So I bought 5 HOMs cards and never bought or sold any after I completed my first character to it's end game point, gambling them endlessly, and finally hit 100+ cards this morning.

    Got scammed for 8 cards only once, so end result is 102 (+8 that were stolen)

    EDIT: all 10 exolts have been given away sorry! I will probably give away a lot more though, at some point!


    submitted by /u/CuteLittleRi
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    An interesting commentary from one of the diablo 3/wow reward system developers of the problems they ran into

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Glennach Cairns Beyond Watchstones - I did the math

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    Glennach Cairns Beyond Watchstones - I did the math

    Hey guys,
    i just wondered which Watchstones setup is the best.

    Heres my math:


    So in my opinion the cheap 6% watchstones (~1ex) are exactly the same outcome as the expensive 1% (6ex +) ones.

    Or did i do something wrong with the math?

    With 100 packs i mean 100 potential packs that could spawn beyond ofc.

    Is there a downside in having lets base beyonds and more doublespawns ?
    Does it effect rare monster spawns or is it the same?

    Could need some clearance here :)

    submitted by /u/xiuhcoatl_
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    Yeah, you really should have charged more for this

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    How to remove enchantment from Sacred Grove?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    I made a mistake with my armor. (I'm currently not at my PC to post a screenshot/image). But basically I enchanted my armor with "Quality doesn't increase defenses, gives intelligence per % qualtity" I may be wording that incorrectly. But anyways, it really hurt my ES/Evasion rating due to this enchantment due to lowering the total overall ES/Evasion. Is there a way to undo this or do I just have to find another one to replace it?

    submitted by /u/Ritch85
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    Preach's First Day Playing Path Of Exile Blind. Some Great New Player Incite and Criticisms.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 02:06 PM PDT

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