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    Path of Exile Builds Build suggestions for 1400+ eDPS Sword

    Path of Exile Builds Build suggestions for 1400+ eDPS Sword

    Build suggestions for 1400+ eDPS Sword

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    [3.15] (BUILD GUIDE) Eye of Winter Mana Miner - Leadership's Price Variant

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 01:04 AM PDT

    Messing around with unbreakable ward jugg

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    With 4 leagues under my belt, I am exploring putting a build together for the first time from scratch based on a single idea:
    - Combine Olroth's Resolve with Beacon of Madnesss meeting the downsides with Jugg

    The boots gives you Diluting Touch reducing your flask effect along with some other nasty maluses while giving you Elemental Conflux. To compensate the lack of flask gain I rolled 4 Olroth's flasks with Enkindling orbs for Reduced charges used.

    Here is my poor POB:


    I'm then stacking intel for maximum ward while I sadly have to sacrifice a head slot for the int scaling and a boots slots for the Beacon. The character is a proof of concept, only level 82 and I already struggle in maps around T10 so this may not work. However, some smarter brain around here could help me take it to the next level? Maybe?

    submitted by /u/Tyalou
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    Trouble leveling over 90 due to survivability issues w/ TR

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Pretty new to the game and I'm currently following a guide for TR league starter. Currently trying to farm T16s and having a huge problem with staying alive. It feels like I'm both not doing enough damage plus dying to any hit that goes through my dodge chance.

    I currently have 4.5k health, full elemental resist, bad chaos resists (not dying specifically to dot so not investing in this yet), and am running anomalous immortal call - enhance - increased duration - efficacy on left click as my guard skill. I am also running flesh and stone for the blind and vaal grace for extra dodge chance.

    I just can't figure out if I'm dying due to lack of damage, not enough defensive layers, poor play, or poor map mods. Here's a PoB of my character: https://pastebin.com/XLeMvcJa

    Any advice to improve my character is welcome. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/roorookoo
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    Pathfinder Shield Crush Arakaalis Fang Poison Build

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 01:42 AM PDT

    Hi guys wanted to share a build that idolizes Shield Crush and Arakaalis Fang.

    Here's the PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/ghRz3AGx

    Core Items: Araakalis Fang, The Writhing Jar and a High defence shield.

    Interesting mechanics: Arakaalis Fang is Best in slot without being an elder item, it gives 40% AS and 240% inc poison damage. The only "downside" is that you have to use a Writhing Jar, which we use to have Frenzy Charges while bossing and keeping the cruelty buff at max during bossin as well. With PF it also gives a reasonable amount of life. The spiders not only gives you insane damage, they also apply blind, maim and wither. Shield crush + Poison meshes well since you can overlap 2 waves you apply 2 poisons with each attack. Replica eternity Shroud and Blasphemers Grasp seemed like the best choice for endgame, and they mesh really well with the build.

    Defensive wise is good in numbers, acceptable in practice. You get a lot of layers of defense but don't scale much of them, it has some block, some dodge, some armour some evasion, fortify, wind dancer, blind and high flask uptime. But it struggles since you have to stand still to attack at close range. Have no idea of the budget, crafted and found items pretty much by myself. (Actually started this build in a group found setup and we got into trade later on).

    I'll answer any questions you have, I can do a video showing the build if any is interested and also open to ideas on how to improve the gear/tree/gems etc.

    Notes: in the PoB I have the quicksilver flask simulating the cruelty damage, and my cold res isn't capped due to some ring change lately, I'll post an updated link once I can boot up the game

    submitted by /u/mardipraxes
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    Been playing crit impale cyclone slayer in standard for about 3months. First big ticket? craft I’ve made. 1) whats best way to get rid of the cold damage mod? 2)if it’s not worth the gamble, what builds could use these gloves instead?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    [3.15 POE Expedition][22+ Ballista Totems] 3k+ Dex Stacking Siege Ballista Hierophant

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Build suggestions for a boss killer

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    I'm looking for suggestions for a fairly tanky boss killing build for SC for bosses like A9/maven/feared I've got a well geared SST glad which has great clear but the single target is a bit rough on bosses like maven.

    Ive got pretty unstable Internet of late and often get ping spikes so the optimal build would be one that can take a hit from a few mechanics without immediately falling over.

    I've got about 40-50ex to spend on the build. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/NzLawless
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    SS EoW potential help? End game farming/Bosses

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get this build i found to work in end tier maps (destroys t1-14ish) and i either 1 tap everything or spend all the hours getting farmed by bosses, I dont understand the single target dps i suppose? and i cant figure out were my defensive layers should be coming from? I rarely play pure es and the leech seems kinda awful
    if anyone could help me figure out replacements or if its just the build itself that sucks that'd be cool

    tl;dr single target is trash and i die way to easily in t14+ maps

    submitted by /u/Fbisk
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    I made a little build that can reach 3m dps on a sub 60c budget and still be kinda tanky, help me min/max!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    A guy posted a video of his BMC/indigon build the other day and it gave me a lot of ideas to use with one of my favorite items doryani's fist. Here's the POB:


    Essentially if you aren't familiar with bmc/indigon I'm stacking mana, using arcane cloak to give me a fatty spell damage buff from indigon and using BMC to turn it all into attack damage. The way this item works with bmc is honestly broken as fuck and could probably do a shit load in the right hands. I'm just a great big fucking noob though and I've only managed to eek out about 3m tool tip dps in combat with everything up and having stacked a lot of mana usage. The build can handle up to low tier red maps no problem but it has issues with some things, obviously there's zero mitigation for elemental ailments in the build which could be fixed with, at least, changing the blood of the karui flask into something like shock immunity or something but I feel like it needs a little more. On paper it looks tanky as shit with mom, 20k armor with flasks and nearly 50% chance to block but I get deleted by a lot of stuff out of nowhere so I'm not sure where else to take the build or if it's even possible to while still keeping the core mechanics, which I've been really enjoying.

    If anyone has a few minutes to look over the build and pass on some suggestions to a build noob I'd really appreciate it, thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/powerfulnoun
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    Any tip for "Press once per screen and go" type of build?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 12:45 AM PDT

    I am trying to find some well rounded build which has a playstyle of pressing once or twice per screen to stay mobile all the time. I've been playing Burning Arrow as starter and I had fun playing it, but I hit a wall in red maps, mostly because of the concept of all-unique item slots.

    Is there any well rounded build (when it comes to defenses) which does not have spammy playstyle - no slams, no name lock skill, no channeling?

    submitted by /u/MarxoneTex
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    SSF build, starting fresh

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Well, apparently posten this without any text!

    Im starting fresh in SSF Expedition and was wondering IF any kind soul would care to give any tips for a god SSF-build and possibly a guide.

    Im up for The grind to upgrade a build further and further. But im just looking for soewhere to start! Im Kinda inexperienced with end-game in poe.

    Thanks in advance!

    Regards, a newbie!

    submitted by /u/Every_Stay_2723
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    Can someone give me ideas for a 100+ EX builds?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 03:27 AM PDT

    I am currently printing currency and at some point I want a hyper fast mapping character that can do nemesis/beyond/legion farming at least on 20% deli. In general a stupidly fast mapper, HH builds welcomed as well. It would be great if it doesn't die all the time or is hyper squishy.

    Please no aurastacker.

    submitted by /u/Tilted_Karasu
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    Are there any good aurabot guides?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    I've never looked into this sort of thing but I'm trying to play with a friend who is new & playing Enki's new Arc build but they're struggling vs bosses and I feel like I'm overshadowing them with my damage etc so I want to try playing an Aurabot for them.

    Is there any up to date in depth guides on the how to build them and the pros and cons of each ascendancy & carry build?

    My friend is only just getting into red maps so a lot of my currency is going towards their build. How much do I need to keep to get my auras up and running to a decent level? Is there a gear & ascendancy breakdown to help me see where I could cut corners? I assume the cluster jewels are where it gets really expensive.

    submitted by /u/Dash_bb
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    GH splash never stopped working

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    Need help with my build, or suggest a new one to me!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    I've been running Saqawal's Tornado in Expedition SC. In t14-16's, been loving the playstyle even though it was nerfed. This is what my character looks like at the moment.


    Clear is great, but I'm having a seriously horrible time with single-target at Awakening Level 5 and still dying to random one-shots in generic maps. The single target setup feels worse on bosses than the clearing one, and despite my apparently absurdly high elemental defenses, Baran still wrecks me. Nevermind Al-Hezmin, he kills me with no effort. What might I do to fix these issues?

    OR, OPTION 2:

    Recommend me a different build! I'd like to be farming Guardians/Shaper/Elder/Sirus, don't really care about The Feared and Maven. No traps/mines/minions/slams please. I leveled with SST raider, wasn't a huge fan but maybe I didn't take it far enough. Bonus points if it's a ranger or shadow (since I have two of those leveled already and could just respec them). I'd love to do an autobomber, but they don't seem particularly tanky at all and/or take ages to kill bosses.

    For either option, I have 10ex and 1100 chaos to at least start a build, as well as 2-3 items worth 1-3ex that I'm waiting to be sold, after that I was planning on farming The Formed to sell Maven's Writs for even more money.

    Thank you all in advance! I know I'm being very picky, but I'm curious to see what gets suggested.

    submitted by /u/thundermonkeyms
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    New player, looking for tips and help to improve TR/CA raider build. Any tip is appreciated !

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    Just dropped a HH, what now?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    Yo guys, I've been playing this game since breach and I just obtained my first headhunter ever from a random drop courtesy of the Thicket T14 boss. What do I do with it? I'm a bit sad self curse shenanigans are no longer a thing so I can't experience PoE at it's best, is cold SST the way to get the most use out of it? I have about 10 ex in my stash I can scrounge up to get a new build online. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/FrostyJesus
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    CoC Forbidden Rite Occultist - Help

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:20 PM PDT

    Pretty much the title, I've seen the youtube videos with great end game builds but i have no idea how on the steps to get there. At the moment the build is janky and I feel weaker than Glass. Any ideas in key items or progression would be a huge help.


    submitted by /u/sirixs
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    Help with int stacking build

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    I'm having problems to stay alive, and i would like to know how can i progress the build.

    I'm currentlly cleaning the maps very smooth on t14-16 but if i get hit by a mob or speccially on the map bosses, i'm dead.

    I also con improve my single target dps, but i'm more worried about the defenses.

    This is my pob:


    submitted by /u/raxkin
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    Poison SST Transcendence Pathfinder

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    I watched the recent showcase of a Poison Transcendence SST Pathfinder and have been messing around PoB ever since. I've managed to combine gear from poe.trade and have come up with a PoB that seems decently tanky while being able to get respectable dps.


    I'm curious to see if you guys have any improvements or suggestions. I stole the idea of using phantasmal vengeance to passively generate rage in crowded groups and also should be able to get nearly 100% uptime on flasks. All of the gear should be relatively attainable with exception of the belt (which I'm not even sure will be super necessary).

    submitted by /u/TheKaelen
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    Min/maxed poison spectral helix pathfinder tanking A9 sirus meteor and endgame showcase

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    Trigger on Use Discharger - Hydra map

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:26 AM PDT

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