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    Monday, November 29, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Storm Rain HoAG Champion - Showcase/Guide

    Path of Exile Builds Storm Rain HoAG Champion - Showcase/Guide

    Storm Rain HoAG Champion - Showcase/Guide

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 02:15 PM PST

    Mistress of the Blade - Iron Mass Skellies

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 11:59 PM PST

    100% Reduced reflected damage taken doesn't work

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 09:09 AM PST

    I've acquired 100% reduced reflected damage taken via 2 sources: Yugul Pantheon and the watchers eye mod "reduced reflected elemental damage taken whiel affected by purity of elements". I am still severely injuring myself when running ele reflect maps. I can't understand why. Anyone?

    Edit - PoB @ https://pastebin.com/h2SP8rqZ

    submitted by /u/Waegookin
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    Rues/jess's selfcurse jugg facetanking feared with 30-40ex budget

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 05:31 AM PST

    CF TS Build Question

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 01:58 PM PST

    I see that Resolute Technique is used in 76% of builds . However that means you can't use tailwind boots. Most of the builds I see that don't take it only have around 60-70% accuracy so is it just that the downside of missing every so often outweighed by the benefits of tailwind and elusive?

    Also see it's a mixed back of running a rare quiver vs Maloney's mechanism I guess that's an easy pob test to replace it and and see if the 10% physical damage from main is worth it?

    submitted by /u/rulzo
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    What happened to HOAG Raider? I want to run it for endless delve but, it seems like nobody has been playing it recently. Is it viable?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 03:01 PM PST

    Please help me find my next build.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 02:59 PM PST

    I have a pretty good geared Golem Elementalist and start to feel i want to try something else.

    I have played PoE several leagues but ends with a build worth 10-15ex at most. Metamorph and Heist was the leagus i ended with builds worth like 30ex+. In meta it was storm brand inq and in heist it was an aura stacking LL carrion golem necro. I still consider my self a casual noob.

    I had pretty much luck this league so (for me) i have pretty much currency. At the moment i have 52ex in pure currency in the bank and want to try something new. Not to advanced though with several stuff to keep my eye on but more active than golems. Rather tankier than more damage, but i can offer defence for damage as long as im not a pure glass cannon.

    Budget is as said 52ex, got awakened Multistrike, Brutality, melee phys, minion damage so if they are in the build you can withdraw that from the total. Dont mind swapping gems from char to char but want to keep the golemancer intact if i would want to go back.

    Builds i liked from other ligues are CoC ice nova, storm brand inq, forbidden rites totems, spectre/golem builds and a slam build that i dont remeber the name of in one of the events GGG had when Cyberpunk released.

    Pretty long post. Hope anyone cares to read and want to help me find my new fav build.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/unaz
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    Does anyone have a Cold DoT PoB for endless delve? Wintertide/vortex I am particularly interested in

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:25 PM PST

    Looking for an SSF (endless delve obviously) friendly cold DoT build. I have never played Cold Dot before so this will be a fun time to try out the skill :) Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/RiptarRheeMaster
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    [3.16] General's Cry Shield Crush Build | Berserker | Scourge | Path of Exile 3.16

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:58 AM PST

    Cold dot for endless delve, Vortex or Wintertide?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:14 AM PST

    Just looking for thoughts since I haven't played a cold dot since 3.15 and did cold slinger before CI swap. What's the better setup for endless delve?

    submitted by /u/IStillLoveUO
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    CI Agony Guard vs Sim 30x2 boss+ Lag...

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 02:20 AM PST

    Scourged this Sceptre, any thoughts on a good build?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 05:01 PM PST

    Wave 30 Build

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:53 PM PST

    *no skeletons* Hi I was wondering what a reasonable build to complete wave 30 with. I'd prefer cheaper and scalable but I understand this is some late game stuff and am willing to fork for both possibility and comfortability. thank you

    submitted by /u/cadrose
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    Global Defense Grasping Mail 3x in price. Should I buy?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:32 PM PST

    Global defense fractured grasping mails were 15 ex a couple days ago. Now there's barely on the market and go up everyday. They're hovering around 50ex now. I get they're super valuable but the increase seems crazy in such a short time frame. I'm needing one for my build, will the price go back down or is this most likely the cheapest it's gonna be?

    submitted by /u/Bobas_Dad
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    Looking for a KB 5 way carry build POB

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 09:30 AM PST

    At the end of my league and want to get into carrying people in 5 ways but really having a hard time finding a path of building to see what I need to buy and what nodes to take, can anyone help me out please?

    submitted by /u/apedog9
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    Brands this league

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 11:19 AM PST

    I'm a Brand enthusiast. This league however my PoB skill isni good enough for me to make any Brand worthwhile, don't see a lot of people running Brands on Poeninja either.

    What do you guys think about the state of brands? Especially Storm brand and Wintertide brand.

    Is Wintertide buffed or nerfed? I can't tell.

    submitted by /u/Argensa97
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    Looking for a bare bones deaths oath build

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 03:59 PM PST

    Lots of vids are old, and some say you NEED to get x and x cluster jewel for it to work. Currently have a lvl 83 bane/ed occy I can swap over. Only have around 120c and 40 or so would have to go towards the deaths oath BBRRGG chest as I can't craft sockets yet

    submitted by /u/lespretend
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    Self-reflect pathfinder - looking for more damage

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 05:48 AM PST


    After seeing a video by Mortashir a few weeks ago on this subreddit I decided to make my own build around that concept. The basic idea is I have 35% less flask charges used and 90% increased flask charges gained. Now the flagellant prefix (Gain 7 Charges when you are Hit by an Enemy) gives me 13 flask charges and flasks that require 20 charges to activate only require 13. With the activate when full enchantment this means every time I get hit the flasks gets activated. Every time I activate a flask, Master Surgeon recovers 6% of my life instantly.

    Right now I am using 4 20 charge flasks (sapphire, topaz, ruby, diamond) and a 30 charge flask (quicksilver), which requires 2 hits to trigger. This means I recover ~27% of my max life every time I get hit.

    Since I don't like to depend on shitty monsters hitting me and degens would still be an issue I am using Hiltless, which reflects 100 physical damage back to me as a hit from the monster. This means every time I hit a monster I also recover ~27% of my max life.

    With my current attack speed of 5.16 and 5280 max life holding down my right mouse button on a single target recovers me up 7356 life per second. This is out regens pretty much every degen in the game and only gets stronger if I get to hit multiple enemies.

    The build definitely works and feels very tanky, the downside of this is that I am stuck using a pretty shitty 2h weapon. I am using lightning strike because I happened to have a 20% quality in my stash when I started the character and I am doing trinity cold conversion because I was leveling with a Hrimburn. This may not be ideal and I am open for better suggestions. Originally I wanted to use cyclone, but I was worried that cyclone wouldn't hit hard enough to get fortify.

    Right now I am doing 657k Sirus damage with some optimistic, but not completely unreasonable config settings.


    - lightningstrike (21) - Multistrike - Added Cold Damage (Divergent for conversion) , Trinity, Awakened Elemental Focus (1), Elemental Damage with Attacks, (lifetap 1, fortify 10)

    I am not using a vaal lightningstrike since I don't think I have the damage to burst bosses and generating vaal charges in boss fights is difficult.

    - Grace, Determination, Hatred, Bloodrage, Frostblink

    - cwdt frostbomb, wave of conviction (lighting exposure) and Assassin's Mark.

    I am using the cwdt Assassin's Mark over a ring to get the benefits of quality for power charge generation against single target.

    I am not love with my skill tree. Especially my stat requirements (130 int, 159 strength) don't lineup with most of my traveling nodes being dex.

    Issues right now:

    - activating Trinity is getting more difficult as my lightning damage starts to lack behind

    - I am resistance capped (76) with my flasks, but not over capped enough for curses and I have no curse mitigation.

    - damage is bad. 10 way invitations look spooky with 8 bosses wailing on me while I hold down my mouse button until I eventually win.


    Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the build? Especially concerning the damage output. None of my items are influenced and I feel like I should be using more jewels, but I am not sure what exactly I need.

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/mmqx8Em7

    submitted by /u/Turmfalke_
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    Comfy Console Builds?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 10:14 AM PST

    New console player here. I love the game and its atmosphere. Do you guys have any build recommendations?

    I tried Seberus TR Raider. Amazing build but honestly the targeting feels off on a controller. Scourge mobs are a pain to deal with because they are fast and I can't lead my aim on a controller, so when I fire TR , only some backrow will die and the frontrow will already be on me. Am I dumb and I'm missing something? :(

    Anyway I'm interested in a RF build but will I be able to complete the basic end game achievements with it?

    Also to PS4 Pro players. Can we play minion builds?


    submitted by /u/Tyrant_Xenos
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    3.16 Gauntlet Practice link below

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 06:07 AM PST

    Endless delve builds discussion

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 03:42 PM PST

    Looking to start a discussion on what builds people are thinking of running for each class now that we know the details of endless delve this time around.

    submitted by /u/AKswimdude
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    Good PoB/Guide for Eye of Winter CoC Mjolner(?) Inquisitor?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 02:28 PM PST

    Kind of struggling to find one, I've seen a couple of characters on poe.ninja of course, but most of them are very late game.

    I'm just wondering what I'll need to focus on in short term. I want the tanky version of it I guess (but not zDPS also, gotta do T16s bosses somehow and conqs after all).

    I already have a lvl81 Inquisitor with all labs done.

    submitted by /u/ivan0x32
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    Help with understanding corrupting fever builds

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 02:14 AM PST

    I'm currently leveling a gladiator corrupting fever build, keeping it pretty close to Grimro's starter guide. I've also seen Raiz's guide and his Scion character in BPL. I have a couple of questions:

    • I see some using reap in addition exsanguinate and CF having more Spellslinger setups, but less links on them. Since I'm using a bit of twink gear while levelling, I'm not sure of the weigh the different setups against eachother. Are there some general guidelines that could be helpful? Like running reap until you get a six-link, or a decent phys dot multi wand or whatever.
    • Is the reason some (I saw Raiz doing this) go for spiritual aid and the minion nodes simply because of SSF and less access to cluster jewels? Should I bother with it when I can afford a decent phys cluster?
    • I know Grimro has a some notes in his google doc about when to go from spellslinger to pure CF, but seeing Raiz pushing slinger to red maps comfortably distorted my impression a bit. Any tips on when or why to transition? Is it mainly to fit in more defenses, so I should switch when I can do so without too much of a DPS loss?
    • Poacher's mark vs Vulnerabiliy? Preferably on hit ring or glove implicit, I guess? For a fast clearing build I would assume poach because of single target, but please correct me if I'm wrong
    submitted by /u/thechobb
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    ascendancy pick for new righteous fire build

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 11:19 AM PST

    so to give some background, after watching rf guides since 3.10 i always wanted to try it and make it work for me but always got put off by the cost of some of them (i was young and naive and needed the money) this league i finaly made the descion to go rf inquisitor aswell as going full ssf and it is by far my favourite character, not by haveing absurd amounts of damage but by being tanky as hell and allowing for mistakes to not insta die (taking one or two hits of a die beam on a8 for example) anyway, i was thinking ahead into the next league (even though we dont know pretty much anything) and thought what a good pick would be for the next league as the ascendancys as they stand right now are pretty much save for no changes this time around.

    it would be awesome to hear from you guys, hopefully more experienced than me with RF, what i should pick next time around because i am 100% going RF again in SSF. like what are the strengths and weaknesses for the different ascendancys etc. just bomb me with information :P

    submitted by /u/Terspet
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    [100 EX BUDGET] Is there a build that will allow me to beat Sirus, Maven, Feared and Simulacrum?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:16 AM PST

    Can be anything. Would love to play something tanky with a good clear speed.

    Edit: anything except seismic trap(as I've played it as the the build that allowed me to farm the 100 ex's).

    submitted by /u/CookieMonstahr
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