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    Sunday, January 30, 2022

    Path of Exile Builds 3.17 Tytykiller Starter Tier List (most correct possible opinion)

    Path of Exile Builds 3.17 Tytykiller Starter Tier List (most correct possible opinion)

    3.17 Tytykiller Starter Tier List (most correct possible opinion)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 09:51 PM PST

    Pohx - Path of Exile 3.17 - Righteous Fire Inquisitor Archnemesis League Start

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 08:44 PM PST

    What do you predict will be the tornado shot occultist build this league?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 08:26 PM PST

    A lot of people got jebaited into that build last league and it failed miserably without gear and had horrible levelling. What is your prediction of any of the newer builds that will not be as good as advertised and why?

    submitted by /u/schellinky
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    I have literally no idea what to play

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 02:08 AM PST

    So for every league start I like to copy what lighty does and get a group of around 10 builds put them on a random wheel and play whatever the wheel decides. However I'm really struggling to decide what to put on the wheel this time around, I have a few builds in mind which are:

    EA ballistas elementalist

    EK raider

    Bleed bow deadeye

    Poison BV assassin

    Arc ignite elementalist

    Skelly mages necro

    Generic bow skill deadeye/raider (LA/IS/Ele hit etc)

    I'd like to get a few more to the list so what's some build you guys are starting this league ?

    Edit: Gonna add suggestions from you guys here,

    Poisonous Concoction occultist/pathfinder

    RF something

    Phys trapper ( I played this a LOT last league, but maybe one of you would like to play)

    TR Raider

    Edit#2: It's always nice to see the interaction from this sub, got plenty of builds for my wheel now looking forward to league start!

    submitted by /u/DatBoiSector
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    Lightning Strike Berserker Leveling Guide - Made for Kids

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 11:59 AM PST

    Help with ShakCentral's Cold DoT For Everyone.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 04:03 AM PST

    When are you supposed to switch to wintertide brand while leveling?

    submitted by /u/Casumi04
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    Looking for a tanky Bosser because I suck at mechanics

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 05:02 AM PST

    Hi, I am looking for a tanky bosser that does not die instantly, when I do a mistake during a Bossfight. I league started with mappers nearly every time and mostly focused on starts like Nem 3, so never got into bossing. I want to do something else this time, but do not know what will work out. Also I cannot play the on day 2 and 3 :(.

    Why do I want to boss? - I suffer from hideout is lava Syndrom. When I delve or do Heist I make the most currency, due to beeing efficient, even though the strategies are not so optimized like most of the other stuff out there. So I want to buy 30 Shaper or Elders and just get a steady income for an evening. In a league start scenario it might be Simulacrums for me, as they can get bought quickly without TFT and I don't need much currency for bulk buying.

    My ideas, with my opinion. But I lack the game knowledge to make reliable assumptions:

    • Vortex Occultist - Braindead running in circles pogchamp build.
    • Detonate Dead - Good for bossing, don't know how it work in Simulacrums.
    • RF Inquisitor
    • Skele Mage Necro - Might suck due to high price uniques. Will need hours of endless Heist.
    • Absolution Necro - Might suck due to high price uniques. Will need hours of endless Heist.
    • Lightning Strike Accuracy Stacker - Can facetank a Sirius beam, otherwise useless build?
    • EA Ballista - I like Ballista builds (played TS Occy last league and loved it), however this might be the No. 1 meta build. Also not tanky?
    submitted by /u/iuiz
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    Necromancer Leaguestarter

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 02:10 AM PST

    Hello fellow exiles,
    so i really feel the urge to league start a necromancer in the upcoming league, but can't decide what to play. I will play in Softcore Trade, so will be able to purchase most needed items within the first week.
    I am considering between:

    Carrion Golems (need jewels and weapons)


    (Maybe Skeleton Mages - but the gameplay doesn't look fun to me)

    Which would you choose, and why? Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/JournalistSea3087
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    Why is poison is considered stronger than crit seismic ?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 04:07 AM PST

    Did something change during gauntlet, did people discover something ? From what I remember phys variant was stronger/ more popular during scourge start.

    submitted by /u/RKurozu
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    My 3.17 HC Zombie Guardian

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 11:58 PM PST


    Here's my take on Zombie Guardian for aHC, but certainly viable in aSC as well. Any tips or criticism welcome, especially on Zombies part. I've leveled similar builds to 100 for 3 leagues now on HC leagues, but with Spectres and Spiders, never Zombies. This time I decided on Zombies. As my playstyle is holding down Shield Charge, Zombies should attack everything without Feeding Frenzy, but if I find that doesn't work, then I need to socket in Feeding Frenzy for them. I don't like Predator support personally, but feel free to use it if you like that playstyle.

    This is not really a league starter, going to be my 2nd build after getting some currency first. I guess you could make a bare bones version of this on budget, but I think the build doesn't work defensively without Aegis Aurora. For everything else, there is budget options.

    Designed for general mapping and side content, not really bossing. Flasks are such a huge part of the build, not having them up constantly on bosses is pain.

    I calculate resistances in following way, since there's really no point in planning what you need on every piece. Calculate how much resistances are needed for cap (curse cap if no curse immune, but this build has curse immunity from Time of Need + Yugul). 209% total elemental resistances needed for cap for this build. Divide that by rare items that you'll most likely have resistances on, in this case Gloves, 2 Rings and Belt. 209% / 4 = 52.25% average resistance required per item. Easily doable. I've set this in Custom Modifiers.

    Animate Guardian gear is in 2nd Item Set named AG, but since it's bonuses do not apply, override is in Custom Modifiers. Minion Frenzy and Power Charges are from Ape Spectres. Since Zombies are permanent minions, they should always have charges up. 3rd Spectre should be Arena Master, haven't put it's stats anywhere though.

    Zombie links have many different variations. I've selected the best ones, but depending on what colors you get for Skin of the Loyal/Lords, there is some variation available. Speaking of the Skin, most keystones do nothing, but there are some that would be great and some that brick the item for this build. I consider upgrade from Loyal to Lords as end game upgrade, only do it when you can afford to buy another if you happen to brick your current one.

    High cost and/or high level upgrades include Awakened Minion Damage support, Empower level 4, Clarity Watcher's Eye, 2nd Cluster Jewel setup (already in PoB) and some GG Amulet with variation of ES%, flat ES, Armour%, Mana, +Gems, +Zombie (Elder), Int, All Stats, Resists.

    submitted by /u/Alhoon
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    SSF League Start Selfcast FR Occultist

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 03:16 AM PST

    How viable is it to league start FR Occultist in SSF? I looked around and just found some high end min maxed Guides/PoBs. There were like 4 People in SSF on poe.ninja at the start of Scourge and they looked alright, but all kinda had different ways of building it. Anyone has a convenient PoB?

    submitted by /u/PlastickBall
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    Storm Burst starter?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 02:24 AM PST

    Kinda wanted to try storm burst and came up with this https://pastebin.com/WYyndmLf

    (keep in mind that it has no shock enabled in PoB because i have no clue on how much i would actually get)

    It's not too bad considering it has rather cheap gear but i think it could be way better, any ideas on how to improve it?

    EDIT: i know that the crit rate seems low to sustain EO but i did the math and unless i got something wrong it should have around 85% uptime (that if orbs only roll crits once, if orbs roll crit on every pulse then it's way over 99%)

    submitted by /u/Yorunokage
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    Explosive Arrow attack speed Breakpoints explained

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 05:39 AM PST

    Explosive Arrow looks like it'll be a popular league starter for 3.17, but a lot of people seem confused or don't know about how the breakpoints work. This'll be a bit mathematical. If you want, skip to the end where there will be a table with relevant breakpoints.

    For the breakpoint calculations I'll make a few assumptions.

    • All ballista start firing simultaneously
    • No attacks miss (not accuracy, actually physically missing the enemy)
    • No ballista die or stop attacking

    The equation for required attacks per second is:

    requiredAPS = ceil((maxFuses - numBallista) / numBallista) / (fuseDuration * accuracy) 

    ("ceil" just means round up to nearest integer)

    To quickly explain, you can only hit an enemy a whole number of times. There is no such thing as 2.5 hits, either you hit 2 times, or you hit 3 times. This means, if your ballista attack simultaneously, you will have to hit the enemy at minimum an integer multiple of your number of ballista >=20. ie: 6 ballista must hit 24 times (24 is smallest integer multiple of 6 >=20).

    This means that 5 and 6 ballista require the same minimum attack speed to hit full max fuses. 6 ballista still have an advantage, as you have 4 extra fuses in case any of your attacks miss.

    Here's a table of relevant breakpoints (assuming 100% accuracy):

    Fuse Duration
    Number of Balista 1 sec (0% qual) 1.2 sec (20% qual) 1.39 sec (20% qual + malevolence)
    4 Ballista 4 aps 3.34 aps 2.88 aps
    5 Ballista 3 aps 2.5 aps 2.16 aps
    6 Ballista 3 aps 2.5 aps 2.16 aps
    7 Ballista 2 aps 1.67 aps 1.44 aps

    If you have a different fuse duration, you can use the above formula to calculate your attack speed breakpoints.

    tldr Required attack speed may be higher than you expect. 7 Ballista is a major breakpoint. Check table for more details

    submitted by /u/KneeNail
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    Molten Strike Juggernaut

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 05:06 AM PST

    My friend and I decided to try random builds and I landed on Molten Strike Juggernaut. Is there any starter guides or PoB's I could use? I've tried looking but all are end game with large clusters and everything.

    submitted by /u/revengechucky
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    My fastest hipster league starter ever: Frostblink Ignite Prolif

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 06:09 AM PST

    Edit: Wow this blew up. Summarizing some amazing discussion in the comments:

    Other stuff to consider: Razor of the Seventh Sun (big regen = bossing viable??), 2x Replica Cold Iron Points (big dmg), Replica Stampede (trade CDR smoothness for big dmg, could maybe scale slightly later into end game), Aegis Aurora for block, if staying with staff (which could potentially get +5 gems, RIP Realm Ender) there's a recover 2% life/es on block from a Mastery node, and a Chieftain version is possible as well with similar DPS but way better defense.


    • 3.16 ignite changes enabled this build. 3.17 changes to Ignite and Frostblink are a small net buff (~10%)
    • Main concept: Elementalist - Shaper of Flames - Frostblink - Ignite Prolif
      • Similar to RF, Autobomber, Death Oath builds (but day 1, 0 gear maps viable)
      • Completely unaffected by Temp Chains, without needing any investment into it
      • Frostblink has huge damage to scale ignite from, and almost no cooldown as long as you blink into and/or out of packs
        • Frostblink's damage is actually so high that I couldn't find any stronger 6L single-target (check my pre-league start build plan POB), so I recently decided to just switch to a much more defensive 1hand+shield setup.
      • I think this build has potential, but I'm too dumb to find/afford it. Plz halp.
    • Videos:
    • POBs:
    • Budgets to
      • start mapping: 0 (yes it's a real league starter)
      • halfway through yellows and DIY uber lab: ~50c
      • teleport through red maps: ~2-3 ex
      • anything else: idk I'm poor
      • Can do most map bosses or equivalents, including Scourge bosses (timer frozen), up to T15
      • Started struggling around 4 watchstone conquerors and 6-boss maven invitations
      • Probably can't do any of the "real"/"uber" end game content, never tried
      • Bottleneck is no recovery when life/mana flasks run out
    • Maybe SSF viable, but probably wouldn't hit red maps comfortably without some uniques. YMMV.
    • Built around a shoestring budget, I generally accumulate <5 ex nett per league, so there's probably some expensive influence/jewels shenanigans I don't even know about.

    Hello fellow exiles, just wanted to share and get feedback to improve on my 3.16 build. I league started with it, and as a Casual Player™ it's my only toon in 3.16, and one of my only non-minion characters to reach lvl 90, ever.

    It struggles with:

    • defenses, running T15+/equivalent content occasionally gets 1-shot, especially against tanky bosses with big AOE when flasks runs out.
    • Mana, I don't know how else to manage it except through enduring mana flasks, which is a big problem in tanky boss fights. Best to re-roll/skip "Players cannot regenerate life, mana, ES" maps.
    • Cannot do ele reflect (can be done with ~4 passive points for Elemental Mastery and a pantheon, but the build's already point-starved)


    1. Levelling: Honestly no idea, I just did flameball ignite, there's probably better caster levelers out there.
    2. Can start switching over around the end of campaign. Can farm BA super fast for a tabula, but I went into maps just fine with just picked up gear, 5L main skill.
    3. Early gear to prioritize, probably want these before attempting Uber Lab, in order:
      1. Any 5L chest if you don't have one yet
      2. Lv 21 Frostblink (~3c)
      3. The Stampede boots
      4. +2 cold/spell gems staff (~1c without big links) or searing touch (worse than +2 staff)
      5. Eye of Malice
      6. 6L Bronn's Lithe (cheap off-meta item, costed ~2x of tabula)
    4. Late gear to get, also in order:
      1. Cluster Jewel with Fan of Flames (~15-25c) to replace the Ignite Proliferation gem
      2. One-hand weapon with +2 cold/spell gems (to open up the shield slot) (~30-100c)
      3. Some nice defensive shield (maybe recover life/es on block would be best here) (~30-100c)
      4. Eye of Malice with reduced reservation enchant for Grace/Malevolence (~15-50c)
      5. Asenath's Gentle Touch (just for extra pog, prolif works great without it)
      6. +cold/spell levels amulet

    Ideal Gem Setup:

    • DPS 6L: Frostblink - Cold to Fire - Cruelty - Deadly Ailments - Combustion - Swift Affliction
    • CWDT 4L: CWDT - Immortal Call - Void Sphere - Increased Duration
    • Single Target Utility 4L: Arcanist Brand - Frost Bomb - Wave of Conviction - Flammability
    • Reserves 4L: Malevolence - (Vaal) Grace - Arctic Armour - Enlighten
    • Weapon Auto-Cast craft 3S: Purifying Flame - Summon Chaos Golem - ???
    • Shield Extra Unused 3S: ???

    What do you guys think? Can this build go further without blowing up the budget? Should I prioritize other forms of defenses?

    submitted by /u/xrailgun
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    Looking for suggestions with Cold BV leaguestarter

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 09:00 PM PST

    Looking for suggestions on an Occultist Cold-BV league starter. Budget: low (Mostly spending for 2 strong prefixes on staff)

    If you've got suggestions on where to take it for min-maxing, that would also be great; I'm coming back after a couple of leagues so I'm *rusty* - should I go powercharges with 2x Void Battery? Something else? etc - I expect I'll want to respec eventually once I can craft/purchase decent cluster jewels, but don't want to assume I'll be getting them pre-red maps.

    If anyone has a better-looking PoB using Elementalist instead of Occultist, I'm all ears, I'd just prefer to play a witch this league.

    Tree has OK life (164%), 41/36 block (Would like to get this higher, but will probably require items/glancing blows), and has some regen on block and the Divine Shield keystone. I'm only seeing ~5k armor though which seems very low. Occultist ascendancy will give me 20% reduced damage taken from hits, and then enfeeble on top (Perhaps that should be temporal chains instead). Playing a build that freezes & chills and is mobile is also itself a defensive layer, so hopefully this character won't die too often; Damage is 500k at 10 blades pre-buff, should reach ~750k+ post-patch? That seems pretty good for a league starter that's not minions, but my internal metrics might be out of date.


    submitted by /u/saldagmac
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    Corpse life in POB for DD builds

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 03:57 AM PST

    While researching what starter build to use, I stumbled across ds_lily's DD ignite video she just posted.

    In the POB she linked, the "enemy corpse life" modifier under "configuration" is set to 243000 life. Where does this figure come from? Is this an accurate accessment of monster life in lvl 86 encounters, or is it too high?

    Any explanation and help is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/zucian
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    dancing dervish build feedback pob inside

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 03:42 AM PST


    hey never played dancing dervish before

    tried to make a pob

    i went duelist feel more tanki and more cheap the occultist ( not need for 4 w triad or shav )

    any feedback wil help


    submitted by /u/moshemaman25
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    Crackling Lance. Elementalist and Inquisitor

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 03:17 AM PST

    Hey, Like a lot of you i've been very interested in creating a selfcast build this league. I've been wanting to try out a lightning skill and after testing it a bit on standard i quite like the feeling of crackling lance, so i've set out to make a build for it.

    I've ended up making two very similar builds. One for Elementalist and one for Inquisitor. Ele seems to have higher damage but Inquisitor is probably a lot tankier with consecrated ground. I was wondering what you all would think would be a better pick. I'm also open to any criticism or feedback on the builds. They're meant to be SSF friendly as i will be playing in that league.

    PoB's: Elementalist: https://pastebin.com/UD5jrv5A Inquisitor: https://pastebin.com/XTcAvj1w

    Please tell me what you think!

    submitted by /u/conorano
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    Exsanguinate buff?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 11:30 PM PST

    Did they really buff Exsanguinate with 40% base damage?? I haven't been keeping up with all the updates, so hence why I'm asking. Maybe there was a nerf somewhere that I haven't seen. It was already strong before. Anyway if this is true then I have my league starter lol

    submitted by /u/HeavySnowRain
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    Sucker for Divine Ire

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 11:55 AM PST

    Look. I love the big charge up boom beam. I know standing still is bad, I know all the hate, but I can't help myself. I've tried hunting around but I didn't find any good resources for Divine Ire that weren't ignite for 3.15 or 3.16 to take a look at and modify for 3.17, so I'm turning to you all.

    Does anyone have a solid League Starter Divine Ire build? I'm okay taking a little extra time to build into it but goal would absolutely be to eventually do all content* and experience the league and update. Thank you ahead of time to anyone who helps!

    *Probably not Uber Content, as much as I'd love to do Simul 30 I don't expect magic

    submitted by /u/Direct_Crit
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    [3.17] Builds for duo

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 07:51 PM PST

    Finally convinced my wife to try poe this patch. Anyone knows any good builds to play together? She likes supporters so was thinking aurabot but I think they got needed hard?

    submitted by /u/YuraBoma
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    Gladiator Bleed Bow Starter

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 07:04 PM PST

    HI all, think I've settled on a build for the upcoming 3.17 league.

    Would love some pointers though, feel like its in a decent shape but could always be tweaking.

    Have a few relatively expencive items (particularly early on) in an assalium and brass dome but aside from that feel likes its pretty achievable (aside from the bow but using high rolls to simulate what the bow base changes will make quite realistic). Also currently no cluster jewels.

    Going for the mark cluster to allow for frenzy charge generation with the new mark mastery and got a slot free for the new mark on attack hit.


    submitted by /u/Intelsonic
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    [Tool] Pathfinder Flask Sustain Calculator

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:36 AM PST

    I've shared this to r/pathofexile not sure if this was shared here before.

    Here's a calculator that I've made in google sheet to check if I can permanent sustain a flask with "Reuse at the end of flask effect":


    Simply copy to your own drive (File -> Make a copy) so you can put in your own value (into blue, yellow and purple columns).


    • The calculator run a simulator that return "Infinite" if it can recover flask to full before it depleted, or return the number of uses when it failed to reuse the flask (current charges < charge use).
    • If a flask can sustain more than >5 times, chance that it can permanently sustain are high if you have some sort of chance to not use charges. But RNG is a bitch.
    • If a flask has infinite sustain you can probably uses the "Use when charge reach full" instead of the re-use enchant. This way you will be less likely to die from Nulifier mob.
    • If you can permanently sustain Alchemist Genius buff (with multiple flask in different routine) you should turn it off in the calculator and add 20 to the flask charge gain.
    submitted by /u/hoezt
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    Does the DoT Scorch explosion from Legacy of Fury stack?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 06:07 AM PST

    Haven't found much info about these boots, just wanted to know. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/FishEEEEE
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