• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 26, 2022

    Path of Exile Builds How has bleed been this patch? (EQ - Lacerate - Split arrow - ETC.)

    Path of Exile Builds How has bleed been this patch? (EQ - Lacerate - Split arrow - ETC.)

    How has bleed been this patch? (EQ - Lacerate - Split arrow - ETC.)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 09:18 AM PDT

    I always loved bleed was the first build i played in poe and where i reached end game content with in ritual. I played split arrow with puncture for ST it wasnt bad at all at the time.

    I know bleed has gotten some changes with the skill tree and the recent patch with the new modifiers has this helped bleed? Maybe some of you can share your POB and tell me a bit on how bleed is feeling this patch.

    Since i am missing the playstyle of pops a bit and last 3 leagues i have only played hit style league starters and i am thinking of league starting a bleed build again.

    submitted by /u/GamingKindaSucks
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    Scaling mines

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 02:05 PM PDT

    I've done a mine build before but that was pre-rework of the passive tree, I'm not sure how to scale mines.

    I was trying to do something with Shock Nova mines, but couldn't find any builds utilizing them ultra endgame

    submitted by /u/SammyCheckers
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    If no nerfs, rf leaguestart?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 12:29 AM PDT

    How is bossing early with RF leaguestart? I imagine it's ass but fire trap might fix that?

    submitted by /u/Jaskamof
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    Smoothest leveling till 28(ish) as Witch with a skill that ISN'T Stormblast Mine.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 07:17 PM PDT

    I despise Stormblast mine and don't want to use it anymore, nor did I ever use it optimally anyways. What are some alternatives that make for ok leveling. Plan is to play bane occultist so I'll need something till like 28ish.

    submitted by /u/Choa_is_a_Goddess
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    Iron Reflexes effectiveness

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 12:25 PM PDT

    Next league I'm planning to start a champion (CF KB but that irrelevant). Without iron reflexes at level 95 I'll have just under 40k evasion and 51k armor. Configured for a physical hit of 17,000, Sirus, and monster level 84 this puts me at 82% evasion chance and 63% phys reduction (with endurance charges). With Iron Reflexes my armor sky rockets to 144k and 73% phys reduction.

    I have only ever stacked armor in aegis builds or replica dreamfeather builds where the answer was obvious, but in this case it seems like iron reflexes isn't a very good option to take (and would free up two passives to boot). I know that I have it configured for a massive hit, but small phys hits aren't an issue anyway. POB says that iron reflexes increases my eHP by 12k and effective max hit taken by 15k but I think this is undervaluing just not getting hit nearly as often.


    submitted by /u/Jdevers77
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    Crackling lance + Ci Assassin, how can I improve my build (SSF)?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 03:21 PM PDT



    This is the first time I ve reached the end game bosses since I started on & off some years ago. I'm unable to defeat Maven and uberElder and I really want to gather their voidstones to improve my targeted map farming.

    I'm a SSF assassin playing Crackling Lance with ghost shroud + Chaos inoculation

    My defenses seems fine despite non capped résistances (because of Annihilating light staff + lack of good Res roll so far without losing too much dmg or other means of survivability)

    Defences seems fine then.. but I feels like I should push even more damage to shorten deadly mechanics phase.

    Which pieces of gear should I get rid of for better one ? ( I'm really wondering if I should ditch the evasion stats on my uniques boots + belt and craft a tailored one for my need, i.e. Res/ES) I'm also struggling with maga regen : my spells are too costly and my regen too slow

    Or do you have any uniques recommandations or influenced rare I should look at since I'm now able to defeat white map with double shaper/elder guardian

    I'd like to loot a veritania Body Armor to scale my dmg through "chance to gain frenzy charge on hit mod"

    Auras : Discipline / grace / Vaal clarity / purity of elements

    My defenses are as follow : -Energy shield, obviously - Evade at 80% with flasks + grace - Cwdt steelskin enfeeble coldsnap - Frost shield + sigil of power (if I can safely stay near target and stationary) - temporal rift, to negate big hits leaving me too close to death

    I'm ramping up single target damages on bosses thanks to intensity mechanics, sigil of power on stationary phase (or if I can stutter step a bit inside the circle without losing intensity and taking much damage) and finally I have a 4L arcanist brand spamming frost bomb/ conductivity/ assassin's mark.

    submitted by /u/QuasarAG
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    Ele Hit Omni Deadeye

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 09:07 AM PDT

    Since there isn't anything like my build on ninja (probably for a reason), I decided to share it. Here is a quick overview: https://poe.ninja/pob/5fP, that's the pob: https://pastebin.com/xvrT8FTe

    The damage in the preview (2.3 mio plus flasks) is my clearing skill, I have a barrage setup with solid 10 mio dps (14 with flasks). I can actually hit Sirus for about 10% Brittle. The movement speed is also before Quicksilver flask. Also the 5% Action Speed of my boots isn't counted. This isn't pob-warriored is what I want to say. I'm sure the equipment leaves a lot of room for improvements, but not for cheap (unless I overlooked something).

    Some decissions I have made:

    Since crit multi jewels are very good (and quite cheap) for Ele Hit, I decided to skip Forbidden Flame/Flesh for a quiver with +1 chain. Most of the time, this was a Hyrri's Bite for 10C.

    I have a rare bow in the second slot, but it doesn't beat Quill Rain, at least not without another source of Onslaught.

    I had to use a mana flask without Conqs Efficiency, but decided this way is more comfortable to play (the sulphur flask is about equal to a jewel for dps, but now I have the reduced mana cost permanently instead of the dps).

    This is my only mentionable character this season, I muscled through everything (40 challenges) with only like 800 deaths.

    submitted by /u/sucinum
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    Started the Atlas. How do I take the next step?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 02:52 PM PDT

    Hey folks, Im lvl 79 elementalist running Arc + Crackling lance. Im finding it hard to break into the 8-9 map difficulty and am wondering where I should go from my current gear set up. Im running mostly cheap stuff, so I guess Im looking for guidance on where to spend my hard earned chaos orbs first.

    Head - Rare Necromancer Circlet - gives 40 Fire Res and 40 Lightning Res

    Body - Kingsguard Conquest Mail

    Glove - Kalisa's Grace (using my 4 link Arc here to benefit from faster casting)

    Boot - Ralakesh's Impatience

    Belt - Stygian Vise gives 40 fire res and 40 cold res

    LHand- +1 all lightning spell gems

    RHand - +50 crit strike chance + 80% spell dmg + 35 cold res

    Ring1 - Paua Ring

    Ring2 - Moonstone Ring

    Ammy - + all elemental res

    I know its alot but if anyone has some advice for which gear to get next please let me know! Im not super smart w builds because I dont play all the time. Seems like guides are telling me to just casually spend 4+ ex orbs to get geared

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Crab140
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    3.18 Starter

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 02:42 PM PDT

    I'm looking into practicing for league start and am going to play something poison. I've been thinking about these:

    • Poison BV assassin
    • Poison SH Pathfinder
    • Poison BF/BB assassin
    • Poison LS assassin

    Thoughts and recommendations?

    submitted by /u/DatatothePeople
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    Squeezing the last out of my Explosive Concoction build

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 02:21 PM PDT

    Pob: https://pastebin.com/CnmZeZrg

    This is the first league where I've tried to tinker with an existing build and sort of make something myself and it's been by far the farthest I've made it! Doing T16s with ease, hit 1million dps for the first time, etc.

    I'm just curious if anyone has any suggestions or improvements to see if I can squeeze a few more drops out of it before the league ends and then build on this for next league! I've got probably 10-15ex to play around with as well if there are any suggested item improvements!

    submitted by /u/idungiveboutnothing
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    Cyclone viable as main damage skill?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 05:40 AM PDT

    In Ritual I played a cyclone slayer with all the normal stuff. Paradoxica, abyssus, red blade banner, ryslatha's coil. Max block, and overcapped resistances, stacked a bunch of auras and -mana rings to cyclone for free. Is this still viable? Seems like cyclone is more of a support skill these days

    submitted by /u/peanut_chew
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    Hierophant EA no Boss damge

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 11:45 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    i currently play a EA Hierophant but i have terrible low boss dps and i dont know why. It took me like 5 minutes to kill one of the new pinnacle bosses. hope some1 can help me :)


    submitted by /u/yChoffy
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    Best builds for juiced map farming w/o HH?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 03:54 AM PDT

    Hey guys, the main content I run every league is usually juiced map farming, nem 3 before and triple beyond this league.

    Wanted to get some input on potential builds I can try out next league that can do the same content without needing a HH, cause it just makes the game unfun imo. I used spectral helix pathfinder this league and it was amazing.

    Budget is 70-80ex.

    submitted by /u/ThatNoobyDude21
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    Meele Build

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 10:39 AM PDT

    im looking for a good meele build but dont know what i should i play or what is currently meta. I have around 10ex to spend. Hopefully some1 can help me and show me a nice build that is i can build with around 10ex and is good enough for most endgame scenarios. tia :)

    submitted by /u/yChoffy
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    3.18 Bane CI Occultist Build Help

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 10:39 AM PDT

    For 3.18 Sentinel league I am going Bane for league starter. I don't often get past making a build or two for a league. So this may be my only character for the league, insinuating I'm willing to dump currency later on.

    I wanted to do a build where I stack spell suppression, armor, ES, evasion, and include CI. With a couple days of research and theory crafting I present to you my rough draft POB

    Main concerns, are my items realistic and are there cheaper/realistic versions to go for. Will this be Zdps as I'm investing heavily into defense with this build. How does my tree look? Any low value nodes I've over reached for?

    I'm experienced in POE but honestly that means very little in the way of recognizing flaws in one's build. If you have any questions, ideas, or insults please let me know!

    submitted by /u/CadeCBC
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    What happened to EA totems?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 12:44 PM PDT

    I only played the league for a short while before checking out Lost Ark. Coming back to this sub I don't see much (or any) talk about EA totems, which was one of the top league starters this league. What happened to it?

    submitted by /u/dceezy
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    Help with my Smite/auras Champion?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 08:17 AM PDT


    I've managed to get this guy feeling pretty good to play, I'm generally reasonably tanky and I feel like I do plenty of DPS. Endgame bosses take a bit longer than my previous strongest character (lightning strike acc stack jugg last league) but I don't mind that, and the clear is really solid. I do sometimes randomly die and I'm never entirely sure why. Sirus absolutely decimated me after I died once in the final phase - every time I got back to the arena he would use the 4-way beam, and the circle multi beam, and then the other beam and I just get instantly collapsed before I could hit him. I figured maybe it's because I'm not 100% corrupted blood immune, but should several hundred thousand armor be enough to mitigate the one-shots?

    I'm just looking for some cheap-ish meaningful upgrades I could make before the league comes to a close.


    This is my currency tab at the moment - I'm not loaded with cash but I've got enough to make a big upgrade or a couple of small ones. Any help appreciated!

    submitted by /u/olafthebard
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    RF INQ gear upgrades

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 02:45 AM PDT

    Hey Guys!

    I need some help with gearing my RF INQ. My damage is kinda low and i don't know what to upgrade next...
    From what i see my next upgrade would cost me around 20-30 ex and i can't believe that my next upgrade costs me that much. So if someone who knows their stuff could take quick look at it that would be much appreciated :D


    submitted by /u/Demi-Godly
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    Magic Find on leaguestart: How/when do you do it?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 06:26 AM PDT

    Gooday folks, been playing PoE for quite some time but I never really got into MFing properly. I know the build is fairly straight forward, but I am curious:

    When do I transition from a "regular" build to being a MF build? Do I reroll specifically for a MF Deadeye with KB or TS e.g once I have enough currency to buy 2 Inspired Learnings and have some Atlas Passives unlocked?

    Curious to see which builds, assuming there are no nerfs and 3.18's changes don't do too much, will be considered the best ones.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/-taromanius-
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    Bossing at league start

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 05:30 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I have quite some hours into this game already, and am quite comfortable making currency in this game. One thing I am not really the best at, is leveling fast (talking bout sub 4-5 hours). I can still get to maps in like 7 ish, but that means that during league start I have to play from 9PM till 3-4AM. This is not a huge deal for me tbh, but at that point I will definitely go to sleep.

    Then the next day I start progressing maps, I can usually play most of saturday, and I get to red maps maybe by the end of that day (maybe not).

    My question is, if I start bossing on like day 3, or even day 4 of the league, is it doomed already? Things like dying sun, atziri's step, etc etc will all have decreased in value already. Of course you can always make a profit doing shaper or doing shaper guardians + invitation farming, but I feel like at that point it's just a bit too late.

    I really want to take my league start to the next level, but I'm not gonna risk my health over a video game to do sk lol.

    Any advice, pro exiles?

    submitted by /u/nizarh1999
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    Thinking of league starting with Spectral Throw

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 05:05 PM PDT

    Hi, on and off player here. Ran a very successful spectral helix pathfinder this league and I was thinking of switching it around for good'ole spectral throw. I miss it from the old days. Any thoughts or caveats on league start, leveling and endgame setups? I don't expect it to outperform helix but I'll prefer the playstyle. If nightblade gets hammered, I may dump this idea.

    submitted by /u/SiegeWeapon
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    Cheap build to complete league challenges

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 02:04 AM PDT

    Like the title says, want to play and complete the challenges of the league before the next one, supper broke. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/zerjohn
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    Champion aurastacker spark - performance

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 01:23 AM PDT

    Hi, For 3.18 I am looking at champion aurastack spark. My pc is 4-5 years old, and I have low FPS when max juicing so I skip beyond and stuff like this. Since the gameplay is basically filling screen with projs, does it kill your FPS a lot? And what about skelly mages ?

    Thanks and enjoy the planning time!

    submitted by /u/Thanaqu0s
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    Looking for backup build ideas

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 02:43 PM PDT

    Hey all, my last couple years of leagues I've pretty much just gone for meme league starts/nothing actually meta and I had some changes that I will basically be able to/want to do an actual build for this league start, but now I don't actually know what's "good" anymore.

    I usually play in a ssf/more hc defensive playstyle on my builds, even though I play in sctrade(so if it comes down to very specific build enabling things that prevent true ssf, it would still be fine)

    My goal is to have a build that is more focus on bossing than mapping, but still at a reasonable playable mapper.(not currently aiming to have 2 characters for mapping/bossing separately)

    I am currently thinking of looking into checking out a phys/poison trapper, but I realized that I don't really have any ideas if it does end up getting nerfed below being "meta" so I thought to reach out here to get some ideas to check out as backups in case that happens. Really fine with just about any build based on the above focus on bossing over mapping, but still wanting to be reasonable for mapping. The only other requirements would be a lack of interest in summoners, they aren't really my playstyle

    Thanks all in advance

    submitted by /u/Cataclysmatic
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    Good build to support phys trapper?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 12:49 PM PDT

    My buddy wants to play together this league and wants to do a support. I want to play a phys trapper. What would be a good build for him that will work both together and if he wants to do some content on his own?

    I was thinking maybe a aura/curse occultist? Or maybe a aura stacking necro/guardian with phys minions?


    submitted by /u/friend_of_a_fiend
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