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    Wednesday, April 27, 2022

    Path of Exile Builds I tried 6 builds this league with 5-40ex invested between each build. I realize I'm gonna be a minion player forever

    Path of Exile Builds I tried 6 builds this league with 5-40ex invested between each build. I realize I'm gonna be a minion player forever

    I tried 6 builds this league with 5-40ex invested between each build. I realize I'm gonna be a minion player forever

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 08:52 PM PDT

    I've always liked minion builds in games and my first build of the league was Skelly Mages. It is probably my strongest build ever but I got bored of it. Made a couple more builds then went back to Skelly Mages. Got bored again of skelly mage then repeat the same steps a couple more times. It made me realize summoners have it easy which isn't a bad thing. Minion builds are fun, easy and relaxing way of playing the game. Just letting minions do the damage and take hits, distract enemies while we either watch or debuff enemies. I can't go back to other builds/arch types or whatever now in future leagues except maybe totem builds. There's probably a good chance they'll nerf skelly mage to make them useless or need 250+ex investment to feel good. Hopefully there are other top tier minion builds that exist in 3.18

    submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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    What was your most profitable farming build + strategy?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 11:02 PM PDT

    So 3.17 is coming to an end and I wanted to see what was everyone's most profitable strategy was. We all know 5 way carries will probably be the most profitable but who wants to run in a circle for 30mins at a time.

    My favorite one so far is cwdt ward loop expiition / delve farming for about 7ex an hour.

    Second: CoC Fr 100% full juiced Delirium farming for about 10ex an hour but it took abit to set up

    Maybe MF TS / KB t10 Tower

    submitted by /u/Jaded-Advertising-33
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    question: is the keystone "lethe shade" able to halve the degeneration produced by the staff "disintegrator"?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 06:40 PM PDT

    sorry for bothering and thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/IndustryIllustrious9
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    Some questions about a minion instability SSF start.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 06:41 PM PDT

    I suppose I have two main questions.

    How bad is popcorn SRS without a tavukai? The last time I played popcorn SRS was over a year ago and it was in trade league. I constantly see people say its not worth it without a tavukai, but I also constantly see people on poe ninja league starting popcorn SRS in SSF. I'm planning on doing a test run before next league so I imagine I will end up finding this out myself.

    What about non SRS minions? After browsing through poe ninja it seems a ton of people are doing all sorts of random minion instability builds. Skeletons, spectres, golems, etc. Some of them even seem like regular SRS/skeleton builds with instability thrown in for extra damage. Lots of earandels embrace sceptres to burn the skeletons as well. I have to assume that most people are just starting a normalish SRS/skeleton build with minion instability and then shifting path depending on what uniques they get right?

    submitted by /u/BigDadNads420
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    Toxic Rain question

    Posted: 27 Apr 2022 12:00 AM PDT

    So, have been gone for two leagues in a row now (playing LoL after 10 year break has been fun, until now).

    I'm kinda a noob in the game, around 1k hours in and as a slightly stupid player I've killed all bosses exept Maven in this time, and this was with TR build a few leagues back.

    It was by far the best build I've played that carried me through my first A8 Sirus and stuff and I'm really looking forward to playing again in 3.18, and that's where my question comes.

    Is it still viable? Checking poe.ninja it has stupidly low play-rate nowdays. It still has level 100's, so obviously it does work to some degree, but does it still work for the casualISH player looking to league start with it and pushing the build to max?

    Or is it straight into the trash-tier nowdays unless you source hundreds of exalts into it?

    EDIT: Mostly looking into a Raider.

    submitted by /u/Sankkiu
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    Combo for husband and wife

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 07:02 PM PDT

    My wife and I play Path of Exile together, and she's recently landed on Toxic Rain as a build she's enjoying and will likely roll again next league. My question is, what build could I roll that would complement Toxic Rain well?

    Toxic Rain has good clear, but only average boss damage. Therefore I'm looking for something that is extremely strong against bosses. Since we're playing together exclusively, the build I roll can have terrible clear as long as it is exceptional against bosses.

    I typically look for something that complements the buffs and debuffs. As Toxic Rain, she'll be running Determination, Malevolence, and Defiance Banner. Grace if she can find a way to fit it. Despair on hit. Wither from her balistas. Taking advantage of all those debuffs, if possible, would be a big bonus.

    Curious what the community's thoughts are - what would pair well with Toxic Rain as a boss killer?

    submitted by /u/BitWarrior
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    Viper strike vs. Spectral Helix for PF

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 05:31 PM PDT

    I have played VS PF for a number of leagues now and it's one of my favourite builds. But I've been looking into the helix version for a 3.18 starter and was curious if someone that has experience with the build could outline some of the pros and cons of how it feels as a starter, and how it scales up relative to a VS setup? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Vexology
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    I can't find a 5 green, 1 blue 6 link Brass Dome for Poison Concoction PF. Any other unique body armor that's good for that build?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 07:00 PM PDT

    I looked up some poison concoction pf builds and a good amount of them have that armor and socket colors. I'd like to get that body armor cause it's easy for me to just get a unique rather than rare but I can't find it. People who have it for sale are off line. I guess if an item has 6 off colors then it would be hard to get but if you got some in your stash I'd like to buy it for around 3-5ex. But if you guys got other suggestions on what I should use that'd be great. I'm using p conc, greater multiple projectiles, greater volley, void manipulation, unbound ailments and vicious projectiles btw. Zizran has lifetap in there instead of vicious projectiles but I have a devouring diadem so I don't need to worry about mana using any skill

    submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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