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    Path of Exile Builds Lighting Strike build, Champion or Raider?

    Path of Exile Builds Lighting Strike build, Champion or Raider?

    Lighting Strike build, Champion or Raider?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2022 12:05 AM PDT


    I kinda got bored of playing Righteous Fire and I'd like to play a Lightning Strike build, it seems super fun and fast but the thing is, I don't know which version should I go for, Champion or Raider? what are their pro's and con's?

    Also got a HH in my stash and 100+ exalt's.

    Any tips would be appreciated!

    Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/Stephanihml
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    Level 40 Stone Golem

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 12:59 PM PDT

    Scion League Start Ideas for 3.19

    Posted: 13 Jul 2022 06:13 AM PDT

    Hello exiles!

    I was thinking on League Start a Scion for 3.19 as i want a difficult start this time!

    Does anyone have a build i could have a sneaky peek at ?

    My plans was to do a self cast eow or a eow miner but i am open to ideas!

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/elleriun
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    Need build suggestion for Witch

    Posted: 13 Jul 2022 05:17 AM PDT

    Hey guys! I am a noob (started playing 2 weeks ago and loving it) playing nerco with skeletons. I would love to switch to a different build or try something new, bc I love to zoom though maps and summons do not allow me to do so. What are suggested builds for zooming on witch in 3.18?

    P.S. My budget is fairly low (approx 7 exalts)

    submitted by /u/mmj0299
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    So, I have this witch...

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 05:14 PM PDT

    I Played arc witch for some time a few years ago and came back to the game recently (I finally have my cabin in the woods with good internet :) ) My profile is https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ahddib

    So what I want to know is, now that I have some semblance of how to even play again, should I start from scratch or can she be salvaged? I killed innocence but died like 40 times to do so as every boss basically one shots me.

    I'm foot deep in act 2 (just killed the crab boss) and enjoying the cool twist to replaying the game chillin with my sinful homie, but I think I want to try something that doesn't struggle with survivability. I was thinking of going down a ward focused path. I saw a node on the passive tree that gives barrier on spell damage. Since I spit damage like crazy that might work, but idk. I don't see clear language that states exactly when something benefits my character or not. For instance if I add life on hit support to my summon zombies does that that give life to my zombs or to me?

    I also recently found unstable minions with burning legion on a totem and that seems super dope, but I also already specced a crapload of lightning damage into my passives. She clears mobs decently, suffers on bosses (a little better now that I have exploding minions, but not much) and can do quite well as long as she is never targeted.

    Any help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ahddib
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    How is a crit jewel like this crafted?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2022 11:57 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if Fatal Flourish works with triggered attacks (The Hidden Blade)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 07:59 PM PDT

    If so there could be some interesting things to explore with an autobomber using the CF Glad base since now you're hitting 4x a second before CDR. You could get a stupendous amount of blades out since you don't care about the blade damage and try to scale purely CF's damage.

    This would also apply to Maloney's, I guess...

    EDIT: I would obviously test this myself but I don't have 20ex to throw at the required jewels. Otherwise I'd be very much on board with trying it out as a build.

    submitted by /u/Crosshack
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    Thinking about an intuitive link build

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 12:28 PM PDT

    So I'm considering playing intuitive link next league and would like some suggestions. (Other than "don't do it! You'll hate it! It sucks!" I'm trying to be hipster like that.)

    So far I came up with this to kickstart it, feel free to deviate like crazy:

    Dual cold iron points and Stone golems for some big boy tough minions.

    Dual CIPs leads us to picking physical spells as well, that can't be dealing elemental damage. And I'd prefer a combo of spells since I don't need to cast them myself anyway. This leads to BF+BB or Unearth+anomalous DD.

    Mana costs are going to be a thing so I came up with potential solutions:

    1. Golem health regen Zealots Oath Eldritch Battery

    1. Golem health regen Blood magic keystone

    2. You're overthinking, just get the mana regen.

    Ascendancy Necro for high hp explody corpses? Elementalist for Golem upgrades?

    Any help is appreciated, or links to people trying similar things so I can proverbially stand on the shoulders of giants.

    submitted by /u/Olafant
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    Self Cast Voltaxic Burst Raider

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 07:38 AM PDT




    pob config is conservative, with conditional buffs like flasks and vaal haste it's 4mil+ dps. Shock is also higher than 30 in game but I prefer to set my pob damage lower than it is in game.

    I wanted to use the Kirac battle pass skin for Devouring Diadem and the new Ranger notable - Fury Of Nature from the forbidden jewels. After some brainstorming I came up with this.

    The build is played by casting Voltaxic Burst and then Lightning Warp. This offsets the delay from VB and makes clearing really fast. Phantasmal Lighting Warp is set up for speed and when you land in a pack VB goes off and explodes enemies with aoe damage. Scaling aoe is super important and the build just doesn't feel as good without it. This is mainly a mapper so boss damage is only mediocre (think CF KB, maybe a bit better) but I have killed conquerors/guardians with it.

    It's not super tanky but it's not weak either. With 100% spell suppression, 50k armour and Divine Flesh +80% chaos resistance it can take a bit of damage despite only having just over 3k HP. Replica Maloney's Mechanism has Rain of Arrows linked with Anomalous Hypothermia for defence too. I'm running a notable on one of my megalomaniacs that chills nearby enemies and Fury Of Nature spreads the chill to other enemies. RoA will freeze the chilled enemies because of Anomalous Hypothermia and then the freeze spreads as well. This will occasionally freeze map bosses too.

    This is probably one of the funnest builds I've played and if you like explosions it's really satisfying to play. It's also off-meta which might not mean anything but personally I enjoy playing off-meta skills.

    edit: added video of Hydra. I can try making a video of no headhunter if people are interested.

    submitted by /u/xEverdred
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    Build choice/upgrades help for challenges and enjoyment

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 09:59 PM PDT

    I've been playing for quite a while but looks like I learn very slow and still suck at crafting and making currency reliably. This league I started as skele mages and after making some currency I wanted something that can clear a bit more and is more enjoyable so I rolled Ele CWDT. With this I can run t16 maps and die occasionally on bosses/random one shots. Problem here is that I'm scared of doing big bosses like Sirus, uber elder etc. Wanted to create something that is a bit more tanky so I rolled RF Inq and then tried my luck with LS/Spark champion with no luck. tried to go for CoC FR but looks like only with MB it makes any sense so tried to reroll to soulrend but also failed.

    Now i'm stuck with a lot of mediocre characters that don't excel.

    Can someone help with direction in which I should move forward? Should I switch CWDT to Scion? Should I improve my champion or inq? How?

    At the moment I have around 50-60ex, I have Omni and melding along with some other items that could be used and I would get more currency with time.

    my champion: https://pobb.in/54sZ6dWbJTTS

    ele cwdt: https://pobb.in/Y9X8XpoGsxxy

    occu: https://pobb.in/8u772g38wKVB

    inq: https://pobb.in/vo4gSNytxX0M

    Account name is Cykoor if it's easier to look it up.

    Any advice would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Valy2
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    Looking for a witch bossing build to utilize Mageblood. 50 - 100ex budget.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 06:09 PM PDT

    Title says it all. A few weeks ago, I farmed enough exalts to buy Mageblood but my current build (Grimro's CF Tornado Shot) just feels better with Headhunter for speed mapping/ farming legions, so MB has been collecting dust in my stash. I have a level 95 Blade Vortex Occultist that I haven't used since 2 weeks into the league and I'm looking to put her to use by doing some bossing but not really interested in playing BV any longer. Any build suggestions?

    submitted by /u/RaN96
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    Looking for upgrade advice.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 05:22 PM PDT

    Here's the preamble, I started late in the league, followed a build but tweaked it a bit, and I basically gave up on playing a few weeks ago when I hit what felt like an upgrade ceiling, I've got ~20-25 ex in raw currency in my stash, and 40+ more of easily convertible stuff, but I'm looking for a big ticket upgrade that sacrifices neither dps or survivability, and upgrades one of the two, doesn't have to be within my price range, it can be over it ideally, ie; something to farm for.

    I'm an ea ballista champ btw.

    Here's my pob https://pastebin.com/DNDUTTuD

    submitted by /u/durrkit
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    Bladefall + Blade Blast cast timing?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 02:15 PM PDT

    Playing Poison BFBB occultist all league, have been experimenting with how to cast BF+BB to get optimal boss damage. Not sure if spamming BF+BB is best, or pausing for a bit in between casts, or letting the full BB detonation sequence go before casting next. Right now it feels like plinking BF+BB, pause for half a sec, cast again is the best method, but it's hard to get a quantified result, especially on poison.

    I know there's some interactions between bladefall blades on the ground + mastery, where casting BB right after can detonate blades before others land so they don't count towards "blades on ground", technically raising the cap. I'm not sure if casting another bladefall right after would conflict with those blades, or if another bladefall would interrupt the BB det sequence. I also don't have conc effect yet, so some blades are out of range and I'd rather start a new sequence on the boss as soon as possible.

    Has anyone done any real testing on this?

    submitted by /u/greyshard
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    Cast on Death - Do you leech?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 08:32 AM PDT

    Heya - I'm putting together a variant of Allie's Cast on Death Discharge build and I got a Megalomaniac with 2 good passives and Essence Rush as the third. I'm wondering if at the time of damage calculation I'd be leeching, to take advantage of Essence Rush. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/Rainbow_Plague
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    Help potentially fixing my Flicker Strike Trickster build?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2022 07:31 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm looking to try to get help to make my build less squishy, even if at the cost of some damage for now.

    Whether that's through gear upgrades that may or may not be expensive, better routes, nodes to drop, better gems to link with my gear, whether trickster as the flicker ascendancy was a poor decision in the first place... which it probably is but i kinda just felt like trying it.

    Currently I feel like I've managed to stretch out my tree too much, but having spent time fiddling with it on my own I feel a bit overwhelmed. This is the first time I've done a build that was mostly mine, just a few changes based on what I've seen others do.

    Link to the Build

    But yeah, as of right now I feel too squishy going into yellow tier maps, and kinda want to have a bit smoother of a game if possible.

    submitted by /u/Exmawsh
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