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    Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    Path of Exile Builds Best build you played so far? Synthesis league

    Path of Exile Builds Best build you played so far? Synthesis league

    Best build you played so far? Synthesis league

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:44 PM PDT

    Need advice on a spark build - haven't played it in 2-3 years

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    So basically I've just gotten the urge to play a vsparker once again. Last time i played a spark character was around 2-3 years ago back when i first saw bakedchicken playing it. Looked super fun and ended up investing a lot into it. I've spent thousands of hours playing a vsparker, made multiple characters every league just to play the same build after reaching 100 due to its insane clear speed. But yeah, i'm looking to make something similar this time again. I'm a little concerned making it life based, maybe it's much safer now but i remember testing out ll and ci and both worked magically. Was around 10k es. Damage was alright to clear t11s and t12s back then with a crappy spell dmg/crit/atspeed dagger (atspeed for whirling, back when it was super good and could get insane speed) and a spell crit, 400es shield. Now tho I've been seeing all these mmodded weapons and +lvl synthesized gear, mainly bows, not really sure whats better anymore. I've always made inquisitor based vsparkers for the res ignore and just stacked as much crit and crit multi as i could, also not sure if that's the way to go anymore. I will end up using a hh like i always do on a mapper char but i don't make my builds rely on it. Something i get at the end of the league anyway. Not too sure on the links also, used to run pierce, fork and spell echo for insane clear. Not too sure if that's a good idea anymore. Also is Vinktars worth using, friend told me they trashed it a long time ago?

    submitted by /u/Sufex123
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    Chaos Occultist - What skill to choose?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:27 AM PDT

    Hey Exiles,

    I Already posted this on the main PoE sub, but didn't get a lot of response, so I thought I might try it here.

    I've been playing a Vortex/CS Occultist and had - despite the horrible league - a blast so far. I've reached lvl96 which is a few levels higher than I usually go. Now I'm desperate for a change of pace. I love occultist and I love CI, always have. So I really don't feel like rolling anything else but have been toying with the idea of just respeccing to Chaos spells.

    I was looking up builds on poe.ninja and noticed that the setups are very diverse and thus I got confused. So I wondered if you guys could help me clarify what setup does what and plays how.

    There seem to be the following: * 6L Bane + 4L ED * 6L Soulrend + 4L ED * 6L Bane + 4L Soulrend * 6L Soulrend + 4L Bane * and also there's the builds with two 6-Links which I don't want to do because I'm using Atziri's Reflection and would like to keep it that way. So, what do I pick (for what kind of gameplay) and how do they compare to eachother?

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/Gosu_Horaz
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    Scion/Winterorb, my DPS is low. Help/suggestions needed.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:10 AM PDT

    Hello guys

    I started a Scion using Winterorb. I am having some trouble getting my DPS up. I notice in PoB, when I compare my build to other similar, that my "hit rate" is low (1,92). "hit rate" is used in the dps calc.

    How do I get this up?

    My PoB: https://pastebin.com/8TkZqRte

    I am comparing to this PoB, which has a "hit rate" of 6,25, and therefore much higher DPS: https://pastebin.com/AQkDwxUc

    Any other advice?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/pslind69
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    Passive Skill Tree - Path of Exile

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:58 PM PDT


    This is my first time posting here. I was wondering if you guys could take a look at my build and critique it for me. I'm still picking gems, but I wanted to know your thoughts on the passive skill tree. The theme is a frost witch. Toying with freezing pulse and artic bomb at the moment for gems with ice herald as well. I've tried Winter Orb, but I haven't like the machine gun/standing still mechanic.

    Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/NervousMolasses
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    The Indigon Chaos totemist - Soulrend and Essence drain totem hit damage build

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 10:49 PM PDT

    I'm working on a heirophant build that only partially uses Indigon for a bit of extra spell damage, and a nice MOM with all the mana regen, but less than a pure Indigon build. I focus on a bit of crit compared to a tradtional Indigon build

    I will post in more detail as the build comes together and maybe a vid, but so far it's working really nicely

    I use Apep's rage and can use Shimmeron Wands as well, 1-2 or a combo of both. For that extra base damage for the hit

    I originally was focusing on Soul Rend totems with wither on multi totem for 6-7 totems for all that life and mana regen. You put down 2 wither totems and then spam your Soulrend totems, plus despair curse

    Later I tried the Rotting jewel with Blight/Vaal blight in a 4 link in place of wither totems, and that's is working well and an extra source of hinder and damage, plus the wither effect - either INC Duration or faster casting works as a 4th link to reach max wither stacks

    Then tried essence drain in place of soul rend, and with chain it clears maps just fine, plus 2 extra Projectiles from Rain of splinters! :p

    Seems memey but it's legit! :)

    lv 14 ED already blowing through tier 3 maps with ease, and handles max packs of memories just as well as Soul rend. I swap the chain for void manipulation on bosses. Using contagin in place of the blight totem is an option, the same 1-2 totem drops to get out max totems.

    if I need more boss punch Dark pact is a 2 gem swap. Should be good for 3 million Shaper DPS, or 4-5 million with skeles.

    Ice spear also does nice work, or any other spell you can try. I tried a bunch of spells like spark with the nova jewel and that also worked really well with this build, and flameblast just nukes with a potential 700-800k hit later on, as does divine ire

    The hardest thing is over capping your resists for all the Soul Mantle curse....

    With so many uniques, I had to resort to purity of elements and jewels. Lucky the Watchers Eye I use adds 25% mana recovery and 8% of physical taken as lightning when you use Clarity and Purity of elements :)

    submitted by /u/CoolColJ
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    Build guide advice?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 05:30 PM PDT

    So I want to start the game. Everyone told me to look up a build guide, because without it I am gonna mess it up. So I did that, but even the guides are overwhelming. What is the single most important part of a guide that I must follow from the start? Is it enough if I follow the passive skill tree? And when I reach max level I start working on gear and gems and stuff? Since it seems like that the only thing I can mess up is the skill tree since it's hard and expensive to fix that.

    submitted by /u/simon7109
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    New-ish Player would like some help

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 09:14 PM PDT

    I have not played the game in quite some time and would like some build ideas/help.

    I am wanting to wait for a melee focused build until after the melee rework that they have said that they will be doing with the next league/expansion or what ever you want to call it. I have a elementalist build from quite some time ago so I do know how to play but not that much.

    I am looking for a ranger build and two witch builds, one being a summoner style of build while the other one being mainly spell casting with two golems to provide passive buffs, so the second build would have to be elementalist. Thanks for the help.

    P.S. I am on Xbox.

    submitted by /u/BRAINSPLATT
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    What gives more damage?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 08:55 PM PDT

    I'm running shapers touch with vulnerability, and a 6L with hoag, minion damage, full life dmg, pierce, maim, empower.

    Would swapping maim with vicious projectiles improve dmg?

    Trying to increase dps since when I attempted UE I took way too long to kill the adds

    submitted by /u/demesm
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    Noob here. Suggested starter builds?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    So I haven't started playing yet (need to finish classes first) but I've been reading and watching videos so I've got the gist of the game. I'm planning on a witch with the necromancer ascendency but not sure what or where to find an affordable beginning build. I play Diablo III and Neverwinter but never really used builds. This game definitely seems to needs one to help get on the right track. Suggestions? Edit: I'm on PS4.

    submitted by /u/AlaskanPhoenix
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    PS4 Build

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    I was curious on which build would be more viable on PS4 as I'm fairly new and still trying to figure them out. I currently use a Deadeye Molten Strike build that is pretty nice but still gets wrecked when mapping, even when its a T2 at level 72 or in Merciless Lab. I've been thinking of switching builds and items to this one ( http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571 ) and was curious if anyone has tried it out yet on PS4 or something similar.

    submitted by /u/LevyLeviathan
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    MF/all content build?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    Hi guys, is there any MF build who can (just if you change some items (no tree)) go all content? boss, guardians, elder, etc

    submitted by /u/TemnyMagic
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    [HC] Ranged or Meele build for Ueberlab + T10+?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    now after my Vortex/Cold snap Occultist ripped in T10 Factory (-.-) This boss room is pretty small there, so there weren't much options to go and on top I wasn't prepared well enough to sustain the last 10% of the fight, so I started to panic and died.


    Now, I often read that Glad or Champ is a much more defensive option. Is that really true? I think with a meele char it is a bit easier to rip sometimes, due to the fact that you have to stick in close range to the bosses.

    Even if the Glad has 70% block, the other 30% it is still life and movement. Is it really that effective to invest in block or armour? The 8k ES from my Occultist went downhill really fast. Evasion + dodge seems like block in terms of effectiveness.

    Now I have to choose the class for the next try to beat ueber lab and I would love to try a ranger, and already played her to 40. it feels much faster and smoother than vortex, although it lacks a bit of damage and life (pathing)

    Everyone says ranger is a bad choice for HC (at least for ueber lab and T10+) but at least I can try to stay away from dangerous hits? or is it really more safe to go in with a shield as defense, or a bit of armor? In my experience, against most hits they do nothing with budget gear.

    Sometimes I think it has been much more effective to take an offensive class like deadeye with only investment in dodge and full damage and nuke the bosses down with barrage or sth like that...

    SHORT: Is a Glad/Champ really a more stable option than Occultist f.e.? Because the ES didn't do shit for me and now I think about doing a pure life ranger and forget about secondary defenses.

    submitted by /u/nicerdicer5000
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    Any cold based bow builds?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 08:14 AM PDT

    I really like the bow playstyle, and want to try a ele cold dog build.

    I was thinking of using ice shot + void fletcher + Hyrri's ire To stack some burst dmg, but was wondering what else I could do for a build.

    submitted by /u/Apple_0702
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    Help Me Improve This Build

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    A guildmate showed me a bow which i liked a lot so emulated the process and got a similar bow i would like to do better with this build it feels like i die way to quick i would also have no issues with switching up my skills the shitty jewel is shitty ik will switch it later

    EDIT THE Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/5mCwgSNz

    submitted by /u/iksskan
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