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    Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 17, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 17, 2019

    Questions Thread - April 17, 2019

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 05:06 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - April 17, 2019

    This is a general question thread on April 17, 2019. You can find the previous threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Spent 120ex trying to chance Headhunter and now be like

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    Offhand Levelling Wet Dream -- +20% Quality to Enlighten/Empower/Enhance

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    The Real PoE Issue -

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:26 AM PDT

    It's taken me a while to figure out how to put this into words and share my thoughts on this and I'm still probably going to ramble too much here, but here goes nothing.

    I love Path of Exile - GGG has found inspiration in and borrowed from some of the better concepts other games I love and molded that into an ARPG that's so flexible, dynamic, and massive that after ~850 hours, I love that I'm still learning new things and can get immersed. But at the same time, I hate PoE and have started slowly moving away from it faster and faster the last few leagues. For all the things I really love about the game, there are an equal and opposite number of things that keep pushing me away on a regular basis and compounding into more complex issues.

    About me before I continue... I'm maybe a slightly above average player. I won't ever be in the company of elite players with the time I can commit to playing, but I hold my own. I've put in about ~850 hours, first getting into the game around the end of Abyss / Beginning of Bestiary. Most of my characters get into the 90's and I've cleared 'most' of the Atlas & Endgame. Each season, I complete maybe ~1/2 of the challenges (on accident, they're never really a goal) and try a completely new build I haven't played yet as a start + build some sort of meme character for fun with the few dozen Ex I earn. This season, my starter is a storm brand hierophant for one of the tankiest characters I've ever made. Last season it was a Lightning Trap Shadow as a starter and a Poet's Pen Raise Skeleton + Dark Pact Summoner for the lols (it was as bad as it reads but hilarious to play). Season before that, Arc Totems. Before that - Frost Blade Raider. You get the idea.

    I'm also the kind of player that will spend $ for cosmetics and for quality of life improvements. I hate games where $ = success, but the way that PoE has implemented MTX is digestible and enjoyable for me. It's not 'necessary', but makes my playtime more enjoyable. I have a shitton of stash tabs, every specialty tab, and a bunch of MTX that I thought looked cool. As a free game, it's probably gotten a few hundred out of me right now in those couple of years. The way I see it - if it was a MMO subscription, I'm getting around the same value of fresh content rollouts, cosmetics, things to work toward, etc.

    I absolutely love the diversity in builds that you can achieve with characters and have a different experience each time you start off a season or new meme build. I actually don't mind the things a lot of other folks here normally complain about like leveling a new character Acts 1-10. It's far more relaxing and smooth game play than the endgame right now.

    What I don't love is that at this point, to get any better as a player or break my first character past 93, I spend more time OUT of the game than in it. You see, the game becomes incredibly frustrating the minute you want to push any harder or farther, especially with the 10% EXP penalties for a death. There is still a LOT of content I haven't reached. There are a LOT of things I haven't been able to craft or afford before the end of a season. There are a LOT of things I WANT to do, but I can't squeeze it in, even with the amount I play.

    But wait, you say. Just play standard if I want to experience everything, yeah? The thing is, I and many others also like the idea of fresh restarts and volatile economies. It makes for a more fun and dynamic experience in a live league vs. standard. The reality is that players like me would likely be able to see far more and have a much more fun experience if we didn't have to consult an encyclopedia or resource outside of the game every 30 seconds to figure out:

    1. What just killed me?
    2. What does this widget do?
    3. How do I craft this item?
    4. What does this skill mean?
    5. How do I beat this thing?
    6. Where do I find this?
    7. What does this phrasing mean? (Such as # to # damage vs. # to # damage with Attacks - I literally just learned # to # damage is GLOBAL for spells and attacks unless it specifies attacks too...)
    8. I need this item... who has one?
    9. How does this thing work?
    10. What is this worth?
    11. What ACTUAL impact does this support have for my skill?

    The list goes on and on and on and on and on. The thing is, at this point for every hour in the game is probably equal to an equivalent hour OUT of the game or in the background while you're on another screen. What the game does not do well is provide resources to keep you on the game's screen or explain what's going on in a user friendly way. Want to know what would be awesome? Seeing what potential outcomes my fractured items can create, or what potential rooms / architects there are with a record of who I've wiped out already. Even just a way to see what monsters abilities / defenses are after you've encountered them so many times or for fucks sake - something that tells you why you died. Another thing I just learned today is that there are "nemesis" mobs that can have ele reflect even if the map/tile/etc. does not have reflect as a quality. Get swarmed by 2 or 3 unlucky groups of those at once at a Temple build tile and RIP - but the frustrating part was not being able to find that explained anywhere or be able to check the monster for a visual cue beforehand because the screen is chaos. This is a scenario where a combat log would help instead of having to spend hours researching the possibilities. There are so many stats, abilities, etc. that aren't well-explained and so little time to observe what's going on or where the danger is for more casual players that it's overwhelming and exhausting.

    Add in trying to build wealth and trading, unloading maps, exchanging currencies, selling items... Trying to build your wealth in any fashion to build your toon up for the next push just takes that dead time and shits on it. You can't effectively have an abundance of goods listed for sale without just sitting in your hideout for hours on end while the whispers come in. Trading is the most unfulfilling time spent in the game - you can't do anything else once you start listing maps and currencies unless you go DnD, but then you aren't really building your wealth. God forbid you're in the middle of a groove on some smooth maps, your 1 portal Alva quest, your lab run, your undercity tile, etc. and someone finally wants to buy that item you have up for a few Ex - time to break that flow you have going (as if the current league design didn't do that enough already). What a buzzkill. Low on currency after doing some big upgrades? Well then you better get some of those items listed you've been storing in your stash - after you spend another few hours OUTSIDE of the game trying to figure out what everything is worth first, that is. Trading is frustrating and unrewarding because it feels like work and not a part of a game.

    Long story short - PoE is insanely FUN when you're actually playing, but the amount of dead time for research, trading, and trying to find out things that should be in the game interface or user experience is NOT and extremely frustrating. My relaxing time getting a couple hours of game time in turns into a little bit of game time and a lot of poe.trade, poe wiki, hideout exchanges, and having to research so many countless things that it's become exhausting and overwhelming. A good game should allow a savvy player to learn most of the dynamics within the game and should be in-line with the game experience, not get buried in encyclopedias and apps on (multiple) 3rd party sites. The depth of the game is amazing - the accessibility and user friendliness of navigating that depth, though, is not.

    When you consider the super small % of players that even get to maps, I think it becomes pretty clear that it's really the accessibility of game knowledge and user-friendliness of the mechanics / how things work that pushes people away faster than the specific league mechanics, especially as the game continues to get more and more complex. There's just too much going on and more casual players than I are likely getting overwhelmed. It's amazing to have a game with this much depth, but in my opinion what GGG should be focusing their efforts on streamlining the user experience and availability of tools and knowledge in the game at this point. There's no reason there shouldn't be a tooltip that tells me what these fractured items stats 'could' potentially make. There's no reason that I can't find an in-game resource that tells me what mods could possibly come out of what fossils. There's no reason why I shouldn't know what monsters life totals, defenses, etc. are. There's no reason I shouldn't know what killed me. I shouldn't have to sit in my hideout for 4 hours to trade maps and items through a clunky interface to buy my next major upgrade. I shouldn't have to spend hours figuring out why I just lost days of progress in my EXP bar on a mod I've never seen before. That's not fun - that's work. The focus should be on getting the players actually playing and out of their hideouts / town and off their second/third screens.

    *Edit* TL:DR since this was a 2:30 AM post after sitting in my HO frustrated selling maps for a couple hours and very rambly. It has gained way more steam than I thought it would.

    I'm not asking for the game to be made simpler, hold my hand, or be dumbed down as the usual elitist responses are coming in here and saying or misconstruing. The complexity and flexibility is by far my favorite thing about the game and why I play it over a game like Diablo. What I'm trying to discuss here is making information more accessible IN GAME. Better tooltips, more refined UIs, showing potential crafting outcomes or having an in-game index of things like mods, mob information, modifier information, and where you can encounter them instead of having to use outside resources.

    The best analogy I can think of is POE is like a highway that only has exit signs 50 meters from where you need to get off instead of being clearly marked a km or more in advance so you can figure out where you need to go. It's unnecessary and results in long detours and having to stop to ask for directions trying to find your way back.

    submitted by /u/TRexCantReach
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    You spend 45 seconds (~25%) of each Uber Elder Guardian map doing absolutely nothing

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    I've been timing my Uber Elder runs recently from start to finish (including spawn, Shaper Guards, Uber Guards, Uber Elder) and finally put into concrete numbers how much time I spend doing absolutely nothing. The most notable time spent doing nothing is during the Guardian fights.

    From the moment you reach the Guardian to your first attack on the Guardian, you wait approximately 30 seconds (~ 1-2 second zone load time). From there, you wait roughly 3-4 seconds for each of the phases, and then another 8 seconds for the portal to re-open. This all fairly trivial on the surface - "stop being so impatient". But if you're running an average Elder Guardian map in 3 minutes (liberal estimate), it means you're spending roughly a quarter of your time doing nothing.

    It used to be less of an issue, but over the last 4-5 leagues we've had countless additions of needless waiting, some of which include:

    • Memory Fragment spawn
    • Abyssal Trove rising
    • Beast capture
    • Loot 'explosion' delays (which are not due to technical limitations, and really you don't see anything anyway since most of it is filtered)
      • Alva
      • Memory
      • Abyssal Trove

    All of these things are just a couple of seconds each, but they each represent distinct breaks in your gameplay flow.

    Also, Chimera add-phase adds another ~1.5 minutes to the map, which I probably hate most of all.

    submitted by /u/JezieNA
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    Best Craft , I've ever had for my RF

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:09 AM PDT

    Is it an oversight that you can't change sockets on a corrupted Maloney's Mechanism in the crafting bench?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    Bought a Maloney's today that was corrupted and had GGG sockets. I figured I could change them in the bench to BGG (for a curse on hit setup) but the crafting bench doesn't have the option listed, I assume because quivers don't normally have sockets, and these are mod specific. A bug? An oversight?

    I ended up making it work with a cast on crit setup instead, though it's way less effective. At least the item isn't completely wasted on its purpose!

    submitted by /u/DemonicGoblin
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    If 1109 ES isn't your style and you want more utility...I present to you Rune Skin-the highest ES +1 curse chest... EVER!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    The best item I've ever made. Buying fossils sucks.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 09:55 PM PDT

    First Cortex, thanks GGG =DDDDDDD

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    Ignorance is bliss

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:05 AM PDT

    [Fluff] I BECAME RICH

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 06:45 AM PDT

    I've only ever had 2 exalted orbs and last night I sold an item for 45 exalted :-D I feel like the richest person ever. I was able to buy my full set of gear and have soooooo much left over. I was just excited and wanted to tell someone.

    submitted by /u/Sdturtle1023
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    So they tried to fix Betrayal lag...

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    GGG: "Made further changes to preloading in an effort to reduce stuttering and lag from Betrayal encounters''.

    me: 1. opens map 2. Wait 2 min 3. Get ambushed 4. Game freezes 5. Try and hold down every button in hope of killing syndicate member. 6. Stare at screen for 1 minute 7. Game crashes

    Well done GGG you fixed it...

    PS. In all seriousness this is very annoying and I cannot level past level 90 due to Betrayal encounters killing me every 3-4 or so maps...

    submitted by /u/AaahThatsHot
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    Poison wand i crafted yesterday

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:39 AM PDT

    Synthesis Wings (36 challenges reward) don't get *phased*

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    My understanding of how to tell if a rare item is valuable or trash.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 04:05 AM PDT

    This is what I understand after a few questions on reddit and asking people on global.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    General rule: Higher ilvl=higher range/tier of roles=better items.

    Helmet, armor, belt, gloves, boots :

    high es/life + over 90% resists/60%ish resists w. open mod slot to craft in additional resist + movespd.(boots)

    Weapon slot items:

    no clue still lol. I guess high spell damage/ele damage for wand/scepters and high crit chance and multi for physical weapons..? I read something about global crit and just crit stat being different, and some stats applying to gems socketed in that equipment only, etc... but it's still confusing.

    Ring/amulet :

    Life/es+resists are good, but many also want to get some damage mods on jewelry like +added ele/phys damage and crit. However, if the jewelry are shaped/elder, they could still be expensive just for their base.

    Jewel :

    %life + whatever %damage modifiers that apply to the most popular skills in the current league (ex: winter orb or soulrend)

    Also, most rares are trash, so many people don't bother picking them up and id'ing them, unless they have good bases.

    A good item base can mean:

    1. High ilvl (84+)
    2. Elder/shaper
    3. Abyssal
    4. Specific items which are famous? to be good for crafting? for each slot? (Harbinger bow, Astral plate, Flaying knife, Hubris circlet, Bone helmet)
    5. Have some sort of a popularly used gem effect as a mod
    submitted by /u/Tazdingoooo
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    Charan's Instability - another worm build

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    Suggestion for Temple of Atsoatl: let us choose the room of the final Incursion.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:05 AM PDT

    From the start of the league i've been aiming to take all the rooms with crafting recipes to tier 3.
    i've been playing 2-3 hours per day on workdays and 8+ during weekends.
    and yet i still have still to get 2 recipes (traps and another one i don't remember right now) and just yesterday i managed to get my first locus of corruption.

    i'm not saying to remove the rng in the room selection but i remember many times where i was hoping up to the final incursion to get a particular room and never got it again.
    back in betrayal i was also ignoring remaining incursions in a map if i got the room i wanted in the first/second incursion since you can't get the same room more than once in the same map (and still that one was a challenge i didn't complete in order to get to 36).

    GGG please, let us choose the room for the final incursion, this could help fix bad situations where we never got the option to open up the nexus, and maybe even make use of the temple nexus room (tier 3 room that upgrades the connected rooms by one level) since in order to be useful it requires a level of RNG beyond every other room combined.

    submitted by /u/dolan_grey
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    Is loot really in a good place? Assessing the value of the unid rare.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 10:16 PM PDT

    I recently watched Chris' GDC presentation. It was good, but I was surprised to hear how proud he was of PoE's item situation. I don't think items are in a particularly good state in PoE.

    I'll list a few of my complaints.

    1. Way too many items drop
    2. Crafting methods far exceed identification as reliable means to acquire gear
    3. Looting is more about finding currency than finding gear.
    4. Mastercrafting is too strong. I think even one mod master crafting is too strong.

    More dropped items means that there're higher chances of good gear dropping. But the incidence of that is so low that most knowledgeable players forgo picking up gear (excluding jewelry due to size) because the time and effort it takes to ID and vendor the gear doesn't compare to killing monsters for more currency.

    Many players are dissatisfied with this because picking up rares was a key experience from older ARPGs that made the players feel anticipation for a good drop. The anticipation is all but gone in PoE, because the stats on any given unid rarely matter.

    Every new league increases the power of crafting while simultaneously decreasing the value of IDing rares. For example, a key mod for ES rings is the fossil mod that gives bonus % of armor ES. This mod cannot be found on unid rings. Additionally, most really strong ES-oriented rings will contain this mod (seeing as it offers easily over +100es as a single mod). Hence the value of any given unid rare ring drops because they can't even compete if they dropped with a pile of perfect rolls.

    My personal suggestion is to decrease the quantity of loot that spawns, but offer some special advantage to unid items, e.g a special unid-only pool of powerful mods (seen before, but perhaps implemented much more plentifully). Other solutions are present, but I'm not going to pretend to have every answer. Alternatively, reducing the power of crafting may also serve to increase the relative power of unid gear.

    What I am not suggesting is that we make all the best items in the game only drop as unid. I am, however, suggesting, that we put power back into unid items so that they may compete with some of the strongest items. Furthermore, pushing crafting away from the middle-tier of rare items and towards the very high-tier of rare items.

    These are my thoughts. Given that Chris seems to be proud of items in PoE and considers crafting additions to be a necessary part of every league, I don't think they have any plans to change course. That said, there has been some sentiment towards increasing the power of the unid rare. Perhaps with enough of the popular opinion we can change some minds at GGG and have them reconsider the direction that looting will take in the future.

    submitted by /u/Arakura
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    3.6.3d Patch Notes

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    Relationship Advice: Get someone who looks at you the way that Nugi looks at Ziz.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    After yesterday's "PK", I present the highest moment in my PoE life!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    Unveil trick no longer works as of last patch

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    Remember the trick where you could scour a chest with 'added curse' on it and then use the safehouse bench to add vieled mods and it would automatically readd the 'added curse'. Essentially giving you free unveil.

    Gone after last patch.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Billy
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    I am running a POE inspired Dungeon & Dragons campaign. Here are some Keystones as Feats in DnD.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 04:28 PM PDT

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