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    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Is anyone else getting a little exhausted by the DPS arms race?

    Path of Exile Builds Is anyone else getting a little exhausted by the DPS arms race?

    Is anyone else getting a little exhausted by the DPS arms race?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    Every time I'm theorycrafting a cool new build, I get to the end and it's like, "Welp, this build only does 500k dps, so I guess it's worthless." The amount of life endgame enemies have is just so insanely high these days, it feels like if you're not playing something completely overpowered, you might as well not even bother. If your build is overly reliant on buffs and the buffs run out before the boss is dead, you're fucked. I quit the league after reaching ~T10 or so maps with my most recent build, and the damage just felt so bad despite the fact that I'm doing around 1M dps fully buffed. And that's after dumping 20ex worth of currency into it, which is most of my currency for the league. I feel like I would've been better off just spending that currency to upgrade my Stormbrand Archmage build instead of trying to craft a fun janky build, cause janky builds just can't do content even with significant investment. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but does anyone have any advice on how to avoid burnout when it feels like you're shoehorned into playing the most powerful meta builds of the league?

    submitted by /u/derivative_of_life
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    24M DPS Tectonic Slam Berserker 3.10 Oni-Goroshi

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Herald Stacking with 70 ex ?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    Am I able to do herald stacking build with 70 ex

    already have Awakened Controlled Destruction + 1 Medium Cluster with heraldry and porpousfully harbringer, any pobs?

    submitted by /u/EDContagion
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    Herald Stacking But Still Squishy, What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    I've sunk almost over 80 EX into my build but I still feel a bit squishy mapping and I recently failed the last Simulacrum wave. I'd say it's because of my chaos res but also my low ES.

    I'm close to getting enough to get my 3rd 5 passive voices today but I have Endbringer + PH gems ready which should put my dps closer to 10m but I feel my ES is pretty low at 5k.

    This is my current 2 voices build at roughly 3.5m dps

    Build after 3rd voices with 9m dps

    How can I improve this?

    submitted by /u/get_s0me
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    Dumped 90 EX to make a Cyclone champion and i do ZPS.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    There's something extremely wrong with my poor champion.

    Mobs take ages to clear in t15+ Maps and Bosses take a few minutes.

    I have looked trough my build alot (with a friend too) and he is just as confused.

    If anyone is Bored and wants to look trough whats wrong i would be very happy!

    I have no idea why that could be.

    Here of course the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/N33g78ZA

    UPDATE 1: Picked up a very beautiful crit chest for 6ex which i have to crusader slam because it has an open prefix and is itemlevel 85.

    Decided to drop the block memes and pick up impale nodes (biggest mistake here i think) thanks everyone for taking the time and giving suggestions!

    Update 2: Changed the skilltree and clusters and switched some gear for impresence (build does stuff now. Trying awakener 8 in a bit)

    Update 3: Awakener went pretty smooth. Happy with the build now. Could be alot faster for mapping tho.About to crusader slam the chest. Cant slam the chest because its already hunter influenced (learned something)
    Here is the updated POB after awakener 8: https://pastebin.com/jet7MqsQ

    submitted by /u/Whiplash420
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    First league - Cyclone Impale build - STUCK

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:53 PM PDT


    Playing my first league and I am more or less stuck. Have been following Bergerbrush's build (see link below, Thanks Bergerbrush for the time spent with this guide! Much appreciated) more or less but cant get it to progress above T13-T14 maps and even then its rippy. T11 is safe and fast.

    Fully aware that parts of it is simply down to me dying because I am still noob but also believe I am low on defensive layers. I am poor as well. Might be able to muster 2 exalts right now.

    Any tips would be appreciated, obvious upgrades, skill tree changes, easy craftables etc. Which skills to prioritze for 20+ quality (currently levelling cyclone & impale +20% quality gems in secondary weapon).

    Any help would be appreciated. POB below.



    submitted by /u/Phiandros
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    Testing out a 15 impale Stacks (Min-maxed) Shattering Steel *NSFW

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Build around headhunter.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    Hi exiles,

    I've played caustic arrow trickster this season and now I've finally farmed enough for the headhunter. I've never tried it before and I am looking for a new build to optimalize the HH effect.

    You got any tips for me please leave me a comment =)

    submitted by /u/Lytriz
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    Specific Voices Herald/Aura Stacking Build Specialties?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    I'm going to be transition to my end of league character and have decided to go the Herald-Stacking Guardian, as it seems very strong and will likely be removed from the game after this league.

    There seems to be very few guides as the possibilities with this build are endless, but I was wondering in regards to the used skills that show up most often on poe.ninja - what exactly is best for which situation?

    I've come across some info that says that the Arc version is mainly used for Simulacrum farming, so what exactly is the best mapper/bosser/zoomer/etc? The other version that pop up most often are Ethereal Knives, Divine Ire, Power Siphon, and Spark

    I'd prefer my character to be as quick and safe as possible but without sacrifices single target, as during self-isolation I'd like to make my first ever push to 100.

    submitted by /u/kramman1
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    Need Help With My SSF Champion Build

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    I was wondering if anyone here can take a look at my build and see if there is anything they would change regarding my skill tree (or my gear).


    My build uses lacerate with impale. I just started doing T14 and T15 and i get almost destroyed sometimes. One of my maps had influenced with elder influence on top of that with extra monster damage and 60 decrease recovered rate of life and mana. Another map i did was also influenced but with 100% of physical damaged gains as fire and lightning with extra monster damage and attack speed. My dps feels fine up until I start doing T12 to T13. Is it just the maps mods that are getting me killed or is it my build?

    Bonus Question:

    Would it be a good idea if I just reroll maps that have crazy mods. (For example, maps with two mods that give monster extra elemental damage or cursed with elemental weakness and minus maximum elemental resistance)?

    submitted by /u/Echo-Lynx
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    Lucky Lightning Crit Spectres Build Guide/Showcase

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    LF Advice on my Fireball Assassin

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:08 AM PDT


    I can farm t16s and influenced maps and can sometimes get away with 20/20 simulacrum depending on the mods but I was just curious if anyone could see any glaring issues w/ the tree or if their was something I could drop for a cluster jewel and/or what cluster jewel to aim for. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Peneaplle
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    Unhappy with Animate Weapon build, need possible re-roll ideas that won't require buying new gear in every slot.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    I like the play style of minions - killing and looting at the same time, but i hate having to summon 15+ knives every time i enter a new area.

    Here is my PoB

    i was looking at Volatile Dead spellslinger as a possible alternative.

    Not much funds (~10ex) since I just migrated from SSF and havent sold much yet.

    submitted by /u/TallWhiteandNerdy
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    Looking for a fun lazy build

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    I've started to play on Xbox while my son naps each day. I've built a double strike/flicker strike build which has been pretty good but I feel I want something different. I found a Golemmancer build which seems fun and easy but didn't really have a leveling guide with it same with a herald build. I've played a cyclone build couple leagues ago which was a lot of fun but being on Xbox I feel a "lazy" or "no click" type build would be best.

    submitted by /u/Nj_Mangler
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    New end game build

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I started with cobra lash assassin and swapped over to cyclone impale champ. I can do everything with comfort now, so looking for something new to try. I've dumped a shit ton into herald stacking twice and storm brand heiro but kept going back to my champ.

    I have a 100ex budget and honestly just want and new build to hold my interest. I know everyone wants this but would like speed, awesome clear and boss killer (defensive layers if you can add it in somehow)

    Any build suggestions are appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/frankietomatoe
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    ED/Contagion + Bane Trickster Build Help needed

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    Hi Guys!

    I have driven my league starter very far and am into t16 now. Killed Shaper and Simulacrum up to 20 (but could not kill the chaos damage boss)

    Clear is nice, Survivability is ok and boss damage is rather low.

    I am going full Hybrid and doing damage via a 6L ED and 5L Bane.

    I would love if someone could take a look at my POB and tell me if my Skilltree can be optimised. Or if I even should let go of the Hybrid role and focus on either Life or ES (my calculations showed that I got the most EHP with Hybrid, but I might be wrong).

    Furthermore I am one-foot into dodge/Block but cannot figure out how more would be possible (without reducing my ES massively)

    Besides that, what Item-Upgrades should I focus on? Mainly a nicely crafted Bow?

    Thanks guys, any help is appreciated.

    POB: https://pastebin.com/V77LvJAm

    Edit: Current budget for any upgrades is 5ex

    submitted by /u/Maeghkor
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    How do you best maximize Rallying Cry?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    I'm running a Glacial Hammer Warcry Zerker (2h). It's fun and I've got a ways to go, but I'm unsure of how to maximize the buff from Rallying Cry?

    I've currently got:

    • 2x Mob Mentality
    • 2x Cry Wolf
    • 1x Rattling Bellow
    • 1x Lead by Example
    • 1x Warning Call

    My tree is currently focused on Life + Cold Damage (100% conversion).

    submitted by /u/Kunrala
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    Newcomer here, any great build to start? Budget=0

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm in need of a starter build, I have no currency, so it's need to be a free one. I know basic gameplay so any build is welcomed. I will appreciate all the info I can receive! Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/JMarchisone
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    Need advice on how to get beefier with Storm Brand build

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Hey guys. Running a hiero storm brand build without watchers eye & using sanctuary of thought. Basically "copied" the top dps builds on poe.ninja but feeling discouraged with my defensive stats even though I have 8k ES. Damage feels good even though 100% delirium is slowish and I die on wave 20 and generally get 1 shot by big bosses. I'm looking to cap my fire res and get a freeze flask. I don't have enough currency to make this build better and without Skyforth and Watchers eye I feel like I should reroll to a trickster version that uses Eshroud/MoM.



    submitted by /u/VeniVediVici_yourMom
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    Storm Brand Heirophant Help

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    This is my first time playing Storm Brand Heiro, and I'm just curious where I should dump more currency into.

    So far it feels solid, but there is ALWAYS room for improvement.

    Thanks in advance!


    https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Belial2013 (Elemental_Skemmdir)

    submitted by /u/Undehd5488
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    Need help storm brand trickster

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    know my wand needs a major upgrade but other than that can someone help me with my dps. I play on ps4 so it's not easiest to find gear My POB: https://pastebin.com/6iMNcpdM

    submitted by /u/BathroomBreakAndy
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    Which One With Nothing build is the best?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    Preferably a forum guide/ YouTube video, but I appreciate all inputs! :)

    submitted by /u/jyvenyu
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    Which explosions chain?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    Specifically the "when enemy dies, it explodes" type explosions, and by chain, I mean the ones where one enemy exploding can lead to another enemy exploding, even if they were untouched by the player's direct actions. I know I found a list of these once, but I can't find it again and all I can remember from it is the Occultist's curse based explosion, and I'm not even 100% certain about that.

    I'm just wanting to look at creating a build that focuses on killing one enemy and having its death trigger the deaths of everything else on the map, or as close to it as I can get ;)

    submitted by /u/allenpaige
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    Looking for the last build of the league, ~30ex budget to start

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    Hey, as the title says I'm looking for a build that can be started with 30ex or less of course.

    So far this league I have played : Toxic Rain Trickster, BV Poison Assassin, Wander Poison Assassin, Cyclone Berserker Warcry, Trickster Hybrid and LL Stormbrand, Hierophant Stormbrand and Carrion golems Elementalist...

    As you can see I'm a altholic and I'm looking for a last build to hopefully stop rolling toons. I'd rather avoid mines and minions since I've played them extensively in the last leagues.

    I really want a good clear speed and above all, tankyness

    Hope I'll find a last build to play this league in this post

    PS : English is not my first language and I'm on phone, sorry if the post is bad looking/grammar.

    submitted by /u/Nistixe
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