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    Path of Exile Builds My thoughts on Esoro's facebreaker max block gladiator

    Path of Exile Builds My thoughts on Esoro's facebreaker max block gladiator

    My thoughts on Esoro's facebreaker max block gladiator

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    My motivation for changing builds to this was threefold. I died a lot (1500 deaths this league over 3 characters, no fucking joke), my lvl 95 stormbrand trickster got to a point where it can do 95% of content (outside of 100% t16), and I had 25ex to blow and did not want to invest in 40ex purchases like watcher eye and awakened gems.

    This is my take on his build. It is what I could afford, and it is what I built. I am nowhere near done (level 85 or 86, need to be level 93+ for sockets and stuff). I am also nowhere near good at this game to claim that my thoughts mean anything. I am a new player, where 3.9 was me figuring out what the fuck PoE is and 3.10 being where I actually cleared content and got firsts (sirus, shaper, uber elder, etc). I want to reitrate I am only level 85, and those next 10 points will pretty much be jewel sockets which could provide significant QoL and dps and tankyness, further.

    Im gonna outline my character, costs (at an estimate), what I'd still need, pros and cons, and my overall thoughts.

    Character: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/rriparetti/characters?characterName=facebreakergladiator

    Shield: 2-3 ex

    Belt : 3ex iirc

    ring: 9-11ex, price has increased due to video

    ring2: cheap, 10-20c probs?

    ammy: 2ex iirc, near perfect crit chance

    chest: hard for me to guess, I see similar chests worth ~1ex https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/pK3966Wi0

    Boots: 50c?

    Helmet: 50c again iirc? I cant remember.

    Gems: 1-2 ex at most (got all 1/23 gems, that is level 1 +23% quality). This was largely unnecessary and you could probably do GCP recipe for....the cost of alterations/transmutation/wisdoms or w/e the orbs cost.

    What I am missing and what would make me feel like the build is complete: appropriate enchant on helm (few ex), explodey chest(10ex+), jewels for res and accuracy (??not sure), and another ring (could be another 11-12ex). Not including awakened gems which are probably another boatload of exalt orbs for a decent increase in dps, and a watcher eye for dmg.

    According to the above, I spent maybe 15ex on this. I do not feel as strong as my storm brand, but I do feel like I have died a whole lot less. With my 4th ascendency which was a pain to get (take off your abyssus helmet!!! traps fuck you up), I get 79% block and have 14k armor and 3.8k hp at 85, and I have 2m dps with impale.


    1) The only thing that kills me is bleed and non projectile based AOE (standing in bad)

    2) The sustain feels great with block and life leech.


    1) I die really fast if I dont stop my bleeding, or stupid ground fire/poison maps. those are tricky and require you to zoom. But if you zoom while you bleed (i.e. run or hold cyclone) you kill yourself in sub 1s or something dumb. Genuinely frustrating.

    2) Not sure how league starter viable this is. I really should have tried to build this kinda "league start" where I'd make money off whatever chaos or raw materials I'd find. The flip side of this, is that if you have a few ex to blow you can get BiS items and use them around level 30 (facebreakers, amulet, belt) and 60 (surrender, rings, abyssus)

    3) The heavy use of unique means you are REALLY strapped for resists. I dont think this was made clear in the guide, though I definitely could be wrong. The tree does give a lot of resists, but if I replaced my rare ring I'd need like 3 or 4 jewels to give me elemental res to be capped....which seems subideal to say the least. This relates to #2, as I dont know how cheap resist and life heavy boots and chests are.


    1) Damage seems meh at the expense of great survivability. We arent herald stackers and cant do dumb dps and have dumb tankyness. We seem to give off a little bit of damage. But note I am not build complete. i dont have a splodey chest (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YOxMGm7v9o) and I dont have another circle of guilt ring, which would double my dps from 2m to 4m....

    2) Clear seems awkward, kinda relating to #1. With stormbrand, I was able to clear off screen and on screen in a blink of an eye. I noticed i'd have to really take my time to go do circles while doing circles (heh) and making sure I cleared everything. Explodey chest seems like it would add some QoL.

    Overall thoughts?

    If you want to not die, the deaths speak for themselves. I literally went to this build to not die, and I have severely reduced my deaths. I have died like 60 times leveling from 1 to 85. I took some shortcuts and used breachstones to blow through 73 to 85. I can tell you what my biggest struggles were. A2 boss vaal robot thing really fucking hurts and you lack damage big time. Bleed if you arent careful will really kill you while mapping. 4th uber lab traps will really fuck you up if you dont take off your abyssus. A lot of my deaths were due to the lab (15 tries or so) and bleeding, and then that god damned A2 boss.

    This champion is very tanky (unless you bleed), this champion is very quick (unless you are in cyclone which slows you a bit) and this champ does moderate dps in a small AoE (compared to stormbrand).

    I will probably use this as a league start for 3.11, and I will either use the currency I got from running this dude to fund another character once I have 10-20ex (enough to buy a 4ex 6L unique + other shit) or I will spend it back and make this dude near unkillable. Unless I can find something that has better clear, better tankyness, and better mapping/zoom/clear that scales with investment than this build....I will follow this.

    Though...right now? There is little reason to play him over my stormbrand trickster who probably has maybe 20-25ex worth of gear. Better dps, way better clear, though I die a bit more. Its not fair to compare though, as I still have more critical upgrades to replace on my facebreaker, and the stormbrand has 10 more levels than my facebreaker....so def not fair to compare.

    submitted by /u/tingstodo
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    I feel like there is a damage conversion build I could do with this wand I just found. I'm fairly new, but love the game and would want to learn more through a fun new build. Thank you.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Dissertation on Bodyswap

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Man did I want this skill to be good. After a few different variations of Bodyswap, here are my thoughts.

    I initially tried this league as a Necromancer, using Aukuna's Will + Mon'tregul, +1 corrupted Vix Lunaris and 21/23 zombie (level 33 zombie total with 130,000 HP), Corpse Pact. This would give a 7800 BASE DAMAGE nuke, and PoB calcs it at around 800,000 damage on a single bodyswap.

    There aren't a lot of ways to scale Bodyswap, spell damage doesn't effect the corpse explosion, and AoE nodes are scarce. Support gems are Inc AoE > Combustion > Ele Focus > Fire Pen > Inspiration. Nothing else will actually buff the corpse damage, aside from Conc Effect (but we want bigger aoe so I opted out of this).

    The problem with this build is how clunky it feels to actually stop a cast a zombie while clearing. It really defeats the purpose of zipping around with Bodyswap. The damage with zombies still didn't even feel high enough to confidently clear bosses, so I ended up using a weapon swap + Cremation when I got to bosses.

    After cluster jewel stacking some MEGA area of effect with Towering Threat + Assert Dominance and swapping, Bodyswap was eventually able to clear maps at a very respectable speed. Single target damage still is poop tier so I keep Cremation on the side. Swapped to Elementalist since the zombies don't do anything for us. This lets us get a fat Herald of Ash fod even better clear and golems for free stats.

    After toying around with the skill a lot, I learned that the skill can be animation cancelled with other movement skills. This makes the damage go off, and immediately blink again for some cheeky, potentially good strategies. I can show some videos of how it works, but trust me when I say that it's cool as fuck and possibly the saving grace of this skill.

    It is kinda sad that corpse popping is still just not that good even if you spec really hard into it on a corpse popping skill but I guess we gotta make this skill work in other ways if we want to use it.

    submitted by /u/SmarmyPapsmears
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    Crit Arc Assassin - how to improve?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    Hi again guys,
    Right now I'm testing a build I took off from poe.ninja (top arc build i suppose), and it's quite fun. I like the gameplay and the balance between bossing and mapping. But right now it's just a scrappy build made from what I had in stash. What should I improve on? I'm still learning the game and some things aren't so clear to me.

    Here's my pob:

    Right now I have about 3ex in currency, farming more. What I aim to do is probably some endgame. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/whev3
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    Looking for a new build idea in SSF

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Hey there. I've been cruising t16s in storm brand hiero and it's very effective and fun (which kinda surprised me tbh) and also did some t16s in bergerbrush's cyclone. Between those 2 builds I can easily do 20/20 simulacrum and Sirus, which is nice news in SSF (since I'm not very ssf-experienced).

    Here are my toons if anyone's interested: https://poe.ninja/challengessf/builds/char/viray/SeizeTheMeansOfLooting - hiero brand archmage https://poe.ninja/challengessf/builds/char/viray/Confused_Centrifuge - bloodseeker/abyssus cyclone (immortal unless oneshot) (I've tried migrating to a Facebreaker cyclone without Abyssus but with 2 shitty HoP rings, but it's worse, with my current gear - dps is cut to half, and survivability is worse than in the current Abyssus version.)

    Now I'm starting to look for something else, since the gameplay is getting a bit stale. I have some decent items stashed, bo th rare and unique - but nothing too crazy. I didn't have any luck getting Ivory Tower and only have 4/8 divination cards needed for Shavs, but I'm slowly working on it. I've managed to find One with Nothing, but that's about that regarding fancy Delirium drops.

    So - I'm looking for something able to farm t16s with 20% delirium on it (since I have a limited delirium orb pool I think 20% is the best choice to make them last). It should be capalbe of handling map bosses/metamoprhs, but doesn't necessary have to be able to kill Sirus as I can do that with my other toons.

    Builds I'd rather not play atm:

    • totems, minions, mines, traps
    • CoC as I don't have cospri's or CoC 7l weapons
    • Storm Brand as I've had my fun with it this league
    • Cyclone, because of the same reason - unless something OP comes along
    • Glass cannons: Berserker, Abyssus etc

    Builds I've looked at or kinda tried in this league, but without great success:

    • Hollow Palm whatever - I've got Cyclopean Coil and Starkonja's for basis, but I'm missing Wildwrap or Garukhan's Flight, and only have 1/3 cards needed for Astramentis atm, and farming goes slow. I was thinking (previously) about a cyclone variant, but it doesn't seem any stronger from any other impale version - and those have 3 more item slots to balance out resistances & get more defences. And I'd rather not play any glass-cannon Berserker versions.
    • Bleed bow gladiator - I've got it to maps, about 2 weeks ago, but I was missing a proper bow. Now I've managed to get a ilvl 83 elder bow and I might try to craft it. What I'm worried is it possible to get to the power level needed for clearing 20% t16s with ease? I've seen most of the people using this build as a starter, and then migrating to something stronger
    • CA and/or TR trickster - I've stopped at white maps because of the lack of gear, but might want to pick that up again.
    • BV poison assassin - without Asenath's gloves the clear seemed to be meh in early maps. And it seemed to be a very squishy, sadly.
    • I wanted to try some VD spellslinger variation, but I'm worried about its viabaility for 20% t16s.
    • some kind of spark variant, I've even got Voidwalkers stashed in case I make this build
    • I'd like to try Harold stacking before it gets nerfed to oblivion next league, but I'm lacking Voices

    Important items I'm missing are:

    Shavs (work in progress), Ivory Tower, Ryslatha's Coil, any decent Synthetized ring, any Voices, Nebulis, Astramentis

    Important items I acutally have:

    Cinderswallow, Pandemonius, Prism Guardian, Kaom's Heart, 6l Lioneye's Vision, Lioneye's Fall jewel, 6l Inpulsa, Wise Oak, One with Nothing, Lion's Roar (took me 2 weeks of farming), Thread of Hope, 2x HoWA, Alpha's Howl, Presence of Chayula, Might of the Meek, 5x Fevered Minds, Cyclopean Coil, Shaper's Touch, Pledge of Hands, Soulwrest, Devouring Diadem, Impresence (Despair), Choir of the Storm, 1xCall of the Brotherhood, 1xVoid Battery, Lycosidae, Essence Worm, all 3 Combat Focus gems, 798% and 800% Facebreakers (waiting for when I have double corrupt ready); etc

    I also have 2 tabs of uncrafted cluster jewels, most of them with 2 / 4-5 / 8 passive points with different skills, waiting for when I find some build where they can find a home. Only 2 herald jewels though (and still no Voices)

    What I'm currently doing:

    • I've got stockpiled 50 red tier Niko missions, and I just got to monster level 83 in delve
    • I have about 10 Simulacrums ready to run, just trying to process the incubators from previous runs first
    • I've got about 1k chance orbs & 0,5k scourings stashed in addition to 9 Ancient Orbs in order to try to hit something (but probably won, as is tradition)
    • Casually farming Shavs & Astramentis
    • Building a map pool for farming Burial Chambers - mostly for Maligaro's Virtuosity cards (got 2/9), not really aiming for a HH (got 2/64 atm from Nurse cards, lol)
    • Burning all Jun missions in order to upgrade 29 Esh/Xoph/Tul Breachstones (and get some scarabs too)
    • Burning all Zana missions hoping for some Synthesis maps, but without great luck so far
    • Burning all Einhar missions hoping for Farrul's Fur, got only 2 meh drops from other bosses thus far
    • Killing Shaper and Elder when I can, I've managed to get one uber elder done deathless, which I'm very proud of (previously I've only managed that using zombies during zombies league). Nothing super fancy dropped yet
    • Getting a bit bored of archmage/brand playstyle and a bit down about oneshots on cyclone. They still can do 20/20 in Simulacrum, but I'd rather proceed with something different further on in difficulty.

    Any suggestions are welcome!

    Oh, and my budget is 15 ex, not that it matters in SSF :P

    (sorry for the wall of text, got a bit bored)

    EDIT: Yay, I've just added Pandemonius to my stash!

    submitted by /u/the_elmo
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    CoC Blade Vortex?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    Would a CoC balde Vortex build be any good? Would only blade blast be worth or any other skills?

    submitted by /u/DrakoXNinja
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    Why does my ice shot/barrage feel bad

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    I'm usually a 1 character a league player so I play something tanky that can do all content. Thanks to staying at home I have a lot more free time and thought I'd try a clearing/dps build and settled on Esoro's ice shot dead eye I've also taken some more inspiration from this. I'm loving the clear of the build but the single target from barrage is disappointing at best and with such low life ~4k it dies to a light breeze.

    I've got about 10ex liquid atm, and maybe another 10ex in stuff I could sell. Any advice would be appreciated.


    Edit: fixed pastebin link

    submitted by /u/epaphras
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    my 2h bleed gladi needs help

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:32 AM PDT


    this is my 2 h bleed gladi following fastaf `s build mostly. is there a way to get this dude to be able to splinter farm t14 or maybe even higher ? atm i can only do lowest red somewhat safe. the chest sockets are more or less free to use for almost anything. damage is okayish so far - i think - he maybe needs to be tankier ?

    submitted by /u/nixtreffor
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    Question about 'One with nothing'

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Hey, I just got the time to start the league, and I'm thinking about doing a Hollow Palm build that if I read correctly, gives you 'Unencumbered', that says "Being unencumbered is the state of not having any main hand item, off hand item or gloves equipped. If any of those item slots are not empty, the status is lost."

    Yet if I filter ninja for One With Nothing the first 20 builds running 2 Mjolnir and a Repentance gloves. Can't get my head around how does it work or what am I missing.

    Also if you have a good pob/build for it, I would appreciate if you would share it, my friend will lend me 50ex when I start so that's my budget :)

    submitted by /u/adpsy
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    Late league Start - League Starter to End Build for 36/40?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    This late in the league it should be easy to aquire leveling items while leveling. What would be a great build in 3.10 to start now with an easy transition into endgame to get 36/40 on this league?

    submitted by /u/dameu4
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    [SSF] Spellslinger ED / Contagion Trickster - Crafted a +3 Bow, anyone able to convert my current tree to bow?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    I'm drawing a blank on converting to a bow/quiver off of wand shield after crafting a +3 Bow. Not very familiar with bow/quiv as an ED character but it seems like it can send my ED DPS soaring.

    Here is current PoB:


    Went CI b/c I couldn't get a Shav's and had an okay ES 6-Link.

    Any/all feedback will help

    FWIW I have a few 6-Link evasion chest pieces I could convert to if the EHP and survivability make more sense - one is Kentsugi

    submitted by /u/actor-observer
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    Need an opinion on next build

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    I always have trouble deciding on builds and have been having a hard time figuring out how I can make a build strong enough to down Awakener 8 and do end game bossing comfortably.

    I have about a 40 ex budget currently.

    Some builds I am going between are CoC ice nova, toxic rain, or some impale cyclone.

    I have had trouble getting either enough survivability or damage to progress into red maps over the last few builds so I am just looking for some ideas.

    Not really interested in doing storm brand or zomboys as I don't enjoy run around and do nothing gameplay.

    submitted by /u/autoatomica
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    Fun winter orb build 3.10???

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    Hey guys any link for a fun winter orb build that is cheap/budget?? Pls and ty!

    submitted by /u/Shamaladingdang
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    Frost blades berserker or Reave+ bladeflurry champion

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:35 PM PDT

    Hi guys! This is my first time ever playing Path of Exile and after watching a bunch of youtube videos I've narrowed my class+build choices down to these 2 builds. Pros and cons of each? Which is more noob friendly? Or perhaps neither is good for a noob?? Enlighten me please!! Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/brb_taking_a_poo
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    Need help improving Cobra Lash

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Hi there! I know I've posted before about this elsewhere, however things have progressed and I now am in the "optimizing" phase of building.

    My big issue atm is that I currently have just under 4k HP. I'm trying desperately to improve it, but I've hit something of a wall. I'm told that 5k hp is kinda the "minimum" for end game, but I havnt even the most remote clue where I'm going to dredge up another 1k HP... The most I can think of is the 400 hp i could get from the revenge of the hunted wheel, or to some how shave 16 nodes (aka, most my damage) and get at the wheel of life which would be 1k.

    I feel pretty capped as it were equip wise. Everything that can, does have some HP, some of which are very good too, so I dont see how i could add more on my gear. But... I've seen other builds that have 5k w/o having to get the wheel, so it's gata come from somewhere right?

    Any advice as to where to take my build next would be greatly appreciated. Here it is for reference.


    (Do note that in default PoB, the "60% chance for 100% more poison damage" affix doesnt work, you'll have to add i think '+60% increased poison damage' to the chest for it to calculate)

    Last note, dont worry about currency, I just want to know where I can get more HP.

    submitted by /u/The_DigitalAlchemist
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    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    I have started the game and was wondering what I should take from nessa chance to bleed support, onslaught support or ancestral call support. Are any of those need to be going towards the juggernaut build

    submitted by /u/PyroGunz-
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    Need help with Scourge Arrow Assassin

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    So I have yet to play Scourge Arrow, and I've been really looking forward to. I played a Toxic Rain Pathfinder several leagues back, and really enjoyed the "drop your poison and run" playstyle. Scourge Arrow seems to have some interesting mechanics and also seems to be quite a bit better for melting bosses.

    When it was first released, I started working on a PoB for it. Shortly thereafter, they released the changes to the Assassin that added all those cool crit/poison nodes, so I really wanted to try that stuff out. The biggest issue I'm having is finding the balance of crit nodes and poison nodes to take on the tree. Also, not sure if I should absolutely run Coralito's flask or not, as I don't know exactly how crit multi works with poison on the assassin.

    I need some help from Reddit. I also need to figure out a way to generate power charges (which are currently checked in the PoB). The gear in this PoB I believe is just from a random Scourge Arrow guide that someone made a few leagues back, so it's probably not ideal.


    Some of my major questions:

    • Which crit nodes and which poison nodes to use?
    • Would that new Assailum helmet be worth using?
    • Is Pathfinder a better choice?
    • Iron Reflexes better for high-tier content?
    • Any no-brainer delirium jewels I should be using instead?


    Any help or advice is much appreciated, thank you! Feel free to ignore my PoB completely and send me a new tree with no gear on it.

    POB: https://pastebin.com/7PAE7E8V

    submitted by /u/jkingds
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    Are zombies dead without big investment?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Hi, like title says, feel like zombies are more slower and "nerfed", then tried slave drivers and they felt fast and so much better... But I prefer zombies... Am I doing something wrong or they are dead for real (with no investment)?

    If I'm wrong could u give me a good zombie build pls :)

    Ps:no investment, I mean with no awakened gems and mace which cost 10 exs and saquals(aspect of avian)... Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/pitajoo
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    Hey everyone- please, suggest a build for me!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    so I just finished 36 challenges and am looking for a fun, all-around build to map for the rest of the league. For context, my previous build was a Cyclone Champion with around 4M boss DPS, and my Budget is ~15-20 ex, depending on how much of my gear sells.

    My ideal requirements are:

    • must have decently fast clear (faster than Cyclone at least) with EXPLOSIONS - preferably Herald of Ice shatters, as I love the sound and my herald effects. As much as I like it, I am not considering CoC since I've played too much Cyclone. Main point here is that it must be flashy and not require as much clicking around as cyclone did.
    • must have 3M+ sustained boss DPS, and at least some layer of survivability, so I am able to run my favourite endgame content (mostly Conquerors, Guardians and Simulacrums - don't care much for Sirus or Cortex).
    • would be cool if I could use cluster jewels.

    Any and all suggestions are welcome!! Thanks a lot.

    submitted by /u/Fredbull
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    Help Fix my Herald Guardian

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    Soooooo long story short... i thought i had enough currency for all my Voices and my heraldry gems, but i didnt, at the moment im left with 2ex.. but have a COC Assassin that i can farm more currency with but want to know where to go first

    im currently levelling my gems so i know ill get some DPS from that but i want to get an idea of where is should go first with my currency, should i grab another PH/Heraldry Jewel? What flask should i get for my last one

    I find im constantly out of mana when casting arc and cant get my final Aura reserved due to not enough life...


    submitted by /u/Recmangs
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    Lightning trap/Lightning spire trap build help

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions to improve this lightning trap build. I feel it may be lacking in damage.


    submitted by /u/Venus_Funk
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    Looking to do a starter char: Max Block Gladiator

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    I went over some of the guides using the glads shield = spell block, however the current popular build uses unarmed which I wish to avoid. Looking to go heavy in life drain nodes and the node that improves drain at the expense of regen. What's a goal % for life leech? Plan to go heavy on physical damage nodes and maybe axe or sword nodes. Looking at cyclone as a main attack but any other suggestions for using self found gear for a long while for a main attack? Looking for any must have nodes on the passive tree for a build like this. Gear wise, it will be luck.

    submitted by /u/GrimborX
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    Flame + Golems - how to tell DPS on POB?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    Hello subreddit, will try to keep it short:

    The build is: 5 flame golems, + 1 of each lightning, chaos, ice and stone.

    So many things I do don't seem to change POB DPS on golems, so I want to hear from experienced golemancers to help. :) It's also (to me) close to impossible to know my total DPS on POB. Is there a way to math all the golems attacking together-ish?

    Most of the time I'm looking at Magma Ball DPS which should be the main attack dealing damage.

    Things that confuse me / random questions:

    • someone told me to try Pledge of Hands, but it seems the DPS is waaaay lower. Am I getting something wrong? (see the second PoB link)
    • Eye of Malice seemed so interesting when I'm cursing with both Ele Weakness + Flammability, but equipping it doesn't change the DPS at all in PoB?
    • I wanted to try Triad Grip with RRRR sockets to convert all Phys damage to Fire on minions, but I also don't get PoB to understand the damage conversion? Is this a limitation?
    • One other thing that I can't seem to get right on PoB is the "Damage increased per golem type" to calculate right. Should I add a Carrion Golem to the build, and run one fewer Flame? I don't know :'(
    • I *love* The Queen's Hunger, but should I swap it out for something else? Would Saqawal's Nest be worth it?
    • I have the option of having "Cast a socketed spell when you use a skill" or "14% Attack/Cast speed for minions" on the wand. I see a lot of people go for the first option to auto-cast offerings. Is it worth it?

    Also: anything else odd that you can spot to help me on my build? I think I've hit a ceiling and I'm struggling to get any noticeable improvements now.

    T H A N K Y O U <3

    Here's the POB with wand + Victario's Charity: https://pastebin.com/7e0fe1V7

    Here's the POB with Pledge of Hands: https://pastebin.com/hp0Uaqu3

    submitted by /u/ikolino
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    Builds like COC?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    I'm playing a version of COC right now, and I was wondering if there's any similar builds to that which can have easy map clear (as simple as COC with holding right mouse button for cyclone) and can also boss really well. I was thinking of Icestorm/Cyclone/CI but unsure if it has super high dps or not

    submitted by /u/Sauu
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