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    Monday, October 5, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Assasin Poison Blade Blast (budget do-it-all build)

    Path of Exile Builds Assasin Poison Blade Blast (budget do-it-all build)

    Assasin Poison Blade Blast (budget do-it-all build)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    This build really surpassed my expectation and became my cookie cutter build in SSF this league. It's a very fast mapper (with poison explosions) and can also output very high singletarget. I did A8 and several A7s deathless and now leveled to 97. I think dodge is an underrated defensive layer and not enough people invest to max it out.

    Many people complain that a good poison BV setup is too expensive or too squishy and this is exactly where this build shines because Blade Blast doesn't need much investments. There is nothing crazy about my SSF gear, some pieces are pretty bad; only uniques are Atziri's Step, Atziri's Promise and double Obliterations, Coralito's is nice for bossing. I think it's also advantagous in many situations that you don't have to stand close like with BV. (very nice to nuke everything behind a heist door from afar)

    This is not "my" build, I took inspirations from a lot of different players. I'm having a lot of fun with this and hope I can help out some others. Note, that this a budget/SSF build, of course there are many possible optimisations, like getting an explode chest would open up your weapon slots, but the guide would be too long if we talk about all that. The budget version is good enough to do everything fast and safe.

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/Ep2WEvE8

    Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwT2C8FRACo


    • 7.1k life (SSF gear), this build has 220% life on tree, bossing setup has 7.4k life
    • max dodge depending on elusive, using Atziri's Step and chest dodge affixes, as well as Quartz Flask
    • Ailment immunity (only needs one chest craft in addition to the tree)
    • Flesh and Stone for blind aura, good evasion pool through gear and tree
    • Wind Dancer
    • other defensive flasks (Basalt, Atziri's Promise)
    • one Cwdt setup (Steelskin or Immortal Call)


    • Fast mapping with Poison explosions. Explosions can apply poison for chaining. And Assasin easily gets 100% generic chance to poison. In the endgame you will probably aim for an explosion chest, but mapping with double Obliterations feels just fine. (the average explosion damage is actually much higher with Obliterations, its just not as consistent)
    • Plague Bearer is the main mapping skill. Fill up your Plague Bearer with one Blade Blast cast, activate Plague Bearer, run around and everything explodes. (see gameplay video)
    • Single target with Blade Blast is so good that I just do Guardians with Obliteration wands and without Wither totems (you still have Withering Step). Only for Sirus I do some gear and gem swaps.
    • Super high movement speed with Opportunistic, Elusive, Smoke Mine and Alchemist's Flask of Adrenaline (and boot enchant)

    Gear: I love Atziri's Step to max out spell dodge. Other uniques are double obliterations and Atziri's Promise which are all easy to get even in SSF. Obliterations can get you some nice corruptions like Unholy Might on kill. The rest of the gear is basically just high life with enough resists. You may need some int and strength and at least one manaregen mod. Cast speed is nice to have. Chest should have ailment avoid craft, I really like my chest that has double dodge mods. For jewels it's nice to have one 5% chance to poison jewel to max out poison chance (you are 95% without). You could also just take the passive near Fatal Toxins. Your abyss jewel should have onslaught (swap for corrupted blood jewel against Sirus). Annoint Overcharged to get all charges while fast mapping. Also get a good boot enchant (manaregen, movespeed).


    • Blade Blast - Vile Toxins - Deadly Ailments - Unbound Ailments - Increased AoE - Void Manip (use Poison support until you have 100% chance to poison without)
    • Bladefall - Unleash - Spell Cascade - Faster Casting
    • Plaguebearer - Empower - Increased AoE
    • Flame Dash - Withering Step - Arcane Surge
    • Blaspemy - Despair - Herald of Agony - Flesh and Stone
    • Cast when Damage taken - Steelskin/Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Smoke Mine

    Possible Gear/Gem for Sirus or something like Cortex (just do Guardians with mapping setup):

    • Use trigger wand (Purifying Flame, Despair) and a shield (Supreme Spiked Shield for 4% spell dodge), the wand should have chaos DoT and possibly cast speed/physgemlevel/spellcrit, could also use cold iron points
    • Marble Amulet and Vitality Aura for liferegen, you might just use a good Marble Amulet for everything, but you could use a DPS annoint like Poisonous Fangs for gearswap
    • Wither Totems (Wither - spell totem - multiple totems)
    • Concetrated Effect instead of faster casting for Bladefall


    • mapping: Atziri's Promise, Quartz, Basalt, Quicksilver (alchemist of adrenaline for superspeed), Instant Life flask with bleed removal - on Quartz and Basalt get curse immunity and the last one can either be cast speed or increased evasion, having ailment immunity is very nice here
    • Sirus: Atziri's Promise, Coralito's, Quicksilver (for maze), double life flasks


    • Level as Caustic Arrow/Toxic Rain
    • After act4 and lab you can switch to poison BV or poison Bladeblast
    • Ascendancies: Noxious Strike, Opportunistic, Toxic Delivery, Mistwalker
    • Tree: Go up to Atrophy first (Force Shaper is only for lvl90+), take "No Witnesses" before you get Uber Lab.
    submitted by /u/VisorX
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    Shattering Steel Glad – My first A8 Sirus Killer on SSF

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    I wanted to write about my "off-meta" build so badly, but I told myself I'd need to kill A8 Sirus first. I league started Ice Crash Jugg on softcore trade but ended up regretting it. I went elemental damage too early, jugg didnt feel that beefy, and I got a chase item super early. All this lead to me switching to SC SSF. I reset my league start. I went SSF. I went gladiator. Hence the name, givingupjuggandtrade. And I succeeded.


    I. The build.


    Bleed. Shat. Glad.

    I saw the design of the steel skills and instantly thought "Irelia" from league of legends. Shattering steel had huge hit and ailment bonus, which made me think "bleed". I scaled the bleed damage and ignored the impale damage, as it was minimal. I think Champion is a trap, but that's a spicy take.


    • Corpse removal

    • Insane clear due to the impaler

    • Pretty zoomy

    • 75/75 block means you can survive a bunch of the games BS.


    • Low ceiling for dps, but most bleeds and DoTs have this issue

    • Reliant on alt crafting or fossil crafting a weapon for end game dps

    • Not the tankiest thing out there, but pretty damn tanky.

    With respect to lacerate, you might eek out more bleed dps. You might be more safer as lacerate is a pseudo-ranged skill. I think both feel very equivalent on 20/20 gems and recoloring my chest. The clear with Shattering feels better.

    With respect to other steel skills, I can't say what objectively better. Maybe a 6L with lancing or splitting steel and a 4L shattering for clear would be the most effective. I love the shotgun feel of shattering steel, mechanically it feels better to me.

    II. Skill Tree

    POB: https://pastebin.com/T5SERpuH

    I lucked my way into dropping an unnatural instinct, which isn't mandatory ofc, just gives me like 60% total res, which is powerful. If I didn't have it, I'd complete the Scion life wheel and take Point Blank.
    Impaler is insane for clear, and is worth the few passive points to spec to imo.

    III. Ascendency

    Gladiator vs Champion

    Champion can be very tanky (see everyones SSFHC Earthshatter Champ) and deal a ton of damage, and naturally synergizes with Impale and fortify. However, I will say that block (75/75) glad feels very very tanky, and bleed explosions helps with corpse removal for dangerous things like porcupines. Shattering steel does more damage up close with ailments and hits, so I figured bleed would be the way to go.

    Ascendency order then becomes: Painforged to Versatile Combatant to Blood in the Eyes to Gratuitous Violence

    I made a Lacerate build last league, and I took Gratuitous Violence as my 2nd ascendency, leaving Versatile Combatant last. That was a bad idea. Do not do that.

    IV. Links

    Shattering Steel – Brutality – Vicious Projectiles – Chance to Bleed – Swift Affliction – Deadly Ailments. I think the 6L is fairly self explanatory, scale the bleed and take whatever gives you the most more multiplier.

    Flesh and Stone – Maim – Herald of Purity – Vitality. Flesh and Stone and Maim is a classic, HoP is a buff to phys damage, and Vitality is ~250 hp per second.

    Cast When Damage Taken – Immortal Call – Tempest Shield – Increased Duration. CWDT and Immortal Call is a spicy one. We generate a ton of endurance charges on kill and on self-casting enduring cry. CWDT at level 1 means we proc Immortal Call often, reducing phys and ele damage by 26%. Steelskin is another option, but I think IC provides better mitigation.

    Hextouch Support – Vulnerability – Reckoning – Life Gain on Hit. Vuln on hit with an automated attack that sustains us a little is a great option.

    Enduring Cry – Second Wind – Blood Rage. Enduring cry linked with second wind gives us more sustain and endurance charges when immortal call takes them.

    Leap Slam – Fortify – Faster Attacks / Culling. Leap slam is the only travel skill I need. Dash was bugged, and was using Shield Charge with Dash, but…I like Leap Slam better though it is less zoomy. Link it with Culling for bosses. I also have a personal vendetta on Dash…if I could link Fortify w/ Flame Dash I 10000% would.

    V. Gear

    It's SSF. Besides Lord of Steel, and a Karui life flask, I have zero uniques. Everything was self found. For item progression for the weapon, I'd say any high p dps axe --> 83 elder axe w/ the right mods. My axe is the best shittiest axe, I bricked the regal and ended up yolo slamming it bc I had the money and no multimod. In trade league, I'd be looking at the herald of purity rings, ryslathas coil, a 300 p dps elder axe with bleed, a curse on hit ring for vulnerability, a 7L lions eye chest, and The Surrender shield. If you were on SSF, I'd argue nothing but capped res and a good life pool is required. Go do elder content for an i83 axe to obtain "60% chance for bleeds to do 100% more damage".

    VI. Thoughts

    I am happy with the build. The clear is great, the dps is modest, and Sirus didn't take 15 minutes to kill. I don't think the build is the best thing ever, but I think it might be better than Lacerate with the Impaler, at the cost of hand strain from clicking Call of Steel all the time. I don't think the build is great. I don't think the build is capable of any crazy dps. I don't think the build is HC friendly as it requires you to be up close and personal vs distanced like lacerate). I DO think the build does modest dps for how shit the gear is, and I DO think the build can do all content on SSF with enough time (and luck w/ fossil crafting an axe). It is a very strong starter in my opinion, and can easily handle whatever the atlas throws at you.

    Ultimately, I'd recommend it as a league starter, and I think champion might be a trap. /u/steelmage202, this is how you should have started ;)

    If you like the guide writeup, let me know. I like doing them, I like explaining my thought process, and I like learning. If you have suggestions, any comments, questions, post them! If you like the content, follow me at https://www.twitch.tv/lowkeyripper for bootleg content like this.

    submitted by /u/lowkeyripper
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    The Power of Transcendence Keystone ~ SA Pathfinder Build Guide

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Suggestions on the actual most braindead Sirus farmer?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    I like speed spawning Sirus but a lot of the time I do it while drinking and half the time I end up bricking my kills. Currently playing poison bv assassin which I will keep for mapping and heists.

    Need a build for Sirus that I would have to really try to fail a kill on.


    submitted by /u/PMCUTEBELLYBUTTONS
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    Need help pushing

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    I have been playing for many seasons. Always considered this my "there's nothing else to play" game. I started to really enjoy it but starting to get discouraged. I have 2 builds right now. Max Block Bleeding Earthquake (79), SpellSlinger Volatile Dead (89). I found the first one is brain-numbing slow. The second is great for clearing but pushing keys starts to struggle. I am an average player at best and don't do well managing a bunch of buttons for rotation. I need help finding something that would push into a higher atlas and let me get some stuff done. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/S4BRE21
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    How strong is Bleed Bow ?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    How strong is bleed bow ? and i search a good bleed bow build can you show me one ? ^^

    submitted by /u/Agneslikeitbig
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    Bleed Bow Gladiator or Champion SSF

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    I'm thinking about rerolling in SSF soon and I kind of want to play a bleed bow character, I'll probably wait until I get an elder bow before I reroll but now I ask myself the question if I should go glad or champion. I also do own a pair of Haemophilia gloves so I could get bleed explosions as a champion as well.

    Not sure what the biggest benefits of each class is besides perma fortify on champion/challenger charges on glad.

    Many thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Shikizakikiki
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    Ball lightning build scion or templar?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    Which is better atm?
    I see in poe ninja that templar have more damage but not sure if poe ninja calculate the archmage support damage

    submitted by /u/Archaon69
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    Automatic bow summoner by CatMasterOP

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Need a solid guide written GC mines

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    I need a guide for a life based GC mines on a budget of 5ex atm. I might switch to LL when I farm more currency. I'm currently lvling my char and having a blast!

    submitted by /u/WhoThatDow
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    Starter Builds

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    Hiii everyone, i going start this league , and i would like for starter builds budget for this league. I always play spectre and golem, but i going try another builds

    Sorry bad english .

    submitted by /u/kwzInncubos
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    Help finishing this axe plz

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    Assassin Blade Blast Question

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    I'm planning on making the phys version of the build build and as im going through poe.ninja looking at different people's setups i notice that almost everyone don't spec into any ailment avoidance stuff, especially on their gear. Do you not need ailment avoidance or stun avoidance for this build?

    submitted by /u/Sufex123
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    How can I improve my build

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    Here is the POB: https://pastebin.com/tjmDwFzi

    It would be nice if you guys could give me some pointers where to go from my current gear/skill tree.

    submitted by /u/PigeonMan6988
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    How does budget Ascendant Aura stacker feels ?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    Currently gathering all the stuff necessary to make an aura stacker Ascendant. Does anyone knows if the build is viable with low-ish investment? I'm currently planning to spend about 3600c (~50ex atm), no HH.

    It is enough to buy all the stuff, but without what seems like luxury items, like 35% aura effect clusters, Bottled Faith, 5p Voices, etc. Is that stuff really that important ?

    submitted by /u/Ynead
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    100% chaos conversion eternity shroud sparker.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    I'm just wondering if anyone has given any thought to a voltaxic sparker now we can get 100% conversion again with phantasmal spark? I know going the eternity shroud route will be very expensive but just wondering if anyone has given it any thought/maybe has some Ideas of how I should go about doing It. Cheers in advance :)

    submitted by /u/spicyAus
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    BL TREMOR ROD SAB , is it still good ?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    Big fan of the build, kind of tired of my current caracter Just want to know if it is still powerfull after bl nerfs this league thanks !

    submitted by /u/RATLORRD
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    Anomalous Arctic Armour and Scold's Bridle

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    I don't know why I'm not freezing people? I think the wording is the exact same as Storm Secret.

    Here is my account https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/dark_footMy only heist toon.

    Trying to use divine ire and take damage to trigger arctic armour freeze; I hear the noise of damage and see my es moving bumping, but nothing is getting frozen from it.

    CWDT doesn't even seem to work with the helmet and Divine ire either. Flame dash triggers cwdt but not divine ire.

    submitted by /u/Mistborn_First_Era
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    Is aura stacker good in 3.12?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    My buddy said it was buffed, but can't find any good guides on the Aura Stacker.

    wanted to look at one for fun with the assumption of having an unlimited budget.

    Anyone know where I can find a guide for this?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/phchang713
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    Long-term build advice request

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    I'm a longtime lurker here and actually had a bit of a late start this league. Did a bit of leveling over the weekend, but wasn't completely sure about which build I would enjoy. So.. I've finally decided to ask for some advice here :)

    My personal goal is to actually stick to a build for over at least a month. To progress into red maps and try to take on a slow but steady approach to farming and challenge completion. I'm very prone to switching all the time so I want to break this habit for this league.

    I prefer builds with 2 (or maybe 3) active skill buttons + 1 movement button. These seem to be the easiest for me to get into and keep playing for 1 or 2 hours each evening.

    Can't say I'm very good at the game, but not bad either. That's also why I want to consistently work work with/ on the same build, to steadily increase both its power and my personal skill and understanding of the game.

    Thus, I've been looking at several builds and hoping that I could get some solid advice on their potential to grow and improve over a longer timespan. These include:

    • Any poison assassin; looked at KB/PS poison wander, bladefall/bladeblast poison spellslinger or poison BV.

    • Ignite fireball / flamewall trickster

    • Stormbrand inquisitor

    I've some of you aren't complete fed up with these kind of requests and made it all the way through the post, I want to thank you in advance for your help! Looking forward to learn and to have fun! :)

    submitted by /u/SworDead
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    Why are there so many item differences for Spectre Summoners? (Syndicate Operatives)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    I've looked over poe.ninja and some forum guides for spectre summoners. A lot of the skill tree seems to be the same, but there are some unique item choices that vary between them. I wonder what benefits the various choices bring, or if there is one build that is better than the others. Things like Jinxed Juju, Devouring Diadem, and Profane Proxy are some of the things that are not used in all builds. And information is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Feed_and_Leave
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    HoT autobomber vs firebv vs cold bv vs cospri nova

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Whats the better mapper and heist runner?

    On 20ex is there one i should start on before transitioning to another?

    I have a necro ready for bossing so it doesnt need to handle shit like sirus or ue

    submitted by /u/ghostboogerz
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    Why my BV doesn't leech ES?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    I have a char with Fire BV and Heart of Flame allocated. However I've noticed that my BV damage does not leech Energy Shield - only when mobs die and explode ES is leeched. Am I missing something?


    submitted by /u/ched_21h
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    Help me figure out where to go next!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    I'm using the build that was posted on the main sub a couple days ago of the ignite trickster fireball that was clearing deleriums. I managed to craft reasonable clusters but I'm still not exactly where I want to be dps wise. I assume that's partially a gear thing but it isn't the dps that bothers me. I feel pretty squishy. I know my life is low, and I need to start replacing some gear (Switched over from archmage version), But I was hoping you guys might advise me on what I should be prioritizing here to get the best bang for my buck as I don't make buttloads of currency. Buying and rolling the clusters was a huge cost. I know 3 notable clusters are better for dps, and I've bought some large ones to work on once I get the rest of my gear in a more stable place. Thanks for any help!!!!


    submitted by /u/DIY_Vagabond
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    Any way to salvage this smite gladiator?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    When I saw the replica abyssus I knew I wanted to try to do something with it, so I planned out a max-ish block gladiator who would use incandescent heart and divine flesh to cancel out the extra damage from abyssus. Using smite as an attack, feels really good for clearing, but the damage is seriously starting to slow down for T13+ maps. Really tanky though, happy with that aspect.

    https://pastebin.com/5vm2AjJf - my pob

    In terms of upgrades there are a few obvious things. I can get an anger crit multi watcher's eye, my other jewel sort of sucks, my sword is pretty decent but could be better, and one of my rings is real bad. Long term I would want to try to fit in a good pair of tailwind boots.

    Even with all that stuff though, it's hard to see this build cracking a million realistic dps. Is there any obvious stuff I'm missing that could push my damage higher? (I swap gems for bosses, so the ancestral call gets replaced with ruthless, which would be ele focus instead once I get my chest white socketed. even that only gets me to 500kish though)

    Appreciate any thoughts! If this isn't gonna work as flat ele scaling I can respec to phys impale bladestorm or something I guess.

    submitted by /u/The_Mikest
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