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    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Path of Exile 3.12 Heist: CwC Chieftain Volatile Dead/Any Spell Skill Baran Map and A8 Sirus

    Path of Exile Builds Path of Exile 3.12 Heist: CwC Chieftain Volatile Dead/Any Spell Skill Baran Map and A8 Sirus

    Path of Exile 3.12 Heist: CwC Chieftain Volatile Dead/Any Spell Skill Baran Map and A8 Sirus

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    Quick Showcase: HoP Poppin' with Bex's hat (budget friendly!)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:01 PM PDT


    Build concept

    Use Maw of Mischief's "Death Wish" to pop your minions and ignite prolif from them

    Minions are Heralds of Purity which auto-sustain and have very high life with gem level stacking (150k~200k), plus the occasional skeleton

    We go Necro for Bone Offering and Essence Glutton, as defenses are MoM/Agnostic and Glancing Blows with on block recovery

    We use Heartbound Loop to automate a bunch of stuff on CwDT, including: EE, cursing, corpse generation, offering, tempest shield


    In the video I (think I) have 2.5~3 mil ignite DPS, which can be pushed to 5ish with more investment

    I have 6.6k ehp (4khp+2.6kmana, 40% mom), Agnostic with 1.5~2k mana regen, 75/60 GB block recovering 400hp and 250mana on block, and blind on most of the time

    [edit:cleaned up the PoB a bit]
    (Death Wish is not well supported in PoB, so modeled with DD - same scaling off 6% corpse HP while DW is 13%. Also has a 10x(minions popped)% multiplier, so ballpark is between 2 and 3 times the DD number)


    Only prerequisite for the build is Maw of Mischief and Heartbound Loop which costs a few c each, plus cinderswallow urn (whithout which you get red burns/ignites which clash terribly with the green explosions, simply unplayable) at 50c and Rumi's at 10c.

    Things you also really want include a +1all/+2duration pair of gloves (typically Hands of the High Templar) at about 50c, a Foible (15c) and a Cloak of Defiance which does not need to be linked, so that's nice (10c).

    Most expensive parts could be cluster jewels, I spent 150c on a large and 30 or so on each medium - but the build works fine without them.

    All other rares and jewels I'm wearing are in the 10-20c range, for a grand total of 450c or so spent (say 500 if you include altQ gems and stuff).

    The build should function well enough to do red maps comfortably on a 2ex budget. Feasible in SSF as maw has a fairly common card and HBL drops a lot (but maybe you don't want to go momgnostic then because cloak and foible can be a pain to get).

    Playstyle & comments

    Just need to tap (0.15s cast time) death wish to pop a minion and clear a pack, keeping the channel only on multiple packs and bosses.

    Pretty hard to get HoPs to run to enemies fast enough to clear well, so I mostly flame dash past them and pop behind me - HoP leash range is fairly low, and we're tanky enough to be able to afford it. You can also double-tap DW which will usually pop some random minion far away, spawning a fresh one on you, and popping that one with the second click.

    Skellies are mostly just there to get the first kills to summon HoPs, and to fatten explosions on bosses (death wish has 10% more damage per minion popped) but you can also summon them on top of packs if you need to be cautious or HoPs refuse to go there for some reason.

    Ignites make the skill a lot more usable than straight hit scaling IMO, I've seen a few videos around here and that looked awful to play tbqh.

    Also all the supporting shit (EE, etc) which a lot of ignite builds have to hand cast is automated, so that's nice - this is essentially a 1 button + movement skill build, which is pretty comfortable to play. You do have to pay some amount of attention to flasks and positioning, but that's about it.

    Defenses are good enough to stand in the middle of porcupines in hard maps and not care.

    Further optimization / alternatives

    Could probably be a trickster without all the corpse shenanigans (but I wanted to see how necro mom/block held up after the multiple nerfs - it's quite fine IMO).

    With better rares I could squeeze in Replica Emberwake which is a casual 30% more damage (the duration is not that much of an issue with a fair amount of it on the tree, circling oblivion, alt deadly ailments, etc).

    I'm still missing some levels, weapon could easily be 10-20% more damage, 21/20 HoP, generally borderline garbage rares, etc.

    Replica Kaom's could be good here but I like having a lot of stuff on cwdt.

    submitted by /u/Peppr_
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    Is Gladiator objectively superior to Champion for Flicker Strike?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    Majority of flicker is being played by gladiator at the moment with a fraction of people using champion instead.


    Is Gladiator the clear winner here?

    submitted by /u/Datmisty
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    [Zizaran] The STRONGEST Melee build in Heist - Impale Ground Slam Champion

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Never been this rich in Path of Exile, what to play?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    So I've been playing aura-stacking carrion golems and its pretty insane but I'd like to move on at this point.

    Got about 60ex, I don't want any mine or more minion builds, id prefer a ranged build and most importantly i want to be kinda tanky, im not asking for a max block glad but i dont want to get one shot every 2-3 maps.

    submitted by /u/braininajar8
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    Hexblast AM Ignite Trickster DPS Optimization

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    I've started this league as Hexblast because it's a new skill and sounded really cool, and successfully leveled up to level 94 (AL7) with playing on and off after work, however I feel like I am hitting a brick wall in DPS.

    Here's my PoB:


    Once I cut off the section that leads to Holy Dominion and repath the starting nodes from Shadow to Int instead of Ele damage as they are now, I will have a total of 9 more points to play with (Malicious intent can be removed for 3 more, total of 12). I can definitely boost my DPS via Cluster Jewels by another 400-500k, but the total just feels extremely underwhelming. Fighting Conquerors at this AL is already pretty painful, as they just take very long to die, and I imagine doing so on AL8 will be a real slog.

    The choice of Acro/Phase Acro may be somewhat controversial, but I feel like boosting block to acceptable levels is very difficult on non-Necro builds, and Agnostic/MoM are just not enough defense on their own. The survivability of this build is actually quite on point, and AoE clear feels good (not that that's very hard to achieve on pretty much anything).

    I've considered going for Enhance 4 on Anomalous Flammability (perhaps even in a +2 socketed support gems wand) which would give me ~22% more DPS over current, but this doesn't really solve the core of the issue and requires major gem reshuffling. Would 4-5 million DPS be possible within a 10-15 ex budget? I really want to make this work because I feel irrationally attached to the idea but I'm getting pretty burned out of ideas.

    In addition to this, proccing EO is a bit of a pain, so if anyone has better ideas on how to achieve it I'd be glad to know.

    submitted by /u/aemerzelis
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    Torn between two builds?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    League starting now which would be better to start with max block glad flicker/earthquake or champion ground slam/earthshatter

    submitted by /u/virgin-behaviour
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    Build suggestions for heist mechanic

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Hello, currently playing sab gc miner for heists only but was never a fan of mines. Can anyone suggest another build that can take on heist? Preferably a ranged build.

    submitted by /u/frankietomatoe
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    Easiest way to get an ilvl 83 elder axe in ssf?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    Title. I just started doing t11-13 maps as a bleed max block lacerate gladiator and was thinking what to upgrade. Of course the axe came to mind with the 100% more bleed dmg. Problem is im not sure where other than elder scarabs on t15-16 to look for it. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Mathev
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    Found a HH - Dont know what to play

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    As mentioned in the title, just found a Headhunter - but got no idea what Build to play, a lot of people mention Wander, Coc or Bow builds - but cant really find any up 2 date Build guides.

    Anyone got some recommendations? Would highly appreciate it :)

    submitted by /u/zefriss
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    Immortal Guardian

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    Salutations Exiles I unfortunately will be away from my PC this week otherwise I would try this myself but wonder if anyone could shed insight on my next attempt at turning a dream into a meme

    The Goal - Farm currency and items from Heist and Delves

    The Tools - Memory Vault Guardian Ascendancy Aegis Aurora

    The Theory - First of all, Memory Vault, Gain armour equal to your reserved Mana. Get Mana value of 10,000~, reserve 99% of it for 10k armour on helm, ish. Secondly guardian Ascendancy, for reserving Mana you gain Energy Shield. Aswell as added chance to block, and bulk life regen and curse cleanses at interval.

    The Ascendancy - Guardian provides a substantial amount of survival focussed opportunity for this build, with Bastion of Hope, block can be effectively maxed at all times, weaving an attack in here and a spell on there provides us with a substantial amount of spell and attack block, which the tree would additionally pick up spell block nodes. Time of Need provides a reduction of curse effect and some much desired regen which will be applied to Energy Shield through Zealots Oath. Radiant Faith in this instance will provide Armour from reserved Life, as the intent is to be reserving as much of this as possible, we can consider 160% of our total life value to be Armour (this is effectively redundant as Memory Vault provides the bulk of our armour). Grants maximum Energy Shield equal to 10% of your reserved Mana. It is safe to say this value will be roughly 1000 Energy Shield. Radiant Crusade provides much needed Resistances and additional Onslaught and Damage increase which can be considered null.

    For the Fellas - Utilising an amulet with bulk Energy Shield # and 20%+ we increase our overall Energy Shield value and multiplier. Energy from Within Jewel aswell as Energy from Naught Cluster jewel should provide a reasonable amount of multiplier and flat value to extend the Energy Value.

    For the Ladies - The use of Shavronnes Wrappings and going into Low Life via Blood Magic can provide additional bonus auras, in this case, Purities and Vitality should reduce us low enough for Low Life, while providing additional defenses. Bonus points for Zealots Oath being taken to Adjust the Stone Golem and Vitality to provide instantaneous Energy Shield regen constantly.

    Bonus Points - My thoughts were to utilise the following Mana Reservations, Discipline (Vaal for an 'Oh Shit' button) and Flesh and Stone. This should hopefully provide enough additional sustain and Crowd Control on top of the ideally max block chance(Glancing Blows should increase the effectiveness of the block attained from Passive Tree, Ascendancy and Aegis Aurora. If necessary, utilising cluster jewels to provide mass Mana/Life which converts to Energy Shield and Armour, will add the scaling. In theory, I would like to incorporate Arctic Armour and Chaos Golem, this could be done via the Golem Nodes by the top of the Passive tree , additionally using Purity of Fire, Purity of Ice and Purity of Lightning would boost the Resistances while not requiring additional investment into them on rares, this however would mean the use of the Pure Might, Pure Aptitude and Pure Guile jewels. This would also suggest the use of additional Mana Reservation reduction such as Skyforth which will cost an arm and a leg.

    Thus - Effectively this leaves us with upwards of 40k Armour, 10k ish Mana and Energy Shield, with 20% from the Ascendancy, and Roughly 60% from the Purity (after Aura Effect) there should be enough room on Gloves and Rings to fill necessary ES and Resist requirements. I do however see one issue, chaos resistance, which will require a particular item or two which will outvalue others, Ming's Heart ring or Death's Rush ring. These two would reduce the value by a lot, if the Chaos resist we do have can get above say, 40% I feel the need for more can be ignored or at most, Annointed. Cleansed Thoughts comes in mind if the Chaos Resistance value can be close enough to 36% which will double to close enough to max.

    The Gems As aforementioned, the majority of the build will focus on uniques, which will reduce Mana Reservation as much as possible and increase Life, Mana, Armour and Energy Shield. The use of gems isn't particularly important as there is no intended damage component to this build, merely, effective immortality.

    Closing Notes Energy Shield sustain via Aegis Aurora and Zealots Oath Vitality with added Aura Effect. Spamming Enduring Cry for additional regen. Finally an attack (zdps) my thoughts are to utilise a 4 Link of Cyclone - Hextouch - Enfeeble - Blind Support. These blinds, on top of Flesh and Stone should make the mobs less likely to hit me, which means the effectiveness of Block (when they do) is essentially more reliable, aswell as the regeneration steps I do have.

    If you made it this far, this is an expensive meme, which hypothetically speaking should be able to afk tank the world, provided my chicken scratch makes enough sense😂

    Best of luck, Exiles

    submitted by /u/SymruinGaming
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    Secret of suffering worth using as ball lightning miner ?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    Secret of suffering worth using as ball lightning miner ?

    I manage to get this pretty good sceptre for my build as a Scion ball lightning miner. I don't know the calculation with sap but is worth dropping elemental focus support to apply sap ?


    submitted by /u/SkumbagSagat
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    Oro's non-crit Flicker Strike Inquisitor EB; doomed? Seeking tips.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:48 AM PDT


    The idea is to use Pious Path's flat ES regen with EB from Diadem to deal with mana cost and allow for full mana reserve. I can get rid of Blood Magic for Vitality if I get 2% reduced mana reserved from implicits.

    When I planned the build I included mana cost of awakened MS and EDWA and didn't account for the fact that multistrike's additional attacks doesn't cost mana, so I ended up overcompensating with ES on hit from Watcher's Eye meant to effectively reduce mana cost. I tried taking advantage of it with MoM, but taking too much DOT makes me unable to attack so, so I opted out of it. If I get more chaos resistance I can probably re-enable it.

    I am stacking life recovery with regen and leech. Divergent Blood Rage should be giving leech in PoB, but it doesn't. I take no reflected elemental damage via pantheon and ring. I can ignore accuracy with Effigon and Flesh and Stone. Tried to get Fortify on Oro's. My cluster jewel setup is unorthodox, but I just need those three nodes and some damage on mediums, more than three smalls take too many skill points.

    The issue is I can't even beat A5 conquerors without dying several times. That means I can't progress my atlas without asking for help. Is there something I can do to make my build better? Should I use some other skill for bosses? Or is it a lost cause. I hate leveling up through the acts, so at worst I'll sell everything and do some other Inquisitor build. Though honestly if I do that I'll probably lose motivation and quit. Tips?

    submitted by /u/WickeDanneh
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    Want to improve my Storm Brand Ascendant somehow. Need some help.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    The build started out something totaly different until I decidet I want to play Storm Brand. Then I decided to want freeze so I bought 2 Call of the Brotherhood for Cold Conversion.
    So far everything kinda works and the DPS is good but I still want to improve it.
    I would like to have better clear but don't know how. Herald of Ice would be nice but don't know how to fit it in without losing out on too much DPS.
    More singletarget would be nice too, like always but not necessary. Survivability seems ok with 7500k ES and ES on Hit Watcher's Eye. Not much to improve except maybe more Chaos resist and/or more ES.

    So what I would like to have:

    • Better clear (would love Herald of Ice)
    • More DPS (like everyone :D)
    • Same or better survivability

    Not sure if a non-archmage would work on an Ascendant. Inquisitor and Assassin seems to be superior if going the pure crit route. Seen some with ridiculous DPS. If it works on Ascendant with other gear and a different skilltree I would be up for it.

    My current PoB: https://pastebin.com/2FmrqtHs

    submitted by /u/Tadian
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    Aura stacking carrion golems vs Irondome, pros and cons of each?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    So what are the pro's and cons of each version? Which one works best on a budget?

    A budget of around 10 ex is what i'm looking for, and probably expand my currency with this build.

    submitted by /u/siegah
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    Hey, I'm kind of new with ~ 150 hours. 800c budget

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    Hi! I have around 800c and wanted to start building something new. Do you guys have any suggestions? I'm kind of an animation junkie I like when cool attacks wipe the screen xd

    submitted by /u/njunjes
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    BV suggestion

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    I have about 20-25 ex saved up for a second build, started golems and feel a bit capped off. Would love to get an explodey BV build, which would you recommend with that currency? I wanna zoom on maps but understand it's not going to be the FASTEST. Cold, poison, and fire, all seem like fun to me but don't know which would operate best with that currency

    submitted by /u/ClassicBench
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    Found this amulet, any good build suggestions to us it fully ?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Best Assassin BV build?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    Im looking to respec my assassin into a BV build, however, there are like 100 different versions and styles for it. What is the best build and the one i should build towards?


    submitted by /u/blzzed
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    New player DPS problem

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm pretty new to the game, only 100h in so far. I've followed a cyclone slayer build and I really don't understand why my DPS is so low thus far. The build is supposed to get around 7M Total DPS and I know I'm not close to almost perfect gear and stuff but only getting about 250-300k Total DPS so far seems pretty bad and I really don't know why...

    This is the pastebin to the pob: https://pastebin.com/5VNqJ2Jm
    (some stuff might NOT be checked, so please point out what is important to know)

    Thanks in advance and I really hope you guys can help me figure out the problems.

    submitted by /u/skylly100
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    TheoryCraft - Lancing Steel + General's Cry + Poison

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    This idea came upon me earlier today as folks were discussing Lancing Steels high hit rate alongside life on hit effects and since I've been using it recently with Savior it made me wonder what other way's you could abuse that sheer on hit effects you can proc with the spell.

    Are there any builds that really on Proj or Attack dmg that could be good templates for a Poison stacking Lancing steel build? Do the mirages from General's Cry proc the poison reliably? Assasin or Pathfinder?

    looking for some solid building blocks to start putting something together and theorycrafting what an attack based poisoner looks like. My only experience is BV poison which is phys/spell based.

    Ideas on where to start?

    submitted by /u/omegaura
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    Best 2nd SSF build?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    SSF - I've got to lvl 92 on my ed contagion trickster, 6l body armour and a 5l cane of unraveling but in mid-high tier red maps my damage is feeling mediocre and I'm not feeling very tanky (atleast in heists) at about 5.6k life 600 es still need my last uber trial for u.lab.

    I've acquired a good amount of gear that could be used for archmage cremation necro but worried if that's going to be clunky. I wanted to try syndicate operative spectres but I dont really have any spectre/minion gear yet and I'm worried it wont be that tanky.

    submitted by /u/jimothyfromtheoffice
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    Ssfhc „viable“ Windripper Build?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:21 PM PDT


    So I dropped a Windripper in Ssf Hc Heist a few days ago and had my current character die just now in a heist crash. I haven't played a Windripper Char in years and don't even know if it's still considered a good weapon, but because of its rarity I feel like it would be a waste not to try it. Any advice by people more experienced with elemental bow builds? Skill and ascendancy choices? I'm thankful for any kind of advice. Cheers

    submitted by /u/wannabeday9
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    Need help with gear upgrades (SO spectre necro)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    I have an 8 ex budget and I have no idea what I should upgrade. My gear is on the low end so I'm not sure what I should prioritize. Here is my pob - https://pastebin.com/vdK8Aw7t

    submitted by /u/Project_Raiden
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