• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Tala Moana, i bought this chest for a Scourge Arrow Alberons Warpath PF, but I found out that it doesn't fit my playstyle. Now, before i sell this again, i wanted to see if there a some creative ideas, what i can build instead around this chest. Maybe some of you guys have an idea Greetings

    Path of Exile Builds Tala Moana, i bought this chest for a Scourge Arrow Alberons Warpath PF, but I found out that it doesn't fit my playstyle. Now, before i sell this again, i wanted to see if there a some creative ideas, what i can build instead around this chest. Maybe some of you guys have an idea Greetings

    Tala Moana, i bought this chest for a Scourge Arrow Alberons Warpath PF, but I found out that it doesn't fit my playstyle. Now, before i sell this again, i wanted to see if there a some creative ideas, what i can build instead around this chest. Maybe some of you guys have an idea Greetings

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    [POE 3.12 Heist] Shaper/Elder NO GEAR(only weapon) - Infractem Bow Replica + Ballista OP

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Looking for a build that can do endgame content relatively easily

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    This league i've played mostly squishy builds that can't really do endgame.

    Can you guys suggest me a build that can do stuff like 100% Delirious T15-16 and endgame bosses relatively easily? Fast map clearing would also be nice, but it's not mandatory.

    Also my budget is around 70-80ex. Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/gabbteg26
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    Pathfinder CoC

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    Need help building a pathfinder bow CoC build, i got about 25exalts in budget.

    I want good clear while having respectable single target DPS ( 5mil ish ) if possible.

    Got inspired to reroll after watching mathil's video but Pastebin is pepega atm so I can't view his pastebin

    Edit : also not a skill like bladeblast/blade fall, currently playing TR and want more off screen clear

    submitted by /u/Derp531
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    Looking for bossing build.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    I am looking for a good bossing build that's easy to use. I am currently using Kays Pure Spectre build. It's great for clearing. Hell to use on bosses to stay alive. I currently got a mirror this league. So will spend around 50ex or so on a really good build. I saw Carrion Golem was dope against bosses, but I can't really find a build made for noobs like myself. Would you guys suggest this build, if so can you suggest a guide? If not what do you suggest?

    submitted by /u/S4BRE21
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    Exilence... Is it legit?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    It's telling me some uniques are worth A LOT more than what is reality.


    This is clearly incorrect by a massive margin, even showing my tabula as 60c..

    submitted by /u/siegah
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    [PSA] Pastebins automatically deleting PoB uploads

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:09 AM PDT


    Seems like this is a problem with pastebins possibly flagging some PoB uploads as spam. I've tried manually making an account to upload the file but after a few hours it gets deleted anyway. It looks like files uploaded from a while ago are being deleted too so check your build and save them on PoB if they're still there before they get deleted.

    submitted by /u/ashetomalph
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    Need build Help! Lancing Steel Deadeye.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:42 PM PDT


    I'm having problems avoiding very fast deaths. Not so much one shots although they do happen occasionally. For example Shaper beam and Sirus beam both melt me in 2-3 "ticks" of damage.

    I think I just need to get good. I wasn't very familiar with the Shaper fight so it was hard for me to predict his abilities. I have killed Sirus on A7 which is pretty decent I guess and I can do most other end game bosses no problem.

    I have few questions and comments:

    How much DPS is "enough" vs being about to survive. I know the answer some of you might say is can't DPS if you are dead and you are right, however, I also don't want to be fighting Sirus or Shaper for 15-20 mins. I have 8.2mil Shaper DPS which is doubled If you account for the Saviour boys DPSing as well.

    Also about the build I use Lancing Steel>Awakened Brut> Awakened Vic Proj>Awakened Chain>Impale>Maim. Chain is fantastic for map clear and the Deadeye Ricochet node gives me a 40% more damage multiplier on bosses which is nothing to sneeze at.

    I also took the bleed Ascendancy Rupture for the life on hit and crit/crit multi. I'm trying to lean into a life leech kind of tank build so any optimizations with either gear or spec in that aspect would be greatly appreciated as well. The Timeless Jewel is currently providing me Corrupted Soul and the other notable I took in that area gives me Might of the Vaal which is providing 16% Cold 9% Lightning and 6% Chaos Resistances as well as 3% curse effectiveness. With the Aspect of the Spider Skill and Fenumus' Boots I can gain an effective form of ES leech as well as a 20% damage increase thanks to the webs. I have considered dropping the Bleed part of my build in favor of going Endless Munitions for the extra proj because Lancing Steel scales ridiculously well with more projectiles. This would also free up some points on my tree allowing me to grab more defenses.

    I'm using an Alt Quality Herald of Purity with the 10% chance to taunt which works surprisingly well as an additional defensive layer.

    My mapping is fine I kill most things before they touch me it 's mostly just the big endgame bosses that are giving me some trouble. Conquerors are all easy, Shaper map bosses (except Minotaur, he can and has one shot me) are all easy.

    I think it might just be my unfamiliarity with some of these bosses as I've only reached true "end game" maybe two other times.

    I am open to any and all suggestions on how to improve the build.

    Thanks for coming to my rant. Any Question or Suggestions I am very eager to hear. Thanks!

    Please Help.

    submitted by /u/Meutofness
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    Aurastacking 50ex budget

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    Should I go guardian or scion? LL or saqawals? Also what medium jewels are good for that price range?

    submitted by /u/Pier_dolony
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    Icicle miner - virgin

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    Salutations Exiles

    So I'm diving into a miner for the first time and boy are they exciting so far, just hit 30 and grabbed Saboteur with the regen nodes because I want to be gliding through content. I guess this is a seemingly original content. My goal is as follows:

    Reasonably efficiently clear maps and bosses up to red maps

    Currently my plan is to revolve around Life Regen and bulk life, aswell as blinds and elusive/phasing

    Ideally my plan is to use gear as follows:

    1H Sceptre or wand - Withering Step + Inc Duration

    Shield - Lioneyes Remorse (or the like of a spell based shield) CWDT + Increased Duration - Immortal Call, bulk life and reasonable block

    Kaoms Heart - Self explanatory, Bulk life and good armour

    Kaoms Roots - Self Explanatory, Stun immunity, Knockback Immunity, Bulk life

    Elder crafted helm - Icicle Mine + Swift Assembly + Controlled Destruction + ???/Pierce , the idea for ??? Is something to assist in bossing, Added Cold Damage?

    Gloves - Skitterbots + Infernal legion + Enlighten, Flame Dash(unlinked) The Gloves will typically be used as a resist and life filler

    Rings life and resists Amulet life and resists Belt life and resists

    The premise I'm going with is approx 1400-1500 base life on gear, this coupled with 200% life on the tree, focussing on life and mine nodes, with some added crit and multiplier, should sustain enough for the clear, the 10% life regen at upwards of 7000hp should sustain enough. Secondly using the elder helm as an effective 6 link enables the health pooling, without too much neglect to damage, obviously I could go all in on a Tremor Rod, which I think with currency dependant, I would do exactly that long term, use tremor in the weapon swap with GC mines or whatever Cold spell will benefit well, to be a purer single target without gem swaps or the like. Thirdly it also provides a reasonable amount of armour to reduce the incoming damage, aswell as phasing and Immortal Call, using the Arakali and Shakari pantheons I'll provide a reasonable survivability against chaos, while taking the following ascendancy nodes

    Pyromanic - first choice, provides immunity to ignite and shock which enables the flasks to focus on better things, bulk life regen at virtually all times, and Mana Reservation reduction to mines

    Born in the Shadows- an additional defensive layer, local blinds nearby, reduced damage from blinded enemies is handy in sustain, aswell as blind on hit and added damage to blinded targets, this damage is fairly negligible but will be useful in it's multiplicative nature

    Bomb specialist - in comes the damage, simply put, more damage, more throw speed, more AoE

    Explosives Expert - My final choice was a tough one, but this is also where the Infernal Legion Skitterbots come in, with this, they provide Ignite , shock and chill to targets, this means Hypothermia will be up permanently, with added Critical strike chance, critical damage and elemental penetration from the ailments

    My final idea is to have Frostbomb hextouch Frostbite in there somewhere which would likely require removal of Kaoms Roots, which albeit not entirely required, it's a flavour choice and the immunity to knockbacks and stuns means we can waltz through without too much hassle. Now this could comfortably replace the Withering Step as elusive and phasing is strong but with this build we can't evade anyway so it may be more beneficial to provide the Cold Exposure and Resistance reduction

    Any Thoughts? Baring in mind, this is not intended to beat sirus, or deal 700m dps, but it's my initial thoughts on how I could make it work with current gear at my disposal from previous builds.

    Final notes, if making it work without too much view of the tree, effectively I pick up as many life nodes as I can, aswell as getting over to the constitution wheel, and stay life based. Rather than the usual LL Shavs versions. As for a sceptre/wand, what would y'all suggest? Also for measure, this should scale out to about 8000 life, which means 800life regen per second on average provided I keep tossing mines about

    submitted by /u/SymruinGaming
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    [Path Of Exile 3.12] COC Ice Nova Budget Build Guide for less than 80c o...

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    Speed farm build

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    Hi so i just wanna hear if there some one here that know if there is a build i can speed farm with for ranger or shadow that have like 150+ movement speed it only have to do tier 1-5 maps for master level grind (alva and jun) im thinking of useing flicker strike or cyclone or really any skill is fine if it can clear fast.

    I have tried my self but any build where i get the speed it it lacks the survivability or dps to work.

    submitted by /u/Its_Evie
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    Hey guys, I was wondering with replica abysuss + voidforge + elemental penetration support do you think cyclone with a bunch of heralds scaled up would be viable?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    I'm trying to plan out the tree here but it's really hard to get sword nodes on witch side. I'm not sure how the damage would come out scaling all those added damage bonuses but it sounds like it could do a lot of damage? I'd use the taming rings as well with it.

    submitted by /u/mlgmombanger69
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    Comparing bleed builds?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    I'm looking at a bleed gladiator for my second build this league. Either lacerate (axe shield), EQ (also axe shield), or bleed bow glad. I'm a pretty new and casual player. I played an EQ jugg in delirium, an earthshatter jugg in harvest (which got to where it could run chiseled, alched, vaaled tier 16 maps consistently, but I topped out at sirius 5), and a totem hierophant this league (currently stalled at tier 11/12 while I decide how much currency to put in to take it to the next level). I've never played a gladiator, but want to try a tanky build that works with bleed. Partly to see bleed explosions, but partly just making the rounds of build archetypes slowly so I understand the game better.

    Any advice on differences between EQ, lacerate, and bow glad builds?

    It seems that bow builds have a steeper gear curve as you need to craft a solid bow to push endgame. Being ranged is appealing to me, as I've mostly played melee so far, and one of my main goals is to learn different builds. If I have 200c or so stashed, is that enough to get a decent bow? It looks like that budget is enough to get a reasonable axe if I follow guides on EQ or lacerate.

    EQ is familiar to me, and if EQ bleed glad plays anything like EQ jugg, I'll enjoy it. But I want to play something different, and I think EQ bleed glad will be pretty similar to the two Jugg slam builds I've played in past leagues.

    I'm leveling a lacerate glad right now. At low levels (lvl 30) it feels a little clunky, but I assume as I get more attack speed and range it will feel smoother clearing with lacerate. I've started with lacerate since it seems to have been a popular choice for a long while now, but so far the need to be at melee range and target directionally makes this feel less smooth than EQ's point blank AOE or bow's longer range.

    Anyone who has played multiple of these builds care to recommend one over the others to a relative noob? If it helps I want this character to

    1. Introduce me to bleed builds in poe.
    2. Be able to run heists safely.
    3. Clear reasonably quickly.

    My totem hierophant has been a solid bosser, but clearing maps and heists has been pretty mixed, so I'm hoping this character can fill in the gaps.

    submitted by /u/emh77
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    [Path of Exile 3.12] Raider Replica Alberon's Warpath

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Saw many other replica alberon's builds recently and thought I'd share my take on it.

    This build is still a prototype and has not been polished.

    Currently I am only level 79 so the video below is only a T10 map (also ignore the flasks).

    Also my current life pool is only 4.3k but the next 10+ levels will all pretty much increase my life, so I'll end up with around 6.5k.

    Here is the link to the PoB: https://pastebin.com/CGK0Pg5q

    If you have any questions feel free to ask. Also any suggestions would be appreciated too.

    submitted by /u/TrueDPS
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    Alberons and secondary effects

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    So, if i wear replica alberons(deal no non-chaos damage) and got somekind of explosion mod.

    Does the explosion deal any damage?

    submitted by /u/SultanKulle
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    Optimizing coc ice nova build

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    could someone lookt at my profile char https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/naimhairix51/characters name: Silvia_ss since my pob is broken atm . i had 10.1 aps and 52% cd ,somehow feeling low damage and oftenly getting one shot. should i changing my tree ? ive no idea 😌. guardian on blue map take a long time to kill ..

    submitted by /u/drysnowyy
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    3rd time trying this game and got a lot further than I thought

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    but I've seem to have hit a wall between t11-13 maps. I've been following Bergerbrush's imapale cyc champion build to the best of my ability but can't seem to progress without having to farm a shitload for the rest of my gear. This is my build so far https://pastebin.com/fEAgcrF5 . Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/rebel3120
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    Ball Lightning ~ Pledge of Hands. How can I improve this build?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    POB Code Unsure if this code works properly, configuring POB for the first time.

    I'm comfortably working my way through t14-16 maps, trying to finish up the atlas. I'm currently at Awakener 7.

    How could I improve this build more? Aside from looking into a Replica Kaom's Heart, my gear is mostly set for now. I could look into getting 21/23 corrupted gems and invest into awakened gems as well, so that's a work in progress. I think looking into optimal jewels would be the next step for me. I am considering looking into better cluster jewels and corrupting jewels for implicit mods.

    Budget is not too much of an issue. Never gotten this far into the game's end game before, so I'm looking for some guidance on how to proceed.

    submitted by /u/Oathkeeper89
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    Static Strike Brain Rattler. Anyone got any damage suggestions?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Brain Rattler looked interestign so POB warrior'd it. I've removed beserk and Conductivity, it's got the 300% shock if that's how the rattler works.


    submitted by /u/DaHedgehog27
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    Can anyone find me an Explosive Arrow build? I can't find anything :(

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Can anyone find me an Explosive Arrow build? I can't find anything :(

    submitted by /u/HaraldWurstWampe
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    Looking for help making my archmage cremation necro more tanky.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/akatosh100/characters character is archmage_cremation

    I'm looking for ways to make my character more survivable as I currently have issues escaping monster level 81+ heists and have a lot of close calls in t15+ maps. The first thing I was thinking was a recover life on block shield but at the moment they're very expensive for even decent rolls. Does anybody have any suggestions for ways I can improve my characters survivability in a noticeable way? I was thinking maybe a cwdt+ic setup since frost shield doesn't really do anything for me as I'm running the agnostic keystone. Thanks in advance for any advice.

    submitted by /u/lolretkj
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    CoC Ice Nova vs Scourge Arrow

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Hey there guys! I want my next build to be one of those above, but I can't decide which one. I plan on doing t13+ 100% deli maps with my priority being speed. I never played either of them soo I have no clue which one will be better. I have hh + 100ex budget, any ideas?

    submitted by /u/sethaxd
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    27 ex delirium mapper

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    I was originally thinking that I was going to go blaze vortex fire, but apparently 27 ex isn't close to enough, my carrion golems build is pretty capped off and I would like to pivot, looking for a zoom mapper.

    submitted by /u/ClassicBench
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