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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - October 12, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - October 12, 2020

    Questions Thread - October 12, 2020

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - October 12, 2020

    This is a general question thread on October 12, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Engineer mind

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Typical allies cannot die in heist experience

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Ah shit here we go again

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    What do you guys think of my current League build?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    Memes faster than my RAM leaks in Heist

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    *Squeezing eyes*

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    Landed on a Waifu Hideout while trading

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Not a mirror, but this thing scares me... :/

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    These simple cloaks are $23.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    !RemindMe 2 months

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    I checked the MTX cloaks and ... oh boy

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Who made this?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Cortex Loot doesn't drop if you get a disconnect

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    [Discussion] Heist's biggest problem is design, not bugs.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    I am one of the lucky few who have not had a single crash, or a single door bugging out during Heist, yet I still hate this league with a passion.

    Heist is so god damn boring.

    This is a glaring issue that has been slightly pushed to the side in favor of the one million gamebreaking bugs and the abysmal launch. But I still feel that the shoddy design of the concept is, and will continue to be, the biggest issue of the Heist League.

    The classic ARPG game loop is extremely simple.

    Kill Monsters -> Get loot -> Become stronger -> Kill harder monsters -> Get better loot

    This loop can in turn get small twists to feel fresh, but it remain generally the same. But with heist they have turned this simple but enjoyable concept on its ass.

    You now walk down empty long winding corridors and pick up as much loot as the alert level allows you, before you finally pick up the artifact and spawn monsters.

    The only break in this mindless box-opening is the 5-10 opening animations you have to watch every single single Heist.

    Then the lockdown takes place, and FINALLY there are some mobs in the empty tunnels. However, the usually satisfying feeling of killing mobs is no longer there. Why? Because GGG has broken the game loop by this point.

    You already have the loot.

    The mobs are no longer a challenge to overcome for loot, but instead just another roadblock on your way out of the arena.

    Between the constant annoyances of being forced to stop and see a door/chest opening animation and the broken game loop, I feel that the whole Heist concept is essentially unsalvageable without massive reworks. No amount of tinkering with rewards and alert bars will save the utter trash that this idea is.

    It was the same with Bestiary. The core idea of NOT killing the monsters, but rather take them down to low health and somehow hit them with your net was so inherently "un-fun" that it forced them to scrap half the league mechanics to make it into something people actually wanted to interact with.

    I can only pray GGG gives Heist the beastiary treatment. Please god don't make it core in 4.13, but completely rework it into something that people actually ENJOY running, no matter how many leagues it stays out of core.

    GGG's current strategy of fixing the bugs one by one while cranking up the rewards to "force" people to use their contracts/blueprints is just a stopgap that won't fix the real issue with the league.

    submitted by /u/ugh-people
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    The 13w league cycle needs to end. It's obvious that GGG don't have enough time to create the leagues they want in 13 weeks.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Honestly I don't think the player base would have a problem with it but I'm sure GGG thinks they will make more money with 13w cycle and maybe they're right.

    I honestly think they should be 17w long leagues with 1 month races between the leagues to keep things a bit more fresh and allow players to finish up any challenges left. That or just delaying the release date so the product isn't so bug infested that we can't enjoy it. Could you imagine this shit show in December when GGG are on holiday?

    The main reason is because GGG has proven time and time again that they can NOT make a polished product in 13 weeks.

    There is always massive bugs and crashes that ruin the experience. I'm not even factoring in the fact that a lot of things aren't even close to being balanced. I'm not saying their job is easy, because I'm currently taking a C++ course and god damn do I hate C++ (it's just so frustrating.) I'm just saying it's not reasonable to expect a polished product in 13 weeks.

    I know I'm definitely not the only one with this view as I often see several big streamers stating the same thing.

    The most frustrating thing about it is GGG doesn't care enough to listen. After reading a few of Bex's recent comments it is pretty clear that they're not going to stop beating a dead horse until it stop spitting out money.

    It's incredibly difficult to wake up every day and stare at just a wall of comments about how people are disappointed in you, that you have not done enough and whatever you do feels like it is not enough and doesn't help. Putting passion and a lot of hours into a project and having it disappoint the people you made it for is an awful experience. None of this is easy. We have worked really hard to get fixes in as quickly as possible and we have aimed to communicate these fixes as early and as thoroughly as we can.

    Can you really blame us? It's not reasonable to expect a polished product in 13 weeks. But you tell us otherwise. You say hey, it's going to be really good and there are bugs and "fixes" to the content that basically makes it unplayable. Oh and the boss fight wasn't even released. Of course we're disappointed.

    The main reason we keep being disappointed is because YOU REFUSE to delay your releases. We're not going to "blow smoke up your ass" - Gordon Ramsey to make you feel better about the shit release. We expect GGG to be professional and say, "hey we're a bit behind schedule we're going to delay the release until it's finished, while you wait here's a 4 week turmoil race with some loot boxes." Alright now everyone is happy. You guy get your incredibly ambitious league and we get a polished product. Stop sticking to the 13w schedule.

    I'm not saying that they don't care about the game because that obviously isn't true. The truth is they care about the game a lot they just refuse to get rid of the 13 week cycle that's shackling them. Honestly, I liked this league a lot. The lack of bots being the biggest factor. The second is the ability to save the contracts for later and not feeling forced to do them like delve and incursion, the third is the new quality gems are pretty build enabling if you get the right ones.

    The problem is the league mechanic is just buggy as all hell and then the multiple reworks on top of that. It's just a complete mess at this point.

    They're okay with delaying Bex's unique and div card until it was ready but god forbid they did the same for the actual league content. I'm sorry but if the boss fight for the league mechanic wasn't ready until several weeks after the league started the league shouldn't have started until the boss fight was ready.

    If the product isn't ready the league doesn't need to start it is as simple as that.

    submitted by /u/4percent4
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    Maw of Mischief 1 Alch Unique

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I've waited a few weeks for GGG to mention it, but since the start of the league there is a Memory Leak. I don't have a god-tier PC but I've had to restart my PC after playing for the next day.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    The title is uhh, self-explanatory but basically to reproduce, play the game for more then 4 hours, then start doing other things. I am forced to restart my PC to eliminate the slowdowns. The only thing I can think of happening is a memory leak, erasing any usable ram for other programs until a PC restart.


    Edit: I'm going to reinstall, do the sound off thing, delete the cache, download emptystandbylist and drink some fucking alcohol because of the what looks to be 3 hours of tasks ahead of me to make this game work at the same speed as 2 leagues ago.

    submitted by /u/GUthetedster
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    Phantasmal Lightning Tendrils at 52% Quality is amazing!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    guess i'll do some mapping

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Quin gets stuck in a heist door (hcssf) luckily is able to log.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    That's me done with Heist for this league.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Does anyone else make a sport of zooming all the way in and putting a caption to their goofy looking characters?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    Changes in Perception of GGG, A request for more time between leagues

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Firstly, not that this is a credential of any sort but please note that I have played PoE since Ambush/Invasion. It is no small exaggeration to say PoE is a significant part of my life.

    Many times in PoE's past (such as ProjectPT and the Xbox release, SSF being officially added as league options) there were huge uproars in the community regarding decisions made by GGG. I have always been happy to look at the history of GGG as a company and trust that the changes will be net-neutral or positive. The changes and decisions made by GGG often were in fact ultimately positive. Communication between GGG and the community maintained a strong trust from the general player-base that GGG will 'do the right thing.'

    Unfortunately, while I see plenty of unnecessary criticism on this sub-reddit from people who spend more time on the sub-reddit than in the game (sorry guys) the fair criticism has also been abundant but largely not acted upon. The trust and faith I have had in GGG as a company has been finally shattered over the past eleven leagues (Starting Bestiary). I'll do my best explain why this has happened below:

    1. Expectations of Quality: I personally believe that GGG failed to improve the quality of the game at an acceptable pace as popularity surged after 3.0. The Tencent merger was also a point in PoE's lifespan when it was reasonable for the community to have expectations of faster quality improvements going forwards. I understand that league starts are a big part of revenue for GGG but it seems to me as an outsider that if the rate at which game quality improves does not become faster the consequences for PoE's future may be severe.
    2. Change in Communication: The communication from GGG to the community has drastically worsened. One counter-argument would be that since the community's outlook on the game is negative at the moment, communication is doomed to at least be perceived as worsening. However while I believe that is true to some extent, there is also a notable decline in the quality of communication provided by GGG for the community. The culture of GGG has always been to communicate expectations, then to act on those expectations. When GGG say "actions speak louder than words," I have seen countless examples in the past where they have proven that as their company's strategy for feedback response. However, as GGG has consistently pushed broken content out due to the rushed scheduling, it has very clearly become impossible for them to stick to their philosophy. They have failed to stick to the philosophy of "Actions speak louder than words." However, they have continued to champion that line in many threads of fair criticism. Perception of GGG as a company no longer aligns with what they claim, and as such this claim fails to communicate GGG's plans regarding specific criticisms.

    Before Bestiary, my expectations for a new league were as follows:

    1. Fun, new mechanic
    2. Some bugs that are not game breaking or if game breaking, fixed within two weeks
    3. Mechanic is a little simple

    After Bestiary until Harvest, my expectations for a new league have transformed to as follows:

    1. Very ambitious, exciting, complex new mechanic
    2. Abundant bugs to the point where mechanics may not even be working
    3. Severe bugs are fixed relatively quickly

    Heist has so far been an awesome mechanic thematically, and has gotten to the point where it is playable and very exciting. However, it taking nearly a month to fix the league to the point where people can interact with the mechanic is a great indicator that one extra month of development time would have helped greatly. The saddest part about this is that saying the Heist League is playable at this time is being generous. Many of the rogue equipment still have 0 effect. Releasing content which doesn't work is not the GGG I knew.

    My new expectations for a new league are as follows:

    1. Very ambitious, exciting, complex new mechanic
    2. Abundant bugs to such an extent that the mechanic cannot be interacted with
    3. Severe game breaking bugs will not be fixed

    I understand I'm just a random player in a massive multiplayer ARPG, but I hope this message gets across and is seen by GGG. While I don't speak for the silent majority, I hope they see that this player of the silent majority no longer has trust in GGG. Please look at the core values GGG and PoE used to hold dear and see that they are falling apart. Please consider putting more time between leagues even just temporarily to fix the game.

    tl;dr The perception of GGG as a company has gotten to the point where if changes are not made to the quality of the game/how they communicate to the community, I believe there is no going back to what GGG once was. There is not enough time for them to make improvements in the quality of the game with the current league schedule, so while there may be more immediate revenue from pumping out new leagues, I personally believe the long term health of PoE as a game is suffering from this decision. Please extend time between leagues.

    submitted by /u/ConKrow
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