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    Saturday, November 14, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds I'd appreciate an advanced eye on my poison BV guy (98 assassin) - I missed some leagues around the lategame & need guidance on the finishing touches

    Path of Exile Builds I'd appreciate an advanced eye on my poison BV guy (98 assassin) - I missed some leagues around the lategame & need guidance on the finishing touches

    I'd appreciate an advanced eye on my poison BV guy (98 assassin) - I missed some leagues around the lategame & need guidance on the finishing touches

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:29 PM PST

    I've been struggling with getting the aura setup just right, transitioning into accomodating vaal Grace over Flesh and stone, and potentially transitioning into a second cluster jewel arrangement.

    A few days ago I completed wave 20 of a Simulacrum twice, but since then a buddy lent me his HH, and Ive never used one and it threw me for a loop initially both playstyle-wise adjusting as well as gear adjustments. I need a finer eye than mine for the bonsai tree pruning.

    Account: Raestlyn Character: Reistlin

    Could try this Pastebin? (Though it displays my health as lower for some reason, I confess Im no good at PoB, is it not taking into account the cluster jewels?) https://pastebin.com/mY246B4r

    He's the furthest/strongest I've ever taken a character and I want to push him as far as possible, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Quizik
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    Poison spellslinger assassin AL7 boss showcase

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Flickerstrike without Melee Splash Support Needed!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:58 AM PST

    Please doublecheck my SSF thoughts

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:10 AM PST

    I have 2.2k hours in PoE (most in versions below 2.0), and I'm quite unhappy about my capabilities and "success" so far. The reason is that I tend to do things I do not like, and now I'm trying to move my mindset into something I can stick with, accept what I don't want and hope that I can find a Solo SSF league starter I want to stick with, and finally see something of the endgame content. The 2nd thought is to figure out what is different in SSF (and that's a lot if you think about it), and how to tackle it. So far I detected my own mistakes about wrong builds in SSF:

    1) the build has to fully work on rare equipment

    100% obvious, and still I manage to either use builds where I hit a wall at yellow maps and notice that this unique may be optional, but do the big difference. And I even failed on believing that you cannot rely on finding the threshold jewel necessary for SST. So I need a build that really, really goes with basic mechanics, and scales offense and defense well

    2) focus on generic rares

    Not-so-obvious, but a painful lesson. If you need Hit, Crit, Attack Speed, Cooldown recovery and whatnot, you will have a bad, bad time finding upgrades once the mapping begins. Without trading, you will miss so many "actually" good items just for the super low probability to have a decent combination of decent affix tiers on a drop.

    3) socket colors do matter

    With limited (and not tradable) currency, you will run out of Chromatic Orbs if the gem colors do not match the armor you want to use. I've felt this worst for CI builds that use green or red gems a lot, not a good idea at all. On top of that, leveling isn't just a two-hour-job for me, and many off-color requirements make this a lot harder than necessary.

    4) natural elemental resistance does matter

    Any decent guide or build will tell you that elemental resistance from tree is a waste, and you can easily put them up via equipment. That's not entirely true for SSF, as you can't simply search and trade a piece of equip that matches your resistances. The more comes passively, the more dropped/crafted items you can actually use. Also Alira isn't so bad, even though any "real" build will go for two passives.

    5) attribute requirements do matter

    Similar to resistances: in SSF, it seems to be suicide to run a build that requires 40, 50 or even more str/dex/int from gear. You will end up with those crappy gloves that have +55 dex, never be able to replace them and pass on factually great drops. My dream build would inherently have the required attributes just from build, so we simply can forget about it.

    6) Weapon damage

    This may be controversial, but it appears to me that spell based builds are absolutely superior in SSF, especially as a league starter. The ratio from "dmg from gem" to "dmg from gear" seems totally out of control, even with the recent changes to attack skills scaling a lot better with their gem level. I simply never had the luck or resources to find or craft a SSF attack based weapon that would give me more than ~35-40% of what is possible, thus any bow/weapon character had a huge disadvantage. When I look at gem scaling, I found that Detonate Dead may be something worth looking at - apparantly this is one of the strongest skills when we consider bad gear (but I'm sure there are many more "good" and "bad" skills from this perspective)

    7) Lifebased vs. Energy Shield and CI

    Also seemed obvious, but it's way more important than I thought. Of course low-life is neither something for SSF, nor for a league starter - haven't found a single Shav chest in my 2k hours, and on top you need an impossible amulet. High ES equipment also is something you won't ever aquire in SSF, at least compared to what you can do with a live based character. Going CI may be possible, but extremely painful until you could transition. Although CI equip isn't so bad on the long run, as you can skip life and chaos damage, so I wouldn't write off CI entirely from the list. That is important, as certain areas in the tree simply do not support big life pools without ES, and I really like builds around Witch and Shadow.

    8) Defenses

    Most important topic in PoE, and I'm quite cueless what to think here. Many defenses either rely on mechanics that totally put me off (Flask Piano, Fortify, constantly re-casting something), or on unique items we can't reliably gamble on. So the best defense in SSF may be a high life (or ES) pool with lots of regeneration and/or leech; life seems like the to-go-solution here.

    9) Hit, Crit

    Both is a real problem without certain uniques or mindblowingly good gear, and 2). This of course again puts Spell skills above attacks, especially with Elemental Overload. SSF is like always being stuck with mediocre gear, where any decent guide or build teaches us something that is twice as well equipped. So you can try to have high hit chances, but then you won't crit hard enough. Going with Elemental Overload or Resolute Technique seems so much favorable for early and midgame progress. Assasin seems to be the only ascendancy allowing good crit builds with realistic SSF gear, but that tends to be a glass cannon as well. That leads us to

    10) Damage scaling

    It's quite possible to respect all of these until now; but - at least in my experience - then we'll run out of damage way before we see endgame content. Crit requires insane gear (limiting gear improvement options a lot) to really shine; elemental conversion doesn't multiply anymore, Ignite doesn't work at all since it was nerfed to the ground. Impale is a cool mechanic, but the (right) Watcher's Eye seems mandatory to really beat ass. Bleeding (more or less) requires weapons and usually fails on some bosses. Minion damage doesn't scale that well, only poison and chaos dots seem in a good spot for what we can achieve in SSF.

    11) Singletarget/Boss damage

    While I already have a huge mental list of "what builds will not work", this is another issue. It's nice if we can melt maps on our medium quality gear, but successfully doing bosses (Guardians, Shaper, Elder, whatnot) is another restriction. Some builds really fall apart here, and I'd like to respect this. Bonus points for stuff like Mines and VD, where you can pre-heat the fight and come close to skip stages even without millions of dps.

    12) 5-links max

    I tend to think that not having the 6th socket is something like losing ~40-50% of the damage. I need to plan both damage and mechanics around that; in no way I will find a 6 link that isn't a Tabula Rasa (which is kind of horrible for survivability). But for certain builds (especially with triggers), we're losing much more or it doesn't even work out. That's another dimension for my designated SSF build - it has to be fine with 5 links.

    Bottom line (finally)

    If I now add my personal list of "what I dislike" - and that's quite important to keep playing my main char so I can finally "beat the game".. Many-buttons things, keeping up things (I'm old) - like charges, warcries, flasks, fortify, RSR. Melee puts me off, usually because I instantly die when I don't see that my leech sources are gone. Traps and Mines always feel too clunky. Totems and Minions - I've seen enough of them for a 2nd live. And I really need to play SSF and Solo - anything else is a joykiller.

    On the other hand, what I really like and enjoy: Triggers, so satisfying. Slow, powerful BAMM attacks that in the best case spread around - I loved ignite proliferation builds. I also love high life/ES with exaggerated regen, and blocking. My current favorite builds are:

    • VD/DT spellslinger necro: Feels good. Barrage (instead of cyclone) is a bit meh, but overall I really enjoy it and it's a strong league starter. Bad Attribute requirements, and I'm afraid bad damage scaling and survivability
    • Cyclone CoC Bladefall assasin: Simply amazing, and perfect. Sadly this build is low-life (tried standard heist league for it), and I don't really see how this build could be life-based and SSF friendly - then it'd be perfect.
    • RF Chieftain: I feel like this still could work well, especially with the new Flame Wall. Great defense and life pool/regen, 11/10 satisfying gameplay
    • CI ED/Contagion: Probably the best SSF build by my standards. In a way I'm trying hard to find an alternative that is more fun, but this may be the king in terms of what it can achieve

    Also possible, but insecure about it:

    • Herald of Agony maxblock duelist: Tried it once, really has some interesting perks and levels like a breeze. However it felt clunky, the pet is never where you want it
    • Simple caster Witch/Templar: just cast your Arc/Ball lightning/Fireball/spell of choice. Ironically, I've never ever played such a build, and it looks like the most straightforward thing to try (in SSF)
    • CI CWDT/CWS trigger bitch: The one build I will never forget (before trigger supports had cooldowns), but it's probably not working anymore
    • Something around bladefall and poison. Going through my list this seems like something that could work (and I've never had a poison build except HoA), although I dislike the dex gravity which usually comes with bad life/regen
    • Any other spellslinger triggerhappy build. Maybe with bladefall and poison?

    I'd be happy to learn what I got wrong, and maybe a recommendation for something I may like (looking at you, lifebased CoC Bladefall)

    submitted by /u/wafoki8942
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    Bleed split arrow for map clearing

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Refering to this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AAIC27B8eI

    I would like to farm delirium maps and in the video bleed split arrow mentioned as an okey build.

    Anyone has a good PoB for this particular goal, or experience and thoughts?

    submitted by /u/AzBako
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    Cold BV vs Fire BV

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:34 AM PST

    I managed to farm a HH and an explody chest with frenzy on hit. Conversion BV looks good but I can't decide what to go for.

    I saw Somayd's cold bv and Grimro's fire bv but I couldn't point out the differences, or whats the pros and cons of choosing either.

    submitted by /u/AzBako
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    Hey new Month new Build ^^

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:07 PM PST

    So now I've already tried a few things and of course I want to try other things as well. What do you think of here and what do you think is better? :)




    submitted by /u/HaraldWurstWampe
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    Make my build better... Armageddon Brand - Chieftan | +12k Life possible! |

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:21 PM PST


    My DMG is to low in the build, i like to do with my chieftan Simulacrum 20/20.

    submitted by /u/GutherzigTV
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    Juggernaut build for racing gauntlet?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:02 PM PST

    I've never played a juggernaut. I 've never played SSFHC. But I'm also not a beginner. Been consistently getting 40/40 challenges and getting headhunters for the past 3-4 leagues.

    So my goal is to combine this experience to try a juggernaut in the gauntlet. Not really into slams. Looking at HoAG or Molten Strike (one of my favorite skills of all time) but not sure what's more viable for this kind of race.

    What are your best recommendations?

    submitted by /u/Danieboy
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    Brand new PoE player looking for multiplayer build advice

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Hello! I just started playing PoE for the first time this week, and I'm going to be playing with a group of friends (also all new!) I've been spending a lot of time reading and watching beginner guides, and I fel like I have a pretty decent grasp of the game's systems, but I am overwhelmed with all the different build options.

    I've narrowed down my classes to either Ranger or Shadow (the others are leaning towards Templar, Witch, and Duelist.) Are there any good build recommendations that are beginner-friendly, but also would play well with a party? I've seen some recommend Rain of Arrows, for example, but then it seems to split into multiple sub-sections of that, such as Cold RoA, Poison RoA, Physical RoA, etc. But then I've also seen Toxic Rain builds that are recommended, or Lightning Trap builds... And then my brain gets overwhelmed, haha.

    submitted by /u/MrClyde
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    Good Headhunter build (No FIRE/COLD BV or Aura stacker please)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    I just got a headhunter and 10ex'ish leftover for the rest of the build. I am looking for something that can clear juiced maps, high delirium etc, or something magic find. I dont really like melee builds and prefer some caster/bow build

    submitted by /u/AzBako
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    I want to train for league start - whats a fun Build that just melts bosses? Prefer Shadow-Class

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:23 AM PST

    I simply love to play Assassin.. thought about fire BV maybe? Just needs to be pretty ok for maps / prolly beachheads early on and melt bosses like Chayula and guardians real quick and EZ and without high invest early league.. That is all:)

    submitted by /u/FancyWeener
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    looking for heisting build

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:07 PM PST

    looking for something that can do heists fast and safe and easy to assemble.

    budget: ~100ex

    builds i know that are good but i dont really wanna play are bv(all variations) aura stack and summoner.

    submitted by /u/TencentStoleMyMirror
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    Ascendancy for Mjolner build

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:02 PM PST

    I was planing my last build of the league and don't know with ascendacy would dive me the most benefits? I was planing around non-crit, arc and doryani's prototype.

    1. Inquisitor and assassin makes little sense because of ele overload
    2. Don't like the golems buffs playstyle of elementalist
    3. Guardian aura stacker sound best option but might be to much to cram in a single build
    4. Raider is in a terrible place on the tree
    5. I did Jugg a while ago and it was finne but not great
    submitted by /u/salufc
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    How much dps is enough dps ? for endgame ?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:06 PM PST

    How much dps is enough dps ? for endgame ? ^^

    submitted by /u/Agneslikeitbig
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    EDC trickster wanting more DPS

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Best cyclone build POB?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Hey guys, just wondering what the best cyclone POB for me to follow would be. I have a lacerate glad I'm looking to respec to cyclone. All the builds seem to be pretty different, being a noob it's hard to pick one. I also dont have much currency so not sure which POB I should follow for early game that is tanky and can still transition when I farm heists/maps. Really wasn't a fan of lacerate playstyle. I'm also mentally challenged to constantly piano flasks, dont like the playstyle.

    Whats your guys opinion on dual wield vs shield (esoro build i think)

    Thanks alot for your help!

    submitted by /u/EatMyKimchi86
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    HCSSF build

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Hey guys I was looking into starting a HCSSF character. I need a build that is extremely tanky and easy to gear. I've never played ssf but I have played hardcore. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/AlphaManlet1
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    Looking for a build to do 100% delirum

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Basically title looking for anything that can do it fairly well but not aura stacker or carrion golems Thanks

    submitted by /u/ptfoh
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    Shadow build 70ex budget

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:56 PM PST


    I play tr trickster and not sure, upgrade the build or respect to a different one. Is 70ex enough to do CI tr trickster to do all content? Or is there other builds in that budget that will be reasonably tanky and have good clear and destroy bosses? Shadow only please. My toon: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ProQson/

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Prorok1986
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    Int Stack Kinetic Blast Wander | Simulacrum Wave 20

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:21 AM PST

    Doing a Mana Guardian. How to DPS?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:45 AM PST

    Hi Guys, i am trying a Mana Guardian and cant show any POB since its theorycrafting in my head... but in conclusion i got a 6-link spare to deal some dps. Any ideas how i can deal Damage with a 6-link? and no points on the Passive tree to put into? EK is is in my opinion to put some debuffs onto enemies but my goal is to deal with some maps alone from time to time. My last idea is divine ire but haven used that spell before. I know its hard to help some1 that is theorycrafting but maybe someone was at a similar position. ty

    submitted by /u/crackyy069
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    Need some build suggestions

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:07 AM PST

    hi, i would really appreciate some help in choosing my next build, i have some ideias and im trying to research a lot of different builds, would be nice to hear others opinions.

    What Im looking for:

    1- Fast attacking/casting

    2- Not terrible at bossing or clearing. Dont need to be the best at either, but should be average/good at both

    3- Can take some punches. No glass cannon. More tankier the better.

    4- No need to be SSF or league starter

    5- Cheap to start. It can be expensive to min-max, but should be able to do all content under 20Ex, preferably a lot less.

    6 - What I already played, should be something new: BV Poison, CF/Vortex Trickster, BL Archmage Scion, Bleedbow Glad, Cyclone Slayer, Spectre (RS) Necro, ED/C Trickster, Stormbrand Hiero

    What Im considering: TR Trickster, Archmage cremation Necro, Phantasm Necro

    Ty all, great community!!

    submitted by /u/lhabib10
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