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    Tuesday, November 17, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds 【POE/3.12】THIS IS A BUILD WITH 41 CHARGES — HEIST 「SCSPVP」Build

    Path of Exile Builds 【POE/3.12】THIS IS A BUILD WITH 41 CHARGES — HEIST 「SCSPVP」Build


    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:46 AM PST

    Hey guys, I'm a kind of a PoE newbie here. I recently came upon this video that was showcasing a spell-caster build that uses 41 charges - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q05d5JX82io&t=1s

    It was mostly in Chinese so I didn't understand a thing nor could i find any PoB fork link. Can any of you fellas explain what you can understand about the build and its mechanics. I really would love to simulate the build's stats in PoB if possible... I'm curious about how the damage on that build is scaled and the height it could potentially reach.

    submitted by /u/Twists_O
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    Dropped my first HH! What to do now?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Last night before bed i turned in some random div cards. Got a Headhunter from "the wretched" div card (I'm pretty sure that was it, honestly wasn't paying much attention.

    This is only my 3rd league. I've built up about 18ex this league which is by far the most I've done so far.

    I cant decide now if I should roll a new char to take advantage of the HH or sell it and make my witch skelemancer into something else with a 85ish ex budget ?? My witch skelemancer is lvl 95 and I hate re doing the acts lol.

    To be honest I would just like a build that could kill A8 Sirus fairly easily. I havent been able to kill him on my own this league with the skelemancer.

    Thoughts or ideas ? I'm kinda lost on what step to take next !!

    submitted by /u/c0al67
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    Final build for league

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 08:19 PM PST

    Hello, I am currently sitting on some currency, about 25 raw exalts give or take a few exalted orbs. I am currently farming roughly 5-10 ex a day and I could probably ramp it up a bit. With all that being said, I'm looking for a build to end the league with. say a budget of anywhere from 25-75 ex. This league I've played spectre necro and a replica alberons kb/ps assassin.

    I already played a poison bv and a LL carrion golem build last league, and definitely don't want to make an aura stacker (although my budget definitely doesn't fit it). I have already leveled an ascendant and marauder, so if a build fits into one of those classes it would be a plus, but definitely not required. The build shouldn't be super difficult to gear, it could be expensive-ish, but I would prefer to be able to buy a decent amount of the gear.

    Right now I'm looking at possibly trying alberon's slayer, some kind of flicker strike build, or maybe an archmage build, but I'm definitely open to suggestions or links to builds for those previous named builds. Any advice on what to try would be dope.

    submitted by /u/HurinSon
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    Semi-Budget 100% Delirium Builds?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:02 AM PST

    Trying to survive the delirium boss lol.


    submitted by /u/Not_A_Single
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    On-hit effects for multiple small hits?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:29 AM PST

    TLDR: I've been playing around with builds revolving around various aspects of Lancing Steel. Since it's easily the most projectiles you can pack into a single skill in the game, what are some good on-hit effects that synergise with fast, small hits? I can think of mana/life gain on hit from various sources, and maybe knockback and impale, but are there any other on-hit effects that help either offensively or defensively?

    More context: After the Steel skills rework, I dusted off an accuracy-stacking Juggernaut (standard Obscurantis + Oskarm + 2x Ahn's Might) and reworked it to use Lancing Steel instead, and fell in love with Lancing Steel. But it occurs to me that Lancing Steel can be played around in one of three ways:

    1. Juggernaut - stacking accuracy for crit (Oskarm), attack speed (Undeniable) and projectile damage (Obscurantis). Jugg is a tanky ascendancy so you can go for a Point Blank playstyle with Pride and/or Flesh and Stone + Maim.
    2. Deadeye - playing around the best projectile scaling in the game (up to 200% more) with Deadeye's own projectile boost and 2x Beltimber Blades. This would be a smoother but more fragile playstyle capitalising on Deadeye's Farshot, Tailwind, +1 to projectiles and LGOH on bleeding targets.
    3. (still in theorycraft stages) Champion - playing around Master of Metal and the Inspirational nodes for a aura-based impale stacker with Sentinels of Purity. Here, the Sentinels are the main damage source with you supporting them via auras and distance damage from Lancing Steel.

    The damage ramping source in the Jugg build comes from scaling crit, so that's settled. But in putting out PoB numbers for the Deadeye and Champion builds, the DPS numbers are somewhat unsatisfactory, so I was wondering if there were any DPS boosts for fast hits in this vein.

    submitted by /u/Seiyashi
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    Speedy new league mapper

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 07:24 PM PST

    Thanks in advance. I am looking for a bit faster of a build. I have done golem and spectres last few leagues as I enjoy the tankiness they offer as well as great single target deeps. I enjoy watching tv or YouTube and a more causal play style. I am thinking of doing a new build or wait for next interm league or league. Thinking of maybe auto bomber. Or would there be a better build I can do? I have about 10 ex budget. But can do some farmomg and get more. Also if I go bomber route, how do you level?

    submitted by /u/morinr
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    Returning player - Following guide - Bit confused.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Hi guys, so I returned to the game to try PoE a bit again. When I last quit the build I was following was way different, it used was it called orb of storms, storm call or some other skils.

    Build-link: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1147951

    Character link: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Djuntas/characters (Note I have better gloves, just aint level 70 yet to use them and haven't gotten good flasks yet).

    So I had to re-build it. I only had about 50 chaos orbs in total wealth, so I had to bargain hunt a lot. Only item I kept was my Tabula Rasa.

    Hope you can see my profile. Tell me what you think. My next aim would be % block shield with mana or life, a belt with regen and abyss socket or a thread of hope jewel, so I could start using cluster jewels. Right now I used Kitava's Teachings in the socket the guide uses for cluster jewels.

    Any advice on the items I bought or anything would be helpful. Im a bit clueless on the game.

    Also in the guide what gems do you keep at level 1? I think it was only 1 4-link that was not leveled and desecrate. So Cast when dmg taken, tempest shield, wave of conviction, increased duration support and desecrate.

    submitted by /u/Fentas
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    Returning player, but used to be a very, very avid player. Need some Starforge build help

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 03:05 PM PST

    I played from closed beta up until abyss, every league I think. My favorite build of all time was a phys starforge build I ran on a maurader, i cannot remember the details. I used starforge and the 6L chest that has a shiton of armour.

    Id really like to do something like that on standard league, I have a ton of legacy crit multi items, perfect maligorous gloves, some mirrored chest pieces from before leagues were a thing. I don't want to be casting totems and stuff, I just want to smash! Id prefect something with fun clear speed, i dont care about killing shaper for the 50th time I just want to clear all the maps =)


    submitted by /u/johhnytexas
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    What is currently overall better, slam bleed glad, or crimson dance fast attack glad?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:07 AM PST

    As in the title, I want to do a bleed build for the first time in forever but I'm not 100% on what is better right now. Slams have obviously the biggest single hit bleeds. But with fast skills Crimson Dance and Ryslatha's Coil the damage gets pretty steady and nice as well.

    I'm completely torn up and not sure what way to go.

    submitted by /u/Victuz
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    Looking for a HC SSF build

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 12:42 PM PST

    So I had a mirror drop this season which enabled me to play any build I wanted and go end game. I almost feel like it ruined the game for me lol. So I have decided to try hc ssf. I know staying alive is the most important thing. That being said I am limited in my knowledge of crafting etc. Can you guys recommend a build guide that is good for this league and takes you through what to do the first time? I am currently using https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2935616 what do you guys think? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/S4BRE21
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    Budget for CoC ice Nova?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Trying to farm up enough for a functioning setup, at what point should I stop?

    Also is low life or CI better?

    submitted by /u/RedditorsRSoyboys
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    [3.12] Ice Trap Saboteur - Actually pretty solid

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 04:41 AM PST

    Sirus, Conquerors and some maps

    POB: https://pastebin.com/Xp3HZc2g

    I didn't plan on playing Ice Trap when I was theorycrafting this build, but I tried it and thought the large AoE and consistent shatters were fun enough to build around. I think the build ended up pretty strong. The damage is quite good and it can freeze anything that isn't freeze immune (unfortunately guardians, conquerors, sirus and shaper are all freeze immune) - however all map bosses and mobs are permanently frozen which is nice for survivability. It runs all map mods so I literally don't read maps anymore which is a huge plus for me.


    • Multiple sources of added cold damage ( ice trap has 200% effectiveness of added damage)
    • Curses and frost bomb on Trigger wand
    • Slavedriver's hand for Blood Magic traps, so we don't need mana
    • Regen and recovery per trap triggered from ascendancy and Tinkerskin
    • Blinds and freezes everything, rarely takes damage

    Feel free to fire away any questions and I'll do my best to answer!

    submitted by /u/Larock
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    CwC VD Incinerate Necro - Needs help with Survivability

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 03:14 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I am strugeling with this Build, i have a ton of Damage but Zero Survivability.

    It is possible to stay around corners and precast the balls and let them home the Enemies, thats how i played so far and it was quite nice, but a soon something stares at me i am kissing the Floor.

    Not sure what to do, currently running low life with shavrons. I was thinking about to switch to CI and get some other Chest. The queens hungers was on my mind, but i am not sure how CwC interacts with it. Another Option i was thinking about was Divine Flesh, or maybe Chain breaker with Divergent Berseker? Really dont know what to do.

    Heres the build:


    i didnt changed the Boots yet, was playing with Cyclone just recently changed to Incinerate,

    every bit of help and idea is appriciatet.

    Thanks in Advance

    submitted by /u/SnooComics276
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    Assassin CL - Claw/Item progression Advice Please!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 07:41 AM PST


    Posted a couple weeks ago, and have since upgraded a lot and re-specced my passive tree! As advised I worked on getting resists capped and more HP into the build (still working on the HP!)

    Now I come in search of advice please for next steps for the build/finetuning, I've dabbled in mapping now and done lots of solo heisting.

    submitted by /u/throwdownhardstyle
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    Help a brother out with some Poison knowledge

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 05:01 PM PST

    After having a lot of fun as HoT autobomber I repurposed my assassin for Replica Alberon's. Currently running PS/KB and it's a blast but I feel like my poison damage is a little lacking. Just fought AL8 Drox and it took around 10 mins. If I compare to Mathil's buld, I'm doing 1/4 of the poison damage and his PS is only on a 5-link. Please look at my items/tree to see if I'm doing something wrong.

    My pastebin: https://pastebin.com/49hks5ds

    submitted by /u/TKS_Justice
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    [패스오브엑자일 3.12]두리몬 '근접' 원소일격 버서커 빌드 미친 8엑 손맛 똥손 강추, POE Durimon's Melee E...

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 06:58 AM PST

    Tired of one shots. Do you have a tanky build to kill Sirus on a budget ?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Hello guys I've try Sirus fight for the first time and died miserably with 3 differents characters: creepingfrost occultist, earthshater champ and a war chief chieftain. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Kemingway/characters Now I have to spawn him again and I am a bit discouraged. I don't have much currency and every build guide seen need like a shavronne 6L or some crazy 15Ex items... I look for something who can handle some heavy hit from bosses. I searched in SSF HC and found a blade blast with Agnostic with no big item. Any thoughts ?

    submitted by /u/KorrosiveKoward
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    What damage reduction are golem builds using?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 03:41 PM PST

    I'm running a golem build and i have about 5.5k life plus some ES, 1K Life Regen and i think 24 phys damage reduction and 78 ele res. I'm still looking to get more life, but i feel squishy and wonder if there's something im totally forgetting that I should definitely have

    submitted by /u/Secretfire2
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    What's a good build I can quickly put together to farm currency to finance new builds? Have 25ex+ to invest

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 03:37 PM PST

    My guess is some kind of BV build? Ideally needs to be good at both clear and bossing, I don't want to do any MF shit. Should also be quick to gather currency in. Currently im using my ED+C build to farm and it's painfully slow for the amount invested. I'm willing to invest all the spare currency I have into a build that can make me quicker returns.

    submitted by /u/HuntedSFM
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    What's are some good Second 6 Link for 2-Handed builds?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Right now I'm playing a Ice Crash/Seismic Cry build, and so far its been doing pretty good, but I have been hitting a wall recently- my support skills are kind of all over the place. I actually haven't 6-linked my armor yet, and am wondering what best to put on it.

    Right now I have Immortal Call, Frost Bomb, and Glacial Cascade on a Cast on Damage Taken, I'm thinking of adding Increased Duration support and another spell to make that my 2nd 6 link.

    submitted by /u/willowxx
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    Spellslinger VD Assassin, build advice wanted.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:15 AM PST

    Hi, so I made a vd ss assassin and am just wanting some input on what I can do to improve the damage or anything overall really. I don't want to go Low Life though or switch to necro, just to put that out there lol. Also, I know I might need cooldown on my gear, but I'm not sure how much and if its worth it since the spellslinger nerf.


    Currently I have about 19 ex. Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/itsmekiwitree
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    Oni Goroshi SSF league starter?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 01:11 PM PST

    I recently transitioned over to SSF and farmed up an oni-goroshi. It was honestly pretty fun to gear up the characters and it was super hype when I finally found uber hillock, but now I have an oni-goroshi and dangit I want to use it lol. It seems like it's been out of favor for several leagues though, so there aren't really many up to date builds for it, and I have no clue how any of them play, so some suggestions would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/daman4567
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