• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 8, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds PSA to all Chieftains out there using the Tasalio passive: Consider this combo

    Path of Exile Builds PSA to all Chieftains out there using the Tasalio passive: Consider this combo

    PSA to all Chieftains out there using the Tasalio passive: Consider this combo

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Ahuana Glorious Vanity = Overleech and leech into energy shield if on full life (Immortal Ambition)

    Replica Soul Tether = 24-26% of maximum life as extra energy shield (Corrupted Soul)

    Since increased life recovery rate also affects life leech, you can reach some fucking crazy life sustain.

    Started using it on my chieftain and could not be happier.

    Not too expensive either, the replica soul tether is dirt cheap (3-5c) and the glorious vanity jewel is around 60c.

    Edit: I see some people asking about the difference between using a regular Soul Tether and a Corrupted Soul jewel; the answer is they are both exactly the same, it just comes down to whatever 's cheaper. At the time of this post the combination I wrote about was a tiny bit cheaper

    submitted by /u/Zestyclose-Length-76
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    Cyclone builds use 6L cyclone + 6L earthshatter setups?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:39 AM PST


    Why is this? how do you have time to use earthshatter meanwhile you cyclone? Isnt it just better to use cyclone all the way O.o



    those 2 guys were only ones i found when i was looking corpsewalker users (the corpsewalker is used for warcry obv but WHY earthshatter???)

    EDIT: The Mirage Warriors each use a linked attack skill once before dissipating. i quess?

    submitted by /u/Gliniel
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    help me improve my bladefall bladeblast chiftan

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:19 AM PST

    first time playing chiftan


    im doing pretty good yeah, all awakners etc.... just want to improve based on ppl exp cus its my first time.

    thanks alot!

    submitted by /u/Yaniv242
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    Help a new player out?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:23 PM PST

    About 3 years ago I played Poe on pc. I am returning on Xbox with no currency. Would anyone have a recommendation for a build that I won't need to spend anything on really that I can have some fun on?

    submitted by /u/kiasde
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    Need help with RF Trickster

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:56 PM PST

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/LznGhFmw

    I've only got 13 deaths so far, but as I've went into rare ilvl 83 heists I've died 2 times in the last 3 heists so I'm looking for ways to improve my survivability mainly. Damage seems fine to me right now.

    I'm ONLY running heists on this character, so I have no need for corrupted blood immunity etc...

    submitted by /u/Danieboy
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    Help on witch build

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:49 AM PST

    Im trying to figure out what witch build to do, im currently level 26 on act 3 and havn't used a single passive point. Im struggling to figure out a build to do. I wanna do sortve a minion one

    submitted by /u/GiveMeRukia
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    Best builds that will take advantage of pdps foil?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:31 PM PST

    Haven't played PoE for two years and back when I did stat sticks were the name of the game. Now my 600pdps foil is without a companion and I require a shoulder to cry on and some guidance.


    I used to farm shaper rings and zoom around with 10+ frenzies using Reave/BF, now with the reduced damage output not only am I barely able to do guardians but it also exposes the primary weakness of my build in that my survivability is sub-par.

    I'm level 97 and would like to hit 100 but I feel I need some help to hit that goal.

    Current state of my build here:


    submitted by /u/Timless_
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    HCSSF Gauntlet Build discussion

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:36 AM PST

    There is an upcoming 10 day race https://www.zizaran.com/gauntlet - HCSSF with all difficulty mods. I'm looking for any tips by you build experts. I've been playing in a practice league and it's pretty dominated by :

    Chieftain Blade BlastChampion Impale.. anything (earthshatter or bow usually)

    I'm wondering what other suggestions there are since SSF build guides are pretty rare, and with the gauntlet mods it has to be very tanky from the very beginning. Early bosses are some of the hardest so any builds that use lvl28+ skills need to have info on how to survive to get that far.

    Couple tips I learned:- Flame wall is OP in early levels even without supports or being a caster- Frost bomb also is super useful, since most bosses you'll be spending a lot of time dodging attacks and cant face tank them, anything you can drop and then keep moving is really good- Decoy totem, same, gives you a bigger window to dps while the boss is distracted- unsupported golems die immediately to everything

    Some boss tips:
    - Brutus can be circle strafed but you have to watch his animations because pretty much any of his attacks will shred you.

    -Merveil, GET sapphire rings and stay close. Her 2nd form projectiles will destroy you but she doesnt cast them in melee.

    -Weaver - stay close again and just survive the viper strike dmg. It's a lot easier than moving away and getting hit by her EK projectiles

    -Deodre - stay out of vuln! She hits really hard and almost no one will be able to face tank with the red circle

    -Hillok, get frost bomb since your dps will likely be pretty low compared to his regen

    submitted by /u/IrishWilly
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    End league meme tier poison autobomber

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:56 PM PST

    Build Suggestions

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:16 PM PST

    Build Suggestions

    Crafted this chest by awakener orb'ing explody and crit chance. Got the Res and phys dmg reduction, crafted armor then slammed T1 life then divined with what i had. Any build suggestions that would be fun to do all content with this Sol Guardian?


    submitted by /u/aciidbrain
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    Divine Ire Trickster Build

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:07 PM PST

    I'm looking for a build that uses Eternity Shroud. Can anyone help me find a guide? Or should I play with something else with my currency. I have around 120 ex with headhunter.

    submitted by /u/dekanbatericaliyor
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    What aura should i add too my necro carrion golem? Ps4

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:06 PM PST

    So im running purity of ice, fire, lightning, haste, pride, vitality, dread, precision, haste,spider and discipline. Thinking about dropping a spectre as i think 4 is over kill and grabbing a new aura. I dunno which one tho determination seems to be the go i think i need to know before i make my new jewel. Thanks to anybody who can help muchly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MisterTownsendPSN
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    Help With Impale Ground Slam Champion??

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:16 PM PST

    Hello, I've thoroughly enjoyed playing Zizaran's Slam build. It's pretty fun to just one shot most content, however I'm breaking into red maps and getting my ass kicked. I'm doing the correct rotation of cries and buffs and I'm only doing about 1/4 or less of the health of bosses in T14 maps.

    Here is my character currently viewable on PoB. Anyone have any tips of where I can improve my equipment and push to T16+? Is that even possible with this build? I have about 3-4 ex in assorted currency, what would be the best use of that currency??


    6.2k life, 470k total DPS inc. impale (I'm not exactly sure what stats to look at on PoB)...

    Any help appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Snowlaxxx
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    How to make my HoA build better (Gauntlet)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:12 PM PST

    I want to play the Gauntlet event coming soon, but i'm not really an HC player so i decided to play something really tanky that i liked in the past : HoA.
    I made the tree myself and need your opinions.
    I'm thinking about taking Calls to arms (and cutting the top of the tree), but i'm not really sure.

    What would you change to make the build better ? (Super tanky while having enough damage).

    My goal this league is mostly to be 90 and delve 200.


    Thanks for the help !

    submitted by /u/Spouttnick
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    Deep delver not deadeye 100ex budget

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Man I got my ass handed to me trying to play a deadeye. Any recs for a delver that not a ranger? I've got a naked 97 necro. Occultist worth a shit in delve?

    submitted by /u/brocktune726
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    build recommendation to do all the content

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:42 AM PST

    stay awhile and listen!

    I don't have so much time to min max a character, yet i would like to do all the content.
    i don't mind playing with totems, mines or minions just don't have much currency to start with. any build that takes me to sirus without much investment would be great! ty

    submitted by /u/Mateusmacedo1
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    Trickster Soulrend

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:09 PM PST

    Anyone got any good soulrend trickster builds?

    submitted by /u/K2004hg
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    Recs for what else to try with my HH?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:08 PM PST

    I have a pretty geared Fire BV Assassin that is using the HH for vroom vroom mapping.

    I have a pretty geared Golemancer that is fun (but not using HH) for bossy/tanky stuff.

    What else should I try with my HH that isn't BV and isn't anything that needs a Voices?

    Not sure I want to try self-curse. I have like 15ex right now but can farm up more pretty quickly. Ideas?

    I like the speed of the BV obviously but the rips drive me nuts sometimes. Which is why I got the Golems lady but she's kinda slow imo. Something in the middle?

    submitted by /u/bbcakes413
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    What is the most well rounded no shenanigans build I can make with 6ex?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:54 PM PST

    So what I'm looking for is basically a build that has no weird mechanics or inconsistent elements in it.

    For example, builds that require a whole setup to make bossing any good. Or recently Ive been playing a ground slam impale call of steel, and it feels so janky on bosses, or any target that you cant one shot.

    I really don't like the summoner playstyle... I prefer melee/self-cast but I don't mind mine/trap/totems/brands too much.

    submitted by /u/ProteccSakurasawa
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    Help optimizing my Lacerate Gladiator. (Ditch Insp. Learning?)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:27 PM PST

    I hit the same wall I always seem to find. I am working on my last few levels and somewhere along the way started mindlessly taking and refunding nodes. I have a habit of making it a point to equip Inspired Learning if i find one because i enjoy it, however i feel it is gimping me a little. Anyone care to have a look and see if i missed any important nodes or have taken any wrong ones and if i refund the inspired learning where best to put the ~8 points. Ps4: celestial-Parts Char: PeacefulProtester

    submitted by /u/salvaged-parts
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    Blade Storm DPS help

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 01:24 PM PST

    Looking for help on how to improve my Bladestorm build. Mapping seems ok in t15/16, but boss damage is not great.


    I have some steel rings to craft, but would it be worth giving up Mark of the Elder? Looking at a Ryslathas, but would need to get the resistances elsewhere, and I imagine most will say the Carange Heart needs to go. Better tree pathing? Better jewels? Any big things that I've completely missed?

    submitted by /u/stroomer87
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    A lucky drop

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:59 AM PST

    I was about to abandon the league due to extreme bad luck with heists when I managed to get a Replica Farrul's Fur and I want to test it on a new character.

    What build would you recommend to someone who is basically broke otherwise?

    *Currently playing a poison BV build, so I'm kinda tired of damage over time builds.

    submitted by /u/Dungeon_Knight
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    Good fire witch leveling build?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:44 PM PST

    Hey all!

    TL; DR : I'm going RF later, so mostly taking life on the tree, some burning/fire damage too. Looking for a witch leveling build, maybe fire based. Can't trade stuff, but have a bit of minor currency (like transmut/alt/alch/essences).

    I'm looking for a leveling build that uses a fire skill and works well on a witch.

    I'll go for a RF build later on and since I don't have much orbs of regret (a dozen) and not much currency to buy any, I'm mostly pathing to the left of the tree to get a bit or burning damage nodes and a lot of life nodes.

    I don't necessarily need fire skills but fire skills look cool and since I'm taking some burning and fire nodes on the tree I figured that would work.

    I just reached act 7 right now, I've been using an ignite fireball build so far but I'm not a fan (it works well though, doing a lot of damage, but I'm not a fan of the DoT and I play PoE for fun afterall so I want to play stuff I enjoy playing). I'm thinking of using this RF build I'm aiming for as a league starter in the future so it'd be great if the leveling worked without unique items (like a tabula or something).

    I had a lot of work so I haven't played since like the 2 first weeks of the league where I spent almost all my currency on a build but I failed so I really don't have any currency to buy stuff.

    submitted by /u/Nimyron
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    Scion Arc Archmage ~9mil effective DPS - need advice on what to do

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:20 PM PST

    Hey I have like ~200ex invested into my gear and I have two major concerns:

    1. I'm really sick of dying to porcupines.
    2. Is there something small I could change that would add a surprising amount of DPS?

    Here is the POB:


    submitted by /u/Adossi
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