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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - November 07, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - November 07, 2020

    Questions Thread - November 07, 2020

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Questions Thread - November 07, 2020

    This is a general question thread on November 07, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    got three voices from my first 20 wave simulacrum!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:25 AM PST

    Why I always click jewelry boxes in heist

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Thank You GGG

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:37 AM PST

    I started playing Diablo 1 with my father when I was 9 years old (1999), and to be honest it's one of the earliest things that I can remember. But I remember it well. I still remember booting up and logging into Battle.net with him, and the annoying sound of AOL dial-up. I remember my father being a noob and finding a Scroll of Stone Curse and thinking it was the only way to beat the Skeleton King. I remember hovering my mouse over the door to the Butcher and just fucking staring at it, because as a 9 year old it was absolutely terrifying. But I'd look back at my Dad, and he'd just laugh and say, 'You won't die this time, just run away and trap him.'

    Diablo 2 came out a couple years later I think, and as sad as it sounds, it completely engulfed my life. I would go to football practice after school and come home, wait for my dad to get off of work, and we would play together. I wasn't nearly as good at the game as he was of course, but anytime he found something really cool from his double Gull dagger Meph runs he would show me, and sometimes he would surprise me by transferring things to my account for me to wake up to before I went to school the next morning.

    I'm 30 years old now and I played Diablo 2 for a long time after losing my father. It gave me a certain feeling that I can't quite explain. It's more than just nostalgia. I've been playing Path of Exile since closed beta and whatever that feeling is, you guys fucking nailed it. I still have moments after 8 years of playing that I wish I could share with my father, and play your game with him. I know that in a weird way if he could see what you guys have made, he'd be pissed off that he couldn't play it.


    Thank you Chris Wilson and the rest of the team at GGG. I can't wait to see what you guys have done with PoE2.

    submitted by /u/_oGs
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    Level 31 / 101% quality Divergent Determination

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 10:29 PM PST

    With Stash Affinity sending Elder Maps straight to the Map Stash it's time to make them searchable

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 01:15 AM PST

    How is this still not implemented?

    submitted by /u/InsertGenericNameLol
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    Thanks RNGesus

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:30 AM PST

    Armageddon Nails - Double Essence Mod Crit Gloves

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:40 AM PST

    Just play the game

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 03:54 PM PST

    Fractured Fossil Data from my league Goal : Delving to 6000 depth for the first time!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Fractured Fossil Data from my league Goal : Delving to 6000 depth for the first time!

    Greetings Exiles,

    with 3.10s Delirium orbs and 3.12 Grand Heists two new ways of currency making based on Fractured Fossils were introduced. Most of you will know that those mainly come from people delving deep into the azurite mines. In Heist League I mapped down Fractured Fossil nodes also known as "Humid Fissures" in sulphur vents biomes since i couldn't find Data on these other than the popular truth "they become more common past 1500".


    Even with Biomes and Fossils spawns being random the data suggests that the amount of Humid Fissures you encounter increases incrementally past 1500 reaching a steady state at around 2500 with an average of 24 Fractured fossils per 100 Depth that's consistent all the way down to 6k.



    Deep delving with its unique play style and build challenges combined with the brutal delve scaling and modifiers was a welcome breath of fresh air for me after several leagues of mapping. I can understand that the "zhp" play style and expensive entry cost to reach 1500 depth can be daunting for players that havent tried it before as it was for me as well. But interacting with other delving Exiles from around the World and learning from them was some of the most fun I had in a while! I encourage every one of you to give it a try if you are interested (especially at the end of a league).

    Some common misconceptions about delve :

    "I need to reach 6000 depth to make profit"

    Depending on fossil and scarab prices profit starts at around 1.2-1.8k! The main reason why people push past 6k is that Delve monster HP scaling stops increasing here and Nodes lose their modifiers (no onslaught/nemesis/beyond/bloodline/pack size etc).

    "I need an expensive delve build to start"

    Well optimized mapping and lower budget delve builds (~15-30 ex) can do the initial push to 1000. Most delvers gradually upgrade their delve builds when they hit walls in their delve with the currency they make.

    " With 300 es won't I die all the time ? "

    Past 2000, it doesn't matter how much hp, es or mitigation you build with monsters having 2476% inc. damage and zone modifiers even a tiny azurite spider can kill you.

    The main form of survival here are : movement speed, positioning, evasion, freeze, corpse removal and as much damage scaling you can possibly cram into a character.

    ( Fun fact : on my way down to 6k I died a total of 10549 times )

    Character : [Raidercandelve](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Belirs/RaidercanDelve?type=depthsolo&i=28&search=type%3Ddepthsolo%26mindepthsolo%3D2000%26maxdepthsolo%3D8000)

    Current PoB : https://pastebin.com/DiexPeKy

    If you have any questions about the posts or delving in general feel free to whisper me ingame. I'm also streaming my daily delving adventures on [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/belirs) .

    submitted by /u/Belirss
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    How I Get Myself Killed

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 11:46 PM PST

    GGG: This is how you can fix storing elder maps inside Map Stash Tab

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:52 AM PST

    Thank you Karst, couldnt have done this without you.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:39 AM PST

    New ep of Baited Expectations chatting about the delay, changes to 3.13 development & more with Brittleknee, KittenCatNoodle, Velyna and piebypie

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:27 AM PST

    Cant go back to Sirus Fight

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:00 AM PST

    Of all the things I regret in life, hitting 100 for the first time is not one of them

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 07:39 PM PST

    GGG Please Fix Marks!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:44 AM PST

    The idea is cool, but trying to cast them with name locking feels so clunky and just sucks so damn much.

    Please fix

    submitted by /u/Aviark13
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    We should get a hotkey to NOT place in affinity tab but in the current open tab

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 11:50 PM PST

    Sometimes I'll sell maps for friends and obviously I want to split that from my main currency tab so it would be great to have a hotkey like ctrl+(?)+click to place in selected tab rather than to the currency tab. The update is great otherwise, big ups!

    submitted by /u/-LMNTS-
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    I heard you wanted some resistances?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:56 AM PST

    This game has a damage problem

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 04:03 PM PST

    Short background: I'm a fairly bad player that plays 1, maybe two characters per league. I usually choose a mediocre league starter with a lot of room to grow. This league I went with bv chieftain. I knew I'd have more time to play than usual this league, so I had aspirations of my first lvl 98 or 99 character. I knew bv chieftain was beefy and had good damage so I figured it would just be a normal grind. I mostly play ssf-ish in trade league, I try to craft most of my gear, and mostly use trade for uniques and 6 links and such. My initial version quickly got up to red maps and around lvl94 before I started dying a lot. At this point my build was tank mode, koams, big life on everything, about 8k life, relying on herald of ash for clear and running around 1.5 million dps. I struggled through some non juiced maps to 95, and just wasn't doing well, I would never get to 98 or 98 at the rate I was still dying and I wasn't making shit for money. So over the last week I respecced for damage, dropping life everywhere in favor of damage. I went from 1.5 million dps to about 8 million dps, using explode chest for clear while dropping to 5.9k hp. And what do you know, I haven't died but once since. Turns out the only defense you need in the game is to just delete the opposition before it can even react. Honestly, it's pretty disappointing. I had had big plans of scrounging together 6 or 7 endurance charges, big armor, ailment immunity, etc, and just slow grinding to 99. Turns out just saying fuck it, blow shit up is the tankier option.

    submitted by /u/Sthrowaway54
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    Filtration-fork! Update: 1.3.1 (New Minimap Icons + Effects and updated Classes)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 01:20 AM PST

    For Everyone that was using Filtration by Ben Wallis to edit their Item Filters:

    Just wanted to let you know that I've added missing Icons and Effects to PoE Filtration app in my fork. I don't really know C# that good but if there is anything that can is missing let me know (I'll try to learn some new stuff).

    Link: https://github.com/TheDandyBerry/Filtration-fork/releases/tag/1.3.2

    What is Filtration?

    Filtration is quite useful an editor for Path of Exile item filter scripts that allows you to easily preview your filter.


    • Quick and easy editing and creation of item filter scripts - no direct editing of scripts required
    • Full support for all item filter attributes
    • Visual preview of colour settings
    • Copy & paste filter blocks and styles between scripts
    • The Theme Editor allows you to create themes for scripts that support them, allowing you to easily change the colours of item filter scripts.
    • The Replace Colors tool allows you to quickly replace all instances of particular color combinations throughout a script
    • The Block Group Browser allows users of your scripts to easily toggle Show/Hide for groups of blocks.
    • Add minimap Icons and Effects to your item groups






    Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/3bwson/introducing_filtration_a_path_of_exile_item/

    submitted by /u/TheBoruwek
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    Does the TRADE site not know that exalts aren't less than 50c anymore?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:21 AM PST

    I was looking for explody chests, and the cheapest I could find was starting at 5ex, which is about 450 chaos currently or so, and as I kept scrolling down, some starting to pop up at prices of 300c, and I thought, wait a minute, that's less than 5ex technically.

    Then a little later I decided to upgrade my gems to 21/20, and I noticed they were starting at the price of 1ex, but as I scrolled down a little bit, I started seeing some selling for 50c, which is 30c less than an exalt, and so I bought the ones for 40-50c.

    So if you are looking for items on the trade site, be careful, as I can see people noticing this early, and taking advantage of it

    that's all :)

    submitted by /u/OmegaPeePeeClap
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    Thank you for the help!!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:06 AM PST

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