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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - November 08, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - November 08, 2020

    Questions Thread - November 08, 2020

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Questions Thread - November 08, 2020

    This is a general question thread on November 08, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Strongboxes should be updated to have more reward types.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:01 AM PST

    Right now, Strongbox rewards are fairly underwhelming - it would make a lot of sense to update them to include other league content in the same fashion that Heists' reward's chests reward previous league's content. e.g. greatly reduce the rarity of the boring regular strongboxes, but add additional types of strongboxes like Breach, Legion, Fragments, Metamorph, Delerium, Jewels, ect. to maps.

    It would also be great if the %chance to find strongboxes in maps go up. I'm not saying we add 3-5 to every map, but it would be interesting to see how that affects the long term Economy, as Ambush went core over 6 years ago and deserves to be revisited eventually.

    submitted by /u/79215185-1feb-44c5
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    I only wanted the 2 mod + crafted life, but yeah im not complaining. :D

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:33 AM PST

    8-Link Double Essence Gloves

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Celestial Palace ( Celestial Nebula Hideout ) HO Competition

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Minotaur melting - EQ Bleed Gladiator

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:03 AM PST

    [Suggestion] Allow Delirium stash tab to hold Cluster jewels

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:15 PM PST

    I think it's pretty well-agreed upon that the Delirium stash tab is probably one of the worst league stash tab.

    With that in mind, Cluster jewels came from Delirium league and still only drops from Delirium league, I'm not seeing as to why they can't go in to a Delirium tab. They don't have to hold massive quantity.

    It'd be nice if there's a way to separate depending on what enchantment they have (atk dmg, ele dmg, cold dmg etc), but if it's going to hinder UI too much, then going by small-medium-large, or even just having any kind of space to store cluster jewels would be nice.

    Blighted maps and Metamorph organs are good example of how they should've been implemented in the first place IMO.


    submitted by /u/mecsnt
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    Would be great if you could create your own affinities using loot filter logic

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:41 AM PST

    This is how I dreamt of the affinity system working when it was announced. I'm very happy to have affinities but if this would be possible it would make the game so nice to play...

    You can use the loot filter language to highlight just about any item, it would be so great if you can use the same logic to route a particular item to a tab. This way there would be no need for GGG to add affinities for other item types like gems, flask, corrupted items, rares, etc. You could just use the loot filter language to route the items you want into the tabs you want, and you can customize it exactly to how you like to organize your stash.

    I'm guessing this would probably be a complete change of logic to the current system though so I imagine it's too late for that, and maybe it's too OP, but I still find myself putting 50% of my loot into the dump tab that I will have to spend time sorting anyways because of all the items that doesn't fit into a special tab. And no matter how many affinity types they add, there would always be people wishing they could sort certain items into certain tabs.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Chrozon
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    Saw the top post today, did a heist myself and what do you know...

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:55 PM PST

    Shaper Shaper Shaper Shaper Shaper (RMR)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:33 AM PST

    When will we hear about the event happening during the delay? What would you like the event to be?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:09 PM PST

    In this announcement they mentioned the following:

    So that you still have some interesting Path of Exile stuff to play over the Christmas/New Year break, we're planning to run at least one multi-week event (for example, Flashback). We'll confirm details of these event(s) once we have put together a plan.

    I know it's only been 10 days since that was announced, but I'm really excited for it!

    For those of you that began playing PoE back in Legion or later, this will be the first event being held since May to June of 2019 and it feels like it's been forever (it has been). Since that time we have had: Legion, Blight, Metamorph, Delirium, Harvest and Heist leagues with no events between them. They used to run these event leagues during the last month of a league and I absolutely loved them. Here's some of the longer duration event leagues that occurred back in 2018/2019:

    Flashback League

    • The Flashback Event will have three random mods from popular past leagues activated at once. The collection of mods will persist in that area for one hour and the collection of mods will vary from area to area. After an hour has passed the mods will randomise for each area again.
    • You will be able to get the following quantities of these modes in any where they are present: 2 x additional Rogue Exiles, 2 x additional Invasion Bosses,1 x additional Breach, 2 x additional Strongboxes, 3 x Tormented Spirits, 2 x additional Perandus Chests and a 33% chance to spawn Cadiro, Beyond, 3 x additional Rare Monster Packs with Nemesis Mods, 3 x additional Magic Monster Packs with Bloodlines, 1 additional Abyss, 2 x additional Harbingers
    • This was a non-void event, meaning your character would migrate to parent leagues at the end of the event.

    Mayhem League

    • In Mayhem, areas are inhabited by one of the following mods: 20 x Rogue Exiles, 20 x Tormented Spirits, 20 x Invaders, 20 x Strongboxes or 10 x Breaches. These mods are the same for all players and rotate once per hour.
    • This was a void event, meaning your character would not migrate to parent leagues at the end of the event.

    Turmoil League

    • In Turmoil, each area other than towns and the Twilight Strand will contain dangerous inhabitants of one out of 9 different types: Rogue Exiles, Tormented Spirits, Invaders, Strongboxes, Breaches, Perandus Chests, a 20% chance to spawn Beyond demons, Nemesis with 5 additional Rare monster packs and Bloodlines with 6 additional Magic monster packs. These mods are the same for all players and rotate once per hour.
    • This was a non-void event, meaning your character would migrate to parent leagues at the end of the event.

    I felt like each of these events really spiced zones up and made the areas feel significantly more populated. Mayhem in particular was a bit nightmarish early on because you could run into multiple rogue exiles in the first couple of zones at the same time and it would feel particularly challenging.

    There were other leagues before 2018 as well that were significantly smaller timeframes:

    Cutthroat and Grief

    • Allowed you to select other players instances and attack/kill them; Cutthroat allowed you to take their loot, Grief did not (if memory serves correctly)


    • You kill a rare mob and you gain all of its mods for 20 seconds.

    I never got to participate in this one due to constantly conflicting timeframes but I do recall watching streamers and youtuber videos on it and it looked like a lot of fun.


    • Blood Magic passive was allocated (consume life instead of mana)
    • Lethal monsters existed (+50% damage and 50% of their physical damage is added as cold, fire and lightning)
    • Ancestral (zones were populated with totems)
    • Multiple Projects (monsters have four additional projectiles for projectile-based attacks
    • Turbo (monsters run attack and cast 60% faster

    There were many many others over the years, so I apologize for those that I left out. If you are interested in seeing what the older races/events looked like, check out this page.

    For me, I would like another Mayhem event personally. I don't really care if it's a void league, I just want to experience utter chaos once again. What would you like to see?

    submitted by /u/NoZanaYamate
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    What's going on with recent deep delver bans?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:21 AM PST

    There are like 5 banned people in top 300 solo delve, also #1 non-solo delve boo ban. What's up with these?

    submitted by /u/Nerfedgenius
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    How to deal with addiction?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:29 AM PST

    (Not sure about the flair but I think "Question" doesn't fit in this one because, contrary to what title says, it's not really a question")

    So I have tendency to get really addicted to online games. WoW, BDO, and now POE. It was supposed to be like one week thing because I was so fed up with league of legends (god, what a dogshit ass game) and other mobas that I just wanted to try, and oh god is the game fun. I spent an entire month playing this game and after I finished campaign I was able to spend roughly 16 hours daily on the game. It was that fun. Because of that, my life kind of crumbled. I'm 22, I'm a student, and I have a one year break from my studies atm (long story, doesn't matter) so I have a lot of time to play. But because I'm 22 I can't enjoy the game without guilt. I know that the time I spend on the game could (and should) be spent on something productive like learning python, learning German, polishing excel skills, something that could help me with my finance career. But the game is so fun, I have uninstalled it 3 times and it's beeen 2 days since my last uninstall and I feel like a junkie. I want to reinstall, and having nothing to play doesn't help( well, THERE IS LEAGUE but the game is so shit I swear to god, getting bald simulator). Playing mobas is fine, because every match is a separate thing. But here you always continue what you left on. I'm also not a casual player. It's my first league, I got a late start (like, beginning of October) but I already killed sirus a8, Uber elder, like, almost? all endgame content and I still want to play more. Because the game is that fun, and as I'm writing this I want to play. I want to deep delve, I want to do more heists, I want to do more syndicate, I want to sell Alva rooms on tft. It's. So. Fun. But I can't because the year I'm free from studying will go to waste. I didn't fail a year to play PoE.

    I'm not sure what this post is, maybe a manifestation of my feelings. I quit league because it's not fun. I quit hots because it's not fun. I quit smite because it's not fun. I quit wow because it's time consuming and addictive. I quit BDO because it's time consuming and addictive(and grindy, like Poe, but in Poe it's a fun grind). I started Poe just, like, to try and leave it but addictive features in this game are strong. It's like top 3 games ever I played it's that fun. So I'm sad I have to leave it, but I don't want to leave it, I know I don't want to play casually, even 4 hours daily is not enough.

    So I'm frustrated, I found a game that Is fun but is literally making me waste my time away.

    Sooooo I don't even know what I want to ask you about, maybe some part of me wishes any of you will provide me with a solution, but I don't think there's any. If I don't play at all I will be productive, but feel kinda frustrated because I want to keep playing( that feeling will probably pass with time, I remember how I dealt with BDO, same thing). If I just play and go all out? 16 hours daily or more, sleep deprivation, nothing productive done. 4 hours daily/ moderation? I don't think I'm capable of that, I don't consider myself a casual.

    Thanks for listening I needed that

    submitted by /u/FanGothic2
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    How do you get the "emperor's" series of jewels?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:52 PM PST

    The wiki says they come from having the fastest clear of each labyrinth each day, but I looked at the leaderboards and it just looks like a bot is putting in impossibly fast times every day. I even got second place the other day only to have the bot put up a time that was twice as fast? Is there any way around this besides buying the gem from them, because I really don't have that kind of currency lying around.

    submitted by /u/Veressa_The_Swift
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    A fanart that I've remade several months later. Long time ago I've gave a try on drawing a POE character of a buddy. That time I was just starting with Pixel Art so most of the rules were neglected. Thanks to a lad here I've surely improved, even though I am still an amateur.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:53 PM PST

    The Rogue's Safe House ( Cartographier Hideout ) HO Competition

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Quickref sheet for where to find crafting recipes in Delve, syndicate member-specific veiled mods, etc.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:02 AM PST

    Favorite master mission slot

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    So one of the best atlas changes IMO was the favorite map slots that you can unlock. While I wish the weighting was a bit higher, this allows you to pick essentially 1x t14, 1x t15, and 1x t16 map that is your favorite and you have a much higher chance of getting that map to drop than others. With all 3 slots unlocked this let's you pretty much self sustain (for the most part) 3 maps. 1 of each tier from t14-t16.

    When it comes to master missions everyone always has a favorite. Some people love niko if they big into delve, some people love zana for the free maps and chance at synthesis maps and guardians and stuff. Some love einhar and all the beast farming to get/hunt the expensive ones. Me personally.... I love JUN missions. Some people hate them, I love them.

    Think it would be awesome if they added something in game like the map slots to select your favorite master mission. Maybe something like if you complete all atlas objectives you get like 2x the chance to on receiving a master mission to get your favorite one and after completing all awakener bonus's you get like 3x the chance or something.

    This way it would allow people to have a better chance of getting the masters they enjoy running, isn't so significant that it would break game at all, would be a lot more fun IMO and would be a nice reward for people to actually fill out and completely do all their bonus objectives + awakener bonus's for maps.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/g00fy_goober
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    Explain endgame to me like I'm 5 years old

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:51 AM PST

    I enjoy the gameplay in this game. I like the tons of build options and experimenting with what works and what doesn't, super fun stuff. My problem is that after I finished all of the very long main story quests I don't understand what I do now. Ive heard a few things about maps and atlas and all that but I really don't get it. I do want to play the game more but I need some super simple and super obvious explainations of exactly what I need to be doing.

    submitted by /u/echoeagle3
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    Farmed 300 deception contracts - so you don't have to.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:38 AM PST

    Farmed 300 deception contracts - so you don't have to.

    Did 300 Deception contracts and here are the results :

    Big dik drops:

    1 stack cards are the voids

    The marker's are pure profit.
    Misc drops:


    submitted by /u/Soraundixx
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    Sinle dense fossil

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:08 PM PST

    How to further craft this belt?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:51 AM PST

    Forever Exiled Interviews The One, The Only, ItsYoji! Episode 54!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST


    Hey Everyone!

    In our 54th Episode of Forever Exiled, a Path of Exile Podcast, we were honoured to interview ItsYoji! If you've ever, in the history of Path of Exile, looked anything up on YouTube regarding PoE, you've likely seen his content. He's been in the community since the beginning of time with videos ranging from build guides, gameplay hints and tips, community showcases...everything. His wonderful attitude and hilarious humour is a staple in everything he does. We hope you enjoy getting to know your favourite ItsYoji a little bit more. We sure did! Thanks for the listens!

    ItsYoji Info:

    ItsYoji's YouTube

    ItsYoji's Twitter

    Forever Exiled Info:



    Twitter @ForeverExiled82

    Path of Exile Website

    Wrecker of Days Builds List


    submitted by /u/wrecker_of_days
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