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    Monday, January 18, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Hydrosphere on totems test - lv 12 gems in T2 map

    Path of Exile Builds Hydrosphere on totems test - lv 12 gems in T2 map

    Hydrosphere on totems test - lv 12 gems in T2 map

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:42 PM PST

    How are the deadeye changes?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:16 PM PST

    I plan to play it using ele hit with trinity support? Is it good into red maps?

    submitted by /u/Squiblie
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    [ZiggyD] Cute Hydrosphere Utility Mechanics

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:42 PM PST

    Caught between two builds.. yet again. Toxic rain PF or Vortex occultist.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:34 PM PST

    So as I said before, main thing is making currency for a gigabuild later, but I want to be able to clear atlas+Maven with the build.

    From what I recall, PF Toxic rain cost a ton of money to get a lot of boss damage, but melted them

    Vortex occultist was unkillable, but bosses took forever.

    In your opinion, what would be the better choice between the two, I have an 81 Occultist, but it only takes me 5 hours to get to maps, and in total 7 for 80, so notmuch lost time

    submitted by /u/siegah
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    Anybody tried the new firestorm?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:57 PM PST

    I tried it and ran into the DUMBEST REASON for a build being bad in my poe "career" so far.

    Other than still doing abysmal damage (but this is likely due to me making a poor build rather than the skill still being too weak)

    the chief problem for why I had to abandon my character and reroll, is because the BIG meteors clutter up the screen to an extent where I can't fucking see the enemies or the spells of enemies. So this spell actively, non-trivially makes your build more rippy. I've never seen anything like it.

    It's because for some reason they wanted to show the big meteor come from the top of your screen when it lands, but this sucks balls for visibility.

    Anybody have more success with this "buffed" spell?

    submitted by /u/Northanui
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    Any fun builds?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:31 PM PST

    So with the changes to Poe and its ascendancies, I dont know what build to play, Although personally I want to try out the new elementalist and deadeye.

    submitted by /u/K2004hg
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    Anyone else started with ballistas? How's your experience?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:13 AM PST

    I went with Shrapnel Ballista Champion. I haven't got that much to play, plus the gameplay is a bit slow, so I'm only 43 lvl so far. Plus I spend too much time in PoB, I've changed my tree 5 times since I started. For example I didn't realize Master of Metal gives +1000 armour even from ballista hits. So I scratched the dodge keystones and took Iron Reflexes instead to save up some passive points.
    The playstyle isn't as awkward as I thought, I've had worse (Stormbind, Mines). But the damage also doesn't seem THAT great, even at this early level? I expected to instaphase bosses with all ballistas deployed, but it doesn't happen. Obviously there's a lot of room to upgrade, but I'm already worried about the red maps.

    submitted by /u/kalarepar
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    Toxic Rain SSF - Ascendancy Choice

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:35 AM PST

    Since TR seems pretty good for Rituals I was wondering which Ascendancy might be suitable for ssf. Seems like PR does have better scaling but those endgame items wount be available, which class scales better with basic gear?

    submitted by /u/Infernus2k
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    Any good and reliable inquisitor build that fits Ritual content?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:23 PM PST

    Hello, I wanted to play SR after the boost, but and it turned out to be garbage in red+ map content. It randomly dies to the fact I have to stand still and it has not enough burst dmg for legions and other timed content. I need something good I can reroll with templar that can do all content efficiently. Do you guys have any good experience in this patch or tips, what could work well? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Nikeyla
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    How to scale BF/BB Chieftain

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:59 AM PST

    Title. Do I invest in physical? Fire damage? Spell damage? Or gem level?

    I am not sure where to spend my currency on to get the most damage increase. Maybe some one can help me out here.

    submitted by /u/MajorDV
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    Earthshatter - Jugg vs Champion?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:41 AM PST

    So I just rerolled into a Earthshatter Jugg because my starter kind of sucked. However I just saw on poe.ninja that most people are playing ES on Champion.

    Is Jugg still viable or should I rerollr (Jugg is only lvl 35) into champion? I guess that Champion does more dmg while Jugg is tankier?

    submitted by /u/neunzehnhundert
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    [Path of Exile 3.13] Zombie Summoner League Starter Build Guide! for all...

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:06 AM PST

    Bleed EQ Glads - how are you feeling?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:45 AM PST

    How is it to play bleed EQ?

    What map tier are you. How much currency did you spend. How is mapping / bossing?

    submitted by /u/Rainmakerrrrr
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    Necro or Ele for Carrion Golems Now?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:08 AM PST

    The ladder seems 50/50 - are there pros and cons for doing it either way?

    submitted by /u/livejamie
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    Intense Thirst: Crackling Lance Kitava's Thirst Scion

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:08 AM PST

    Pob: https://pastebin.com/bQUk0wPk

    This is the general premise of the build: with a very high speed we cast Crackling Lance, the cost of which we make sure to be over a 100 mana. So, with every cast we have a 50% chance to trigger the spells in our helmet, Storm Call and Hydrosphere. To buff their damage we cast a very juicy Arcane Cloak. The idea is that we still have very good clear while at high Intensity.

    Two notable things about our ascendancies: Elementalist makes Hydrosphere's Exposure very strong. Raider, while giving us insane cast speed, also gives perma Phasing. This allows us to make excellent use of Mistwall. Although, if defence is not an issue, dual wielding is probably best.

    submitted by /u/ME24saken
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    Archmage Storm Brand Necromancer still good?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

    Hello, i was thinking about going archmage stormbrand necromancer as the league started. I remember vagely that some interaction with archmage and storm brand changed in the past ... am I correct? If not, is necro still a valid choice for that? I like the QoL features you can get with corpses and offerings.

    submitted by /u/Pandantson
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    Recommended spectres for DB guardian?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:58 AM PST

    basically title. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Slick_Soldier1
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    So, what is the meta poison build everyone is changing to?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:15 AM PST

    I had some poison items up for sale and all of a sudden everyone and their aunt wanted to buy at higher prices than listed.

    Has Mathil made a new build?

    submitted by /u/MesterenR
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    Mana sustain + blind on hit/flesh and stone

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:06 AM PST

    So I'm playing bowmage crit frost bolt/ice nova inquisitor (don't have PoB, it's messy and I'm at work). Despite being a meme and completly constructed by me it's going surprisingly well, I just have a couple problems that need to be solved.
    My first problem is mana sustain: I still don't have asenath's for the 30% mana regen (would have it already if it didn't go up in price like crazy yesterday, and that wouldn't be enough anyway) and vs packs I can sustain with a mana flask that I want to phase out since I decided to not go MoM (since I can't really invest in it, being oom and not be able to flame dash away was killing me more than not having it). The problem is vs tanky bosses (discovered that in a 5min maven fight and tanky boss with life regen) where I just go oom and run in circles untill I have mana for maybe 2 bursts of ice novas. To solve this I can't rely on gear like the ring craft for now since I have essence worms for auras, and I'm kinda starved for dex so the majority of my gear has dex crafted (for that I'm thinking reworking a bit the tree to go more in the shadow area for dex and crit). What I have come up to is to start to use frenzy-CoC-poacher's mark-cold snap-bonechill in the bow(I have a good ~2ex one I got lucky crafting by being curious about essence of woe working on bows) and chugg a couple frenzies at the boss once in a while; until I get a good natural bow to craft trigger on for a similar setup and moving frenzy to other gear. Another solution would be to put mana leech on frost bolt, but I don't know if it would be enough. I also have some jewel sockets that can be swapped out (pref for a rare that still has %inc life). What are your thoughts? Would the coc setup even work with lowish crit? Would mana leech work?
    My second "problem" is more of a question; right now I'm running flesh and stone for the blind for my non-essence worm aura, but my bow has 14% blind on hit craft. So I thought about just removing FnS and use some other aura. How would the blind on hit compare to FnS defensively? What other aura should I use? Would clarity be enough to solve my 1st problem?

    submitted by /u/Ermellino
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    Let's exchange experiences with Trinity! What have you built around it? What do you still want to do?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:00 AM PST

    I find trinity to be extremely exciting, I've started with a spellslinger FB Ice Nova. I have a little flat added lightning on my attack (Power Siphon / Frenzy), which procs trinity for Ice and Fire damage. I spellsling my Frost Bolts. Then I have trinity on my Ice Nova. This way I get easy charges and nice pen and more damage. I'm still in yellow maps, and just now starting to transition to crit from EO, so my experience is limited, but so far the clear is awesome and the bossing seems a little weak. I still have to do uber lab and get a trigger setup for frostbite though, so it might get better. Also looking to do the devouring diadem MoM setup when I can afford one.

    Another idea I had was with the spiritblade base from heist, or with the explosion arrow and flat ele to attacks. So many option!

    What have you been building? Really looking forward to what other people have cooked up :)

    submitted by /u/Ausderdose
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    Best scaling cyclone builds?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:49 AM PST


    I already accumulated some currency and now I'm looking for a good cyclone build in which i can put all my currency now and in the future. Do you guys know which builds would be best suited for this? I'm looking for a tanky build which can clear up to 100% deli T16 maps(with some investment of course).

    What first came to mind was impale glad/slayer but then I also found CoC Ice nova with cyclone.

    I guess since I would like to be tanky my best bet would be impale glad? which can also do quite some damage with the right investement

    submitted by /u/Trondbart
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    is coc good in ritual

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:43 AM PST

    im curious if its still good after the assassin nerfs i really want to play it but i don't know to much about the build since Ive only played it twice in the past two leagues. IS it still viable

    submitted by /u/ElsexyTigrex
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    Need necromancer advice

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:43 PM PST

    Hey guys, I would appreciate some help. I really am enjoying the necromancer playstyle but am noticing my build starting to weaken. I am currently playing skeleton mages and wondering what is a good build to swap to for end game bosses and maps. Appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/DekeaSaurusRex
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    Looking for good clearing build with low investment

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:58 AM PST

    Hello! Like the title says im looking for a good league starter build that can de red maps with a low investment. And with at least decent bossing. I would like to do all maven fights on it eventually.

    Currently playing bleed bow glad which very quickly needs very expansive gear to keep up, and im looking for something else.

    Any good suggestions?

    Edit: i dislike mine builds

    submitted by /u/zelardiel
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    Fun Active group support builds

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:53 PM PST

    So i'm playing in a group of 5 friends and I was wanting to go with a support build. I don't want to just be sitting there walking around though. So is there an more active type of support build that I can go? I don't want to do a minion support build as another player is playing minions and I don't want to step on their toes too much. I was thinking some sort of super curser or maybe something like shock proliferation with the new elementalist trait.

    I don't have too much experience with support builds and google was helpful for recent builds, excepting maybe minion based ones.


    submitted by /u/AsheBear_
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