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    Saturday, March 13, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Any ideas on a build using this?

    Path of Exile Builds Any ideas on a build using this?

    Any ideas on a build using this?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:27 PM PST

    Need help crafting these gloves

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:29 AM PST

    [Budget build] Killing Awakener on a Shoestring Budget

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 05:16 AM PST

    [3.13] Carrion Golem "IMMORTAL" Build - Tanking Memory Game, "Brain" Slam, Sirus Storm/Meteor and any content!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 09:15 AM PST

    Class Gauntlet - Tips, Builds and what can you achieve as a regular player!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:33 PM PST

    Totem build

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 10:34 PM PST

    I'm looking for a solid totem build for fun. Don't care on the cost but I would like it to be easy to start. I have not played a decent one in over a year and I want to give it a go again.

    I'm only looking for a few things with the build.

    1. Decent mapper
    2. Solid boss killer
    3. High life or ES

    This late into the league, I'm just wanting something that's simplistic but destructive. And maybe has a few good MTXs to go with it. (Yes I'm that guy)

    Thanks I'm advance!

    submitted by /u/Dopeangel
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    [3.13] Elemental Hit Raider Showcase. 93+mil Shaper Dps

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 11:39 AM PST

    I find this lack of damage... disturbing [Earttquake Jugg ]

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:07 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm kinda new to POE and after few characters, I started investing in this EQ Jugg build.


    Got to kill Sirus, it's kinda tanky but the damage is really slow... can you spot anything wrong in the build? How could I improve it?

    submitted by /u/Loudmicro
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    ELI5: 100M+ DPS builds

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 04:48 PM PST

    I've been spending the last couple of leagues just trying to not think about how there are builds that are just whole orders of magnitude stronger than anything I could ever reasonably achieve, even in PoB.

    I get that there's been a ton of power creep but there's a Berserker out there hitting for what, 2 BILLION right now? I don't have the best grasp of damage scaling and I just don't understand at all how to make something that insane.

    submitted by /u/MMGeoff
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    What is your preferred method of crafting cluster jewels?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 03:59 AM PST

    I have skipped the past two leagues and returned for ritual so this is the first league that I'm playing after clusters were introduced. A lot of the time when I'm looking for a new build to play, one thing that may hold me back from playing it is the price of the cluster jewels. I figured it may be easier to craft my own so I ask, how do you guys go about crafting them?

    submitted by /u/xs0bzx
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    Noob looking for red map advice

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 03:35 AM PST

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/7TpJZhEE

    Following this build: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/penance-brand-elementalist-build-guide

    For the first time I have progressed far enough in the endgame to start doing red maps, but I notice that I often get one- or two-shotted by enemies there.

    I am therefore looking for advice on how to improve my build. What would be the most important changes to help increase my survivability?

    Any help would be very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/A_Dining_Room
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    league starters that are easy hit and run style?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 03:23 AM PST

    i am not sure if deciding a league starter is difficult for everyone..but there too many choices. I have used Toxic rain before. I want a league starter which is similar to TR. one hit-clear screen-move to next screen. something that will help to clear the acts fast and do mapping faster.

    submitted by /u/Joshi0000
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    Need crafting advice for this (details in comments)

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 12:42 AM PST

    Decay Support Occultist

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 09:58 AM PST

    Video (Not me): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSY1sHlrI8U

    POB: https://pastebin.com/XAW0ha5T

    Inspiration: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/lisov4/after_the_curse_rework_cool_and_interesting_hex/gn9izyz/

    Poe.Ninjas: https://poe.ninja/challengehc/builds?item=Vixens-Entrapment&allskill=Decay-Support

    TLDR; decay support, killed Sirus, HC viable.

    Build Concept

    The idea of the build is to cast despair on targets twice to trigger impending doom and apply decay support.

    Here's the explanation from the other post:

    The build resolves around decay again (I just love decay). It uses impending doom' doom blast to proc the decay with a 480% more multiplier when the curse has maximum doom (2 seconds).

    The way I automate this process is via Vixen's gloves and having a maximum of exactly 4 curses. This is the important part. Vixen's socketed curses trigger BEFORE the actual curse you cast.

    I cast despair, which triggers Vixen's curses and put in order Vulnerability, Punishment, Temp Chain, Enfeeble, Despair on the enemy. Since my max number of curse is 4, Vulnerability gets removed by Despair, leaving the monster with Punishment, Temp Chain, Enfeeble, Despair that gains doom. The second cast does the same thing in the same order, the difference is that the monster already have 4 curses, the rotation will :

    replace old Punishment with new Vulnerability

    replace old Temp Chain with new Punishment

    replace old Enfeeble by new Temp chain

    replace old despair by new Enfeeble (PROC'ING IMPENDING DOOM)

    replace new Vulnerability by new Despair

    You end up with the same setup as before, a monster with Punishment, Temp Chain, Enfeeble, Despair that gains doom.

    This leaves us with ~300k dot dps with no gear with a skill uptime of 20s on bosses.


    Vixen's Entrapment - Needs to have top two slots red and bottom two slots green and blue. To craft this just use the 2 red craft repeatedly since it guarantees the top slots as red. Socket as follows: Vulnerability top left, punishment top right, then temp chains and enfeeble in the bottom slots.

    Decay Links - 3-link with at least despair, decay support, and impending doom.

    Whispers of Doom & Malediction - Provides two extra curses which with Vixen's allows 4 total.

    Damage Scaling

    Scaling is done through

    • dot multi
    • chaos damage
    • generic damage
    • gem levels

    Because decay is a support, the amulet +gem levels don't apply. Also because decay is not a spell, %spell damage does not apply. If you're playing SC I would recommend a bow with +3 socketed gems.

    The highest damage weapon is probably a chaos dot multi, dot multi, +2 chaos, +2 support, +1 int, +1 support implicit warstaff.

    Malevolence for more damage and aura effect stacking.

    With Temp Chains; Essence Drain and/or Soulrend make good choices to cast during your 20 second down time against bosses.


    For leveling, I'd start caustic arrow until 38+ when you have at all the requirements.

    Bossing consists of casting despair twice, throwing down some other spells, then casting despair whenever possible to add impending doom damage.

    There aren't a lot of people playing this so I'm not sure what's optimal. Hopefully some more people give it a shot so I can steal their ideas.

    submitted by /u/fakebanebuild
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    Returning player (standard) need some help with my cyclone build

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 12:31 AM PST

    https://pastebin.com/Hm1iQ99j - pob

    Hello, first time using reddit in a very long time, so sorry if this ends up looking weird. Just came back to poe recently and would like some help with my build. Damage seems kinda low for the investment i put into it a while back would like to know if there's anything i can do to improve it or if my tree is messed up. Budget is around 50-100ex , willing to swap to a different class if needed but would prefer something not so squishy

    Thanks for your time

    submitted by /u/rapidfire50
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    Has anyone run a plume of pursuit build?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 05:53 PM PST

    Plume of pursuits main feature is that spells autocrit on the last hit of spell echo but makes it so only that last hit can crit and non-crits become mostly harmless.

    Obviously this thing pulls ahead with marleen's fallacy but I noticed that awakened spell echo gives a pretty substantial amount of chance for double damage. This may be exactly what we need to make this thing really excel over normal spell crit builds.

    Has anyone run this before and how can I stack up enough double damage chance to hit 100%?

    submitted by /u/Orzine
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    Any ideas what to use this for?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 07:28 AM PST

    Power of Purpose meme build help

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 07:37 PM PST

    I've been trying to theorycraft a meme build using Power of Purpose because it's completely unused as far as I can tell. The one interesting interaction that I've found with it is that the conversion happens after any "gain X% of maximum mana as extra maximum energy shield" mods. So, the basic build idea is that we can stack a ton of mana, go Hierophant, and get boatloads of energy shield and armour. We then use Replica Dreamfeather to turn the armour into damage, stacking added lightning damage where we can to make up for its crappy base damage, and stack Scintillating Ideas for lightning pen.

    I've been trying to come up with a relatively strong build that still isn't too prohibitively expensive and the PoB linked below is about as far as I have been able to get. Aside from my Watcher's Eye, I don't think any of the rest of the gear is particularly expensive. Hope you guys have some interesting ideas that I've overlooked!


    submitted by /u/floatlikeabutt
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    D2 Javazon equivalent?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 10:06 PM PST

    In new to PoE but loving it. The depth of the skill tree and content it amazing. So I'm hopelessly hooked regardless. But does anyone know of something close to a Javazon?

    I've got a 88 Elemental hit ranger and a 50ish cyclone duelist. Both are fun, but not that perfect mix of high single target melee dps and ranged aoe that the Javazon did so well.

    Maybe it's not really end game possible? I'd like to be pretty tanky. I've got some Ex to throw at it so don't be shy. But nothing crazy, think trailer park rich lol

    submitted by /u/TWiTcHThECLoWN
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    Need opinions on builds

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:38 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    Just discovered this sub, and am hoping you can help me out.

    This isn't a humblebrag or a bragging attempt, it's a real thing that has flummoxed me even after days of searching for info and ideas.

    I got my hands on a Headhunter, and thanks to help/gear donation from a friend who is done with the league, have also amassed 40+ ex to go with it. This is many multiple times more than I've ever had in any league played to-date.

    My problem is that I don't have a clue what build to go with to make the most of it, so all I've been doing is stashing everything and continuing to play my non-HH build while I try to figure out what to do.

    The common assumption is that anyone who can get a HH and currency would know what they're doing and what to do with it, but there doesn't seem to be much room for the noob who just got lucky and does not want to waste the crazy luck.

    I'm not very experienced/knowledgeable when it comes to POE, and this might be the last time I ever get a HH and chunk of exalts like this, so I would like to make the most of this amazing luck.

    I can't craft for shit since I just lack the knowledge, so the layers on it, RNG, and potential insane cost just freak me out to no end. I played on SC Trade, so my go-to method all this while has been to play the game, get currency, and buy gear based on the guide(s) I reference.

    Most of my play experience is with builds that would not benefit from HH i.e. minion builds and totem builds.

    I know the meta and general comments would indicate that I could go either :

    Fire BV Assassin (ignite proliferate for super clear, can do juiced 100% delirium content, but poor/weaker on single target bossing for things like Sirus A9, and the game might crash on some content e.g. Harbingers in Valdo's Rest). Supposedly the stuff I got is a decent "starting point" for this build.

    self-curse Occultist (kind of the same story as Fire BV? but potentially more expensive, even better at clearing juiced content e.g. juiced 100% delirium, poor single target again).

    Cold BV Assassin would cost hundreds of exalts, which I don't see myself amassing even with crazy luck.

    I considered poison BV since it seems to have good ST and clear, but can't seem to find a HH-friendly build (the most commonly mentioned build by Grobbs has been called out as "not a HH build" https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2714125/page/1 ).

    My question would be simple :

    What are a few (3? 5?) solid build options for a Headhunter + 40ex budget that could do things like crush Sirus A9 and be smooth on 100% delirium without wanting to quit from frustration?

    If you have any recommendations / build guide links that you think would help then please let me know.

    To be clear, I detest Sirus so it's really important that whatever build I go for doesn't take 10 minutes to kill him due to weak single target damage. I tried ED Trickster a few leagues ago and while the clear was insane I quit the char because the ST was not strong enough for me to enjoy the build.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/xmarksthedrop
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    Need help with stormfire arc character. (or sugestions/help for non-mana arc build)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:51 PM PST

    Getting inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WUyvhDlwyE

    I wanted to try something similar, so I started pob-ing from scratch, but got stuck after seeing the miniscule DPS my pob had compared to his. Now is this solely due to the archmage/mana-cost nerfs or am I missing something else? Is this kind of build even possible anymore? I would like to play arc, but don't really like the mom/archmage variant. Perhaps there is a inquisitor variant that might be good that's not ignite/archmage?/agnostic?

    my pob: https://pastebin.com/fi0ZHcBY

    video pob: https://pastebin.com/NEPAEFWT

    submitted by /u/Rockman0429
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    Toxic Rain Trickster vs Pathfinder

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 11:13 AM PST

    Hey guys, on PoE Ninja the majority of TR players are Pathfinders, eventhough I mostly hear for league starting people bringing up Toxic Rain Trickster.

    What is the difference between both and in your opinion whats better for league starting?

    submitted by /u/imRadial
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    good leveling spell?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:20 PM PST

    im just starting this league and lvling coc assassin. what spells are good for leveling.

    submitted by /u/mayainverse
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