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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - March 13, 2021

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - March 13, 2021

    Questions Thread - March 13, 2021

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Questions Thread

    This is a general question thread on. You can find the previous question threads here.

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    You can also ask questions in any of the questions channels under the "help" category in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
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    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.

    We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How GGG Devs craft their gear.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:28 AM PST

    The Mud Flats

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 02:24 AM PST

    Let’s be honest- PoE is so big that we all actually play different games

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 05:46 AM PST

    To make myself feel better, and because I know all y'all are interested, I'm dropping my thoughts on all of this nonsense. Maybe Bex or the team will read it and file it away as something they heard someone say somewhere.

    In any case, PoE has so much content that I can't even come remotely close to significantly engaging with most of the content. Some information:

    I've played PoE regularly since around Beastiary. The first league I remember getting excited about was Delve, and definitely since then I've played regularly.

    What is regularly? I typically get one or two characters per league up to the mid 90s or so. I play maybe 5-10 hours per week, depending on work, what the kids got going on, and the schedule of my other hobbies. I play on Xbox because the only PC I have at home is my work ThinkPad and even if my company approved the installation, I'm fairly sure the thing couldn't run the game. But when I play video games, it's usually PoE. While i feel like I've played for a long time, and I've invested a lot of time playing and reading and watching PoE, there's a whole list of things I have never done. I've never even come remotely close to doing:

    • killed shaper. Not even once. I've never even collected enough fragments to attempt to kill shaper

    • killed Sirus. I've tried. But I've died. I think there's been ONE league where I then was able to grind enough maps to try again. And I died again.

    • come anywhere remotely close to unveiling enough recipes to get some of the good ones, like a trigger craft.

    • come anywhere close to delving deep enough to get 6-link or usually even the 5-link crafts

    • never killed the grove boss

    • I think I grinded to Catarina. Once. By accident.

    • heist? Not even close. I didn't really like the heists anyway, so didn't get far there. Not that I could've though because I didn't get blueprints or whatever or have the time to figure it out.

    • I haven't unlocked the fifth spot on my map device from the legion league monolith thing

    • blight was fun, but I don't even know if there is a boss. I certainly don't ever usually get enough oils to do much with.

    • metamorph: again, is there a boss? I don't know. But it's fun fighting big Uber monsters.

    • delirium? I think I've gotten to the first boss fight once? Maybe.

    • most leagues I don't always get Uber lab done. Because I don't get the trials and then maybe I die in Uber lab and don't want to do it again and then forget the next Thursday when I play again.

    • I think I drop MAYBE one annulment orb a league. MAYBE 1 or 2 ex drop. The rest of my money is chaos made by nickel and diming trades.

    • I exalt slammed a bone helmet. Once. On one league that for some reason I actually had maybe 4-5 ex in the bank and I was willing to be stupid.

    • I'm sure there's more stuff.

    The point is that there is so much content that it's impossible to get anywhere. I make maybe 3-5 ex per league. Not even close to enough to get even close to high tier items. Farrul's Fur is an item I'll likely never see, unless by some miracle it drops, which it won't, because I don't even know how Beastiary works. Yet it's recommended for a lot of builds as a "budget"-ish item. Because "budget" is 20-30ex on trade and that's nowhere near what I usually have. Awakened gems? Yeah right. Watchers eyes? Nope. Influenced items and awakened orbs? Nope. So there are thousands of items that basically doesn't exist for me. I can't afford it and unless they drop by sheet RNG I just won't ever get it. Which I won't, because I don't even get enough shards to try and kill the bosses that might drop those things. Crafting simply doesn't exist for me. I don't have the currency, the time, or the RNG to do it.

    There's entire tiers of this game that simply don't exist for me. In theory they're there, but the reality is that I maybe engage with like 10% of the game. This league I haven't been to Delve once. I still haven't found 3 of the ascendancy trials, and my character is level 87. I haven't done any of Alva's time warp things. This league works been stupid busy and I've only just unlocked my last citadel. It took me entirely too long to realize I had to turn on a beacon to progress the Maven line. Maybe that's my fault for never reading the dialogue though, so I'll claim responsibility for that. I'm sure that even if I could fight maven, I'd get obliterated because I have shit gear and I don't know how the fight works. So I'd die, and then never see her again.

    So with harvest getting nerfed, for me, it literally doesn't matter. Because I'll never see enough gardens to where it would matter. I'll never have enough tries with the RNG machine to even attempt to use the crafts that might be fun. Everything is gated behind 8 layers of RNG. Even harvest. Basically I am SSF-lite. I buy stuff from time to time, but it's not like I'm sitting on piles of currency. I usually buy a shitty 6-link and use alt-orbs to get something mildly not-crappy. But an exploding chest? Yeah right. Not a chance unless by a miracle it drops. Which it won't. Because I won't ever get to iLVl 85+ crusader fights.

    Anyway my point is- there's the game i play. And there's an entirely different level of game other people are playing. And the difference between those is getting to feel worse and worse every league. I am playing less and less because every league I know I'm missing out of more and more. This is the real problem that the game has now. It's not harvest being nerfed. It's the fact that ultimately there's a game that most likely only 1% of the player base even comes close to interacting with. And GGG tunes it's game around the upper 1% of the 1%. And as power creep does it's creeping, my cheap ass lame items get me less and less far in the game. The wealth gap between low class me and the high class people I see here using 100+ex to craft a lot of boots is getting larger and larger. People here are debating about the meaning of mirror-tier gear and I'm still trying to find Uber lab trials. So that's the real problem. The divide between the haves and have nots make it so the game is getting less and less enjoyable for the people who can't play 60 hours per week. And if GGG doesn't fix that mindset, they're going to slowly choke their game to death.

    submitted by /u/PinkieBall
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    Alternative Look At The Divide Behind Harvest

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 03:47 AM PST

    Path of Exile was released in 2013. It's been eight years, almost a decade. The sweaty dorm room kids that started playing this game are turning into adults. Marriage, work and relationship responsibilities are in full force.

    The game was designed similar to Runescape and other Grind-based games in which the goal is set far enough so that it is reached after spending hours upon hours per day. This has been magnified based on layers upon layers of more RNG on top of each other. This isn't just about the crafting system, it's about the value of a person's time.

    While at work a staff member mentioned how he tried playing an RPG similar to Zelda for 10 hours, and when he looked at his Game Progress bar, it said 2%. He thought it was ridiculous that the amount of time he spent amounted to only that much. Children, raising/supporting a family, working+overtime, and some other hobbies made it seem funny at the time to even consider that much time being spent.

    Putting time constraints on the League and how dynamic the market is over time, the game resets its progress of those who play the league/ladder to zero every three months. It's why most never make it to red maps.

    Progress is never felt based on the hours spent. A philosophy that is in many games we now play such as MMORPGs. It's possible to play POE for hours and not feel you had progressed from the point you had started. GGG has forced gamers into becoming gamblers. Those who can gamble more, have more chances to win.

    I can now recognize this, and looking at the Exalt Slam statement by Chris Wilson, I recognise this more clearly than anything else. It's a Loot Box philosophy. They are trying to create the most Gamble heavy, RNG heavy mechanics so that once you do hit any jackpot after 200 hours, it makes you feel that your 200 hours of the grind was justified.

    This is because they keep you in a vacuum without having an auction house present. If you would be able to see prices and items within the game in real time. You'd notice the jackpot you may have gotten was perhaps gotten much earlier by other players. The progress you made after 200 hours was achieved after 50 by most of the other players. This is in essence the problem with RNG.

    I'm not suggesting all RNG is bad. But I don't think I am saying anything wrong when I suggest that there is such a thing as too much RNG.

    Harvest Crafting in its form gave an opportunity to players to craft their own gear. Not farm currency to buy it. The items they were wearing could slowly be moulded at the end of the day one attribute at a time. There was a goal, something that previously had always been a haze.

    "I need X item, so i need to farm X Exalts and buy it from Trade" was the mentality. For the first time, it became "I need to roll X modifier and hope i get what I'm looking for."

    GGG is making everyone a gambler, and I think this divide is the adults with little spare time finally checking out.

    submitted by /u/Epicion1
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    [Serious] Why is a steady character progression system up to the very limit considered a problem in Path of Exile (during a temporary league)?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 03:01 AM PST

    Let me straight up begin in saying that the nerf to Harvest doesn't affect me too much. My only real interaction with it was to sell the crafts, not use them on my own (Can probably count on two hands how often I used it for my own purposes). Thus my stance is rather neutral, but this question still went through my head:

    Why is a steady character progression system up to the very limit considered a problem in Path of Exile (during a temporary league)? Like for who exactly is this a bad thing?

    I genuinely do not understand and would like to know. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Vezko
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    The divergence in the player base reactions to the Harvest changes likely stems from two different game design philosophies clashing together.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 02:11 AM PST

    I truly think we are seeing a major divide of gamers into two different game design philosophies for the future of PoE. Not sure the best way to describe it but on one side you have the older school of game design where tedium is used as a tool to enhance the feeling of reward. Versus the newer school of thought that feels "time is valuable and players would rather get access to the OP stuff easier even at the cost of long term satisfaction". Older PC game design versus modern mobile game designs if you will.

    A vast majority of the comments I've seen about harvest crafting being great is due to the "ease of access it allows the average player to experience the absolute top of the game". It acts as a major shortcut to extremely powerful gear in order to then do essentially everything the game has to offer. There are hundreds of comments out there expressing their love of harvest crafting simply because they don't have time or energy to play the game long enough to grind out what is needed to become truly powerful in the game without harvest crafting.

    Whereas the other side that doesn't have a problem with the removal of the broken harvest crafting mechanics are okay with it simply because they see the core of the game as being one where you grind your time and energy and are generally rewarded for the investment. With games like Diablo 2 being the most obvious template for this design. I would argue that this is the philosophy that GGG mostly follows in PoE.

    Essentially my opinion is that majority of the outrage for these changes is coming from players who want something more similar to the mobile game design school of thought instead of the older ARPG/PC gaming school of thought.

    submitted by /u/ZantetsukenX
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    Tuna Hits 6k Delve SSF

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:34 PM PST

    I thought I broke the game, but that's just my cape

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:41 AM PST

    Why do bosses award so little experience?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 12:15 AM PST

    Take Act 5 Kitava for example - 8,830 experience points awarded, at level 45, according to PoEDB. This would mean that even if you are on-par with the area level, it would take you over 400 Kitava kills in a row to go from level 45 to 46 (3,723,676 XP).

    I mean, PoE bosses (and in particular Act bosses) are designed in a way where they're never 100% safe to kill even when you know the mechanics, have good gear and are 10 levels over-leveled for the area. If you get unlucky and a certain number of mechanics hit hard in a row, you're dead and that's it (although Kitava is not the best example in this regard but still)...

    In comparison, you can level-up pretty fast by just killing white mobs, even if you're five levels or so above the area level!

    So... what gives with the experience award not reflecting the risk involved in killing an act boss, especially in HC where you can lose hours and hours of progress if you're not going super fast? Not that it's a major complaint or anything, just trying to wrap my head around why would the game be built like this.

    submitted by /u/jellsonnogueira
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    Ziz Gaunt be like: That build sucked anyway

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:41 AM PST

    Another take

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 04:59 AM PST

    Could we please ctrl + click watchstones to socket them into their respective slots if the inventory is closed?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:43 AM PST

    This took me way too long to figure out.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 07:27 PM PST


    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:03 AM PST

    Edit: Looks like they are back up a few minutes later

    submitted by /u/bananaapeal
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    Maven inspired Tattoo

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 08:07 PM PST

    Primeval Azurite..made it last night thought i would share it.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 02:37 AM PST

    PSA: Effects of Migrate All from SSF as of 3.13.1e Ritual league

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 04:38 AM PST

    When I was searching for all the effects of migrating all characters from SSF to trade league it was very confusing, so I thought I would post all the changes and what is actually lost. My progress before migrating was around level 40 in trade league and a mostly completed atlas in SSF.

    The Heist locker is dumped into remove-only stash tabs

    Stash is full of remove-only tabs to be sorted

    I'm told watchstones are stored in Zana if left on atlas, but I took all of mine out beforehand

    Kept all:

    -Bench crafts including master crafts (multi mod, prefix cant be changed, etc)
    -Unveiled crafts
    -Stored Harvest crafts
    -Master related activity progression (syndicate, temple, menagerie, etc.)
    -Stored free+harvest map crafts
    -5 slot map device from completing 4 way legion
    -All Maven witness progression and atlas talent tree POINTS. All points were refunded
    -Atlas and Awakening bonus objectives

    -Master missions
    -Influence on atlas and progress towards next awakener fight

    submitted by /u/zomgoblin
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    WombSyS 2.0 R3b0ot

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 03:46 AM PST

    Ritual was dope: An opinion on mechanics for casual players

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 12:10 PM PST

    I quit the league, to prevent burn-out before the next league hype starts.

    I saw some players, especially on the top end of the playerbase, saying that Ritual was not efficient enough, that running them was not worth the time when you could be running even more maps.

    And yet the less time you spent in the game per day, the more I feel Ritual helped, it was infact quite an additional boost to the average player who can't run 15 red maps in 10 minutes.

    And practically mandatory for someone who doesn't have the time for 15 maps per day.

    The sheer quantity of enemies alone helped, and the tribute system, while flawed, was still entirely adequate.

    It also often offered currency items and shards that were in short supply, unless you played a lot.

    And I feel that this is an easy way to improve the game in ways that help the "casual" playerbase, while not really affecting the top end at all.

    Implement more systems (or bonuses) that have time based gates: In Ritual it's the amount of time it takes to spawn the mobs and the rifling through the tribute items, while the Master missions arrive once per day (and as random chance per map).

    Just a few (probably poorly thought out) suggestions for current mechanics:

    - Rested XP, give double XP for some chunk (say up to 40%, possibly diminishing after lvl 90) of level's worth every day, that counts toward gem levelling too.

    - Niko sells a random number of fossils that updates daily, and possibly every x nodes run in delve.

    - Jun selling veiled items, again once per day and/or x Jun missions.

    - getting "charges" per day that you can apply to conqueror progress

    I'm sure everyone sees the theme I'm going for here: Lessening the grind.

    It might seem odd that I try to lessen grind in a game that's basically ALL about grinding, made by a company named Grinding Gear Games, but hear me out:

    My idea is to allow players with less time to get further in the game, thus reducing the frustration of looking at days of grinding for a second try at Sirus, because you have time for like 10 maps in a day.

    This would also not cause additional problems of "players running out of stuff to strive for", that they mentioned in the harvest manifesto, since the bonuses are small (or entirely irrelevant) for anyone who clocks over 14 hours a week in PoE, and anyone playing less than that isn't running out of stuff to do in the first place.

    To anyone who reached here, thanks for listening to my ramble.

    Ps. While I speak constantly about people with less time, it's also applicable to people with slower characters.

    submitted by /u/SpaceBrotha
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    The reason why I think the Harvest changes cause so much outrage.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:40 AM PST

    I've thought about it for a while now, there's a lot of reasons which people have brought up before.It changes the rift between the average joe and the 0,1% back a lot to what it was before, it might maybe cause RMT to be more prone, it is bad for player retention and all those others. Thought those aren't the topics I want to write about in detail, I want to address what I think is the underlying issue with the change.

    For anyone who doesn't want to read the reasoning and explanations, be free to scroll down to the end, what's in-between is important to understand though, so I recommend reading.

    "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

    This one sentence is everything which is needed to get to the core-problem Path of Exile has. And no, it's also not about the gambling aspect, even if I think that's a major problem too.

    What I wanna talk about is how progression inherently works, in Path of Exile versus other games during end-game.Let's imagine we have a goal which will take several steps.

    The majority of games provide this feeling:

    You work towards the first step, maybe manage to achieve it, then towards the second, manage it, the third.... oh, you failed. You're back at step 2.At the end of this you feel the following: 'Nice, I've managed to get 2 steps into my goal! It took me maybe 50 hours or longer, but it feels nice, I see progress!'

    PoE in comparison provides this:

    You work towards the first step, maybe manage to achieve it, then towards the second, manage it, the third.... oh, you failed. You're back at the beginning.At the end you feel the following: 'Ah, damn, I worked 50 hours for that and now it's gone. Well, to re-do it I'll need to invest 50 hours again and maybe not even reach the current stage.'

    And this is a problem if it's the main way to progress through the game on personal effort.There's several parts in conjunction which make that a problem:

    -You don't feel rewarded after your playtime is over.-You actively get punished for trying.-The time-investment to even try is so high that a large portion of people have no way to do repeated tries.

    Obviously the option to just buy an item from someone else in trade-league. It's absolutely viable, though it does deprive you from the feeling of personal success. Many people get the feeling 'Ah, I would love to go and craft something like that myself!' which is what Harvest enabled.

    All in all the core-issue goes down to this:

    Harvest provided the feeling of 'steady and incremental' progress that gets lost the further you progress into the game. Instead of giving outright goals the game moves into several slogs one after another which exhaust the player.Harvest itself has been very powerful, but it also was the only mechanic in the game which provided us with the ability to increase our items in power without loosing the former progress. A feeling which is very important.


    -I want to make it clear again, this post is not about Harvest, it's about the feeling which Harvest provided, which is a reasonable feeling and one a game profits from.

    -I'm not talking about keeping Harvest in the current state, I'm talking about that GGG direly needs to provide a progression-method outside of their gambling-methods, one which is simply reliant on effort rather then luck

    -Also trading is not an alternative, it's the effort of other people and doesn't provide this feeling which I want to put emphasis on.

    submitted by /u/Kulzertor
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