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    Sunday, March 14, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds I have achieved peak meme status - finally killing A8 Sirus with Crit Flameblast

    Path of Exile Builds I have achieved peak meme status - finally killing A8 Sirus with Crit Flameblast

    I have achieved peak meme status - finally killing A8 Sirus with Crit Flameblast

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:54 PM PST

    Detonate dead and energy leech support

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 04:22 AM PDT

    Every DD build I see links Energy Leech to Detonate Dead, but I don't see my energy shield move at all even when I blow up a pack of 30 monsters. Does energy leech work with detonate dead?

    submitted by /u/Thegiggler690
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    Storm Brand or Ball lighting

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    Which of these would perform better with 50 ex, hierophant archmage?

    submitted by /u/shibuden
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    Some General's Cry interaction questions

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 09:24 PM PST

    I'm generally unfamiliar with what stats actually benefit the Mirage Warriors from General's Cry. Hoping someone with more experience has answers to the below:

    1. If I stack armour and use Replica Dreamfeather, do the Mirage Warriors get the damage bonus?
    2. If I wear Southbound gloves or have Ancestral Bond, will the Mirage Warriors still be able to kill monsters?
    submitted by /u/momovirus
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    Question about occultist defensives

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    So I've decided to make a CoC ice spear occultist. First witch build I've made by myself, currently running Life / ES hybrid with about 2.7k of each Mind over matter Capped resistances Spell ES leech Ans a watchers eye which gives ES on hit And a Shavronne chest I'm using a crit staff to help CoC work better so no block currently Also CWDT + Steelskin.

    My problem is that this character gets one shot like crazy. This league it is the character I have the most deaths on and I've only just got to maps... The problem is persisting on low tier maps

    I can't figure out why I'm dying so fast constantly or what other defensives I can incorporate, since all my gear is int gear I'm totally lacking evasion and armour but didn't think that would be too much of a problem .

    If anyone can help id be super appreciative

    submitted by /u/PeanutEater69
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    I want to bake more potatos... looking to expand into super survive builds (ideas requested)

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 03:23 PM PST

    I imagine a world where my machine can bake potatos through major screen freezes that also delivers a french fry response at boss fights.

    Hey, lost my beast of a work machine (def a prime rib and loaded potato meal) for reasons and transitioned back to my old machine and...

    I tried out the arachnophobia guardian. Sitting at 7800 es, 72sb, hoag, and loud spider dudes. Super passable as I'm not a fan of zoom zoom (and can't cause framerate!)

    What really sold me on "not dying" was T15 canyons with harbingers and being able to 80% juiced delirious maps (with framerates hitches cause passive dmg from the delivery crew SpideyBoys and Hoagie tail spike on a platter...)

    I'm looking for a second serving next meal... er season. Are there other don't die builds I could look at?

    I've tried RF but couldn't find the right pairing too much molasses in the recipe.

    As I'm loving the energy on this forum, can anyone suggest a menu/resturant/build to review that survives FR drops and still serves a finger licking good time?

    Ty poeBuilds!

    submitted by /u/MerlinsCoffee
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    SSF Eq glad auras?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:41 AM PST

    This is my first ssf character, i dont have enlighten yet. Im not sure what auras are most effective for me to use.

    Rn im using blood and sand, level 13 vitality, war banner and flesh and stone with maim supp

    submitted by /u/MeepWith3Es
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    vacuum purifier thing

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:10 AM PST

    I have this idea of using empire grasps and cyclone , sucking enemies in and permastunning them while casting purifying flame. While i did make a pob for this, it lacks damage and i am still clueless on how stun works. any ideas on how to improve this? https://pastebin.com/v3p1w1KQ

    submitted by /u/SouthernCricket8
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    what item has the Highest local % physical damage increase mod in the game?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:24 PM PST

    Trying to make a animate weapon build based on stacking a bunch of flat phys dmg and im having trouble trying to find a weapon with the highest local phy dmg increase mod , i see gorebreaker has a 360% but surely there is some better options

    edit. voidforge might be good if u count the 300% gain.. seems hard to beat in terms of flat phys scaling

    edit 2. Flat dmg doesnt get increased by local % modifiers so this thread is pointless :D but i learned something new and got some more ideas

    submitted by /u/Manshoku
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    Which builds are the smoothest to level with? Looking for something like Toxic Rain that requires minimal gem and gear swapping

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 12:08 PM PST

    Help me theory craft a Bleed Trap/Mine Deadeye? Discovered a couple cool interactions and have some ideas.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:57 AM PST

    Hey! I'm not great and coming up with viable PoB warrior stuff, usually I come up with a tree and some uniques and config and look at numbers and make assumptions from there. I stumbled upon a few interesting mechanics that I think could make for a really interesting build, so here they are:

    Throwing a Mine and Detonating a Mine both give you a Gale Force stack. This makes getting Gale Force back pretty easy for Wind Ward.

    Throwing mines with 20% buffed Tailwind and Swift Assembly is bananas.

    Haemophilia's "Bleeding enemies you kill Explode" mod works on enemies killed by traps/mines while bleeding, or at least by all accounts it appears to. Most things that say "you" don't work at all.

    Mark skills that apply on hitting unique or rare enemies, from ring mods for instance, apply to enemies if hit by traps/mines. Again, this in my testing appears to work. I could be wrong - I'm wrong a lot. I bought Wolcen with money.

    Hey man, hold on a second.... Why?

    I like trap and mine builds. I like the playstyle. I've played melee and bow builds and spells and minions and totems and all that jazz. Traps and mines feel good. I like the mechanics, I like the uniques, I like that it's different, and I like when I link my weird trap gear in /global people whisper me with helpful concern. Mostly I think I like the versatility that the builds provide, and recently I've liked the idea of combining them.

    Skills and gear? ...wait, combining them?

    Recently I have been playing around with mines that throw traps and despite the hefty damage unmultiplier I really like it. I've seen some videos floating around, I think Ramyeon did a video about how Swift Assembly rolls on both throws, so there is a chance that your mine cast will throw extras, say 5 in one click, and each of those 5 mines also can roll and throw, say 5, traps of their own. RTG. Sometimes you click, you get 1 trap. Sometimes you click, you get 20 traps. (Note: this actually is fun with your eyes closed)

    For whatever reason, this random access trappery appeals to me. It feels good to watch your character have a small seizure occasionally and toss out traps like Sonic the Hedgehog got hit by a bus. I don't know why exactly, but I love it.

    If you combine this with Tinkerskin, you arrive at a pretty significant level of sustain. Not only are you generating Frenzy Charges almost indefinitely, and basically Perma-phasing like a Raider, but each Trap triggered by an enemy (fuck off Skitterbots go trigger the mines again) you get 100 life and 50 es. At 19 traps being kept at maximum at all times very easily, this is a substantial survival tactic, that feels like a combo of LGoH and Leech.

    In the past for Trap builds I have used Devouring Diadem to great success. I have Trap builds lost in standard with 170% total reserved Mana, using EB/MoM for defense and solving "Mana" problems. This combo works great with Tinkerskin restore and a CWDT Desecrate for the hat to eat. I don't think EB/MoM is gonna work on a Ranger, but using my tiny ES to cast my non-mine skills would be a bonus. Alternatively, Alpha's Cowl will buff my auras and provide some reservation wiggle room as well as freeze immunity which is fantastic for a mobile build that struggles with stuns. I feel like War Banner, Skitterbots, Pride and Flesh and Stone for Sand Stance are the auras I would go for. Maybe HoP instead of F&S, but that would only give me a little more physical damage. I think increasing enemy damage taken will benefit the build better than buffing my own. Vulnerability would really be missing from this build, and aside from Anointing Whispers of Doom, I thought Windshriek might work well. It has some resists, good move speed, a little bonus to the ignite we'll be applying regardless of trying to, which will be buffed anyway by DoT/Bow DoT passives anyway. Plus, if I wanted to put Vuln in a CWDT setup, it would give me a substantial boost to it's size. They would allow me to annoint a much stronger notable, which feels worth sacrificing decent rare boots (got Tailwind already anyway).

    For mines, I would need to leave a little bitty bit of Mana available - I don't need to reserve 15 mines worth of Mana, I'm usually Detonating them instantly. Also, with a single Praxis the reservation can hit 0 very easily.

    The Sunblast belt is a great QoL for this combo playstyle, 80% reduced trap duration helps the actual damaging aspect of the throw a thing that throws a thing process happen a good bit faster. I've played with it in combination with double Cheap construction, but having them reduced by 100% removes the ability to stack 19 traps under an enemy who is monologuing. 90% works, 80% works better. Depends on throwing speed and how easily you can maintain all 19.

    You said skills a while ago but...

    Yeah sorry, I'm rambling. The biggest issue with this set up is how much less damage you're contending with. Since I want to focus on Bleeds, and we're using Traps, were limited to bow skills. As far as bow skills go, there are pretty much two who have caught my eye. Puncture of course, and Explosive Arrow. Puncture works well, paired with Crimson Dance, Rupture, Perfect Agony and decent crit multi, Haemo explosions and the sheer volume of projectiles firing from 19 traps all the time it clears well and puts decent damage on bosses from my limited testing.

    Explosive Arrow I think is going to be the winner though, it has too many mechanics built in that just work well with everything else. Even with all the less mods, I can land on ~900% more in PoB on a 20 fuse explosion very easily. If I'm throwing 19 traps, and each of those traps shoot 5 arrows, that's a lot of explosive potential even if half of them miss. The fire damage aspect is flat, no conversion, so I can stack added physical and drop fat nasty bleeds very quickly. Rupture + Haemo make bleeds last less than a second, EA fuse is a second. Put Ensnaring Arrow on a ballista totem. EA also has interesting critical mechanics. If any of the arrows that leave a fuse crit, the explosion will count as a crit, even if it does not roll critical and do extra damage. This means that with at least 20% crit chance, I can pretty much guarantee that every EA explosion will count as a critical, and apply the DoT multi from Perfect Agony.

    If using EA, Poachers Mark might be the mark to choose. Added physical on hit will boost EA damage even further, but Assassin's Mark will provide Crit/DoT multi due to PA, not sure which would be better. Focal Point will increase their bonus by 75% and give me damage reduction from nearby enemies (sounds great for Maven fights).

    Man, this is really long...

    I know. I'm sorry. Thanks for making it this far.

    As far as defenses outside of the regen from Tinkerskin, I think Wind Dancer is a must, Phase/Acro for sure. It's not hard to reach capped Eva/Dodge and with Wind Dancer, Focal Point and Wind Ward, I'll end up with something like 60% less damage taken, conditionally of course. I would love to be able to use Lethal Pride and Chainbreaker as well, Berserks damage reduction on top plus the attack and speed from rage fit nicely with everything else.

    Uhhhhhh....yeah! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/0110bot
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    Need suggestions on a minion build that isn't Carrion golem aura stack. How is Navandis' or iLL3aT’s skeleton necro build?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 09:09 PM PST



    I tried a carrion golem aura stack necro build but for some reason it seems like it's slow af with mapping plus my spectres die more than they should cause GGG's stupid ass nerfed them to death and they didn't make them automatically respawnable which should've been mandatory after the nerf.

    submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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    Bladefall starter for next league?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:10 AM PST

    Wanted to try a BF/BB character for the upcoming league, found more than three variants of it, Assassin, Chieftain and Elementalist. Wanted to know, which one would be better as a league starter/easier to lvl, or if this build is good as a league starter at all. Appreciate your help.

    submitted by /u/Owlythesova
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    General's Cry Glads/Champs: A question regarding clear

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:19 PM PST

    So this has been a tale of two builds for me this league: General's Cry Blade Flurry Berserker and CoC Elementalist. I retired the Elementalist because even after >100EX in investment I still wasn't happy with its overall tankiness and boss killing. Not to say it was a bad build (and the template that I was using is likely not the greatest) but it was much more geared towards clear. I could easily clear 100% Delirium maps but get the wrong map boss with the wrong map mods and POP. I don't like playing 2 different characters for clear and bossing so I decided to try to improve my GC Zerker's clear. Been using Bladestorm lately and it seems to me to be an upgrade over the other clear skills, haven't tested it much yet and still have to deal with non-exploding corpses.

    Anyways I digress. I plan to play GC Glad or Champ again in leagues to come. This is, without doubt, the best bosskiller I've played however the clear is average.

    For those of you who are playing this build or know of it, what ability are you using for clear? Perforate? Bladestorm? Lacerate? Are you weapon swapping to a DPS Cyclone or something for map clearing? How are you dealing with corpses? Nothing like wading into a pack of porcupines while being a Berserker wearing an Abyssus.

    I'd love to improve the feel of the clear and figure out a way to handle corpses or implement some way to reliably explode enemies.

    For reference my pob: https://pastebin.com/YYvfx2j7

    submitted by /u/Prizzle723
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    Build Suggestions for Tanky Boss Killer

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 07:06 PM PST

    This is my first league playing seriously and have already made a couple different builds this league and levelled to around 90-93.

    Currently have an ED Contagion build that is a lot of fun for quick mapping and then tried a hollow palm ice crash build which I've used for bossing. Have farmed to around 40-50 ex right now and looking for a build that will be tanky and focused just on boss killing.

    Any recommendations for builds to look at? Again, I don't care about the clearing for this build at all, would only use it for bossing. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/EricPatt98
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    Need some help finishing this bow

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:10 PM PST

    Carrion Golem Mana reserve issues

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 03:54 PM PST

    Hey folks,

    I started playing this season and decided to play carrion golem.

    This is my current build: https://pastebin.com/AkUWPidD

    This is the build I was roughly aiming for: poeninja dude

    Now I hit some problems.

    I cant use flesh offering cause I dont have enough unreserved Mana. I am at 27 unreserved mana flesh offering costs 33. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? As far as I can see I do everything the same as he does and he can use it.

    Also how does he get a 4.7k Evasion rating? Is poeninja bugged? Am I blind? If someone could clarify how he got up to that.

    Any other tips / improvments are welcome too! would be great if someones takes the time!

    submitted by /u/PeterUrbscheid
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    Need help with BL Miner Saboteur build!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:09 AM PST


    I have never played a mine build to late game. So I just watch youtube videos and poebuilds.cc guides and tried one. The point is to farm Shaper/Elder guardian maps and boss killings. But I am having trouble with the damage. My skill gems are wip and haven't bought high level ones because I don't know which should I upgrade first. So can anyone help me with the upgrades? Like weapon ( # exalt), helmet upgrade (# exalt) etc.. I can switch to GC or Blazing Salvo or whatever, just need to do really nice damage to melt bosses. I still have like 5 exalts left for now. I can farm like 5-10 exalts next days I guess.

    Haven't ticked anything yet in pob except boss>Sirus. The gems in weapons like Sniper's mark, I just put there cause I don't know which should I put etc. Or should I just sell the items and play something like General Cry build? Already got General's Aid uncharted realm node, I still have a Fire BV Chieftain one for normally killing those, but the fights take way too long. :(

    submitted by /u/krezrog
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    Need a solid build to get 36 challenges

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:07 PM PST

    So i league started with ignite hexblast, which kinda works but bosses feel awful. I doubled down and tried to make it work with more currency, but i'm getting short on time and currency. I really want the ritual hideout, so i'm ready to reroll to any build that will get it for me.

    I have 5-10 exalts and very limited time. I need a build that's enough on an all rounder to do 36 challenges with, meaning it can kill maven and tough bosses, but also clear ok. It doesn't need to be the best boss killer, and it doesn't need to be the best clear either.

    I'm kinda desperate to get something working quickly, fear of missing out is kicking in... thanks for the help

    EDIT: I'm leaning toward detonate dead necro. I don't mind the 2 button playstyle. Do you guys think it can work? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUY6jgZ0zic

    submitted by /u/Pyromancer1509
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    Need some help to take my archmage arc elementalist to the next level

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:02 PM PST

    hello, im looking to improve my current character to be able to comfortably do guardians/sirus, atm im able to do it but i struggle a bit.

    Before somebody tells me this, i know i need to get regen on my boots (i plan on running uber labs real soon to get this upgrade). I also know that i could aim for a watchers eye with mana leech + lightning penetration when affected by wrath but its pretty darn expensive. Currently i have arround 10-15ex budget to improve my character.

    Here is my pob : https://pastebin.com/zTsbVPzH

    also im willing to respec a little bit to make it a little bit better

    submitted by /u/Fleche_de_feu
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    Need help with damage on my self curse BV

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 12:11 PM PST

    I made a self curse BV character using Cutedog's guide. On maps it works very well even in %100 delirious but when I host 5way with 6 people, my damage seems to be lacking especially on the bosses. It takes like 5 seconds to kill a boss even though I have 50+ HH buffs. Am I missing something? What should I improve?


    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/yaldarak
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