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    Friday, March 12, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Thank you guys for being a good salt free place. I appreciate you all

    Path of Exile Builds Thank you guys for being a good salt free place. I appreciate you all

    Thank you guys for being a good salt free place. I appreciate you all

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:48 AM PST

    While the poe sub is melting down I really just wanted to say thanks for actually just focusing on builds and poe discussion.

    I use this sub more for generic poe discussion / strats / etc more than the main sub because I swear everyone on here (although sometimes maybe harsh or crude) has the best intentions for helping people out and seeking help for how to get better.

    Not sure if the mods play an active part in this or not but the lack of toxicity is noticed and appreciated. Hope we can stay this way.

    submitted by /u/lowkeyripper
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    Mana-based Bane, Blight build

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:20 PM PST

    Voidforge [Flicker Strike] Slayer - New Trinity Support Gem = OP

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 07:02 AM PST

    First time crafting big and I need some help on what to do from here! Many thanks!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:53 PM PST

    3 Off-Meta "Meme" Builds that can clear content...kind of... Some of my favorites in PoE!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 09:44 AM PST

    Taking my build to the next level - Help! :D

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 04:30 AM PST

    Greetings, ya'll. I've posted about this build before and it's one of those obsessions where I've just decided I'm going to make it work, by hook or crook, and I kinda did. I'm currently on tier 14-ish maps. That being said, I thought see if I could tap into the collective wisdom of PathofExileBuilds to take it to the next level.

    I don't have a link to any site to show the exact specs of my build, but I can give you the basics you'll need.

    The core concept is a necromancer using Necromantic Aegis+Maligaro's Lens along with Minion Instability. With a 6-link set-up of Cyclone - Cast on Channel - Raise Zombie - Minion Life - Anomalous Infernal Legion Support and Empower Support. I spin, raise zombies that rapidly burn and explode, damaging enemies and healing me.

    Other uniques are Aukuna's Grasp and Mon'Tregul's Grasp, as well as a Elegant Hubris Timeless Jewel (2 Axiom Warden and 2 Mob boss for 160% minion life and minion damage) and a Fortress Covenant, to raise HP of my minions and to ensure they die fast enough.

    What this all amounts to is 5.1k life (178%), 122,00 HP zombies (255% minion life) and 260% or so minion damage. The sustain is slightly below 1220x3= 3660 hp/s so long as I spin. Something like maybe 300k DPS? if my math is correct. I've also got a raise skeletons gems set-up on a cast when damage taken for some extra.

    I'm currently level 88 and I've got 3 out of 4 ascensions. I can definitely do the 4th if only I can be arsed, and that's likely a thing I'll do soon.


    There are problems with this build, of course. I'm stuck being fairly close to the enemy and while I can sustain through most things, I'm suspectible to DOT and oneshots. I lack layered defenses because if I use any of the traditional means of getting Fortify and/or endurance charges, I put myself at risk by not spinning and thus gaining my sustain.

    The damage, while decent, isn't anywhere near the millions I keep hearing people talk about as "decent" in order to take on endgame.

    The steps that I know I can take to strengthen the build are: Level up the gems, especially that empower gem for more zombie life. Most my gems are currently midway through 19, at 20% quality. Upgrade my armour, which is already of the proper influence, and get a 1+ to active gems on it. Get an amulet with 1+ to intelligence gems on it.

    My budget is... limited at the moment, but I'm working on it. So... Are there any steps I've missed that'll make me stronger and take this meme-build all the way?

    submitted by /u/Zeelthor
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    [3.13] Burning Arrow Build | Elementalist | Ritual | Path of Exile 3.13

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:43 AM PST

    Gauntlet build recommendations

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 12:18 AM PST

    Hi, I'm joining the gauntlet for the first time and I only have played SC trade so wanted a good build to use in this gauntlet.

    submitted by /u/TevloRn24
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    Are we sleeping on the juggernaut? How can we weaponize endurance charges and accuracy?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:59 PM PST

    I'm looking at my next league options and I feel like their is potential in the juggernaut, real potential, the kind of potential where no other build can get damage out of this one thing like this guy can potential.

    The jug is a weird beast. Yes everything he has makes him reliably tanky, but he also offers two niche skills to turn accuracy and endurance charges into dps.

    The Unyielding passive is the jugs premier damage skill. Each endurance charge this beefcake holds extends stuns, increases aoe radius and most importantly gives 8% increased damage per charge. That damage bonus is very big, the few sources where you can add damage per charge usually gives 3%.

    Our other damage skill is undeniable. This turns accuracy into attack speed. While the conversion rate of 150 accuracy per 1% attack speed is not great on the surface, increases to global accuracy % are so common that flat accuracy bonuses easily become massive bumps to attack speed. It also makes accuracy scale up of strength at the same rate it does from dexterity.

    What do you guys see? Does it have potential for any of your future builds? How can we add more to these bonuses?

    submitted by /u/Orzine
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    How to progress/pivot Cold BV Pathfinder after Sceptre+Shield?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:57 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I've been mostly following the 3.11 Harvest guide for Cold BV Indigon PF and have been playing it for the past weeks.

    The build works very well - my POB (I dropped Vigilant Strike and Flame dash for Dash/Herald of ice for mapping). A9 Conquerors/Sirus are easy with this setup, I'm very tanky and have only had ~3 deaths in maps since playing this build.

    I want to upgrade the build to the next level, more damage/gem levels - using chainbreaker/Berserk instead to try that out. My radius/aoe seems much lower than other people's pobs I checked. I sometimes have trouble finding the remaining mobs in legions (too little aoe to find them, time is fine).

    Now I don't know what to do:

    Regardless of what I switch to, I can propably keep my belt/boots/chest/helm/maybe ring and improve them with remove/adding. But I would need to craft new gloves, a mana regen amulet base and either 2 Sceptres or Bow/Quiver - or buy them of course. The thing is - most sceptres for sale are all for crit, with crit multi on them, Bows with quivers too, making Jewels with multi/multi/mana/life also doesn't seem TOO hard.

    I have about ~70 ex saved up right now and am farming some more, but I'm not sure in what path to invest to decently min/max this build. I want to still stay tanky, but also up my clearspeed and bossing damage. I've read through this post on this subreddit but its mostly focused about DW Sceptres, so I'm missing the Crit/Bow POV on this to fully decide. I know I'll lose tankiness regardless of which one I choose - but I just want to make sure I don't spend all my currency and end up feeling too squishy.

    I need your input!

    submitted by /u/herrkamink
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    Best Spectre choices for summoner build?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:23 AM PST

    Hi, I'm kinda a casual player in POE; I started playing like 4 years ago, but I had been playing very intermittently, so I had a hard time catching up to updates and current events like atlas, delve, and heist stuff.

    I'm currently running a lvl 86 pure necromancer build w/ skellies, zombies, and spectres in the standard league. I've been searching online for tips, and the best I can find is Lyends' Spectre Guide for 3.12. I've tested out Baranite Thaumaturge, Slave Driver, and Solar Guard; I chose Solar Guard since they seemed to be the fastest to clear among them, but I want to know if there are possibly better spectres out there other than the ones mentioned by the guide (said guide also mentions Scinteel is the best but I am yet to gain access to it). So my question is: which Spectres are mostly used right now in the current meta for map clearing and boss fights?

    submitted by /u/IPancakesI
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    help me fix my damage

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:16 AM PST

    hey guys

    i tried to copy someones build but its not what i actually expected i could use some advices on improving my damage


    thanks in ad vance

    submitted by /u/cosmic_arab
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    CoC question

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 12:30 AM PST

    not sure if assassin is best or another ascendancy. thoughts?

    submitted by /u/mayainverse
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    Nabbed a HH, but i am poor and stupid and dont know how to use it.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 02:27 PM PST

    Harvast league has been good to me, probably more than i deserve. My favourite thing about watching people play PoE is watching them clear ultra juiced maps and make more currency off 1 map than i do with 100.

    My least favourite you ask? That would be leveling a new toon up to maps.

    My main character right now is a BL Hierophant who can clear almoat all content and got me my first awakener kill, uber elder, uber atziri and more. It can't do 100% delirious maps, and always dies on the 20th wave of simulacrum. Even if i slap the HH on it.(proabably because my resistences aren't capped with it on.),

    I also have a leveled pathfinder and slayer.

    All i want is to be able to run REALLY juicy maps all day. Maybe legion 5 ways too. And i really hope i won't have to lvl a new character through the acts. I'm thinking about Cold BV pathfinder, but i am having a hard time figuring out gearing progression on it, got around 40ex to throw at it. Seems like most decent chests with the explody mod start at that price. Although i might be wrong.

    What i am looking for is someone to help me figure out which build would be best for what i need , but to also figure out the order in which i need to upgrade things. Any help appreciated, exiles!

    submitted by /u/ArcticDeity
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    Gauntlet Build

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:35 AM PST

    Hello All

    I have signed up for the gauntlet league on the weekend and I am thinking ED/C or chaos slinger but I am a SC trade league scrub who can't make builds and just follows them. I can see some builds out there for ED/C on the official forums but would love a chaos slinger one so I can use the cats soul rend I have never been able to use. Has anyone got a PoB for chaos slinger or ED/C that should be tanky enough for the gauntlet (my aim is only to get to 80 - 90 no bosses or anything just levels will be enough of an achievement for me)? I know Karv is playing a chaos slinger but I know he keeps moving off chaos slinger to self cast so not sure he has any slinger characters left.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Dramoth
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    Improvements/Tweaks for DD?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 08:05 PM PST

    Damage seems pretty good so far. Have a 6L body with offerings on it in cache, just trying to get right colors. Main problem I suffer from is timing of the desecrate and DD... sometimes it just totally whiffs, or it's just slow. Is there a trick to get it more consistent or faster?

    Also, while I feel pretty tanky, I still can't do Elder. Maybe because I suck, but I get stuck in the ice and then life drains away. Are there significant improvements to tankiness I could make with gear or tree? I'd lose some damage for it. Or is it mostly about knowing the boss fight better? Here's my PoB:


    submitted by /u/saxisa
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    Looking for advice on ignite elementalist

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 07:57 PM PST


    I took a break from poe for the past 3-4 leagues, haven't really played intensely since synthesis since I got a demi in the flashback as pathfinder, and that left me a little burned out but I am ready to come back now.

    Do you guys think I should wait for the next league? How much time is left this league?

    I normally play necro in league, but this time I want to try playing golem elementalist. The idea is to use golems to tank and taunt with meat shield support and I use a skill like incinerate or flameblast with ignite proliferation to clear.

    I have an idea of what golems I would use, but I am looking for advice on what is the best ignite skill as I have never made an ignite build before. I was looking into detonate dead because I wanted to relive Diablo 2 fishymancer, but it seems the secondary explosion of minion damage is kind of weird to scale ignite with, so it's better to use as a pure damage build without the dot.

    Incinerate looks pretty cool with 500 pct more damage with ignite at the last stage, which I get the impression would be really powerful single target, and if it counts as a hit, I could also chill and shock the enemy with elementalist ascendancy.

    I haven't kept up to date with the meta, nor am I familiar with dots, so I'm open to hearing anyone's input on what would be the best way to go about the build.

    The general idea is : use golems to tank, and boost damage/defenses, and deal the real damage self casting. It seems if I were to go for a detonate dead build, necromancer is just the best period because of the corpse hp boost, so I'd like to try ignite because it's new and exciting.

    If there are any new items or skills you can recommend, I'd love to hear about it as well. I will look it up! I am sure a ton of new items and changes have happened in the past 1-2 years.

    submitted by /u/nuclearmeltdown2015
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    Builds made for bossing/oneshotting? (Elder, Shaper, Sirus,...)

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 07:00 PM PST

    What can you recommend?

    I've played Generals Cry + Blade Flurry myself and the fights are almost too easy. A9 Sirus lasts about 5sec at max.

    What did/do you play? What's fun to use?

    submitted by /u/SirVampyr
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    How to craft two prefixes and one suffix on a large cluster jewel?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 06:32 PM PST

    I am trying to craft a large cluster jewel (minion jewel) item level 75 so it can have "renewal", " rotten claw" and "vicious bite"

    The problem is "renewal" and "rotten claw" are both prefixes so it is very difficult to get both at the same time and the third one "vicious bite" all together at once. Or for me, it seems impossible to get by spamming alteration. There must be a way to do it. There are many experts in this forum. I need your help.

    Please someone explain to me how to get them without Harvest crafting.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Warrior4heaven
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    Pls help with Cold BV PF

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:54 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    i'm kinda new to this game - my 2nd season, so i'm a little bit lost about improving my damage. (mainly single target)

    Compared to my ignite elementalist i'm hitting like a wet noodle and i don't know why.

    I know i need a amulet with +1 gems, the awakened gems and trigger socketed spells on the sceptre for frost bomb + curse.

    But even if i do that in pob my damage barely increases.

    Have 22ex to spend

    POB: https://pastebin.com/c3dhiUb2

    Thank you very much guys - any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/JHHopez
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    Ascendant / Ranger Ballista Build SSF Possible?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:48 PM PST

    I want to play some weird Artillery Ballista (or some form of Ballista) build in HCSSF. I don't want to play another Champion, which I know would be the right choice.

    Is there absolutely any potential to make a workable character here? I don't need it to be amazing just something that works.

    I was thinking of either Deadeye or going full weird with Ascendant. I have no idea if it would work but an Ascendant focusing on Fire damage somehow with Chieftain/Deadeye.

    Oh god, this is a horrible idea- can I make it work?

    submitted by /u/mango7roll
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    Dyadus build ?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:54 PM PST

    Hey everyone ! First time posting here but I recently just got 95 on my Doryani's fist/slam build. I wanted to try something different...again?

    Anyways ! As the title says I wanted to try maybe a cleave Dyadus build with some ignite damage ? Possible ? Wasting too much time ? ( probably more than the weeks I've spent on Dorayni's ) I know I've searched Google high and low with nothing hopefully I can get some pointers without getting beat up about it lol.

    Thanks everyone feel free to tell me how you feel about it !!

    submitted by /u/Intrepid_Radish5045
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    Scaling cold bv pf help

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:19 PM PST

    I've built a cold BV and it feels incredibly tanky, but the damage is kinda low. I've gone with a non-crit version, is it possible to scale the damage while not crippling my defense?

    POB: https://pastebin.com/E7yCADW0

    Is my gear just weird/shitty? I need to get level 21 bv and not shitty boots, and I can get a better curse on hit ring and start using awakened hextouch too? And I need to upgrade my boots/gloves but I wanna decide whether or not I'm gonna have to go crit to scale

    submitted by /u/Haslinhezl
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    Bow CoC, insane clear, insane single target. Goodbye harvest

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 09:13 AM PST

    Hi Guys, this is the latest build that i'm playing. I have also have a CoC Ice nova for comparison.

    Let me know what you think!


    submitted by /u/Dante00152
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