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    Wednesday, March 31, 2021

    Path of Exile Foe Talons, a claw that makes your enemies explode

    Path of Exile Foe Talons, a claw that makes your enemies explode

    Foe Talons, a claw that makes your enemies explode


    That weird guy with his weird posts, again


    It really do be like that all the time.


    3.13.2 patch delayed


    Blood Magic is a useless keystone, change my mind ...pretty please?


    Merely for the theorycrafting challenge of it, I've tried to come up with a build setup that benefits from the Blood Magic keystone itself and not just from Mortal Conviction (that keystone is its own topic), but to no avail. You just forego a lot of potential benefits (i.e. auras and buff/charge gain from mana expenditure) for no real reason. Is the only "benefit" really nothing but saving skill points by not having to invest into mana recovery? I mean... Ugghh... I wanna be able to make something thematic: a dark, occult blood magic guy/gal gaining some kind of power by sacrificing his/her own blood. Isn't that a nice archetype to get going, GGG?

    Like, where's the "gain X after spending Y amount of life" kind of mods? Where's the phantasmal Berserk which makes you lose rage slower in proportion to how much life you've spent recently? Where's the synergistic unique items and Berserker/Chieftain ascendancy node? The cluster jewel nodes? You're supposed to gain access to truly forbidden power (screw you Occultist (and Mortal Conviction)) by using blood, everyone knows that, right? I mean, Wraeclast: the lore reeks of "gain volatile power from sacrifice" theme. I'm ready for sacrifice but where's my power?

    Or have I simply missed some awesome use case of Blood Magic? Can anyone convince me Blood Magic isn't as useless as it seems?

    If you can't, maybe I should go ask Einhar. He seems rather into it, but he doesn't really ooze menacing recklessness like I wanna do. A charlatan, probably. "Einhar business", my ass.

    Yo, Piiieetyyyy...

    submitted by /u/maivaer
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    Path of Exile performance


    Hi y'all, noob question.
    I've played Diablo for many many years and I've recently decided to check out Path of exile in the last month, and I've had a great time.

    However for the last week or so, right when I started doing maps and more end game content, the game performance has dropped a lot. I play with GeForceNOW and I've always had an awesome experience playing very demanding games at full quality with no problems so I don't think the problem lies there. I've tried asking on their forum but I didn't receive much help. When I've started the game ran nicely at max quality, now even at the lowest settings I have a lot of stuttering and flickering and sometimes is a bit unnerving to die just because the game freezes for a second.

    Maybe this is something that it is known by the community as I've read online some threads about it. Is there a particular graphic option that can help reducing all the stuttering and fps drops? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Trichecone
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    Super weird bugged Quill Rain, has cooldown in top-right socket, but other sockets are normal attack speed/no cooldown.


    My reasoning for skipping so many league mechanics and a proposal to fix it.


    I love that Poe has so many different league mechanics and that all of them have specific loot that is associated with this league ( methamorph and the catalysts, blights and the oils). But my problem is that farming a specific league content gives so much other rewards and very rarely this leagues specific content.

    For example I have not touched delve this league because I find it to be very time consuming but I still sold fossils in bulk without buying them before just because I found so many from other league content.

    The same with oils along my journey through wraeclast I found so many oils and oilupgrades from harvest that I could even sell leftover golden oils while I never found a golden oil from a blighted map or a blight encounter.

    This shouldn't be the case in my opinion a league mechanic should be by far the best way to obtain that leagues specific drops. I would be way more excited to see a Cassia if I knew she was better at giving me oils but to get one medium oil on average is not exciting when u can find a Delirium mirror that does the same thing and other rewards

    TLDR the Best way to get league specific content like catalysts, oils, breachstones and more should be that leagues mechanic and not a different league mechanic.

    EDIT: I see a lot of ppl disagreeing because they would feel forced to play league mechanics they don't enjoy which I understand is not a feeling u want in a Game but to a certain degree u are already and u always will be especially the way GGG releases more content into the game. every new content gets every league mechanic that was there before that patch and the new content. For example to get delirium specific items u can play heist delirium or ritual which leaves u with 3 options to farm. To get essences u could pretty much play every content in the game and there can drop essences (iirc) so u will always be forced to the newer content if u want to get everything in the game.

    submitted by /u/Blueblacklion
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    This mirror is more persistent than new-league Tane


    [BUG] If you open a group seed in harvest and immediately use portal, there won't be any creep come out, and you can't use harvest after neither. Basically, you are stuck.


    Does increased player power actually lead to an increase in build diversity?


    I keep hearing this claim thrown around all the time, particularly recently in relation to the Harvest nerfs, yet never actually backed up with any evidence. It's just sort of taken as a given. So does it? Does giving players more power really lead them to play a wider variety of builds, or do they simply trivialize the game more with much the same build diversity as before? Any evidence for it?

    Edit: Okay, to clarify - I'm NOT asking if more power can allow more builds to thrive, I'm asking if it actually does. That is, do people actually play a greater variety of builds? NOT if they're able to play a greater variety, but does the playerbase actually choose to do so? This isn't about skill viability, it's about player behaviour/mindset.

    submitted by /u/BendicantMias
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    Heists are still buggy as he*k, even in ritual


    Maven witness Zana maps


    I know the hot topic these days is maven abuse by 6 manning (or most likely botting) cortex and such, but can we get her to witness maps through zana missions. It should just be on if your original map has her in it. She came thru the portal with you and she's already in the atlas. The damn synthesis maps are already rare as fuck especially on ssf. Getting a synth map with zana and not having it witnessed by the Maven feels real bad.

    The last part of my league has me just skipping zana maps entirely unless they have a harvest cuz it's just a waste of time to run them now. In fact you're basically incentivized to rush to the boss in random maps for maven completion

    submitted by /u/Glaiele
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    Dex Stacking Amulet - Ice Shot


    I also made a 9 link 1H for Skellies


    Looking back on the last 2-3 leagues, what were your most successful league starter builds? And why?


    Path of Matth's Currency Guides for both Casuals & 1% Gamers


    Hey guys, Path of Matth here!

    During the 3.13 Ritual League, I came out with two series;

    One was all about teaching newer and casual players how to progress in Path of Exile despite having little to no experience or limited play time. The series takes the player from before they even start the game (choosing a build), faster leveling through the story, preparing for maps, progressing the atlas and reaching the endgame. It also serves as a guide on how to make currency through various low investment strategies.

    Shoutout to Balormage for the inspiration on that one.


    The series is also available in text & image form so you can easily find any of the information without having to re-watch the videos multiple times.

    You can find the link to the text form here:


    The second series focused on bringing light to some extreme methods of generating currency. The goal of the series was to level the playing field in order to teach the "hidden" methods of making currency that only a very limited amount of players know about and can truly take advantage of.

    The secondary goal of the 1% series was to showcase how ridiculous some of these methods are in order to hopefully get GGG to make some changes. Things like using 6 accounts (through multiple PCs even) to farm beasts or invitations should absolutely not be possible as it hurts the economy and causes massive inflation.


    (Also I suck with Flairs but I guess "guide" is probably the most accurate)

    submitted by /u/RealPathofMatth
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    Gothic armour set key (xBox one only)


    This code came with my xBox gamepass and I will not be using it. So to the dozen that play on xbox, enjoy


    submitted by /u/Da-PeeP
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    PoE Map Tiers Patch 3.13


    Carrion Skin - My best craft. It is not perfect, and there are many like it, but it is mine.


    I started a build without any plans and I actually had fun. I'd recommend doing so to everyone who only followed build guides for the past 3(-4-5-6...) leagues.


    I played a couple a of builds this league, some for a few days, fire BV for a few weeks. And I always had a plan. Researched the skill/build I wanted to play, looked at a couple of PoBs until I settled on something then followed it until I reached a point where I could make upgrades on my own.

    The last time I tried to make my own build was my very first one, some kind of cyclone build, but of course I had no idea what I was doing and it failed miserably. This was at the end of the Metamorph league and since then I played a couple of leagues and over a dozen builds, so I picked up a thing or two.

    After running a couple thousand maps, killing some bosses and crafting some stuff, I'm pretty much done with this league. I hate running the campaign, so I didn't feel like doing practice runs or starting a new build. I was just standing in my hideout for hours, talking to random people I traded with about league starters and random stuff. Then I remembered that I wanted to play some kind of fire elementalist this league, but I never got around to do it.

    On a whim, I started a new character and decided to go SSF for the first time ever, because why not. My only goal in my mind was to use some kind of fire skill. I started off with fireball, then picked up flame wall. I always liked how blazing salvo looked, so I replaced fireball with it and used this setup for most of the campaign. I had a couple of nodes in mind that I wanted to reach on the skill tree, for the rest I kinda just picked up things that looked useful. Eventually I found a spellslinger skill gem and as I never tried it, I thought I'd give it a shot. What could go wrong with playing fire with fire? Unfortunately, Blazing Salvo didn't work with it so I switched to Kinetic Bolt + GMP and oh boy. The clear shot through the roof and I blasted through the last 3 acts, which I normally hate the most. I finished Act 10 after 12 hours, 3 minutes and 14 seconds. I died 86 times and I had a blast. My gear still sucks and I only have 4-links, but here is my kick ass Kinetic Bolt - Flame Wall Spellslinger Elementalist: https://pastebin.com/xXdJsi9S .

    All in all, I would recommend everyone to sometimes just go in blind and do some random stuff that you wanted to try in a while. It might end up being more fun than running 300 more Canyons.

    submitted by /u/lepsek9
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    [RSC] My dream helmet (cold flicker)


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