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    Wednesday, April 14, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Odif's Newbie Friendly League Starter Skeleton Mage Necromancer

    Path of Exile Builds Odif's Newbie Friendly League Starter Skeleton Mage Necromancer

    Odif's Newbie Friendly League Starter Skeleton Mage Necromancer

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:56 PM PDT


    Super low cost, but scales with investment.

    Simple game play, relaxed minion style.

    Insanely easy leveling.

    Build guide is written for newbies, but experienced players use it as a league start to generate currency for other builds.

    Escaped the massive 3.14 nerf bat plague.

    submitted by /u/Odif12321
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    Now that patchnotes are out, reap builds?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:17 AM PDT

    Was thinking something like fire conversion chieftain myself.

    submitted by /u/Jaskamof
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    How bad is toxic rain nerf?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:59 PM PDT

    I bought the mtx last sale (lol) cause it seemed like a fun skill to league start with. I don't really know the mechanics tho, how does "aoe influence spore spread" affect the DPS?

    submitted by /u/JustPorForn442
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    Steel Skills Still OP - DonTheCrown

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    What do we think is gonna be the new op

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    Based on the patch notes any new builds look spicy ?

    submitted by /u/dillongonderman
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    Copying another build 1:1 and passing it off as your own?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    I noticed that BigDuck's newest BA Elementalist build guide copies literally 1:1 from an already established BA Elementalist forum guide (by HardPrimat). He does not give any credit to HardPrimat. If you don't believe me, just load up both POBs and you will see an exact match. I personally would hate to see someone blatantly steal my work and passing it off as his own. What is the common consensus on "build copying" around here?

    BigDucks's build: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPWzkQAL6Ng

    HardPrimat's build: (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3046589)

    Edit: Bigducks gave credit to the original build creator in his video description.

    submitted by /u/until637
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    Glacial Hammer T19 100% Delirious in Burial Chambers showcase - End of Patch build

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    Need help deciding between builds for league start

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Hey guys

    Need help picking between Occ Vortex or a Cyclone build league starter

    Might have 1-2 friends playing with me at league start, might not (We normally just play whatever we want without thinking about synergies with each others builds)

    Occ build im looking at : ShakCentral's https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120/page/1

    Dont know which cyclone build id follow if i was to play it

    Cheers Guys <3

    submitted by /u/xNinjas
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    LL Reap Necro

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:25 AM PDT

    So the other day I posted my paint build on the main forum (https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/mpxdai/paint_build_of_my_take_on_reap/)

    And since then, and since patch notes, I've finalized the build somewhat and would love to get feedback and ideas.

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/1xjyY09z

    For offense, I scale minion damage which will scale both the hit and the DoT on Reap. Reap has 180% damage effectiveness, so I believe that a Black Cane with 11 phantasms will be more damage than using two Cold Iron Point. Phantasms coincidentally also scale with minion damage, and cast a physical damage spell, so putting it in Reap will be synergistic. I will use Cruelty as a 6th link, to boost the DoT damage of both Reap and a 4 link Corrupted Fever (in Essence of Delirium gloves).

    For defense, I split damage 3 ways between Life, ES (Corrupted Soul), and Mana (MoM). I considered Agnostic but the extra regen didn't seem worth the total eHP loss. I figure I can get around 12k+ eHP and 3.6k+ eHP regen. Of that regen 2.3k is directly on life via regen and overleech, which I think is important to offset Reap's life cost. An might be ES recovery, we only get 450 with regen/leech to fill our 2.6k ES pool. ZO could fix that but it requires sacrificing about 1k life regen, and if you start taking DoT damage without being able to leech you'd be a bit screwed. The best idea I could find would be to use Sorrow of the Divine to have control over the ES recovery.

    submitted by /u/cbasz
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    League Start Max Block Lacerate Bleed Gladiator.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    So this League, sticking to the whole theme of blood while being Tanky. The new Corrupting Fever skill should fit in perfectly with the Lacerate bleed build, also does Cruelty Support scale Lacerate's hit and DoT Bleed damage, as the skill itself is applying the chance to bleed? The loss of the Elder-mod is rough but I think with these changes may not be as extremely noticeable, will need to see the numbers on these new skills to confirm that though. Any other idea or pointers to improve the build would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Django_Unbrained97
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    LL Reap Scion Ideas

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    I've started a PoB for my Reap Scion and would love some feedback/tips: https://pastebin.com/MgBnGsn5

    Trying to go max block, corrupted soul, low life, and taking either Glad/Occultist for 2 curses (might do that early maps) or Glad/Necro with corpsewalker and bone offering trigger wand (rip 8 seconds now).

    Things that might also work: Sybil's Paw + Cold Iron Point DW or one Cold Iron Point and Shield with Life on Block.

    I also saved some points for the new cluster jewel notables or the new passives near the templar, so that should help with damage.

    Need to see the gem info to fully check how the damage will scale but this is just my rough outline so far.

    submitted by /u/Jlep
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    What are the benefits for each ascendancy for slam builds? 3.14

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    I saw the buffs to Vaal Ground Slam and was thinking of going GS as my league starter, I hear I could either go Berserker or Champion, what are the upsides and downsides to each ascendancy in terms of slams? Which one has a better start and which one scales better with investment?

    how does VGS look as opposed to the other slam skills like EQ or ES? What are the differences between the 3?

    Planning to play SC and bring this character up to high investment but I don't play many melee builds.

    Don't want to make a build and bring it to maps only to hear that another ascendancy was stronger and have to reroll so wanted to check it out here beforehand. Which ascendancy/slam build would be the best for purely 1-shotting bosses... if possible.

    submitted by /u/Waterlemonn
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    Tanky triple Herald melee build?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    TL/DR: is there a tanky melee build that can use triple herald and is a decent leaguestarter?

    Hey folks,

    I was a huge fan of the triple herald Elementalist. That got gutted in 3.13, so I'm looking for something else. I don't have to zoom around the map - I prefer something that can sustain a few hits over something that one-shots screens (though I'm not opposed to both, of course).

    Honestly, the only thing I really want is to use triple heralds, so I can see my shiny explosions again - I got some MTX for them in 3.12, and as the main 3H build was rendered nigh unusable, I've been trying (and failing) to make something else work.

    I've also never really played a melee build - I don't consider BV really melee, as you only need to do mechanics on bossing - so for a change of pace I'm looking into starting a melee build, but I've honestly no idea where to start, which is why I made this thread. I know Cyclone and Earthquake are favorites, but I've no idea what class or ascendancy to pick for any of those - I've only ever played Witch and Trickster.

    Sorry for the rambling, and many thanks in advance for reading and replying.


    submitted by /u/Boogy
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    League start builds that can push t16?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    Can i get suggestions on which builds are capable of doing this in 1.14? I do not like playing summoner, but everything else is fine.

    Also, what will be the best cyclone build in 3.14, still 2h?

    submitted by /u/crazyjacan
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    Ranged bosskiller that doesn't sacrifice much clearspeed?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    Looking at these changes has made me want to do a "real" bosskiller, but I'm unsure what build would be amazing at bosskilling (i.e. vaaled Feared with 8 mods, hardest content in the game without sweating at all) while not having painfully low clearspeed. I play primarily clear characters, and the only bosskillers I've done have been painfully slow.

    I'm looking for something that will have overkill amounts of DPS, is ranged, and will clear just fine (perhaps with a few easy gearswaps). Storm Brand is obviously the bosskiller of choice, but the clearspeed does seem a little slow for my liking. Are there any other overkill bosskill builds out there that may be a bit faster? I don't know the state of Arc or Ball Lightning at the moment, but perhaps pairing them with Archmage and then just using Inpulsa's instead of Cloak of Defiance would do for my requirements? (no aurastack/minions, no melee)


    tl;dr: mega, mega overkill boss DPS build with good clearspeed (but not excellent) that isn't an aurastacker, minions, or melee.

    edit: as a side note, at what budget does INT stacking start to feel good and what do people play as league start to transition to INT stack? and would it fit what I'm looking for in a build? a good build guide for int stacking would be great! Same question for DEX stacking

    edit2: bonus points if it shatters or inpulsa explodes btw.

    submitted by /u/opek1987
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    Trying Exsanguinate Totem build

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    Any impove for the build are welcome

    PoB : https://pastebin.com/fH1MQ2K8

    Pobably going with soul mantle, self flagelation and Kikazaru X2 as totem gonna spend life to cast.

    Maybe taking off Totem zeal because of the totem duartion maybe being useless (if totem die too fast spending life)

    This is a fist time for me trying to play hand made build.

    Thanks and see you, Exile

    submitted by /u/Extent_Nice
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    Blade Fall/Blade blast Assassin or Inquisitor?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:41 AM PDT

    I want to league start with bf/bb but I cannot choose between Assassin/Inquisitor. What are the pros and cons of both and is the build still viable after the blade blast nerf?

    submitted by /u/ricky1435
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    General's Cry + Blade Flurry

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:29 AM PDT

    With the change to General's Cry Mirage Warriors channelling for only 0.6s rather than 1s, am I right to say that this requires you to hit an attackspeed breakpoint of 10 atk/s for the Mirage Warriors to get off all Blade Flurry attacks for 6 hits after channelling stops?

    EDIT: Looking around a bit, it seems to be the case, although hitting 10 atk/s is mostly a gear problem rather than completely unplayable.

    submitted by /u/Seiyashi
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    Builds that were killed by patch notes

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    1. Kitava's Thirst & Aspect of Beasts: reserving mana do not have mana cost now. So there is not low cooldown instant skills to spam reliably.
    2. Wormblaster with Null's Inclination and Mother's Embrace: not 100% dead but heavily nerfed (don't look viable to me). Now minions consume flask enchantments and Null's Inclination only casts 5 spells at a time (from up to 160 dark pacts per click).
    3. Bow casters.
    4. Elementalist golem autobomber. Using Liege of the Primordial to have a bunch of queued golems for resummoning and killing them as fast as possible triggering minion instability.
    5. Selfcurse occultist Headhunter. Another not 100% dead but in super juiced maps is almost guaranteed to get hexproff along the way. Not a big problem since it nerf the build only when is strongest and you probably can still clear just fine but it will not have the same felling of being a god (and almost no reason to invest in self curse effect).

    Honorable mention to HoT impending doom autobomber. It was not killed this patch and it was only playable in Heist but was a very fun and not well know build. Fell free to tell me any more builds killed by one line of patch notes or target nerfed to oblivion.

    submitted by /u/salufc
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    Please shower a newbie with thy wisdom!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    Looking for some help with picking a build for the next league. Ritual is the only league Ive hit hard and I'm still learning the game.
    Dabbled with an SRS necro before turning to a puncture/ROA bleed glad. Got the Gladiator to 95 and managed 24/40 challenges, but it felt squishy to me as it was a mostly evasion build (or me just playing badly!). I'm looking to try a build that's either ES or mostly armour so I can get a feel for a different kinda defence. I'm ok with the idea of pianoing flasks if needed.
    I've looked at some builds and a burning arrow elementalist or a spinny boi does strike my fancy, but I'm looking to get a bit of advice from people more experienced and smarter than me.

    submitted by /u/Vharkhan
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    Vaal Ground Slam Champ or Chief for HC ?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:40 AM PDT

    Vaal Ground Slam Champ or Chief for HC ?

    submitted by /u/Davcek
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    Tanky and reliable league starter

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    Now that the patch notes are out, what are some extra tanky builds people are thinking about? I plan to take full advantage of the lab changes early on so I was thinking maybe HoAg Jugg or Discharge Chieftain and then I'd probably try out something like Exsanguinate later on. But then I realized how good the interaction with new LL and Champ seems so now I'm just wondering if there's anything else that I wouldn't think of that others are planning.

    submitted by /u/jerquanius
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    VSpark vaiable again?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    Do you think after the Vaal gems buffs, it is possible to play vaal spark or maybe vaal stormcall?

    submitted by /u/Rauteryuk
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    Champion or Slayer cyclone? 3.14

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Well since i haven't played any of these ascendency in past leagues I'm in a pickle which one to choose. I know that a lot of people praise Slayer after receiving buffs last league but i think that champion is not bad also. Please if any of you have played and can share your experience.

    submitted by /u/m4n14c89
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    CA Occultist - New Bleed Glad - Minions ?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    I'm torn between these three.

    I really want to try a life based CA Occultist. Get some dodge and spell dodge going, some triple curse action. Seems like it's one of the easiest to get off the ground. Just craft my own six link imperial bow and then go from there. Problem is ceiling is low and it costs a decent chunk of change to get there, compares to say minions or bleed glad.

    Bleed glad I really want to try blade storm with. Corrupted blood in there too. Some block and bleedsplosions going on. Of course this would be bit tougher to get off the ground than the CA or minions. Probably really good defensively though.

    Minions are minions. They can get nerfed all they want, but they're always a solid league start choice. I'm just bored of minion builds though. At the same time, I don't want to regret my league start.

    Any advice or ideas?

    submitted by /u/zaccyp
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