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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 13, 2021

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 13, 2021

    Questions Thread - April 13, 2021

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Questions Thread

    This is a general question thread on. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in any of the questions channels under the "help" category in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.

    We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Top 4 Reddit posts for karma farming at league start

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    The new league is right around the corner, and with it, a brilliant opportunity to farm - farm karma, that is! If you don't know where to start, I've collated a few useful post guides for you (with reference PoBs from past leagues) to make things easier. I've picked these four due to their ease of writing - you can often copy PoBs straight from previous leagues without changing anything, and they will still work fine.

    Take these all with a grain of salt, of course, because we still need to see patch notes, but these have historically been very strong as league-start farming posts and are quite likely to be strong in 3.15.

    Appreciation posts

    Appreciation posts are a mainstay of league start because they are easy to write, extremely beginner-friendly, can farm most content comfortably and have a really fun, positive post-style. You just feel good writing these. There are a few variations, such as New Player, Casual Player and so on, but most of them are pretty similar in post-style with only a few sentences different.

    The core build for an appreciation post is to start by talking about how much you're enjoying the league and how it's a breath of fresh air due to [more/less] complexity, then follow up by congratulating GGG. This league you might be able to mention the nerfs have added a lot of build diversity. Note that appreciation posts are especially strong during bad leagues, because it lets you wear a Unique Opinion and lets you scale counteropinion. If it's particularly bad, you can respec to focus on a single good thing.

    Reference PoBs from previous leagues:

    Sustain Issues

    Sustain issues are another strong and reliable class of league starter relying on the power of the CB keystone (Confirmation Bias). This is also a really beginner-friendly post, but it IS a two-button post if you want optimal karma. You need to complain about map or master sustain, then follow up with a guess that the league or expansion mechanic is causing reduced drops. This post-style is not for everyone but it's a very strong build if you don't mind it.

    Map and master mission sustain posts are always playable, regardless of whether there actually are real sustain issues or not, because CB is so incredibly broken. By combining CB with GGGs history of actually messing things up, you can clear entire threads with one post. Map sustain issues have started falling off in recent leagues due to power creep, but the balance manifesto on awakening objectives might push master sustain to be stronger this league.

    Reference PoBs:

    Post on Death

    Trigger-based builds are just as strong out-of-game as they are in-game, and post-on-death (PoD) is no different. All PoD builds rely on dying in-game, then using your frustration as a more multiplier on the karma of your post. They are a very high-risk, high-reward post-style, as sometimes the frustrations just don't manifest.

    Post on Death Performance Issues

    The elephant in the room - performance issues. Perf posts have been getting stronger and stronger as GGG adds new broken mechanics like bloom and texture streaming which give you a lot more options for things to complain about. The stronger your graphics card, the more effective the post, as your complaints hold more weight.

    Note that it's possible these posts will be nerfed by league start if GGG improves performance, so you should wait for patch notes before deciding.

    lol who am i kidding, post this on league start because it is going to be easy karma.

    Reference PoBs:

    Post on Death Ultimatum too rippy

    League mechanic too rippy is a classic bungle which GGG always falls into. Mechanics are often overtuned and do too much damage and this league is even more likely given a) the amount of nerfs in the Balance Manifesto and b) the intent of it being a risk-reward league. There's room in the tree to add Death Effects complaints or Death Recap complaints as well.

    Reference PoBs:

    Honorable Mentions

    These posts are also quite usable as league starters, depending on the league, but I decided not to include them above because they're either somewhat situational, or require a bit more game knowledge to write. They're definitely still viable though, especially if you know what you're doing:

    • Trade complaints
    • Flask complaints
    • Confirmation Bias Harvest encounters
    • Tanky builds are great for Ultimatum
    • Low-DPS builds are crap for Ultimatum
    submitted by /u/NinjaCaterpie
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    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Patch Notes take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PATCH NOTES TAKE MY ENERGY༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERFBAT TAKE NO ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BLEED BOW TAKE DOUBLE ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ATLAS TREE TAKE DOUBLE ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ



    From /u/tekashiz : ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BUFF TRASH SKILLS TAKE INFINITE ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    submitted by /u/Orichlol
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    In Path of Exile: Ultimatum, you can Ctrl+Click on Jun to bring up the menu to Unveil Items.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    GGG thank you for the meaningful nerfs (NO SARCASM)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    Hi Exiles and GGG,

    i must say i excited by GGG , how much problematic mechanics was addressed and that nerfs to the most used skills are coming.

    - split beast

    - self poison sextant abuse

    - nerft to BV, C.golem, Blade Blast , TR

    - Vigilant strike fortify

    - caster quivers

    - explody chest

    These are all fantastic nerfs , those skills/mechanics were simply too powerful.

    note: i was hit with the nerf hammer very hard too (Div.Berserk user), but i must agree DivBerserk was easy to maintain and very powerful

    GGG definitely earned some support from me

    submitted by /u/Daqimber
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    Petrified Blood Mechanics Explained

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    If They Don't Update Fragment Tab After Introducing New Scarabs I Will Lose My Mind.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    Foreword: I am grateful about all the things you bring us GGG, I'm grateful about constant content updates, behind the scenes work you do for PoE 2 and I -like most people here- just fucking love this game.

    I don't care about winged scarabs being there, since you have to use a certain league mechanic (harvest) to actually get them.

    I don't care about league specific fragments/etc...

    But if you add something to your core game, you NEED to implement it to aforementioned TAB.

    If they don't, reddit will lose their shit, rightfully so. And people will spam: "oh it's just reddit, they always complain".

    To those who will spam that: To hell with ya.

    Just say'in

    submitted by /u/apeironone
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    Life ? Krangled. Build ? Nerfed. Will I play this league ? Of course I will !

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    Champion too.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    Welcome back, old friend

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    0.1% when reading the Development Manifesto

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    RIP Fractured Fossils 2020-2021

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    It's all nerfs babe!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    Out of sight, out of mind.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    I'm Lovin' It

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    Think I'm prepped for patch notes :)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Quin69 - spell bow cucks

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Free Alt Art Fracturing Service

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Hi Exiles,

    If you'd like to fracture any of the non-unique alt art items - I have all 17 available and am willing to facilitate this service whenever I am online before the patch goes live. No charge. No tip needed. Please have a chaotic resonator pre-socketed with fractured fossil for each item you'd like copied. Just whisper me in game.

    ign - JoeyTrader

    Edit - this is for standard

    Edit 2 - the normal items are what can be fractured. You can find them here

    Edit 3 - please be patient with responses and waiting in line there is more demand than I thought

    submitted by /u/nachodotcom
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    My friend 3D printed me an exalt the size of my fist for my birthday!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    If we can have optional orange frills on the Imperial Sun Supporter Pack Helmet, can we have the same for the body armour?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    I think along with the Darkwood and Temple sets, that the Imperial Sun supporter set is one of the best and most down to earth fantasy MTX sets in the game. Well, apart from the awkward floating carrots that follow you around. Personally, I don't think they fit in with the silhouette of the armour and hang so low to the ground it almost seems as if you're ploughing a field ready for planting.

    Now the helmet comes with an attachment mod, so you can choose to have these floating orange shards on or not, but there's no way to remove them from the body armour. Realistically, this would probably be only available if they created an alternate body armour that had the floating shards removed.

    But I still think it'd be worth doing, assuming it's not too much work to just remove the effect. Sorry if this comes across as whiny; I'm just sad that this needless frill prevents me from enjoying an otherwise gorgeous armour set.

    submitted by /u/Archernick
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    **Meanwhile, in the official PoE Discord server....

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Can we please get to know which items are veiled? There are ~7 veiled items in this picture and I would have to aim at each one, to find out which is which.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Hideout - 3.14 Ultimatum - Boss Chaos Orb People

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    So You Want to Try SSF in 3.14 Ultimatum? A Friendly Guide.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    Hey there, midtown here! As usual I'm posting this guide for the upcoming league. I don't believe any league is inherently superior, so the goal of this post is not to convince you that SSF is the best, but simply to explain how to have some success if it is your first time! If you prefer videos, Zizaran and Steelmage recently put out a great PoE University video.

    For 3.14, it looks like Ultimatum will have some nice buffs for SSF, particularly the lab changes, as well as Ritual going core with some corresponding Atlas nodes. Ritual was a great source of breach/legion/simulacrum splinters, div cards, and well-rolled gear! I'm curious about the new vendor recipes as well. That said, here are the most important tips I find for SSF:

    1. Atlas Nodes. This is all new and we have a lot of great options for SSF. The Incursion and Betrayal nodes are a really nice to boost your target farming, and the Essence, Harvest, and Bestiary nodes are quite strong for crafting. There's also a lot of zones that boost master missions for some great agency and farming of your favorite mechanics there. I also really enjoyed Exotic Goods (getting buffed!) and Seance (getting nerfed).
    2. Most important! Choose a fun league starter that doesn't require any non-trivially farmable uniques. That said, being able to quickly and reliably get Uber lab now should make more builds viable for SSF league start! Lots of streamers play SSF and have appropriate guides. Safe uniques would be very common uniques or ones that are fast to farm via div cards: Tabula, Stormcloud, Sire of Shards, Whispering Ice, etc. There are plenty of guides in the forums that mention they are SSF-friendly, so go for one of those if it is your first time. As you get the hang of it you won't need to follow SSF-specific guides, but it helps a lot in the beginning.
    3. That said, you have access to a lot more uniques than you think. Because trade is the easiest method to get most uniques, it's what most people do and you never learn the other ways. A surprising number of uniques have divination cards that can be farmed. Additionally, every recent league has had access to Ancient Orbs, or access to an identical mechanic (Incursion = T3 Sacrifice, Bestiary = Beast craft recipe, Delve = Harb nodes), which can make it fairly statistically straightforward to get many uniques with the right iLvl. Finally, add Chance orbs to your loot filter as well as any bases for your most desired uniques, and chance them all. You can totally have a build in SSF with a 6L Soul Mantle, 2x Kikazarus, and a Self-Flagellation, for example. It's just going to take some farming.
    4. If you can, consider item rarity (IIR) for your build. This is much more powerful than most people realize in SSF, because it gives you significantly more build-enabling uniques, significantly more alchemy orbs (via alch shards from vendors), and significantly more T1 rare bases to identify. If you freeze, HoI+IR is a great combo, or if you DoT, Contagion+IR (the first DoT gets the kill credit and this includes spreading w/ ED). Otherwise, you can always swap it in for clearing. If you end up with an Ambitious Bandit Prophecy, this is a great one to follow through on for The Ascetic for an MF build.
    5. You'll get more items overall than you might expect (including uniques and currency), because SSF feels like a league with inherent IIQ. I don't mean the zones themselves have IIQ of course, but because there's no time to spend on poe.trade, looking up items, whispering for trades, doing rotas, and leaving maps for trading, etc, you simply spend more time killing monsters and will find an increased number of items per hour. It can be a really refreshing experience, and you should generally be swimming in everything you need to map (chaos / alc / scour / sextants), not only from killing more monsters, but from having more currency you aren't spending on trades.
    6. Generally, spell skills make much better SSF league starts than attacks, because they tend to scale with gem level rather than weapon damage. If you do choose an attack-based build, you'll have the easiest time doing it as a second build after you've found some good leveling uniques/rares and/or choosing a skill which provides added damage as it levels, so you aren't dependent completely on your base weapon damage. 3.7 gave a lot more attack skills added damage as they level! There are also very useful Vendor Recipes for % physical damage and added damage so you can occasionally use these on better bases as you level.
    7. Drop-only gems: The only thing you have to worry about now is Enhance/Empower/Enlightens. Generally I find them each league, but sometimes not. I wouldn't run a league starter that absolutely depends on them. To help find them roll Gemcutter strongboxes for "only support gems" and run gem Delves/Temple rooms. (GGG, can we buy these for a Divine please?)
    8. Vaal gems: You have a ~25% chance to get one with a Vaal orb, so don't be afraid to spend vaal orbs to get your Vaal Summon Skeletons / Vaal Blight / Vaal BV for sweet, sweet leveling, if you don't quickly get it from Vaal side areas.
    9. Unique Jewels: These are the hardest to plan around in my experience, because they can't be reliably chanced or ancient orbed. Obviously many are quest rewards, and if you need two, just race another character to A5 if it doesn't drop. Some are more common than others, but don't exactly plan a single-element Elemental Hit build in SSF. Some do have Div cards, so that's a great option for those (A Mother's Parting Gift for int stacking, for example). Generally I play a solid league starter and then base my future builds around which of these (and other items) drop. (GGG, Threshold Jewel Vendor plz)
    10. Atlas: Filling out your atlas is much easier in recent updates, with the Zana map rewards and non-deterministic 3:1 recipe. The most important thing is to add Chance orbs to your loot filter while leveling so you can buy Kirac/Zana out after her daily missions as you progress through the Atlas. You find Zana in your first T3 map, so rush that. For red maps, 3-to-1 will help a lot as you farm them, and the various sources of Horizon Orbs (drops, Delve, Zana missions) make life a lot easier. These are especially valuable at the higher tiers where you are more likely the get the map you want as the pool is limited! Note that the Zana "alternate of same tier" (not sure if we'll have this in 3.14) is very helpful and seems to follow drop rules such that she has an increased chance to give you an uncomplete map. Don't forget that Vaaling a map has a 12.5% to upgrade it as well. For filling out your unique maps, Ancient orb mechanics are also great once you've got the unique gear you need!
    11. Masters. Run more maps, login daily, and get lots of missions. You'll want to check Zana's inventory after every mission of hers (it resets when she open the portals), grabbing any missing/needed maps. The only minor thing to keep in mind is that when the servers roll over at midnight UTC and you get a new mission, it will be based on the tier you last ran a map on. So if you are logging out for the day, make sure the last map you run is the tier you want to receive your daily missions at.
    12. Lootfilter. Use one! This is extra critical for SSF because without trading, there's no reason to waste time on bases you'll never use. For league start: Filterblade.xyz > Presets > Leveling > Wands/Bows/1H as appropriate, I prefer Semi-Strict. Move Chance Orbs and Silver Coins to Fuse tier so you don't miss any. Then quickly transition into Strict once you are all rare gear, and then potentially Very Strict around maps. Make sure to add your chancing bases, div cards, and remove any T1/T2 rares you won't use. That last bit is especially critical if you play with IIR/IIQ. Generally I keep only the top 2-3 tiers of each gear slot of the right type for my build (Evasion, ES, etc) in my loot filter, and once I have a great item for a slot, I remove all but the top tier base for that slot.
    13. Currency. I used to have a long section here for each currency, but the game is so different now from where it was a few years ago that I don't feel it as relevant. Between Delve, Heist, Harvest, and more, there's so many ways to get piles of basic currency. That said, if you are having trouble sustaining a specific currency, check out the section from a previous guide.

    Please share anything else that has helped you or any questions you might have. It is really a lot less overwhelming and more fun than I expected, and don't forget you can always migrate to Trade if you get stuck. Keep in mind that the "Migrate All" button migrates all of your lab trials / delve / Atlas, etc (except master missions!), so as a general rule there's not much penalty for starting in SSF and deciding you want to go trade. And, don't forget to join Global 773!

    submitted by /u/mrooney
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    Me while reading explodey changes

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 01:27 AM PDT

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