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    Saturday, July 17, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Anybody else love making plans like these for their builds? Freezing Pulse Heiro leveling as HFT

    Path of Exile Builds Anybody else love making plans like these for their builds? Freezing Pulse Heiro leveling as HFT

    Anybody else love making plans like these for their builds? Freezing Pulse Heiro leveling as HFT

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    Explosive concoction interaction with Hollow palm?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    Explosive concoction interaction with Hollow palm?

    I am right? It should work no ?
    converting the phys damage with avatar of fire of just trying to go full phys with impale and forgot about elemental stuff.


    looks like it ca nwork with hollow palm technique

    submitted by /u/Aerhin0
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    Warcries won’t exert earthbreaker totems

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    If you go to about 12:30 in the stream, you can see the player has totems out smashing but his exerted counter only went down when he used leap slam. So unless there is a keystone etc being added that we don't know about, this gem seems like it might be a bit underwhelming

    submitted by /u/lconniffe
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    Earthbreaker support is not going to exert attacks and that is perfectly fine because it's not supposed to be spell totem but for slams.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    So obviously I have to begin this post making clear that I am not a time traveler and I have no idea what the numbers of the support gem are going to look like, meaning that it might be strong enough that it works well without exerted attacks or might be so bad that it won't work either way.

    The thing with slams is that in any way or form you end with a metric ton of jank that you really don't get many benefits from.

    With this is mind and with the added fact that you are probably running 2 six link in a slam build your build can look like this.

    Six link: Tectonic slam selfcasted

    Second Six Link: Tectonic slam with earthbreaker.

    4 link: your screams

    Second 4 link: auras.

    Third 4 link: your cast on death portal setup and flame dash.

    If you look at the chieftain ascendancy tree its very obvious ggg is looking to see totems being used in conjunction with you own attacks.

    And how does this fit with slams?

    Well, the thing with slams and warcries is that you have way too much downtime. This is not really an issue with clearing maps since you clear your entire screen so it more or less justifies that down time, but with bosses it is not the same. In fact I feel that using your warcries and then slamming feels very awkward (unless you one-shot the boss of course).

    Obviously if your totems are taking all that time using those non-exerted attacks you don't use because you are busy juggling cries that down time isn't bad at all against that boss.

    submitted by /u/Unreal_Daltonic
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    High sources of "increased Spell Damage" for Battlemages Cry?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    I was thinking about ways of getting large sources of flat "increased Spell Damage" for Battlemages cry. The ones I can think of:

    • Indigon
    • Mark of the Shaper
    • Rare weapons

    What other ways are there?

    submitted by /u/EsportsWriter
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    Help with Ele conversion shield crush build + ascendancy?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 10:53 PM PDT

    So the obvious choice for shield crush seems like going a pure phys bleed glad build, but I was thinking it's insane base damage and being able to use a main hand stat stick an elemental build could be extremely strong with minimal investment.

    Something like converting to 40% fire/50% cold with hrimsorrow + magmatic strikes on tree, using hatred/hoa/stat stick for phys as elemental sounds pretty crazy for damage numbers. Also having split ele damage should let you fully utilize trinity support which is nutty.

    I was looking for ascendancy ideas that go well with this, berserker seems really promising if you stack warcry nodes with full uptime infernal cry for big combusts, but raider is an obvious choice too.

    submitted by /u/sniffsglue_
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    TR/CA or Only CA ? New Starter New Season

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 02:26 AM PDT

    Hey i start 3.15 with TR/CA or Only CA what you think is this best Class for it ? Raider Trickster ? OCC ???? :)

    submitted by /u/Agneslikeitbig
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    Spectral Helix Poison Assassin?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 02:18 AM PDT

    So I was looking at the skill and it doesn't specify that you cannot use it with claws, so why not use a Wasp Nest Poison Assassin?

    submitted by /u/MojordomosEUW
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    Likely only going to play 1 build this league, I want to shatter shit. Can anyone give ideas on what I could play at league start?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 01:52 AM PDT

    So yeah, I want to shatter things, what are some builds that are not necessarily "league starters" per se but can be played without feeling like absolute garbage until I am swimming in exalts? I don't need it to one shot red bosses on day 2, but I don't want to reach maps and feel like a wet noodle either.

    I play pretty much every league but less and less each time, and what usually happens is I start with a tried and true starter and then by the time I'm ready to play a "real build" I'm already burnt out. So, this time I am going to go in with the one build only mentality so I want it to be something fun (hence the shatters).

    Any help at all is appreciated, don't need a full guide or anything but just a starting point to send me in the right direction. New skills are on the table also. Thanks

    Edit: Not super interested in totems or summons

    submitted by /u/technishon
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    Theory craft new skills converted to mines?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    I love the miner playstyle and the ability to convert pretty much any skill to be a mine for huge burst damage so I want to theory craft some potential combos.

    One idea I had was using Voltaxic Burst mines with Voltaxic Rift as an Occultist. You would convert all the lightning damage to chaos and maybe use power charges to increase AoE for more shotgunning. Astral Projector ring?

    Storm Rain sounds like it could work well like Toxic Rain mines for huge coverage and fast clearing.

    Maybe Shield Crush converting phys to fire as Chieftain with Vulconus and a high armour shield. You get leech, pretty tanky, and fire pen.

    Explosive Concoction with Hollow Palm and dex stacking as a Pathfinder. You get elemental damage penetration and elemental damage during a flask effect.

    Spectral Helix with taking advantage of poison stacking with a ton of hits and Assassin. Taking advantage of Bino's Kitchen Knife for clear and Cold Iron Points for single target. Maybe using Crimson Dance & Gladiator for stacking big bleed damage?

    I'm not a good theorycrafter but I am loving the ideas of the new skill gems.

    submitted by /u/Blacklistedhxc
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    3.15 Livestream: New Skill Gem Supports

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Max block, the new shield crush, shield charge and counter

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    Considering stuff is slowing down, less defences etc. Notes are not in but new shield crush skill is there. Good shield would bring insane base damage on that and getting defensive and having movement skill nicely available this looks like a very good league starter? Also as weapon is more of stat stick, this could easen gearing

    submitted by /u/demoshane
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    Forbidden Rite Int stacking

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    I've been working on an idea regarding Forbidden Rite. I believe Int stacking to be a good way to build both defenses and offences at the same time.


    • Base damage through high ES (~20k)
    • Damage scaling through Tranquility/Transfiguration of Soul, as well as Whispering Ice (Spell damage per Int)


    • Very high ES (20k)
    • CI (no ES damage)
    • High leech rate (4.2k)

    POB based on a Whispering Ice Int stacker I found on POB. Rather Min-maxed I assume. Simulating Forbidden Rites damage through a Dark Pact with high skeleton life, damage ends up at ~1M DPS (with Wither stacks). If the projectiles shotgun, it'll be great. If not, damage seems lack-luster?

    POB: https://pastebin.com/F0GRjbmt

    submitted by /u/NeoLearner
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    (2-man party - Is it viable and if so, does anyone have some build recommendations?)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    Me and my friend want to try some party playing this league, but we haven't had time to find an actual team. So we we're wondering if a 2-man party even makes a difference in currency making, and then we were looking for some build recommendations, so that we can practice a bit before the league launches. Thx for any advice :))

    submitted by /u/Zebmik
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    Help me understand the Battlemage keyword and how you can build around it

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    I'm thinking of trying some inquisitor battlemage battlemage's cry stuff for next league, but I've never really explored battlemage much (or even two handed weapons, which would be my goal since I'd like to have two six links)

    When it says adds the weapon damage to spells, does this damage not get converted? Meaning, would my eg. Arc randomly have added flat physical damage?

    Physical reflect as well as scaling issues come to mind if this is the case. What are some ways to improve the damage of my Arc through my weapon? What kind of weapons should I look for? I know vulcanus is really good for Bb/bf, but these are already spells that people normally go for phys to fire conversion already.

    Are there clever (or obvious) ways to make this added physical damage actually be lightning damage for arc? What kind of rare weapon would be best for this scenario? What uniques are good options?


    submitted by /u/greyy1x
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    Will voltaxic rift be needed for the new skill voltaxic burst? If not what’s the best way to scale it?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Broad Strokes: Spectral Helix (Blessed Hammer)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    I'm going to leaguestart Spectral Helix, and I imagine many others are as well. In terms of broad strokes, what are your plans/ideas/intuitions for this skill?

    I'm thinking about going pure phys with Impale and very high attack speed (as seen in the video), maybe as a Champion with Fortify. What are some other interactions which might work well with the skill?

    submitted by /u/persecuted-gamer
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    Is There Any Chance that the Storm Rain Beams could CoC something?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    New player, trying to move away from following builds. Had this little idea and it sounded like it would be cool as hell if I could do it.

    Edit: If yes, I'd love some build suggestions.

    submitted by /u/eap5000
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    Boneshatter Jugg League Start (SSF)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    This is the tree I'm rocking for a bone shatter Jugg at league start assuming they don't massively change the passive tree over the next week. The idea is to be very tanky and have enough damage to clear uber lab, but I mean we have no idea how much dmg it will do post patch notes, although based on gem lvl 1 comparison bone shatter should do more damage than heavy strike.

    Jugg is my favorite ascendancy and I'm stoked to play it this league! I am a fan of the nerfs to everything and hopefully slower gameplay results in a more viable defensive options, although I am not holding out for even a single buff in patch notes even tho my boy Jugg needs it.


    submitted by /u/mojomaximus2
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    Reaper - best Golem for Vulconus builds.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    With 50% chance to inflict bleeding this minion is long waited option when having Avatar of Fire to utilize :

    (70-100)% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies

    Best Golem ever :)

    submitted by /u/WiskyDjack
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    Rage Vortex ideas?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Heya guys and gals,

    I've been going over Rage Vortex again and again and I'd love to make it work. So far I've come to understand that exerting attacks with warcries (or maybe even ambush) will apply to the whole duration of the attack, if it has duration (e.g. bladestorm or static strike). so if you use intimidating cry or ambush to gain massive dmg bonus on an exerted attack, the created storm will deal double damage for the whole duration.

    this seems ideal for some double 6-link setups like rage vortex + bladestorm. for additional circle nostalgia you could even use cyclone yourself! bladestorm should be used for clearing while keeping rage high; and when encountering tougher enemies use a rage storm to stomp on it.

    • option 1: bleed gladiator - taking crimson dance to quickly stack many many bleeds
    • option 2: impale champion - obviously stacking impales
    • option 3: (probably my favourite) ascendant berserker + champion = basically all the good parts of the respective ascendancies without unnecessary baggage.

    i'll play around a bit in PoB, what are your thoughts and ideas?

    submitted by /u/banang
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    I want to play occultist but not vortex

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:55 PM PDT

    I want to start occultist, before the changes what would you all recommend, my aim is to always push maps and sell maps in the early few days, played vortex once and yes it was strong but it was incredibly boring and slow.

    submitted by /u/NoPassage8505
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