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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - July 16, 2021

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - July 16, 2021

    Questions Thread - July 16, 2021

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Questions Thread

    This is a general question thread on. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in any of the questions channels under the "help" category in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.

    We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    PSA. The Aesir Warrior Supporter pack shown in the store is misleading because it was taken in bad lighting. The wings are white and not black.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    Two kind of Playerbase

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 01:00 AM PDT

    Opinion: Slow can be fun! But slow game play is incompatible with a grind. A slowed PoE should be more rewarding per enemy and less grindy if it wants to stay fun.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    Slow is fun for a couple of reasons. The first is that the actual gameplay is far less "mindless" and is more strategic. I used the right skill at the right time. I positioned correctly. I avoided the thingy. I noticed how to use the terrain to my advantage.

    All the benefits of slower gameplay come from requiring your attention. The pleasure loop in our brains will halt if that attention is not rewarded.

    The pleasure loop from fast gameplay comes mostly from two things: Mowing down tons of enemies, and setting up maximum efficiency to achieve peak in-game rewards per time spent.

    The slower game won't give you the pleasure of mowing down tons of enemies. So it better give equal in-game rewards per time spent or the fun/pleasure is almost entirely gone.

    To exaggerate the point, imagine a map with 5 enemies instead of the current amount. Each one taking skill and strategy to defeat. Now have those enemies keep the same drop rates for everything as current enemies. You might beat an end game boss if you played 80 hours a week for the entire duration of the league.

    submitted by /u/wild_hog_skank
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    Chris Giveth and Chris Taketh

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Chris told us to let them know if if we want a simple "right click to highlight future passives" sort of planning

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    Yes please. I personally forget what passives I'm going to get all the time, and being able to click things and do very simple planning rather than tabbing over to PoB every time I level up is going to be a lot better QoL.

    submitted by /u/That_Martin_Guy
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    I love GGG for moments like this!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    Here is a little secret on how to enjoy the league alot more

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 01:35 AM PDT

    don't go on r/pathofexile before league start

    submitted by /u/ProporQ
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    "Players feared going into the ship graveyard cave"

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    shows footage of player getting stunlocked and killed before he can do anything

    Yeah, they feared it because it sucked.

    submitted by /u/Winzito
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    Royale is fun

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    Congratulation Bex on the promotion

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Congrats on being promoted to marketing manager

    submitted by /u/nightvoltz
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    If you really want to bring back old Poe feeling, then bring back the real character selection screen

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    Can we get visual representation of Aliments on the edges of the screen.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:25 AM PDT

    If players are going to have to react to a debuff it should be a big enough impact on the players screen to see it in the clutter. Think low HP blood red sides of the screen for low HP, but Frosted edges for freeze or burning edges for ignite.

    UI shouldn't just be lines of text or icons we react to. I was reading a post about making debuff icons easier to see and this is a perfect example of players knowing what they want but not how it should be solved. I know it's a bit contrary to how POE is played but you shouldn't have to read a study guide to play the game.

    submitted by /u/jezvin
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    uBlock filters to make the wiki usable again

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Just fiddled with whatever fandom did to our poor wiki and thought I'd share it.

    ! 2021-07-16 https://pathofexile.fandom.com pathofexile.fandom.com##.global-navigation pathofexile.fandom.com##.is-visible.fandom-sticky-header pathofexile.fandom.com##.wikia-bar-anon.wikia-bar pathofexile.fandom.com##.WikiaRail.right-rail-wrapper pathofexile.fandom.com##.page__right-rail pathofexile.fandom.com##.mcf-wrapper pathofexile.fandom.com##.wds-global-footer pathofexile.fandom.com##.community-header-wrapper 

    These lines go into "My filters" within your ublock settings.



    submitted by /u/GehenSieBitteVorbei
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    GGG, don't forget to remove league timers when you slow the game down

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 02:30 AM PDT

    Delirium, Incursion, Legion.

    And please don't add them in future leagues as a punishing mechanic.

    submitted by /u/eshch
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    Lots of hate on the nerfs, just here to say I'm supportive of GGG taking action on the powercreep

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    If GGG wants to slow the game down, they need to re-design their end game systems and fix the loot system

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    I'm ultimately fine with toning down the speedrun meta. The issue is, the entire endgame system (conquerors and Maven) requires running hundreds and hundreds of maps before they can even reach "true" endgame. Of course people want builds that clear entire screens and zip through them at 400% movement speed. People have already been saying how burned out they are with the new atlas system, and this will only exacerbate it.

    The loot works the same way. Getting good items is incredibly difficult, so the best way for people to gear is by spamming maps as fast as possible for currency.

    GGG created the speedrunning meta, not just because of skill/item balancing, but because of the fundamental design structures of the game, and if they want to slow the game down they should have toned down the absurd grindiness of all the endgame systems first. Nerfing clear speed without addressing the underlying conditions that incentivize it will make the game incredibly frustrating to play.

    submitted by /u/ooh_lala_ah_weewee
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    PoE is not a skill based game, stop balancing it like it is.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    So since flasks are supposed to be reactionary now, how are we supposed to deal with curses applied through map mods? Just roll an atziri's reflection and call it a day? In what way is that beneficial to the game?

    When I'm playing through a t16 that is pretty juiced and encounter legion mobs that throw spears at mach 10 how do I counterplay that? I'll tell you how, you either get enough physical damage reduction and immunities to curses so that their damage is significantly reduced or you instakill everything within a 20 mile radius of your character(which in most cases is impossible nowadays). However, since flasks like basalt and immunities have been removed, I have 0 counterplay.

    Let me bring up the example of diablo 3. In this game, rares have abilities that you can VISUALLY see on screen. They don't come at me at the speed of light and I can avoid and counterplay that incoming damage with smart play.

    Some may say "well just explode the entire screen kekw" tell me fine sir, in 2021, what build can explode an entire 3 screens in every direction before a legion spear thrower has the chance to fling one off at me and kill me because I either can't see it, it's too fast, or because all of my defensive measures have been completely removed.

    Sure, nerfing player damage is COMPLETELY FINE, but how in gods name am I supposed to fight monsters in maps like this if every class besides jugg gets decimated by physical damage. "LOL just roll over curse mods"

    Ahem, are you...fucking kidding me? Not only do I have to roll over reflect on certain characters, as well as no regen on most builds, but now you want me to roll over every single fucking curse mod? In what reality is that okay?

    Secondly, why in the fuck does spellslinger, poets pen, mjolner, cwc and cospris deserve a blanket nerf because coc is too strong. All of those triggers besides coc were perfectly fine. You have gutted every single source of mana leech for spellcasters over the past 5 fucking years and now you just want to outright kill triggers unless your running some 3000 exalt mom archmage build?

    VD/DD was a good build, not the best, but good and now it is completely gone. CWC purifying flame got deleted as well because of this. In what world is that okay? Can you not balance coc instead of destroying builds that were decent, but not God tier?

    Lastly, if you're so hell bent on tuning down player speed then nerf headhunter. Do it, please, if this is your philosophy then how has this singular unique gone untouched since the games release. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you do, we still have headhunter which is 1000x more powerful of a defensive unique than anything else in the game as long as you are instakilling things at light speed. I'm tired of this tunnel vision you have on the rest of the game except headhunter is the exception. People will continue to zoom, just now on 2 builds instead of the 10 really strong ones we had. So you arent really solving the problem, you're just removing options entirely.

    submitted by /u/Dark-Chronicle-3
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    How about ailment indicator on the health globe?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    Since absolute immunity is no longer possible with flask changes, how about better ailment indicator on a spot more looked at like the health globe?

    Like turning greenish when poisoned, ice spikes coming from it when frozen, burning when burning, electrified when shocked..?

    submitted by /u/Acek13
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    Exact words from Chris about campaign changes

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    there's about a billion threads on "oh no, it's gonna take 3 times longer to finish the campaign" and "too slowed down omg i hate acts" so i went and found what Chris said in the Q&A on this particular concern. maybe it'll help assuage a little of the fears and concerns. not likely, but a man can hope.


    timestamp : 14:10

    ZiggyD : Let's move on to difficulty, the big stuff. What can we expect from behavioural and balance changes, were the specific terminology you mentioned there, to monsters in the campaign?

    Chris : There's a lot of stuff here, and it's kind of what happens if you go through and re-do stuff, you know, in 2021, that you set up a long time ago. Like, you have to remember, when we first set up Path of Exile's early acts, I mean, it's had some maintenance since then, but we were children, essentially, you know. Making our first game, right? Like we were in our early twenties, had never done one of these before, right. So, it took some actual like adult supervision now, for people, you know, like Mark and Rory and stuff, and all they're doing to go through and make that content pretty good.

    So basically, the monsters have more life, they move faster, they on average deal more damage per second, there's lots of aesthetic changes, you know, a bit of like modern, let's make this stuff, not necessarily like redo the art, but in terms of making skills and stuff like feel a lot better that the monsters are using. And the AI's been redone for a lot of monsters in terms of how intelligent, you know where they use skills, there's even some leading behaviour where i think, hailrake will shoot his glacial cascade out in front of where you're running to, trying to tag you, which is terrifying when it happens to you and makes, yeah, you really wonder what's happening there. The monsters have a lot less aggro range early on, like it's less a matter of aggroing the entire screen when you run around, so there are improvements here to make the early game actually like appropriately simple in some ways, despite being deadly.

    We had a look at monster density in the first act, we actually found that the second half of act 1, had much lower monster density than the first half so we fixed that. We added some new monster types to act 1, specifically in the prison and merveil's cave so yeah, it does feel pretty different. We kind of have a thing at the office at the moment, where we'll kind of dare team members to just play through act 1, i'll watch you. and it's fascinating to see the results. And so yeah, they're working through the other acts, as fast as possible so that we don't get too much of a jump between the two types of content but basically the intention is that the campaign is actually a fun experience to play through.

    And for players concerned that that doesn't add to their mapping experience, A) yeah you can probably still use your advanced PoE skills to get to maps quickly, like it's not that much of a speed bump for the game to have some challenge along the way, you'll still get there in hours, it's fine. and secondly, mmmm, these changes do affect maps a little bit, the monsters will start to become more intelligent, and a year later, um, maps will be quite a lot more fun to play because all the monsters will do intelligent stuff.

    timestamp : 47:46

    ZiggyD : we kinda touched on this a little bit earlier but this comment from chat is just so hilarious i'm going to read it out anyway, "will they make Feared and Awakener 9 weaker since they are giga-nerfing us to oblivion?"

    Chris : that's a good one. um...yeah. we'll see. um, it's not gonna, the nerfs aren't gonna have that much impact on the time it takes for people to get to that content, right? like, try it out, it's not that bad. you'll find ways around it. it's one of those things in the past where, you've nerfed something, we've nerfed something massively and it's affected the players like 2% overall because they're just smart and work out new ways.

    submitted by /u/azantyri
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    ZiggyD Q&A TLDR

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    • No failing Expeditions unless out of portals
    • Expedition Logbooks from Act 3
    • Expedition uniques NOT exclusively from trade vendors
    • Can also get Influenced rares with trade vendors
    • All players can access the vendors, but only the instance owner can place the detonators
    • Skills showcased were unoptimized, will look/perform better with investment
    • Lot of Skill gem related questions, can be found out from website where gems are shown
    • Rage Vortex will have good AoE with investment
    • Spectral Helix (Blessed Hammer-esque skill gem) : Increases to number of projectiles applies to bounces, not projectiles
    • Aggro range of mobs (from Act 1) decreased
    • Some "underused" skills "buffed"
    • Getting right enchant on flask takes the same amount of effort as quality-ing a flask
    • Heist Locker affinity will work from normal stash. Also applies to Expedition Locker.
    • King Harbys from Valdo Rest nerfed
    • Plan is to have 2 clicks of stacks, breach splinters to drop coalesced
    • Act boss drops buffed rarity(again) and reduced quantity of blue/white items to 0 or very few
    • Expedition bosses in Logbooks(mentioned in implicits). Can be traded
    • Melee skills buffed to counter support gems nerf. Spells, in general are not buffed
    • It seems like The Feared is not nerfed.
    • Trade not getting any changes in the foreseeable future

    I skipped general design philosophy stuff here but I felt these are the key points

    submitted by /u/PM_UR_BRKN_PROMISES
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    Proposal: Double all nerfs, Remove Porcupines

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    1 most annoying mechanic in Path of Exile history was reflect damage before it was fixed. The clear #2 has always been porcupines.

    Keep your 3.15 nerfs. Double them if you want. Remove porcupines and I'll accept all patch notes with open arms.

    You wanna fix build diversity? Maybe not force every single build in the game to use cold damage or have corpse removal as an absolute requirement. I'd love to try a non cold damage build for a change. Cold damage has many benefits on its own but the most important one is the automatic corpse removal. And accomplishing this with other damage sources usually revolves around items that are too expensive or severe restrictions. Porcupines spines have never been a clever mechanic. Just very annoying at most.

    submitted by /u/Tygerwoody
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    Seriously GGG? Is there a reason they can't be stacked?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    My reaction everytime Chris says "fun" when referring to tedium

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    GGG, you're not nerfing the top players here. You're nerfing the casuals that struggle to do a YouTube build every league.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    These people barely progress to awakener, nevermind other high end content. They don't have an easy time doing the available content, and many of them quit way before they get to fully gear their character or progress to meaningful endgame.

    Your hardcore crowd (the ~8K average players that play until the end of the league) will be fine, but just watch that retention curve of casuals when you make changes like this.

    submitted by /u/x256
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    Chris: "If we made trade easier, I think it would be the death of the game."

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    I have a feeling this quote will be ringing for a while. I've always been an advocate for better trading, and now they're actively stepping back and choosing not to implement things that they previously announced, such as cross-instance trading.

    Chris, this may come as a shock, but if I wanted to buy 20 fossils to try some crafting, buying them all in one go within 30 seconds will not make me quit the game faster than messaging 50 people until I finally get replies. Quite the opposite. Why does one of the largest issues in the game keep getting pushed back indefinitely and ignored?

    submitted by /u/Madous
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