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    Monday, July 19, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Let's keep this subreddit meme free friends

    Path of Exile Builds Let's keep this subreddit meme free friends

    Let's keep this subreddit meme free friends

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    While I appreciate some of the recent memes being posted on a personal level, let's try to keep this focused on builds / build-related posts.

    As an aside, I created report options for spam / memes.

    submitted by /u/Freakindon
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    Bleed Shield Crush (Crimson Dance)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    Okay, I know there's been quite a few shield crush build theories and discussions recently on this sub. But I've put together a decently geared character on PoB using Shield Charge as an analog and it's actually looking really strong despite lacking the ability to use a strong MH weapon with the good bleed mods you'd find on "normal" bleed builds.


    I made the shield 2500 armour, which I think is perfectly achievable via Deafening Dread essence crafting. And the tree is level 98, which to me is fine because its something I know I can achieve. You can knock a few points off and it doesn't make too much of a difference.

    I don't know how the base phys on a level 20 Shield Crush compares to a level 20 Shield Charge so I left it at lv 15 in the PoB.

    I also left the skill as a 5 link to account for support gem nerfs and there is no quality on any gems or any level 21.

    I left most of the gear affixes open and only went with 3 stat jewels, not even including a watcher's eye.

    So the core idea of this build (besides a good shield) was to build around Blasphemer's Grasp to make up for some damage. I went with full elder items on this to maybe take advantage of the "remove an ailment when you use a flask if all equipped items are elder" I think this mod probably won't be changed as it requires a pretty decent investment to gain access to, so it should help us with the nerfs to ailment flask interaction. I'm not sure if making the shield an elder base makes it harder to roll with essence but I am confident it won't be too much trouble to hit 2500+.

    I went an interesting route with the weapon, deciding to craft an Elder Gemini Claw. The first reason is that I really like the life and mana on hit mechanic from the claw implicit, and the second reason was that one of these with DoT multi and chance to bleed suffixes will be incredibly cheap. All it needs is an open prefix to craft another 20% Phys DoT Multi. So our MH gives us life/mana on hit, 38% bleed multi, and the remaining chance to bleed we need to reach 100%. The other option I thought of was a Jack, The Axe; this axe is really cool as it provides the chance to cause bleeding we need and the Thirst for Blood skill it grants gives 20% more bleeding damage and 400 life regen per nearby bleeding enemy (up to 5, or 2000 life regen/s). Though to fully utilize our blasphemer's grasp we would want an elder influenced one, and these are pretty rare, so an elder Jack, the Axe might be prohibitively expensive.

    To account for the armour scaling I modified some stats on the amulet for the extra 2-3 phys per 15 armour.

    I didn't add in the fact that this skill can shotgun as we are not scaling hit damage, but the fact that it can shotgun allows us to use Crimson Dance with 100% uptime. And I ignored changing the base attack time to match what shield crush will be as that does not affect bleed DPS, only the time it takes to reach 8 stacks with crimson dance (Shield crush will be faster at this too as it can hit twice per attack)

    As it stands this build is sitting at just over 1.25 million sirus bleed DPS in it's current state (5l, no gem quality, lv 15 shield charge, and no active flasks, no helmet enchant, no frenzy charges) Which it's not the best, even for bleed builds, but I think there is quite a bit of room for improvement. I don't think it would be too hard to push over 2 million, and I think with more investment it can reach maybe 2.5. IDK what it can do if you throw cluster jewels in the mix, I just don't like using them. EDIT: This build can reach over 4 million bleed dps with considerable investment (At least on the current patch of PoE)

    With the defenses of the gladiator I think this build can do just fine with most of the endgame bosses, but I think it will shine in mapping, delve, incursion, heist, labyrinth, sirus, and possibly the new league mechanic. The bleeds explosions are incredibly satisfying and I think Shield Crush will be fun to play, which is the most important part.

    The only thing I think this build is really missing is more life sustain, either life leech or regen, but there are plenty of open spots to fit these in somewhere. 2% regen on boot enchant, or life leech on some open affixes, or possibly life on block if you can manage it somewhere.

    Thanks for reading if you did. Hope this helps if you were interested in this type of build. It should also be a smooth league starter if you wanted it to be.

    submitted by /u/HoplarchusPsittacus
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    [SSF Ultimatum] I took 5 different builds to endgame this league - showcase video & rating for each one

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    This league really proved to me that I revisit the game every league for the builds and not the league mechanic. I tried builds I have never played before, starting with vortex and then seeing where the gear I found would take me. These won't be build guides but rather more like reviews. Will update noting which builds got nerfed into unplayability after patch notes.

    I tried my best to score the builds using the following criteria:

    • Playstyle: How long can I play the build before getting bored? More click intensive or clunky playstyles will have lower scores.

    • Clear Speed: How quickly can the build knock out red t14+ maps (leaving <50 mobs)?

    • Single Target: Doesn't just refer to pob burst dps with flasks up. A skill can have lower damage but more consistent damage uptime than another build and get a higher score.

    • Defense: How safe does the build feel? How confident am I in its ability to reach 100 while doing full t16 sirus cycles, ultimatums, etc?

    • Sustain (Mapping): How quickly or reliably can the build recover all of its EHP after taking a hit while mapping? Assumes you are constantly killing so something like a cinderswallow or assassin's noxious strike would be an easy 9 or 10.

    • Sustain (Bossing): How quickly or reliably can the build regen/recharge/leech all of its EHP after taking a hit during a boss fight? Assumes the build doesn't die after taking the hit(s) as that part is reflected in the defense score.

    Vortex & Cold Snap Occultist

    Decided to start with this since vortex saw no nerfs except for maybe the trigger craft and I had never played it before. One of my best league starts however I couldn't stand the playstyle after a week so I didn't really take it as far as I would have liked. I did plan on going LL eventually but really enjoyed the tankiness of CI especially after crafting a ES on block shield so it stayed that way all league. It was my bosser while I was playing the next build, but eventually every other build would outclass it.

    Character Link

    Playstyle Clear Speed Single Target Defense Sustain (Mapping) Sustain (Bossing) AVG
    6 7 7 9 8 8 7.50

    Poison BF/BB Assassin

    Had already done fire BF/BB chieftain and Poison BV Assassin previously, so I knew what I was in for. While I normally wouldn't play a build so similar to one I have played recently, I ended up with all the gear needed for this from playing vortex (including aoe and power charge implicit obliterations) and really wanted a better mapper asap. It was already a fantastic build and I eventually found asenaths and two cold iron points which simply enhanced every aspect of it. It now had way more damage and was faster because I could whirling blades + flame dash. Replacing the second cold iron point with a mistwall or replica mistwall would easily allow this build to be taken to 100.

    Character Link

    Playstyle Clear Speed Single Target Defense Sustain (Mapping) Sustain (Bossing) AVG
    7 8 8 8 10 6 7.83

    General's Cry Blade Flurry Berserker

    This was supposed to be my off meta build of the league so it started out as a sweep berserker because I found a replica farruls and a 750 pdps 2h axe and spent some time on a pob that ended up looking pretty fun. It wasn't anything special and of course swapping in cyclone just made it better. Didn't play it much because I was inspired to make the next build (fire burst) soon after.

    Eventually decided I want to try general's cry before it inevitably gets nerfed next league, so respecced into it as a final project during the last month of the league. Tried a few different skills but nothing beat blade flurry and as expected the tankiness felt mediocre but single target was insane. Ended up gearing it pretty nicely up to a point where the only upgrades left would be a paradoxica, +1 mirage helm enchant, and maybe a ryslatha's.

    Character Link

    Playstyle Clear Speed Single Target Defense Sustain (Mapping) Sustain (Bossing) AVG
    6 7 11 5 8 8 7.50

    Fire Burst Ignite Elementalist

    Seeing Uber Dan and a couple guys from 773 play this inspired me to try it out. Ended up being the build I put most effort in gearing since I really wanted ailment avoidance which was a bitch to fit in along with the resists and dex. Super fast brain dead build that almost felt like cheating because an autobomber shouldn't have this much single target. Build of the league for sure, and also the build I chose to take to 100. If fire burst somehow avoids nerfs next league or the nerfs are insignificant, everyone should try it.

    Character Link

    Playstyle Clear Speed Single Target Defense Sustain (Mapping) Sustain (Bossing) AVG
    10 9 8 9 10 7 8.83

    Glacial Hammer Slayer

    Found and crafted an insane warstaff while playing fire burst and absolutely had to use it. Spent way too long on pob testing various different skills, and I also wanted to play a skill I haven't before so I chose glacial hammer. Having melee splash, ancestral call, and fortify without any of the corresponding gems just seemed so appealing (ended up using woke ancestral call for mapping anyway, it's nuts).

    Usually builds look better on paper than in practice but this ended up the complete opposite. One click per pack. Everything that wasn't slow immune was frozen. Celestial herald of ice is pure eye candy. It could tank every volatile and was the only build that could sit under king harbingers holding down the attack button. Found out after I was done with the league that hydrosphere apparently doubles single target. Overall an absolute delight to play and had I not already taken fire burst to 100, it would have been this instead.

    Character Link

    Playstyle Clear Speed Single Target Defense Sustain (Mapping) Sustain (Bossing) AVG
    9 8 8 9 7 7 8.00

    submitted by /u/killeen22
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    Armour Stacking Shield Crush (Replica Dreamfeather)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 01:25 AM PDT

    I know there are lots of shield crush theory crafting going on - lots of the ideas didnt really know what 1h to use to complement the skill.

    My idea is to use Replica Dreamfeather to benifit from your high armour shield base and then stack armour.

    I went with Champion for the high base armour, impale synergy and banner/aura buffs. I will also try the new Defiance Banner that grants armour.

    Its the first time I've tried to build something like this so not sure if im approaching it optimally. Here is the PoB:


    I added 400 base physical damage, 35% less attack speed and 80% increase global armour to simulate Shield Crush and Defiance Banner (assuming lvl 20 gems)

    DPS comes to around 1.6m if assuming double hits with pretty bare bones stuff. The obvious upside is that you are next level tanky.

    Can add transendance, go for max block etc. Any other ideas?

    submitted by /u/EsportsWriter
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    Forbidden Rite league start

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    I think the community has established that CI is heavily gimping this skill losing a ton of its scaling. So you have to go hybrid and need 75% chaos res.

    Occultist gives you 60 and some other chaos related things. Then using soul tether, chaos leech (jewelry or gem as last ditch) and extra life as es for sustain and if that isn't enough cwdt ball lightning life gain on hit.

    Dmg scaling go normal chaos and curse occulist stuff along with crit and unleash? Pledge of hands seems insane with this

    And just lvl as a chaos slinger till I get currency for gear

    Edits: I'll just add to this as I keep looking

    Shadowstitch especially when you get all corrupted pieces seems to be the end all be all b/c of the insane amount of added life

    I just realize you could play this using totems and then from their it's pretty much identical to darkpact in terms of scaling dps. Not really the same playstyle but hey I'm a sucker for guyser of projectiles and also totems so it works. And totems shouldn't get nerf hammered

    submitted by /u/terry-the-tanggy
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    Insufficent regen agnostic Manabond?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    So when reserving life (probably low life petrified blood), agnosting keeps going, consuming all your mana. We still get life regen equal to mana regen, wich is very effective with petrified blood. Then we could support manabond (and everything else) with lifetap. This way we get consistent max damage manabond without having to manage mana or invest in increased mana costs and a mana flask.
    Problems could be "arcane" skills or %mana cost skills not being supported by lifetap, or oneshotting ourself with 5% max mana*multipliers as life while already half life.
    Also no arcane cloak and no MoM compared to archmage, and probably less damage.
    Just throwing out this possibility, might be a meme build if it works, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/Ermellino
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    Does anyone else have an impulse to just play a safe build you already know is OP because of the coming nerfs?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Like if overall damage is getting nerfed 30-40% I still want to play something that finishes a shaper phase in 3 seconds instead of 2. IDK I kinda hate it because I like to try new things.

    submitted by /u/Metaphoricalsimile
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    Why are there no reportable rules?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    If we are to be getting an influx of user from the main sub it's probably important to be able to flag memes etc to the mods, but right now if you try to report a post it just gives you the generic site-wide reasons.

    We haven't really needed them yet but should we not have them just in case?

    submitted by /u/AmbivalentX
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    Freezing Pulse MoM Crit Elementalist

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    Hello! I posted another build on the subreddit a league ago and got heavily criticized for it, so this time, while taking all of your feedback and criticism, I managed to make something complete this time, with skills, support gems, gear, etc...

    I was a beginner then and I still am.

    The plan for the build is to start off with wand + shield for easy access to block, farm the staffs divinations and transition to the staff nodes, taking orbs of regret for the shield-specific nodes.

    The Pain Attunement part of the build is SUPER DUPER lategame, the belt to enable that part of the build costs a ton so its a planned super lategame part of the build.

    Now, I tried to keep everything as cheap as possible build-wise, I know that there are some parts that are expensive (like the 6-link items, especially the staff), but pretty much all of the super duper expensive stuff is supposed to be super lategame when I can afford them, the Core Base of the build though is supposed to be cheap, thats why I went with 12 passive clusters to small passive clusters with basic life in them(and because witch lacks good life nodes).

    Now, when I have a ton of currency, the plan is to just go full ES CI but I think that building around such an unlikely scenario is pointless.

    Also, the rolls for the yellow gear pieces are mostly placeholder.


    Please do give criticism like you did last time, I appreciate and welcome it!

    submitted by /u/Nhadala
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    Can we gather a bunch of earthbreaker support build ideas in one place?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    My main idea was going chieftain tectonic slam, just like in the "trailer" and using a 1Handed weapon + tukohama's fortress, I was talking about this on the discord of a private league and a guy (hello) that wanted to do the same mentioned using a sprinkler as the main weapon and it sounds good.

    this is a VERY unrealistic PoB I made with a 5L tectonic slam to "simulate" the damage of a single totem more or less (hopefully) I reached 800k dps without counting the dmg buff to totems.
    Although being made with some stupid and unrealistic gear, I think the tree is fair enough but it needs a way to actually reach that point.

    I also have to mention that I'm not a veteran and I lack game knowledge to actually theory craft a build, so this was just something I did to kill the time with some wiki research.

    submitted by /u/lsaku
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    Shield Crush Starter Theory - Impale, Attack Speed, and Ancestral Totems

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    EDIT 1: From the comments I think you guys are right, and that this is something that you can League Start. I plan on making a levelling guide (SSF and Twink versions) along with a breakdown on Unique shields and potential usable weapons during the levelling process through the acts. Thanks everyone for the help, and expect an update/overhaul on this PoB Tuesday or Wednesday depending on when patch notes drop. I'll make another post with a build guide then.

    I ended up spending a lot of my previous evening modifying and enhancing the Shield Crush Impale theory provided by u/Spandauer2129, and it looks promising as a league starter. I also used the Shield Crush damage adjustment equation provided by u/ov_oo, which is also cited in the Notes. The damage adjustments are located on the shield. The PoB is listed below.

    I made an effort to ensure that I'm not PoB warrioring this by ONLY showing the damage on Sirus with things that are reliably up. The damage gets higher in mapping to around the 2m dps mark. Even higher with a Frenzy Charge gain on hit Body Armour.

    Please take a look at the notes, I put a lot of detail into them. I also did a rundown as to why the build works and how we use the mechanics to make things as smooth as possible.

    The notes include pretty much everything standard apart from Levelling, Levelling Uniques, and a Levelling tree.

    I've also shown a method to craft an easy shield that should be good enough using Essences of Dread. At a bare minimum (which is what the calculations are on), you get 1900 Armour.


    Concerns about this starter:

    • I do not know if Shield Crush will be good to level with since it's so reliant on the Armour on a shield. My current plan is to use the steel skills for levelling, and then transfer to Shield Crush once I get a good shield to play with. ~1000 Armor for a shield should be enough for early mapping, I think.

    • This build does not have a levelling section yet. I am waiting on Patch Notes to see the damage from all the nerfs to see if it's worth committing more than I already have to this build.

    • I am unsure on what you would use for your weapon for this build, since all your damage comes from the shield. As listed in the notes, the only good alternatives I could think of are a Prismatic Eclipse (mana leech + global attack speed) and an axe with Intimidate on hit and % increased attack speed after killing a monster. The latter is not included in the PoB.

    • I don't know how endgamey the build can get because I didn't factor it in, but just assuming things like Impale Watcher's Eye, GG shield, etc, it should at least be all content viable. This isn't an instaphase boss killer and probably won't be with this style.

    I would love any feedback from you guys to make this build better, or to push it to new heights on cheap gear. Apart from the Fettle gems, I would say this is a very easily obtainable build in SSF.

    submitted by /u/OMFGaTaco2
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    Seeking help with a Gladiator | Bleed | Iron Commander

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 03:16 AM PDT

    Hello! This build has a lot of problems, this is my first time doing a build and I am a little over my head.

    Because mobs in Blight and Expedition are very grouped together, having the bleed explosion from Gladiator is a fun and efficient way to clearing the mobs.

    • I will probably need Rare rings to do Resistance fix.
    • I REALLY would like to fit Skitterbots for the passive effects.
    • I have not picked a main attack because I don't know what (Frenzy perhaps?)
    • I added some impale but the numbers looked small so I removed them.
    • POB doesn't show it but I have 10 totems
    • Didn't put many jewels since I don't know what would be best / cheap next league

    Here's the link, any thoughts and advice are greatly appreciated!


    Thank you in advance <3

    submitted by /u/Discipol
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    Boneshatter.... with berserker

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:57 AM PDT

    The obvious choice for boneshatter is juggernaut. But the juggernaut has one big problem. zdps.low hit damage. If you want to stun endgame stuff juggernaut it will be hard. But with berserker, You have with defiance a defence option that works very well with the trauma stacks. And you can easily reach a max hit damage from 500 000 damage. If you have a reduced stun threshold from 90%+ this is enough to have a chance to stun sirus. And you have good attackspeed.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Affectionate-Cut-735
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    what is the most "viable" build for league start between :

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:18 AM PDT

    I really don't know what I will play as league start, too much new gems this time but I generally begin with a build using new gem (risky but more fun for me). My actual ideas are :

    - Manabond build with Manastorm shield, good synergy I think (but maybe not so good for clear because manastorm will make the aoe effect smaller)

    - Cyclone CwC Voltaxic burst. the Voltaxic delay (buff time) make it better with CwC than CoC I think (don't know which ascendancies at all for the moment, issue for that is that cyclone is phys and voltaxic lightning/chaos.. don't know who to scale that efficiently)

    - Inquisitor Battlemage with Ice crash and a cold spell linked to Battlemage's cry (frost bomb?), Debeon's dirge as weapon for the big cold damage boost. (other idea was to keep frost bomb self cast and put another spell on BC but don't know wich one)

    submitted by /u/delolia
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    Totem build

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 01:17 AM PDT

    Hi, I want to leaguestart with a totem build next league, because i haven´t played a totem build for a while. And I am trying to decide between elemental hit or freezing pulse totems.

    I am playing rather casually and i don´t need to hit 90 and kill the endgame bosses on the first weekend. I know that any build will work if you put dozends of exalts in it, but to be honest most of the time i quit the league or try a different build befor i get so much currency.

    Can anyone tell me why i should play one build or the other? What build can work easier as a league starter without much currency? And which build is tankier? I know freezing pulse totems gets MoM while ele hit gets more life and evasion/dodge, but i don´t know which is "tankier" in the end.

    I would love to get some feedback, specially from someone who has played both builds in the past.

    submitted by /u/Narrgis
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    Why are there basically no trapper players?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    I really wanna know why Trapper seems to be so little played. I never liked the Mine playstyle, but would prefer the Trapper. Is there any leaguestarter thats decent for trying it out?

    submitted by /u/iInjection
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    Hello Potion Seller, I'm going into Wreaclast and I want your strongest potions

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    Let's discuss Explosive Concoctions, fit only for the strongest!

    Here's a PoB I've been working on: https://pastebin.com/fZS56sxz


    Since you want to use Dying Sun anyway, it makes a lot of sense to go ignite to make use of the juicy more modifier. Dying Sun + Prolif + HoAsh means that you don't have to invest much further into AoE.

    Avatar of Fire + Vinktar

    Vinktar is an excellent flask for this build as it's a good source for shocks and you're immune to ailments yourself. It also gives added lightning damage, which we need to convert if we want to use it for ignites, which can be done through Avatar of Fire. Pathing-wise this is fine, but it does have a downside that it makes it a lot harder to use Malachai's Artifice.

    Petrified Blood + Hardened Scars

    Very tanky combo. Means that you have permanent Fortify and 1-shot protection. Worth the extra reservation imo.

    Kaom's Heart + Elder Helm

    An Elder helm can provide all the links you want for your main damage setup. Bench-crafting on +1 lvl to AoE gems is also very strong. This allows to forgo your chest 6-link for Kaom's. Don't know if there is another use for a 6-link?

    submitted by /u/ME24saken
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    The most appealing ssf starter out of new skills?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    Probably reaper and absolution necro are the best ones. I'm thinking about storm rain. The visuals are 10 out of 10, but need a lot work to pop off.

    submitted by /u/MCSMvsME
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    Consecatred Path totem

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    With the new support gem would this be possible as a starter? I think its more fun than tec slam or other slam skill. Also chieftain? Or hiero?

    submitted by /u/hoiokotcho
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    Bone shatter ideas!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    Hey everyone I posted a boneshatter jugg PoB the other day but I'm curious to see what else people had in mind! Please feel free to share bone shatter POBs below!

    submitted by /u/mojomaximus2
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    Cold Shield Crush. Thoughts?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Just another build idea till we get natch potes. Cold Conversion Shield Crush Elementalist. Can use Weapon slot, gloves, annoint, and or later a Hatred watcher's eye for full conversion. Add some phys as extra, and scale it as high as we can. When mapping we will have %increased AOE, and while bossing, %more elemental damage. Can either go Golem nodes for some more dmg, def, and ailment immunity (if that survives). Or go for reflect immune and aegis, with more chill, or guaranteed shock. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Culturedgods
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    Spectral Helix concept - Glad / max block / impale

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    I'm thinking about trying something along the lines of the following for spectral helix - https://pastebin.com/CwUpK5df

    Have a feeling I might regret this because the clear looks like it's going to be clunky (I gave up on league start reap half way through leveling last league), but here are my thoughts:

    • Max block will be nice this league with all of the defensive losses from flasks. It also helps with spectral helix, since you need to jump into packs and wait for the blades to spin.
    • Spectral helix has good damage scaling at 160% (vs 100% on spectral throw). It should be especially good for bosses if each projectile can hit more than once. Should be nice with a standard impale setup.
    • I'm assuming fork/chain won't work with it, so you probably switch in faster proj for slower proj when you're not bossing.
    • Before you have enlightens, you probably drop the maim from flesh and stone and de-level precision a bit. I'm having a hard time juggling how to fit pride in vs other auras. I think you basically need the others except herald of purity, which is the plug instead of pride. If the build goes well, then you probably want to add pride with a watcher's eye though.
    • It's a good candidate to switch to Farrul's Fur and pick up frenzy charges eventually.
    • You can path to crystal skin for ailment immunity (4pts) and cover the rest on gear/anointment if you want, depending what they end up changing.

    I'd appreciate any tips on pathing. This is the first time I'd be playing a Glad in all my years, but I think it's finally time to make a max block character given the changes in 3.15.

    submitted by /u/clip-set
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    Question about Bane (with POBS)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 04:10 PM PDT


    I'm interested in bane this league, I don't think it'll be touched and i'll probably play it regardless.

    Now onto my question,

    My aim is to get cane of unraveling and tabula early and use a 6L ed with a 5L bane for clear, should get me into base line red maps in the first 2 to 3 days.

    Upgrades is where i get confused. I hope to get a shavs and a bow with soul strike quiver focusing on regen etc to be very tanky.

    Lots of builds on poe.ninja have similar yet there's one thing that puzzles me.

    https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/MadKat/TwentyFifth_Bane?i=1&search=class%3DOccultist%26item%3DShavronnes-Wrappings%26skill%3DBane (without temp chains)

    https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/se7enaccuracy/WatchOutHesAScammer?i=5&search=class%3DOccultist%26item%3DShavronnes-Wrappings%26skill%3DBane%26bane-support%3DTemporal-Chains (with temp chains)

    Poe ninja examples

    The bane link setup, some people add depair + another curse, some people just use depair.

    Ascendancy noteables also change alot, "malediction" and Vile bastion are chosen.

    I'm curious, under what circumstances would i choose malediction over vile bastion (apart from the obvious i use another curse). I love the build diversity with bane after doing some research interested to hear other peoples opinions

    submitted by /u/HelpfulPlayer
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    Geofri's Devotion Stonks up next patch? Ele Warding + Battlemage's Cry + Alt Qual Earthquake + Source of Curse immunity

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    So been canoodling on the new gems and came to the thought, " Man, Curse immunity is likely to be a big pain in the butt to get. Wonder what I could use to negate it. "

    BAM! Good ol' Meme-y Geofri's devotion.

    For those unaware, Geofri's devotion has 2 notable interactions.

    1. if you're cursed you can cast Elemental Warding ( a spell ) on melee hit with a 1 sec cooldown
    2. Ele warding gives you curse immunity for a few seconds. Generally lasts long enough to refresh with another ele warding hit.
    3. This can only function if you are cursed.

    Most of the time players use Coward's Legacy for the self curse but it eats up a valuable belt slot. I surmise that it's actually better to use Rotblood's Promise (generally cheap) which self curses at a reduced rate and more importantly plans a curse on other enemies through blasphemy aura.

    So that's nice and all, but the big weakness with Elemental warding is the following:

    1. High base damage, but meh cooldown at 1 sec. ( lowest you can get is .77 sec)
    2. It's a spell so investing into melee hits kinda sucks.
    3. You deal changing elemental damage per hit.
    4. you're in melee.

    Some folks solve this through cyclone. Madman Mathil did a ignite version of the build to compensate with shaper of flames shenanigans , but now with Battlemage's Cry we have a new tool to invest into spell damage /ele damage and not lose out on scaling the melee hit.

    Battlemage's Cry Exerts your next attacks and makes spell damage apply to your Melee hit. Neato.

    EDIT - It actually gives you the buff for spell damage application for 5 seconds base not on exerted attacks so you can definitely just use whatever attacks you want and the exert really only matters for triggering spells.

    Battlemage's Cry also trigger's a spell!! Lots of candidates here but we can certainly find something that would play well with the damage types involved.

    As a plus, you can also use Alt Quality Earthquake ( a slam) to scale Earthquake with Spell damage and potentially DOUBLE dip on the spell damage.

    Slams are preferred as you don't need to hit to fast to benefit from the both Ele warding and Battlemage's Cry.

    Edit: Wrong on above, as you can take advantage of the spell scaling regardless of exerted attacks.

    So! For the cost of 1 6 link and a ring slot. You can gain a beefy rainbow damage hitting spell, a secondary spell to trigger with Battlemage's Cry, a spell enhanced Earthquake, Curse immunity, and an easy peasy to apply curse.

    Not sure on what the best route is for scaling besides spell damage or ele damage, as you can likely do either convert shenanigans or other non-crit shenanigans to help your damage. Scale Phys damage and use one of our new phys spells from Ultimatum?

    Ascendancy's have alot of options:

    • Inquisitor for Battlemage ( Geofri's devotion has a impact with that )
    • Chieftain to convert everything to fire somehow.
    • Elementalist for ignite shenanigans ( likely not )
    • Raider for Ele Exposure / QoL

    In terms of Gem Skills, Geofri's gets it's own 6(7) link and you put your Earthquake + Battlemage's in the other link. Unfortunately Geofri's does not get supported by Trinity.

    There's something in here somewhere that could really turn this into something, but it definitely requires a bigger brain than I to put troubleshoot before seeing any numbers.

    submitted by /u/omegaura
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