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    Sunday, July 18, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds You are cool guys

    Path of Exile Builds You are cool guys

    You are cool guys

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    You guys are the best.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    Can I just say thank you to this community for consistently being interesting and informative without engaging in any negative behaviour or "down with GGG" kind of posts. It has been a joy to come here and read some of the whacky build ideas, get hyped for the new league and build excitement without it being shot down by others with a negative attitude. As someone who has played off and on since Ambush, hype for the new league is one of the most exciting parts of the league!

    You guys/gals are a breath of fresh air, thank you to all of you.

    submitted by /u/Dense_Ad_9948
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    Theorycrafting Ideas for New Skills

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 11:34 PM PDT

    Shield Crush

    5-7 damage/15 armor & evasion is bonkers, but the attack speed drops to 1/.85 (1.17 APS). With a 3000 armor Shield you're looking at 1000-1400 damage without the flat scaling from gem levels. This could be tremendous for a bleed build since the damage is high and attack is slow, with the potential to shotgun to get two rolls in one attack.

    Clear with Shield Charge and bleedsplosions, and it should feel good all around. Not sure about end end game bossing, but clearing even red maps should be easy with little investment. I'd be shocked if this doesn't make a great league starter.

    Explosive Concoction

    The damage scaling makes me think this will be strong, but targeting and how it interacts with projectile modifiers, and whether it overlaps, make me wonder how it will feel mapping.

    • Facebreakers won't work
    • Hollow Palm is being changed to melee only for flat damage at least, but if the attack speed and dual wielding bonuses remain it may still be worth it?
    • Rigwald's Curse will make for a very high base crit, but I'd count on this being changed to melee too possibly
    • Doryani's Fist will probably still work

    EDIT: GGG has commented on unarmed uniques:

    Existing unarmed unique items will be updated to state that they don't work with Explosive Concoction.

    A Surgeon's prefix will restore 5 charges/second meaning scaling attack speed will exhaust flask charges quicker than you can replenish them. Have to see final numbers to see if recharging flasks will be worth it/at how many APS it increases DPS optimally. I'd guess that you should count on fire damage primarily.

    Just like with the elemental hit rework, the high base damage makes me think this will work if the skill doesn't feel clunky, but there's a world of difference between this and firing a bow from base attack speed to screen coverage.

    Blade Trap

    So many questions. Attack mines are interesting because they ignore attack speed scaling, and this is along those lines. But the question is what, if any, modifiers from the weapon apply to the skill? Can I go HoWA and the int lightning damage gets added? Can elemental blade traps poison if I'm using a pneumatic dagger?

    At the very least this gives you a 220% base multiplier attack skill that scales with trap throwing speed instead of attack speed. And that will likely go higher with gem levels.

    Some interesting ones for me are bleed traps with crimson dance. These will hit 4 times so stacking bleed with Crimson Dance is easy, and there are a lot of decent bleed weapons like Rive, or Sanguine Gambol.

    Good elemental options with White Wind or Vulconus.

    But I want nothing more than to play a Hidden Blade raider using Blade Trap.

    Forbidden Rite

    This screams Ivory Tower. Scaling life? Check. Scaling ES? Check. Low life for more damage? Check. At 4K life/6k ES this is 780 flat base damage bonus. With Ivory Tower all damage goes to mana, which you can regain through a potion or mana scaling.

    Biggest issue is that you want to go crit as this won't work for elemental overload. Alternatively you can go poison, but then the low life spell damage bonus doesn't really help you out.

    Probably see this with Assassin, or Occultist, or Indigon Flaskfinder, or Mana stacking Hierophant.

    Cast speed is slow, and it isn't clear if projectile scaling will increase damage.

    Most boring is to go CI to entirely invalidate the downside.


    This seems like it will be awesome. Dominating Blow is an absurdly easy league starter, but it's a melee skill that depends on a weapon. This is a spell version of the same. And you can even combine the two with…

    Battlemage's Cry

    Seriously. Toss Absolution in this. Swing with Dominating Blow. Build an Army. Scale only Minion Stats. Since you can kill with absolution rather than relying on Dominating Blow, you can use whatever awful weapon you want and still get by.

    If I had half a brain I'd league start this as I'm 98% sure it would scale to red maps and be absurdly quick and easy to play.

    But more realistically, I think this will be a utility skill for attack builds that don't rely on Warcries. Power Charge on Crit with a brand in it. Or Cold Snap for Frenzy Charges. Or Tempest Shield, or to automate cursing, or move a hydrosphere around for builds that adds damage to. It also gives the Crown of Eyes buff, which isn't insignificant and may be another main use.

    But Dominating Blow/Battlemage's Cry-Absolution is the future. If you want to be a Templar. I like pants and dislike necks too much. And yet still may do it.

    Other Gems (quick thoughts)

    • Spectral Helix looks clunky for clear since it's stationary and you usually aren't while mapping. For bossing it isn't clear how multi-hitting works. It doesn't have the Nova tag, so astral projector shenanigans aren't in the cards.
    • Boneshatter may work with CWDT shenanigans, but the mana cost changes to triggered skills will greatly determine that. Can be used to self-ignite on a Chieftain enabling Dreadsurge to ignore fire resistance, and Hotfooted Jewel without sacrificing an ammy slot. Pair with Hydrosphere for bossing to prof self-ignite.
    • Rage Vortex could be a nice CoC trigger enabler if you can consistently generate rage. The effective AS modifier is 3.5, higher than Cyclone, but requires rage.
    • Earthbreaker is totally dependent on how "near" is defined. If it's 1 screen plus, consecrated path would be like mini missile totems flying around.
    • Defiance Banner charges faster than it consumes, so the taunt uptime will be good. Great for support, maybe Perfidy?
    • Behead could be interesting if the melee Strike range scales with gem level.
    • Storm Rain is dependent on the scaling of activation frequency. At 0.5 it seems less than ideal against anything mobile. Maybe if paired with Vaal Rain of Arrows? Mines are a great way to spit out tons of arrows quick with a higher damage bow ignoring attack speed.
    • Focused Ballista, haven't played since ballista were reworked. No comments.
    • Ambush seems like a decent movement skill if it gets cooldown reduction, and depending on how it picks which side of the enemy you appear on. Don't want to use it if it plops you right in front of a Die Beam when you use it to dodge. With the cooldown and mediocre initial stats, at best it may be a situational damage bonus for melee?
    • Voltaxic Burst will have to wait for the CoC changes, but this looks perfect for any sort of melee triggered ability. Explosions while you cyclone through packs just suits my fancy. This is a lightning skills so it can be triggered by Mjolner, which I anticipate we'll see both with CoC and CWC.
    • Eye of Winter will likely be decent clear, bad bossing, just due to mechanics. May be funny to try Fury Valve with.
    • Summon Reaper has to be stronger than Herald of Agony. That's absurdly strong. I don't see it happening. If it has good boss damage then it may give birth to some hybrid minion caster, or if it's durable it may be a meat shield for builds with spare sockets.
    • Manabond depends on feel. Most interesting I saw was using the mana storm shield with Lifetap support to maximize damage.
    submitted by /u/NahautlExile
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    [Re-upload] Path of Exile - Conversion Mechanics Deep Dive (51:34)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Storm Rain mechanics

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 06:51 PM PDT

    While initially excited about Storm Rain, I just spent some time watching the Storm Rain demo from the livestream and now I have some concerns.

    It appears that arrows actually fall randomly within an area centered on the target (i.e. a target area). In the demo, the target is the zombie, and the target area is centered on the zombie. The arrow impact aoe is not guaranteed to hit the target. In other words the impact aoe does not necessarily overlap the center point of the target area.

    Watching the demo slowly, you can see the impact areas do not overlap the zombie until the 5th arrow (maybe the 3rd--it's hard to tell). The zombie does not take beam damage until the 3rd arrow is down. You can also see that since the beam is aoe, it can damage the zombie by passing "close enough". The beam between arrows 4 and 5 show this.

    Additionally, when the demo transitions to the ledge layout, the skill is shown with GMP (see this excellent post showing support gems used for each demo). It also appears to have a much larger arrow spread than the former clip, where each attack only fired one arrow. It's possible that the character had a decent amount of increased AoE, but more likely is that additional projectiles increase the target area.

    So here are my conclusions about Storm Rain mechanics, based on the demo:

    • Arrows land randomly within a targeted area centered on the cursor (or namelocked target). This is like Rain of Arrows.
    • Arrows are not guaranteed to hit the target (center of targeted area) with their impact when they land. This is unlike Rain of Arrows.
    • For a stationary target, two consecutive attacks could miss the target, and the beam could be far enough away from the target such that the target takes no damage at all from the first attacks or their beams (see the first two arrows in the demo).
    • Additional projectiles increase the target area, and therefore increase the overall spread of arrow impacts.
    • Increases and reductions to AoE (e.g. Concentrated Effect) will apply to both the targeted area and to the beam width.

    So, I don't think it's going to be as strong as it initially seems, particularly for single target. If it is true that additional projectiles increase the target area, the best way to scale impacts and beam hits for single target will be totems, mines, and traps without additional projectiles.

    Thoughts? I'm still interested in this skill, and we obviously need the Level 20 gem details to make any other conclusions. But patch notes don't usually contain "hidden" mechanics like this that can make the skill awesome or terrible.

    submitted by /u/cfaftw
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    Earthbreaker + earthquake/earthsahtter

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:17 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    i've come to theorycraft a bit whith the new gem earthbreaker support, as i thought it may have some interesting interactions with some slams, earthquake and earthshatter

    earthquake: since we are gonna have multiple totems, the first thing that came to my mind was to use crimson dance, in order to make bleed stack (focused on bosses) however crimson dance states that "you can inflinct bleeding up to 8 times", which may be a problem since totems are not "you". however earthbreaker + earthquake was shown on the teaser, so there is a possibility that this could work

    earthshatter: earthshatter leaves 5 spikes on the floor up to a maximum of 15, if we have 3 totems and (in a hypothetical situation) these can be stacked, meaning 15 spikes per totem, that gives us a total of 45 spikes that could be triggered by a warcry. this has lower chances to be since the totems are using earthshatter but not warcries, also it seemed pretty OP

    one slam that could work much better with earthbreaker would be sunder, since it is pretty straight forward

    my main idea was to go earthbreaker sunder + impale (around 4 to 5 totems maybe) i just need to verify that totems can in fact inflinct impale stacks

    consider this the sunder slam version on divine ire totems LOL

    what do you think about this interactions?

    thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/UnrealNine
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    Forbidden Rite life based Jugg or Occ? Theorycrafting

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    Been really interested in forbidden rite since it was announced. Ive enjoyed the RF, Deaths oath, self damaging play style.

    I've played a few variations of RF before playing a deaths oath occ last league. It had great clear but was very very squishy. It was dodge evasion based and prone to one shots. The RF marauders/inquisitors had great life pools and tons of regen. Both of these would be great for Forbidden rite as damage scale from max life and max Es.

    So my thoughts are to basically build a RF jugg using either jugg ascendancy for endurance charges for mitigation or an occultist basically taking all the life nodes down the left of the tree. My only concern is other layers of defense if I go this route. Obvsiously id have divine flesh. This would make any es rather useless other than for damage on FR.

    Would I go for max block? Stacking endurance charges? And would this pure life version have enough damage to make it worth it? Even 7k life is 840 base damage at 12% of max life. I'm curious for your thoughts or opinions of other ways you'd take this.

    submitted by /u/Specialist-Zone3111
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    Shield Crush Main Hand Possibilities

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    I've been thinking about shield crush and have been having a rough time trying to figure out the best mh weapon to use. So I've come up with a list of different unique items or possibilities for crafting rares.

    I'll start with those that will likely be the best options for leveling.

    1. Lavianga's Wisdom lv 20 - 70 hp and mana, along with AoE and Area Damage
    2. The Dark Seer lv 32 - hp/mana per level, chance to blind, and global damage
    3. Relentless Fury lv 29 - culling strike and onslaught
    4. Screaming Eagle lv 5 into The Gryphon lv 32 - lots of movement speed
    5. Aurumvorax lv 17- insane ele res
    6. Rare with high resistances

    Next I think are the obvious choices for endgame weapons:

    1. Prismatic Eclipse (3 green sockets) - 36% global attack speed, huge boost to damage and QoL
    2. Rare influenced weapon with Gain % of phys as extra element / elemental conversion / Elemental penetration. "The Stat Stick," A solid choice for sure.
    3. Tempestuous Steel - 15% of phys as extra fire and lightning, hits can't be evaded - a solid starter weapon to transition into a stat stick later
    4. Jack, The Axe ??? - While the local DoT stat is useless you gain access to "Thirst for Blood" - 20% more bleed damage and massive hp regen, along with 25% chance to bleed. Might be interesting for bleedsplosion gladiator?
    5. Rare weapon with 18% DoT Multi and crafted 18-20% Phys DoT Multi for total of 36-38%. Possible for bleed scaling Shield Crush? Maybe hit with Hunter mod for faster bleed suffix?

    Next are some more "out of the box" options I came across thinking on this:

    1. End game viable? Pseudo 6-9 link shaper weapon: Any combination of the following Prefixes -Socketed attack deal 40% more attack damage + Supported by Added fire + Supported by Ele damage w/ attacks. Suffix - Supported by faster attacks + Supported by Crit Strikes + Supported by Maim. Possibly on claw for life/mana on hit or swords for accuracy. Allows for Kaom's Heart? Replica Shroud of the Lightless? or just having 2x 6l. Thoughts?
    2. Elder Pseudo 5-7 link - prefixes: Melee phys/brutality/ Ruthless (only one from those three) - Suffixes: Multistrike + Crit damage + Chance to Bleed ?
    3. Rare crafted for impale - Either Essence of dread for 15% impale effect or crusader suffix. Crafted/unveiled impale chance or chance for double damage.
    4. Rare crafted with Hunter suffix for Intimidate, combined with previous rare crafting options ?
    5. Rare crafted with Trigger socketed spells for QoL?
    6. Doon Cuebiyari - STR stacking, possibly combined with Iron Fortress for increase to melee damage from STR?
    7. Scaeva - Easy access to life/mana leech, also a good source for global crit and crit multi. (ez to get corrupted implicits)

    Next are some other weird weapons which offer interesting things.

    1. The Advancing Fortress (the pseudo shield) - 15% block, 50 life, socketed by fortify (frees up socket pressure?), and life gain on hit from claw implicit. Easy block cap and more defensive option.
    2. Replica Advancing Fortress - Block, life, CWDT set up, 50% increased defenses from shield (a lot of extra armour) - Defensive, ez block cap.
    3. Ewar's Mirage or Touch of Anguish? for hybrid builds including Spectral Shield Throw?
    4. Cerberus Limb? Gives lots of extra ES (1 max ES per 5 armour on shield) for any ES shenanigans? Perhaps combined with Soul Tether belt?
    5. Ichimonji - Allows for easier reservation management and very easy to get corrupted versions with either fortify on hit or RT implicits (I guess same goes for any unique sword)
    6. Razor of the Seventh Sun - phys converted to fire, extra damage against ignited enemies, and life recovery, perhaps for a chieftain build?
    7. The Dark Seer or Lavianga's Wisdom - I included these in the leveling section but they could both be used for endgame builds, each provides life and global damage modifiers. Dark Seer for malediction self blind shenanigans?
    8. Obliteration - Fast clear speed and extra explosions
    9. Synthesis explody mod base item, crafted however you want (Caution expensive)
    10. More of a note, but for any of the rare weapon crafts you can pick which base you want for specific implicits. Thrusting swords for crit multi, daggers for crit chance, swords for accuracy, claws for life leech or life/mana on hit, scepters for elemental damage, maces for stun threshold (who wants that lol) or some have attack speed. Also there are a bunch of weird heist implicits that could be cool.
    11. Essence crafted Decay or Fire Burst? idk just providing options.

    While I think most people will go for Prismatic eclipse or Stat Sticks I just wanted to provide a list of everything that seemed useful to me. Since we can't use local modifiers on a weapon that slot is open to a lot of different possibilities. Seemed like an interesting exercise.

    Let me know if you are planning the obvious choices or are interesting in something more niche or Meme-powered XD

    Let me know if I missed something cool or interesting.

    Good luck in 3.15 exiles!

    submitted by /u/HoplarchusPsittacus
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    How to set up a proper Duo levelling path for aura + penance brand?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 02:07 AM PDT

    Hi guys! We will be league starting as aurabot scion + penance brand assassin but we are clueless about levelling together in an optimized fashion. How could we set a step by step levelling path for ourselves before leaguestart? Are there any spreadsheat or something we can copy? Ty!

    submitted by /u/CerrahpasaKasabi
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    Triggered skill cost mana (this is a buff, possibly)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    Atleast it might be a buff yet I need the help of someone, who dove deep enough into PoE to help me with some info on server tick and triggered skills, to confirm this.

    So, triggered gems spend mana. This means triggered gems and Scold's bridle can be used to self harm, create a loop if you will. Cwdt has a cooldown of 0.25 seconds though, so it won't loop.

    Now comes the uncertain part: According to https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Cast_when_Damage_Taken_Support cwdt gems trigger in order, not simultaneously. Nice when you want to trigger desecrate before detonate dead. Yet this also means a DELAY!!! The shortest time in PoE is supposedly a server tick, i've read 0.033 seconds. Now linking 8 skills to cwdt gems should take 8*0.033 seconds=0.266 seconds for all of them to trigger in order, which is longer than the 0.25 cooldown of cwdt gems.

    Yeah minimum of 10 gems slots taken up to even achieve this sucks.

    If someone can confirm this please tag Jousis.

    submitted by /u/Olafant
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    Ideas for Absolution

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    So thought I'd just share some ideas I had when looking at Absolution.

    The first thing I noticed is all of those tags, that is a lot of tags. Particularly AoE and Duration are quite valuable as it means you can get a pretty cheap +2 corruption on your body armor.

    Next thing is realizing that the minions cast the spell absolution too. This means a few things. First off is spell support gems. Things like spell echo, spell cascade, and controlled destruction should work here which is quite massive. This is an even bigger deal when your own version of the spell also scales with these. Going spiritual aid benefits Absolution much more than other minion builds. With decent gear you should be able to get a total of around 400% increased minion damage, which increases your damage and your minions damage.

    My current plan is to convert fully to lightning, then run a Malachai's Artifice for EE and the other typical lightning shenanigans (conductivity, lightning pen, wrath, etc). Using supports that benefit both the minions and myself along with spiritual aid on top of stacking gem levels should result in pretty good damage (theoretically of course).

    My biggest question is whether you can get more than 3 minions. If not that is a bit worrying...will have to wait and see I guess.

    submitted by /u/TrueDPS
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    Is this build still good as a starter in 3.15?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    Hi i recently started playing arnd the 2nd week of 3.14 so im still pretty new, so im wondering if this build is still viable in 3.15. It is a Ice Crash Berserker.


    submitted by /u/Chickan-hentie
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    My first melee build. Can somebody help me improve? Vaal Double Strike Slayer

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:16 AM PDT

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/5xn6Rs6D


    I'm new to making my own builds. So far I have only tried making mana stacking casters and minion builds. This is my first attempt at trying to make a melee build. I know strikes are not popular for melee but I'm mostly trying to learn right now and if I do play it, I wanted to pick something I would enjoy playing more over it being meta. I set the build up to be what I would use fighting Sirus, which is why ancestral call is disabled. (I also tried to limit the button clicks to just one set of hotbar buttons, which is why I have my totem triggering assassins mark. This is mostly a QoL thing for me personally to reduce wrist strain and I figured I'd only really need assassins mark on bosses anyway.)


    I picked items that I feel I could get relatively early on/easily in the league (SC Trade). I'm not sure if there's any uniques that would be suiting to aim for long term. I know an explodey chest could get rid of my haemophilia gloves for better rares long term.


    I tried to be as honest as possible with the config settings. The only setting I'm not sure about is blind. I have a 6% chance to blind jewel in my belt, but I'm not sure how reliable that actually would be for hitting on Sirus? I have seen other people do it so I just copied and figured somebody here would let me know if that's bad practice.


    I'm missing jewels and clusters as I still don't understand when they are worth it or what I should sacrifice for them. I'm also hoping this could be explained to me by somebody. I also haven't anointed anything on an amulet as I've never actually done this before. I don't know how long it would take me to get a good anoint, or what I should be anointing. I know it's a thing, I just don't know how to go about it. I would appreciate any feedback on this.


    Lastly, I'm not big on understanding what weapon stats are best and their relative cost to craft or buy. For now I put in two cheap uniques but I know some crafted rares would probably be better. I just am not sure what would be in my price range of if it would be easy to craft some decent ones. I'm still learning that bit!


    Thanks for any feedback, help and information anyone gives. I'm sure there's plenty of mistakes I've made and ways to improve. I hope to eventually understand build making a lot more so in the future I don't have to rely on build guides anymore, and also understand the game itself more.

    submitted by /u/GivingItMyBest
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    Does forbidden rite cause you to take damage when triggered?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is known yet, but I was curious if forbidden rite causes you to take damage if you trigger it. If it doesn't then it opens up possibilities with spellslinger or even the new battlemage cry

    submitted by /u/ThyEmptyLord
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    Molten Strike Acc Stack Jugg quick showcase

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    Blade Trap - Foolish Pre-Patch Discussion

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    I know I shouldn't do this but I need someone for pre-patch build talks. As the title hints, I'm thinking about Blade Trap at the moment. The idea was to make a very classic crit/impale build but with the new attack trap instead of strikes or slams.

    The few things I could think of to scale impale with Blade Trap were:

    (As far as I understand it, only things that add "chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks" will work with Blade Trap because others require the character to make the hit like Master of Steel. Please correct me if I'm wrong!)

    • Passive Tree: Forceful Skewering and Swift Skewering clusters (= 40%)
    • Rare Daggers/Claws: Veiled Prefix or Crusader Prefix (= 15% per weapon)
    • Gloves: Great Old One's Testicles or Hunter Prefix (=15%)
    • Gem: Impale Support (= 40%)
    • Watcher's Eye: Pride (= 25%)

    With that out of the way, there are a lot of different sources for critical modifiers on the passive tree. I suspect that Blade Trap is handled like any other Attack except for the obvious trapceptions (no leeching, no reflect damage, etc.).

    This should mean we can take things like Assassination or Heartseeker but also Backstabbing or Claws of the Hawk, right?

    Anyhow, I made a way too early PoB for this (probably not super optimised): https://pastebin.com/mKMcvZTF

    I'm really interested in hearing what you guys think about the skill and its interactions and ideas about how to build around it! Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Bridget_Powerz
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    Impale Shield crush starter?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Q9Gj6TaB

    This is a starter I quickly threw together for my own league start.

    There are no items that should cost over double digits of chaos and I've used shield charge instead of shield crush since it hasn't been revealed and implemented in POB yet. No rare items are equipped yet and Lioneye's remorse is definetly going to be upgraded with further investment.

    I assume shield crush DPS should be atleast double the shield charge DPS because of shotgun and better base numbers. Also I have avoided ticking anything that's not 100% reliably up. Is there anything I can improve?

    submitted by /u/Spandauer2129
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    Do you feel like Charges are underpowered?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 11:48 PM PDT

    I tried to make a Slayer with Badge of the Brotherhood a league ago, I was trying to dual wield Void Battery, but it got too expansive and I gave up, so I went with an Hegemony's Era, Cyclone pure phys all the way, with all - or mostly - endurance charges, frenzy charges and power charges allucated, and, even with this, my damage wasn't enough to fast clear red maps.
    I mean, I had, if I'm not mistaken 7 or 8 of each charge, and I was, still, not doing damage enough.

    Did I try too hard to make the mechanics work or is it really something underpowered?

    submitted by /u/augustorw
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    Absolution vs Dominating Blow and theorycrafting absolution

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    So Absolution was created as a spellcasting version of Dom Blow. As an avid fan of the build I am quite interested in making it work but not very sure what would the upsides be.

    • I am not very sure if the minions cast your version of the spell meaning that aoe bonuses and the like can be scaled on ourself rather than the minions. This would also mean that we could double dip on increased damage using spiritual aid and have an easier time scaling the damage.

    • DB has this pseudo-headhunter effect with the rare minion and has more minions in general to act as meatshield for you.

    • However, DB also means that you need to be in the melee range with all your other minions. When I played the build this was quite a downside for me since you lost some of the perks of being a minion build by constantly having to be in melee range.

    • You can use a non-melee weapon with absolution so a good Convoking wand would be in the cards.

    I would love to hear your opinions and ideas on the skill and how to build it!

    submitted by /u/kebabInASalmonLand
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    Looking for viable builds without button spamming

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    I had to quit mid league ultimatum because of severe pain in my hands from all the button smashing. Therefore I am currently booking for builds with minimal skills to use.

    It is harder then I thought and so far my search was without success. Do you guys have any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/YouShallWearNoPants
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    A build that used to work on old cyclon should now work again: indigon mjolner

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    I used to play indigon mjolner, back when cyclon was that clunky skill which has sizable mana cost. It used to work well, however the new cyclon would not be able to ramp up the mana cost high enough.

    However, with the new triggering skill change, I should be able to make a exact same build once again.

    The idea is to go for jugg, which takes care of the accuracy and attack speed (and damage reduction ofc). Now that the game gets "more difficult" we should have the reason to play jugg once again.

    submitted by /u/751935736
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    Are strike skills really that bad?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 04:18 AM PDT

    I've been trying to make my first builds for this league as I don't feel like I'm learning much from just following guides. It's also part of the fun for me, making something for myself.

    I've mostly been playing arcmage/mana stacking casters as I was told caster is easier and it seems they all go arcmage. Everyone is saying it's going to get needed which I can understand, and figured it could be a good chance to try something else. I'd like to give melee a go, but I'm not a fan of the warcry juggle that is slams. Strikes skills look more up my alley but people go on a me on about how bad they are.

    Are they really that bad? People make it sound like they arent useable without 100's exaults to sink into it. I do look at poe.ninja but as far as my knowlage goes poe.ninja only shows the top X number of players, most of which are using the op meta skills. This makes it hard for me to get an honest gauge on if they really are THAT bad, or simply not meta.

    I'm aware the upcoming patch notes can change stuff but given how the community views strike skills I don't think they will end up much worse than where they are now, so im hoping it'll either be the same as now or better than now.

    submitted by /u/GivingItMyBest
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    Explosive Concoction Theorycraft

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Hi, i started Theorycrafting for Explosive Concoction, and created a Path of Building thingy. I thought i might share it so people could participate in it.

    The pastebin:


    submitted by /u/Stahlson
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    Mana Bond

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    Salutations Exiles

    I have a question about Manabond and before I get bashed about it, I'm aware it's early days.

    What are the thoughts on using a Mana stacking build, let's use 10k Mana for example, taking Righteous fire and Mind over Matter, with only Life Regen, as to intentionally drain your Mana pool, you can still use the likes of Omeyocan for defensive scaling from Maximum Mana, then utilise Manabond linked with Lifetap to allow casting without Mana, you should still receive the additional 1500 flat damage, aswell as the spell damage boost from RF. The entire purpose of RF is to provide the degen we need to keep our massive Mana pool constantly empty. This would however mean foregoing Arcane Cloak and Agnostic which I'm aware are huge. However RF does provide some bonus in it's Spell Damage boost.

    Typically I would assume the use of Purity of Fire, Vitality, Stone golem and all the traditional RF survival shenanigans, Rise of the Phoenix shield or something of the like. Unsure of how much necessity there would be for damage mitigation, but the Life regen would have to couple with Dodge and Spell Dodge, aswell as Evasion to build enough of a base to survive on.

    I would assume using primarily Mana stacking without Mana Regen to build a large Mana pool to use for Mana Bond damage scaling, theoretically without requiring the More or Less Mana spent multipliers, you can build pure Mana Total, perhaps using the likes of Replica Kaoms Heart, Crown of the Inward Eye. However this will require a significant life investment also to ensure the totals reach sufficient enough to take a hit and survive, as the RF degen and normal damage intake can be pretty significant.

    My initial thoughts are to use the raider ascendancy, building into Dodge and Spell Dodge with Mind over Matter likely from Cloak of Defiance. This would probably build similarly to the likes of the Archmage Cremation or Archmage BF BB builds without all the damage supports being entirely based off of Mana Usage. The likes of Innervate could assist in pushing a higher damage total. You also get Phasing and Onslaught which isn't exactly the most powerful tools however adds to the build. Aswell as providing Elemental Ailment Immunity and Elemental exposure to nearby enemies, which for the use of Mana Bond would Effectively behave similar to the likes of RF and place at your feet.

    And don't get me wrong, I'm realising the redundancy of 10k Mana when it doesn't traditionally scale you're damage AND defenses, I'm just theory crafting how to practically use Mana Bond.

    Appreciate any feedback

    Best of luck, Exiles

    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/SymruinGaming
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    Thoughts on Focused Ballista and overall totem playstyle

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    Focused Ballista seems like an interesting new support for ballistas, having 30% More attack speed but only attacking when the player attacks, which raises the question: how would this affect the "place and move" playstyle of totems?

    We have to place it and then attack for the totems to attack, which seems to reduce the somewhat safer totem playstyle. This seems to be a great gem for damage, since ballistas get +2 totems from tree already, it's likely not worth getting ancestral bond and instead going with 2 6-link.

    Although we might be getting more damage when attacking, the clearspeed and damage when "running" around and evading stuff is heavily detrimented. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/tegraze
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