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    Friday, January 14, 2022

    Path of Exile Builds 1 disaster to another

    Path of Exile Builds 1 disaster to another

    1 disaster to another

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 06:40 AM PST

    Im a new player and currently struggling big time ! Ive spent more time this week respecing and buying stuff then actually playing.

    here is my current build with items https://pastebin.com/cq8vK9RF ( im down to my last 2 ex )

    is there anything I can do to save it ?#

    just to add with this i dont seem to have like any mana or health or anything either ! This is what i tried to follow https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Killmour/KillmourPressVToDie?i=14&search=class%3DOccultist

    submitted by /u/butcherbigboy
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    CoC Archmage in 3.16

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 02:17 AM PST

    Greetings everyone, this league I've been playing a lot of overpowered builds but the game is incredibly boring and creating characters is more fun than actually playing them.

    So I'm proposing a concept for you, using the interaction between CoC and Archmage wich is almost impossible to make it work properly.

    The idea is using 99% (neck and boots crangle) brand reduction paired with the mastery that gives you 10% of your mana back on a CoC setup.

    If paired with scold's bridle, 90% physical reduction and Juggernaut/Divine Shield this combo will also give you absurd amounts of Regen too.

    The only tankiness needed is probably MoM so you can go all out stacking mana and yet be immortal.

    Let me know what you think or if you found any other interesting way to play this gem combination!

    Have a nice day everyone.

    submitted by /u/GoddoDoggo
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    Why is my crit chance so low?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 08:55 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    im goofing around with a Fordbidden Rite-CoC Occultist in Standard, just want to juice him into doing everything for me.

    right now, i cant figure out, why my crit chance is so low, pob tells me i only got 18%, while ingame says cyclone has 36% with diamond flask on.

    what part am i missing? is my CDR too low to proc things in a normal way? is my crit just too low because of weapon stats? or am i overseeing something?

    edit: https://pastebin.com/byAxEjQj

    submitted by /u/besseralsberni4
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    Question on cold coc builds

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 07:39 AM PST

    I wanted ro start a cold coc build on a 15ex budget and was wondering whuch ascendancy was better and which cold skills. Ascendancy:assasin,occultist,inquisitor Skill:eye of winter,ice apear,ice nova

    submitted by /u/Stalin---
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    Trinity Cobra Lash build showcase. Feedback welcome, first video

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 11:32 AM PST

    High Invesntment Gen.Cry Blade Flurry - Huge DMG but squishy AF

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 02:52 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I was wondering if someone could give me some advice as to how make this build less squishy. I followed path of math "giga dps" variant of his build and i spent around 300 ex. I know i can remove the Abyssus which is something that i will do but other than that i'm not sure what to do. I also have a 109% chaos res ring that i can use.

    This build has the highest single target dps i ever experienced but its squishiness makes it not enjoyable to play.

    Any advice would be much appreciated.


    oops i misspelled the title :o

    submitted by /u/StayPositive01
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    Any guides for impale/crit lacerate?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 04:16 AM PST

    I have a bleed lacerate with max block and I really enjoy the character. However I prefer a more "direct" damage, not bleed/dot damage.

    Can anyone point me to an impale/crit lacerate? I would like to focus on damage, attack speed, impale, crit chance, etc. Basically wielding two swords as opposed to a sword and a shield.

    Thanks all

    submitted by /u/AliveandDrive
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    Need a Juggernaut build suggestion on Standard

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 03:46 AM PST

    I like to have on character of each ascendancy class on standard, so when the league is over for me, I can try different builds with all the equipment I have on standard over the years. Juggernaut is the only ascendancy that I almost never played so it's the only character I have not levelled ro 95 at least (it's level 84 actually).

    So I want to spend those weeks until 3.17 to level it up and use gems and equipment on standard for that. I habe some nice equipment; legacy explode chest, tailwind boots, etc., but not too crazy equipment.

    Is there any reliable build I can use to level the character fast? Another option is to level a chieftain or berserker and then respec it to Juggernaut, but I would like to play Juggernaut at least once.

    Thx in advance!

    submitted by /u/rhenk
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    Some questions about my Elementalist build

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 02:49 AM PST

    I'm playing Elementalist for the first time since 3.6.I have a few questions regarding my build.

    1. Why does my shock debuff always at 0%? Is it because of primal aegis? Does it mean that I won't take any extra damage from shock?

    2. Do we not see the Elemental overlord buff anymore? I have a pretty low crit chance (6%) but I haven't seen the buff once throughout the campaign and I'm in maps now.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/ShuvoRotto
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    3.16] Baranite Preacher T19 100% Deli Map +Nemesis+beyond (Legacy map)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 05:42 AM PST

    Ways to scale poison? Feedbacks for POB please.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 09:24 AM PST

    Hi, I'm building a Storm Rain poison build, with Assassin, crit and Perfect Agony. The idea is to stack a lot of poisons quickly with SR's insane hit rate/shotgun. The league start POB looks good, and I tried running it in Endless Deli SSF event, which went unexpectedly well in acts. This made me confident with the approach, and aiming for all content next league. This is the league start POB:


    It features 1.3M poison dmg with realistic config (only 10 Withered stacks, 10 overlapping beams which in my experience is more than reasonable, and no strange config IMO). The defense is not the best, with evasion and suppression and 4.9k Life, but it's alright for a ranged character. I feel like the real dps is much higher than in POB, as I deleted bosses (in acts, so take this with a grain of salt).

    So right now I'm scaling with:

    - Poison/over-time/generic increased damage

    - Chaos dot multi

    - Crit multi + crit chance (for PA)

    - Ailment/poison deals dmg faster

    I'm thinking about adding:

    - Darkscorn, probably BIS

    - Unholy Might. Easy way is Sin's Rebirth flask, but it's unstable. A Large or Medium cluster with Overwhelming Malice will be much better.

    - Attack speed, which POB doesn't take account of since we're showing beam dmg. Attack speed will in fact scale the "overlapping beams" number, to the point we reach 100 arrows on the ground.

    - +# arrows per attack from Helmet enchant and corrupted mods. This also increase the "overlapping beams" number.

    Some ideas:

    - This build LOVES base chaos dmg. Strength stacking will give us a lot of base chaos damage, but I failed to theory craft a poison build for that.

    - Maybe some other ascendancy, without PA too?

    - Divine flesh for better defense since Darkscorn synergies well.

    So the big question is, apart from these scaling, what else can help me scale the damage for the end game? With just alright defense, this build needs good dps. Most of my scaling require passive points, so I would prefer something from items.

    And if there're any problem with the POB, please kindly help me. Thanks a lot.

    submitted by /u/cer_nagas
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    Help with final improvements

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 05:02 PM PST

    I am a Slayer Flicker lvl 94, this is the farthest I've ever made it in PoE. I am just starting to scratch the "real end game" stuff, but I don't know how to improve from here. I'd love to be able to make it to Sim 25 (die on 20 now).

    Where can I go from here? I feel like I should be pretty tanky, do I just need more DPS?

    Some stats:

    Armour = 35948

    Evasion = 57%

    Block attack = 20%

    Fortify = 26

    Divine Flesh, Chaos res 86%

    Life regen + Life Leech = 1762/sec

    Stun Immune, Freeze Immune

    DPS = 4.5mil sirus (without vaal hate or ancestral totems)


    submitted by /u/Forward-Bug-446
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    Seismic Trapper build improvements?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 04:46 PM PST

    I came back to POE in December, and decided to try out a seismic trapper build. After awhile, I started putting my own take on the build, based on some things I saw around here, on youtube, and generally what felt right. I'm digging this build quite a bit, and I've been able to get very far, but I'd love to see it improved. There are still many things that I'm wrapping my head around, such as not knowing if those 2 points to get to Iron will are worth it. Any insight into improving this build would be greatly appreciated. I have around 17ex and 1100c to play around with. Thanks!

    POB: https://pastebin.com/bCWSYDek

    submitted by /u/itsrandom
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    CoC CI FR vs Autobomber vs ... Last League Build

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 09:52 AM PST

    Since the league extension was announced I went ahead and farmed my ass off to get a mageblood. I'd like some advice on what best to put it on for my final character of the league. I already have a TS deadeye(HH) for nem3 farming, a Boneshatter jugg for Sim30/delve, and a Seismic Trapper for bossing and invitations.

    What I'd like in this build is something that is 1) fast (current characters are slow af) 2) tanky (doesn't have to be immortal) 3) can comfortably do T16 guardians. I don't need it to do mega dam as I've already got dedicated characters for many things I just want a simpler more mindless experience of killing monsters while watching shows or on a teleconference.

    The builds that seem to have the most promise are some kind of autobomber (still looking for mageblood PoBs; either fireburst or HoT), CoC CI FR, or maybe even a CF TS Glad with 2x IL. If anyone has played any of these (preferably with a mageblood) and can offer their two cents about the criteria above I'd really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Kavika
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    Storm Burst and duration

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 10:07 AM PST


    Im wondering why most Storm Burst builds dont scale duration. It should scale more damage and also leave more orbs on the ground for a higher burst against Bosses. Also I cant wrap my head around the math behind it: why does 100% Inc. Skill effect duration only gives 75% more damage (in POB) and not more?

    Thanks for insights

    submitted by /u/hyperfish3d
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    builds that uses dual dreamfeather?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 09:27 AM PST

    looking for builds that utilizes dual dreamfeather, I've seen aura stacking champion, but are there other builds that uses them?

    submitted by /u/mathaav
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    Build Help

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 12:57 PM PST

    Build Help submitted by /u/Head-Ad5000
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    BV/BF/BB Graven's Secret build

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 12:02 PM PST

    Hey homies

    Been hitting my head against a wall for weeks trying to make this belt a viable part of a build.

    It hasn't been an easy task but I like making far off meta builds as a hobby lol.

    I think it's gonna run about 20-30ex?

    Plan is to use blade vortex every 3-4 seconds, and then use a blade blast to clear screens while my cwdt shits out bladefall blades nonstop.

    I think mana management might be my primary issue, I was thinking about trying to get a ring with damage taken gained as mana but I'll need to sneak my resists in a little better.

    Physical damage might be a bitch, but 30k evasion + blind + MoM should help.

    I'd imagine I'll probably need to cut my damage by 20% to makeup for less than ideal equipment.

    Let me know if anyone has any comments. I feel like it'll be clunky AF but I'd like to make this stupid belt work 😂😂


    submitted by /u/Debaucherous1
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    Tired of CoC assassin

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 10:25 PM PST

    Im playing on console and trading for rare is hard. Having a hard time to do enough damage to feel like a decent glass cannon so next league ill do something else. I played BA elementalist before it got nerfed and kinda liked it. Poisonius Concoction felt clunky but worked well as a league starter. I'm reading Toxic Rain deadeye is easy to build and does a ton of damage. I really like cyclone playstyle so i'm not sure about going back to an archer. BA was alot more demanding

    submitted by /u/Aabbppll
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    Honing the Final Stages of My Ice Crasher Build

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 01:06 PM PST

    I'm level 97 and making those final point allocations for a Berserker Ice Crasher. I'm trying to prioritize gear upgrades and allocation of final points I'm currently 3.9M DPS (PoB Sirus, w/ Culling Strike), and looking at a few ways to pull it up a bit further. I'm maxed on Accuracy per PoB.

    The PoB: https://pastebin.com/YQudpPWe

    The Profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/OsoMoore/characters

    1. Where should I put the last three nodes? Per PoB, just placing the nodes optimally by the Power Report table nets me 4%, picking up Precision (speed and accuracy) and the leadup nodes by it. However it looks like PoB misses the useless over-accuracy, until you actually allocate them, and see they are less useful. Any notables I should reach, or defense nodes I'm missing?
    2. Where should I focus my gear budget? I've got around 20 Ex right now, and can spend it on jewels, gems, and a few specific slots. I make 1 or 2 Ex a day, so it doesn't grow that fast unless I spike on a Grand Heist.
    • 8% DPS Watcher's Eye Jewel: 15 Ex
    • 3.5% DPS rare jewel: 5 Ex
    • 3% DPS Phantasmal Ancestral Protector: 2 Ex
    • 2% Anomalous Inspiration: 2 Ex
    • 40%-100% DPS Weapon upgrades: 100-400 Ex
    • 30% DPS Armor upgrades: 200+ Ex

    Is it a good idea to spend a few Ex now on a few percentage DPS points, or hoard for a few weeks (with League about to end anyway) and try for a double-digit damage upgrade? Existing gear in those slots is reselling for less and less as days go by.

    At this point I'm homing on in level 100, mostly doing Rotas and Grand Heisting, so I don't really fight bosses at this point. Being rage-based, boss fights with lots of downtime are bad anyway, as my DPS tumbles.

    Thanks for reading, and I appreciate any ideas.

    submitted by /u/Aranthar
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    Help me build a wave 30 build!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2022 07:33 AM PST

    So I'm trying to build a wave 30 simulacrum farmer in SSF standard.

    I have quite a bit of gear and even some legacy gear like explode chest and old school Baron helmet.

    The notable items I'm missing are the new brass dome, mageblood, the squire, and life on hit vitality watchers and energy on hit discipline watchers. I have head hunters and most other items.

    Unfortunately missing those watchers eyes has been removing a lot of build viability.

    I want something tanky with decent damage.

    submitted by /u/Eternal-Hermit
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