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    Friday, January 21, 2022

    Path of Exile Builds Best melee build for league start?

    Path of Exile Builds Best melee build for league start?

    Best melee build for league start?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 03:57 AM PST

    Best build for simulacrum farming solo - league start

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 06:05 AM PST

    As the title says, I'm interested in building a character to start farming simulacrums pretty early on (maybe day 2 or day 3). What would be a good build that can get to wave 20 on a pretty small budget? Was considering doing toxic rain again but I have league started it so much I would like to avoid it if possible. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/jahfeelbruh
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    My Submission for the common "I need a cheap build that does everything" post.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 08:40 PM PST

    Strongest unique builds with grindable cards?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 09:49 PM PST

    Trying to pick from a handful of builds to league start SSFHC and instead of starting with something utterly safe and doable with rares like usual, I'm going to go out on a limb this time and try a unique enabled build.

    What's a fun build enabled by a unique where I can sit at, say, 75, and grind out the card(s) to get it rolling? My mind keeps coming back to Chains of Command because those builds are always fun but it doesn't have a card.

    submitted by /u/gizzomizzo
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    attempting to league start a discharger with doedre's elixir

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 05:38 PM PST

    hello everyone


    in 3.15 i ran this chieftain that used the traitor keystone to keep doedre's elixir (video) with additional mechanics to keep charges up (enduring composure small cluster jewel, chieftain warcry ascendancy).

    For 3.16, my planned RF jugg failed due to work related time constraints. So for 3.17 I want to play the smooth fast mapper that was discharge again.

    what i came up with now

    So due to my previous experience in 3.15 I now understand what to chase in a trade league scenario and what to avoid depending with league starting this build.

    First, I want to drop Brutal Restraint (the traitor) entirely. GGG revamped the survival jewel rewards from act 2 and survival secrets seems to be very fitting with this build. Tested ingame on standard and with this jewel socketed, doedre's elixir still grants 3 endurance charges without changin the amount of damage taken too (important for some low level cast when damage taken setups). An important part of the combo is that im using blood magic, so doedre's flask is just instant (survival secrets wil always grant it charges - maybe it will reset the 3 seconds timer on usage, but this is minor).

    In depth about replacing the traitor

    • annointing replenishing remedies (if i could i would path there); 2 life/mana charges per 3 seconds + 15% flask charges gained
    • survival secrets 3 charges per 3 seconds for inactive flasks (doedre's elixir is always inactive due to blood magic)
    • essence extraction 3 point cluster with + 1 life/mana flask per 3 seconds mastery (later in league)
    • add two flask cluster jewels with fasting/spiked concoction and fasting/brewed for potency. spiked concoction grants 20% flask charges on alchemists genius, so 40% inc flask charges gained in one cluster jewel and 30% in the other one for a total of 70%
    • a belt with 20% reduced flask charges used
    • the math states that with all that it should sum up to 120% flask charges gained, 20% reduced flask charges cost and 6 charges every 3 seconds (base, 6 * (1 + 120%) = 13 charges every 3 seconds)
    • So in a self sustain scenario its 6 seconds per discharge, while ignite lasts for 7.5s (up to about 8 with flammability).
    • I might add additional doedre's elixirs on this setups since I have the slots for it (with the traitor in 3.15 I was limited to 2 flasks, doedre and a quicksilver).
    • until getting the required cluster jewels for smoothness, ill resort to warcries as I did in 3.15; doedre's elixir came day 1 in the softcore trade league

    other stuff

    • ggg killed realm ender so ill have to use pyre and the searing touch (now saving currency to get a great cane of kulemak later on or a sick rare)
    • still sporting malachais artifice. thx ziggy i love this ring
    • most of the named rares/enchanted stuff was what I got in 3.15; so I left that on pob to know what to look for
    • for this league i want to eventually drop warcries entirely and run life flasks as survival secrets + new stuff on tree + pantheon will allow about 9 * 2.2 = 19 charges gained every 3 seconds. maybe a blood of karui every 3 seconds? or even an eternal instant life flask with blood of karui on top.
    • another option is keep running the gain flask charges when hit for great uptime while mapping with defensive flasks (believe they will nerf this tho - its was too op)

    downsides compared to previous version

    • need to really hit harvest jewel implicits for the 100% shock effect/duration reduction; ever since they nerfed harvest i couldnt get those implicits anymore
    • less crit chance might be bad to keep elemental overload up
    • would love to travel to supreme ego area but its too far; would also save the annoint for snowforged or searing heat (in favor of snowforged -> ignite duration is awesome)


    • was hoping to be able to combine this with elementalist this time around, but every tree I make just doesnt get everything I want as elementalist (ailment immunities, 1k+ regen)
    • malachai's awakening still in the game, so might use that instead of hrimnor's resolve if i can get freeze immunity elsewhere -> this helmet also allows easier building with another ascendancy such as elementalist; saves a lot to get to blood magic
    • tried to build scion as well but even as close as that is to supreme ego it just sucks getting there

    what im looking for from the sub

    • tips in things Im not aware or forgot
    • pob validation (possible oversights)

    TLDR; Thinking about Chieftain discharge prolif league starter for 3.17 using Doedre's Elixir shenanigans

    POB: https://pastebin.com/drr8Yvtx

    submitted by /u/htsukebe
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    Good Bossing League Starts?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 06:13 AM PST

    Is bane occultist considered a good bosser? lots of uptime on DPS but it seems like it would be slow for the level of content you're at unless you heavily invest.

    Assuming Seismic will get nerfed, what other 3.16 leaguestarts were good at bossing? LS Raider? Pets?

    submitted by /u/beebopcola
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    Poison Builds that aren't poisonous concoction

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 09:10 AM PST

    Hello, I was looking for a poison build that is preferably not PC. Has anyone played any recently? I miss the old poison bv days :(

    submitted by /u/pistola69
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    Impale/crit lacerate gladiator help

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 08:55 PM PST

    Hi all

    Could someone provide a short summary/guide for an impale/crit dual wield lacerate gladiator? I have a bleed one and its great but I would really like to build an impale/crit based one.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/AliveandDrive
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    CoC Ice Spear Occultist with Cinderswallow Urn?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 01:45 AM PST

    I'm currently working on a CoC Ice Spear build and basically following some poe.ninja builds. Since I have now reached 52% icr, I was looking for more sources of inc attack speed. My boots are still trash, that's why I thought to first use a silver flask, also for mana testing purposes (apparently 15 mana cost for ice spear plus essence sap is not enough). On Ninja, 22% of all CoC Ice Spear Occultist are using a a unique version of a silver flask, you guessed it, the notorious Cinderswallow Urn. Now since this flask at least partially relies on some fire damage and ignite (for inc damage taken), I was wondering where the ability to ignite comes from. At first I thought it's flame dash, but according to poe.ninja, of those who are using the cinderswallow urn, at least 25% are not using flame dash at all. After manually checking the remaining accounts, a few of them are using added fire dmg on rings, but others do not seem to have any source of fire damage at all. But every single one of them has ignite activated in their pob settings. Am I missing something? What's the reason to use this flask, is it really "only" the veiled mods like ES on kill, reduced mana cost during flask effect etc. ? I have the bench option to craft reduced mana, wouldn't it be better to just use a normal silver flask since cinderswallow also has the huge inc charges used mod?

    CoC Ice Spear with cinderswallow:


    Thank you all and have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/slimrngesus
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    Raider: Ele. Buzzsaw Help (Standard)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 02:56 PM PST

    Hi, ever since I started playing (I've been playing in standard) I've been working on a lightning strike raider. Originally I was planning on doing flicker strike, so all my gear was all about stacking frenzy charges. In the end it ended up turning into a trinity build with secrets of suffering, and I can (I think) reliably achieve 30/15/20 for scorch/brittle/sap on the end game conquerors, Sirius, and elder guardians (haven't fought others). Pre-flasks I get just under 4m melee hit DPS, which I'm very happy with, and about 1.7m without secrets of suffering.

    Thing is lightning strike kind of tilts me now. I hate that the projectiles get blocked by everything, so I wanted to respec into spectral throw, because I have the MTX and the skill just feels and looks so satisfying (contrast to SST; I really dislike the shards ><). I figure I'm stacking elemental damage with trinity so I just need to swap some stuff around and put a LMP/GMP in somewhere. Thing is the damage just ... disappears. POB says I get 450k DPS without secrets of suffering (and I can't reliably proc it on bosses).

    I know that ST is in a bad spot, but this really seems like a bad spot. I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to make ST work (it's such a nice feeling and looking skill). I attempted to take out GMP for a damage gem (i.e., WED) and went for the fan of blades cluster jewels, but it ate up a ton of passive points and I lost a lot of defences.

    Anything you guys would recommend? Here's what I've got currently: https://pastebin.com/gqbfmp9p

    I'm down to make gear changes (I can sell my current gear, too - some parts of it are expensive now i.e., the +2 frenzy darkrays that I got before they changed it). I was thinking about just going full cold and embracing the frenzy stack by picking up a shako? But that didn't really give me much damage, either.

    submitted by /u/23489012398410238
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    100ex budget. lvl.90 Summoner. Fun build ideas?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 10:45 PM PST

    Looking for any fun builds that will do good damage within the mentioned budget, with a play style similar to Necro skellies, but not Necro since im bored of playing it. I started off as a cold dot, but the build i was following (Zizaran's Shakcentral cold dot league starter) got a bit confusing once you have to make the switch to low-life/chaos inoculation. Note: I started playing (casually) in Ritual league so I'm still a newbie. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Ebagaza
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    League starting with minions.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 01:03 PM PST

    I've decided to go with minions for next league and started looking around for what minion builds have been used in 3.16. From what I've seen there's 3 types of builds that interest me: pure physical carrion golem with zombies, pure slavedriver spectres and cold conversion spectres like FAS/Harry's watch/Syndicate Operatives with skeletons for boss damage. Assuming no major balance changes and that slavedriver ai bug doesn't get fixed which of those 3 builds would be easier to leaguestart with and which would be a stronger build for mapping and delving once you start upgrading?

    submitted by /u/LoveTannedFitTomboys
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    Minion Build Comparison?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 07:52 PM PST

    I played an arakali's occultist build this league. This is the Palsteron guide. Fun, fast, and easy, but not so tanky. When poking around for potential league starters someone pointed out this other build, the 'Arachnophobia Allstars' which seems tanky af but not sure how it plays.

    Some similarities there, but I'm mostly interested in playstyle- which has faster clear, better bossing, easier, etc. I think the allstar build is tankier, but anyone played both and have an opinion on which would be more fun in 3.17 (assuming no nerfs of course)?

    submitted by /u/saxisa
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    Evasion block+ cyclone bleed

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 04:02 PM PST

    Im having trouble with my gladiator tree plan. Any tree suggestions will be appreciated.

    (my shame) https://pastebin.com/LPK45gyX ill probably die a lot ^


    Maybe going impale cyclone instead

    submitted by /u/Tenyetzero
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    Builds with straight forward crafting

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 01:44 PM PST

    Could you guys link some builds that are pretty straight forward with the crafting and gearing? Ive played POE for like a thousand hours and I have a good time with it but I usually plateau around T5-6 maps with damage and survival.

    Ive tried crafting and using the emulator to try and create good items for late game but I always end up losing focus on crafts and never finish them/ look like they work only to find out the interaction of crafts doesn't work or you need a specific ILVL item to get the craft so I waste a ton of fossils.

    I don't have a problem farming for items for crafting but POE seems to be so vague/obfuscated with how to do it I never end up actually farming to create a gg bow or armor, and just kinda and mindlessly run maps and other leagues till I die enough to quit.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/drthrax1
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    Different main hand and off hand damage

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 01:15 PM PST

    I'm playing around with a nebuloch tec slam chieftan idea. I noticed something in the pob that is odd to me. It says that my main hand damage is different than my off hand damage. I have two identical nebulochs equiped and all the modifiers are the same as far as i can tell. whats going on?

    pob for reference https://pastebin.com/wwqfP6G2

    submitted by /u/ObjectiveFold
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    Cyclone Minion Instability HoP and SRS?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 07:58 AM PST

    Wanted to have a no brainer auto moving minion build and wondered if something like this would work or if theres just a way better way to go about this. https://pastebin.com/cgGvfBGq

    submitted by /u/PwmEsq
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    Build help - Purifying flame inquisitor

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 05:26 PM PST

    Hello, I am trying to get a decent build for next expansion and started with a rough approach to a PF Inquisitor, revolving mostly around big hits and high ignition damage. What improvements do you think I could make to it?

    I am still learning about build design and I bet there are many improvements opportunities here.



    submitted by /u/crorella
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    What's a good build to learn crafting?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 08:18 AM PST

    In the build up before the new league start I'm wanting to brush up on my crafting skills. I'm planning on making an SSF character with a build for the pure sake of getting my head around things like harvest crafting, beast crafting etc. I was hoping somebody could suggest a build which would be a good start point for doing this. Something where crafting mods aren't super rare/hard tog et, but aren't just crafting bench either.

    submitted by /u/GivingItMyBest
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    Blackflame Stormbind Ignite Elementalist Theorycraft

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 11:39 AM PST

    So, I was watching Jaamon's channel on Youtube (good Youtuber, good builds in general, recommend this guy) and he put up a pretty solid rolling magma ignite build.

    I worked at it a bit based off his stuff and came with this idea of using stormbind + blackflame + Eber's unification + incandescent heart. It turned out pretty well, but only in theory. Just a note, I haven't played this at all. This is not a post to say "go play this build" or "this is going to be great in 3.17".

    None of the build is insanely pricey. Blackflame is like 2ex. IH 6 link is probably 2 ex. Matyr is like 40c. Most of the rest of it is chaos versus ex per item. The whole thing might cost 20ex on a bad day and would be a lot cheaper with only minor hits if you altered jewels/cluster jewels. There isn't a whole lot of PoB warrior going on here, as Blackflame should sustain wither. Mana might be a little tight.

    Anyone have experience trying to play Stormbind Ignite? Is this just too clunky to use? My understanding is that its super clunky as more or less all channeling skills, but it feels like with a 0.08s cast speed it would be usable.

    Would love opinions if anyone has attempted something similar or notes if I am missing something. I am very aware most channeling skills suck and are a pain in the ass to play.


    submitted by /u/pyrvuate
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    Why are people already decidig what they're leaguestarting with? Wait For Patchnotes!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 09:32 PM PST

    Every league, people decide on their league starter way too early

    Also, special mention to all those reccomending builds like seismic traps which is the biggest contender for nerfs.


    If you dont care about patch notes wait for some streamer like zizaran to realease league starter guides BUT MAKE SURE IT'S UP TO DATE!!

    submitted by /u/Aldunas
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    Best league starter - Poison Concoc, Siege Ballista, or Frost blades?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 06:11 PM PST

    Hey, what do you think the best league starter would be if none of the 3 above are nerfed? I haven't played any of these. I would want it to be fairly cheap, and be able to do conquerors and Sirus fairly easily.

    Also, suppose I really like the builds, which ones would scale best into end game most efficiently to beat maven, feared.


    submitted by /u/Firewalkerr
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