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    Saturday, April 13, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 13, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 13, 2019

    Questions Thread - April 13, 2019

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 05:07 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - April 13, 2019

    This is a general question thread on April 13, 2019. You can find the previous threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Einhar shows how to extract currency and unique stuff (for talent competition)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    Actual evidence that the guy claming he was wrongfully banned 5 years ago is a liar.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:20 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm reffering to this thread : https://fr.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/bcnsg0/poe_banned_since_2014_and_they_still_wont_reply/


    You can find two screenshots which link username Metisuneatn, KoKoberry and IcariaIce. The third screenshot is the RMT post from 2014. I post that because it wasn't getting anywhere in the initial thread.

    EDIT : received in my message box something that looked like a phising link, so be careful.

    submitted by /u/Reverenz
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    Global Chat fixes melee

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    From Day 2 to Month 2

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:23 AM PDT

    Why Gilded Perandus Scarab do not give a chance to meet Cadiro?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    Since we don't have perandus mode on map device, can we have a chance to meet Cadiro with Gilded Perandus Scarab? Cadiro challenge is a torture in this state.

    submitted by /u/EntropyAndDespair
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    [PSA] Don't pay 17ex for shaped CoTB rings

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    Just a tip for anyone looking to go full eternity shroud. Buy a shaper cold/lightning two-stone ring for 5c. Buy 9 iron bard divination cards for 1.2ex/140c each. Call of the brotherhood will be the only possible chance outcome.

    submitted by /u/zerkproject
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    First attempt at %int ring for Whispering Ice worked out GREAT

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    Lioneye's Watch [Soundtrack], not available in POE anymore

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:58 AM PDT

    WHY FLICKER IS NOT VIABLE(sometimes) IN MEMORY 3.6 "Flicking to the black hole" :)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    It's no double howa claw but it'll work

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    Not Shared Suphite - What's the Point?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:16 AM PDT

    Why isn't sulphite shared between characters? Not sharing seems silly to me. When completing a daily Nico mission, or when using a sulphite scarab, or when encountering sulphite in a map - you can simply switch to your delve toon at the appropriate time to collect the sulphite.

    The restriction against sulphite sharing is thus circumventable - meanwhile, the current need to switch to a preferred delve character - should you have one - in order to collect sulphite on the desired toon - is simply a nuisance. It's not a challenge - it's not integral to the game - it's not something that makes sulphite seem more valuable - it's simply annoying.

    submitted by /u/hankinsohl
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    [SSC] 603Es Soulrend +1 Projectile

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 11:43 PM PDT

    Kitava fight on the PS4 gets continuously more laggy till the ps4 crashes.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 04:46 AM PDT

    Hey guys, as the title says during the kitava fight it continues to become more and more laggy till I'm only getting like 3fps and then the PS4 crashes. I'm trying to help my dad out with the fight as his character is pretty squishy and low damage which just means I've been careful and slowly dragging the fight down but this keeps happening. Lagging then crashing. What's going on? Would anyone be able to fill me in? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Redbeardnglasses
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    Bosses should have their own separate mod pool

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    We see a lot of valid complaints about overtuned mods on bosses but on the other hand vanilla bosses can be too easy for some people. That is why bosses should roll their own mods separate from the area they are in. Some combination of mods should even be impossible to roll together like +ele dmg and ele pen. Triple ele added damage and ele penetration is hugely overtuned, I dont think there is currently build in game that can survive something like that. Instead boss should have chance to roll ele pen OR added ele (but not triple 100%, something like 50% is still hard but not unreal). This doesnt make them trivial but also dont make them ridicoulous. Some kind of middle ground. Also they could have unique modifiers that only apply to boss fight, something like "boss spawns more adds" or maybe some crazier ones like "boss revives with 50% life after he dies"

    submitted by /u/arox1
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    2 Double Corrupted Queens In 2 Attempts

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Chieftain Divine Ire 3:24 A10 Kitava

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 09:50 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I did a Chieftain Divine Ire run that did A10 Kitava at the 3:24 mark. I did it with only normal lab (I believe in 80 race that's all you'd do) and had all skill points except Yugul, A9 Scorpion and Vilenta.

    Here's the VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/410284166

    The purpose of this run came from a conversation between me and Fightgarr trying to figure out what the best Marauder racing build would be in the upcoming April Race.


    I hadn't done this run before and I fully believe that this was not an optimized run. I did also die once to the A8 end boss because I didn't check resists but it didn't really have anything to do with the build.

    I'm not putting out a full guide or spending too much time trying to min/max this build because I doubt I'll play it again so I hope if you want to use this in the upcoming race or somewhere else you put in some time to make it better than I did.

    Thanks and let me know if you have any questions,


    submitted by /u/Kammell466
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    Poe 3.7 = Blackhole confirmed?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    Daily reminder that Betrayal is still broken and needs to be fixed.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    Daily reminder that Betrayal is still broken and needs to be fixed.

    I just had these two Betrayal Encounter spawn next to eachother.

    For the game im enganged with the Fortification which has one single entrance and is completely empty, im unable to break the door.

    To the left we have the Research Encounter which is blocked because of the ongoing fortification.

    So there goes my daily Mission. How are things like this still not fixed?


    submitted by /u/kawemeni
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    Einhar Frey for the talent competition - should I make other masters as well?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 05:11 PM PDT

    Spent the day in the Nexus

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 10:19 PM PDT

    So this morning I had to do a lot of work from home and thought to myself "Self, why not spend the day in the Nexus while working and really dig into the mechanics of the league" I had 32 nodes placed and a full queue and a couple fully tricked out crosses to play around with and I figured it would be a good way to really dive into the mechanic and see what it has to offer. Overall I think there is a fun mechanic to be had with it despite all the vitriol on here but spending a day really trying to work within the mechanic pretty much exclusively really pointed out a lot of its flaws for me.

    I know many smarter people than me have already posted their thoughts on this league good or bad, but after having played so much of it I have a bunch of thoughts in my head and a good long post here is a cathartic way to organize those thoughts and if it furthers a conversation and distracts someone from a boring day at work for 5 minutes maybe not a complete waste.

    Clunky Design

    My biggest problem with the overall mechanic is how long it takes to interact with the content, you have this queue of tiles to use to get to these randomly generated nodes and it just takes far too long to figure out how to use your paths setup these links and just overall to interact with the content. I spent a significant portion of my day just "fiddling" with all the bits of the mechanic moving pieces around to make room for another piece, trying to find a piece so I can make the right I needed to make without wasting a square here debating when to use those pieces with 1 use left for travel vs. trying to run it to just clear it and get rid of some of the frustration of the decay stopping the pathing you were working out.

    Don't get me wrong, the changes made during the league have made this alot better, being able to move pieces delete pieces from your queue (started deleting all 2 run pieces as soon as this was possible), being able to put pieces back in your queue just to get them out of your way have all made the current league mechanic a lot more functional. It has certainly made the current league more tolerable, but it hasn't really made it a lot more fun to engage with. It isn't BAD, but it isn't something I enjoyed spending my day doing.

    Decay Simply Feels Awful

    Decay as the core mechanic for collecting the memories isn't completely terrible, it is annoying in some of the memory types when it just up and blocks you off terribly, and 4 way nodes can feel like Russian roulette because if you don't pick the right node to start at one of the nodes is going to disappear and you will just fail with no way to prevent it overall. That doesn't happen enough to me to get too frustrating, but when it does happen 3 or 4 times in a session it just builds up a bad taste in your mouth.

    However, as everyone here on Reddit has pointed out, Decay in the nexus is just abysmal. This goes to a larger problem for me that the mechanic seems arrayed against itself. On one hand they have this mechanic where your goal is to "get somewhere" in the nexus, on the other hand it feels like the goal of the nexus is to buff nodes and the reward is as much the well build nodes as the reward nodes you reach. However, Decay in the nexus ruins the balance of all of this. This whole planning out your route just feels so much worse when you use a 1 more use 4-way only to have the node you needed to continue your route disappear after 2 seconds. It feels bad because you put all this work into these nodes you want to buff up then you essentially can't use them for 1/3rd of the bonus you spent working on them, or if you do try to really use that last node to get the loot you earned off it it you can't use that node to just get from point a-b. So in the end you end up with just a mechanic that feels a bit at war with itself.

    Content as a Reward

    One of the cornerstones of PoE is that content is often considered a significant portion of the reward we get from doing something, how many people chase Niko across their Atlas just to spend more time engaging with delving? How often does it feel great when you get a T3 map room or corruption room for Alva and heck half of the rewards you get for really working on your Atlas is that you get more maps and that really fuels the engine of PoE to a great extent, and Betrayal, well Betrayal exists I guess and still feels like it needs a 2.0 version to make it really rewarding and engaging as other content.

    However, the content in the Nexus doesn't really feel rewarding on its own, the reward nodes rarely get too exciting on their own and so you never really get a "Nexus Drop" of content that gets you eager to dive into your nexus. Finding a Vaal City in Delve makes you want to delve a lot more, getting a T3 Cartography Room from Alva makes you excited to engage that content, here it feels like the main time I get excited to engage with Nexus content is after I have spent a LOT of effort running all around collecting memory nodes and pathing to memory modifiers to fill out my cross of nodes, but really at the end all that feels like is "ohh yeah I have more nodes I can use to path to more nodes that I can use to build new nodes that I can use to... what was I saying again?" The spawning of a new node isn't something I even notice really, the node "drop" that goes into my queue isn't terribly special on its own except maybe to check if it is a 3 use node or not and especially before the node movement "is this the right tetris piece I was looking for ohh wait a new node spawned so I needed a different one anyway".

    You never get a new memory that makes you want to jump right into the Nexus right now darn it, even betrayal which has its flaws definitely has that moment of rewarding you for content when you unlock a safehouse that has rewards you were looking for that excites you to go engage with that content (even if the reward doesn't work out the possibility of it when you get it does). Nexus is missing that which is so essential to what makes PoE go, this content you just got is this cool new lottery ticket that makes you want to scratch it off or go slaughter it and hunt through the remains for shiny baubles anyway.


    I honestly don't have any problems here, I really like the fractured mods, they give you a neat layer of crafting for a plebian like me, getting sorcerer boots with a locked in 90% ES is not going to give me something that will make people envious on Reddit, but for me it was a possibility of some really useful boots for my next character to play around with fossils and essences with and works great. Sure most of it is rubbish, but of course that's true they are yellow drops.

    Synthesized items are more out of my league, I have made a couple %life/%ES belts and a couple niceish things but overall that is for another level of crafting like many other types of crafting before this one, I have no problem with that although I know many here do it just doesn't bother me.


    Alright, so I ranted away for I am sure far too long for a single post so why did I bother with all of this (other than to just get this all out of my head), well I do have some things I think I would like to see to change this mechanic that I think would make it a great piece of content and fit within PoE a lot better, something that I hope they do to this when I hope they shelve the mechanic for a league and bring it back in a league or two Einhar style fit and better than ever to allow us to engage with it and really enjoy it.

    Nexus Hub

    For me I would change the nexus hub to have four paths like it is today, but unlike today instead of manually building tetris style these paths to random nodes generated constantly they would be just four randomly generated paths you would add your memories to. Each path would have a reward node at the end of it, you would have to put at least one memory into the path to run it, adding a memory would do a few things:

    1. Add an additional node in the path
    2. Either at set points (say every 3 nodes you add) or randomly as you add a memory to each path a reward node would get added to the path.
    3. Each memory added will add a new modifier to the path overall making it riskier to keep adding nodes to a single path
    4. Each path might have a maximum length to it and/or a minimum length to unlock the first reward node.
    5. Eliminate decay in the nexus or have decay but only as a tar like slow to pose a challenge in the nexus not have it randomly grab things away from you.

    This to me would solve all of the frustrations with the Nexus:

    1. Instead of spending a ton of time playing node tetris trying to find random reward nodes everytime I get a memory reward I simply decide which of four paths to add it to. Done and done.
    2. Anytime a path is done I can decide to run it immediately, or wait till I have a couple more paths to run like the Safehouses.
    3. I get that sense of anticipation for unlocking reward nodes when I add that memory, now instead of some random distant memory spawning I just got a drop and when I added it to my path it just gave me a map chest in it or prophesies or breaches which gives me that instant content feedback loop that PoE has perfected over the years.

    Fixing Memory Acquisition

    The other thing I would do to fix the mechanic is fix the way we acquire the memories to instead of having the decay randomly kick us out of the memory give us that simple timer mechanic we have fallen for in so many other places. Maybe that timer goes up as you kill mobs maybe it doesn't it probably should go up when you get a stabilizer so you are encouraged to grab them quickly to extend your time. You can keep the decay mechanic but it acts like the decay that won't kick you out so it just starts to slow you down in the muck, sure running down the wrong hallway will cost you precious seconds to get your node, but you don't get that jolting immediate failure and you still have agency that allows you to overcome that initial mistake which will feel much better.

    Holey Wall of Text Batman (No really there are a lot of holes in these arguments...) TLDR

    Synthesis issues as I see them

    1. Too clunky to build paths/enhance nodes
    2. Decay feels random and awful
    3. Content doesn't feel like it is its own reward like it does in so many other better areas in PoE


    1. Automate pathing simplify the decision process
    2. Allow the user to engage with the content directly on drop, add new memory to path and see what happens
    3. Add timer to memory acquisition keep decay as a "super tar" rather than "random portal to nowhere"

    No no, I mean really TL/DR

    Synthesis has a lot of good, please take a release or two Einhar style and keep what is good and improve it to make it a fun addition to PoE, don't just directly add it to core ALA Syndicate.

    submitted by /u/metfansc
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    QOL suggestion: Should all memories have outside/open layouts

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    self explanatory

    submitted by /u/IBeAPOENewb
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    Havoc academy

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 05:54 PM PDT

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