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    Saturday, April 18, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 18, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 18, 2020

    Questions Thread - April 18, 2020

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - April 18, 2020

    This is a general question thread on April 18, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Leak from upcoming Performation League

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    I kept track of all the loot I received from Perandus Chests on the way to 150/150 for the challenge. Here is the final stash tab result.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    I present.. the console experience!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    dps megalomaniac

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    I guess that's a lucky The Void turn in

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Working on an AHK script that provides QoL features for Stash Tabs. Is it ok with ToS/EULA etc ?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 09:26 AM PDT


    • lets you bind various item types to particular Stash Tabs
    • Ctrl-Click items straight to designated Stash Tabs without having to manually switch between them
    • double tap Ctrl key while mouse cursor hovering over the item to switch to designated Stash Tab (without throwing item into it)
    • assign hotkeys to individual Stash Tabs
    • assign hotkey to group of Stash Tabs to cycle through this group with assigned hotkey
    • Alt+MouseWheel scroll between defined group of Stash Tabs skipping the rest of them
    • create custom rules to recognize any item types if you are unhappy with the diversity of built-in rules (requires familiarity with Regular Expressions)

    How it works TLDR: sends Ctrl+C, parses item text from clipboard, sends Left / Right Arrow key-presses to switch between Stash Tabs.

    I am not going to make it public before i am sure it's ok with ToS/EULA. Don't want anyone become banned.

    submitted by /u/-RshR-
    [link] [comments]

    Project Hospital: Tips and Tricks for your Group, what should you run and the results of 100 T14 Juiced Burial Chambers.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Project Hospital: Tips and Tricks for your Group, what should you run and the results of 100 T14 Juiced Burial Chambers.

    Hi Reddit Gang,

    After the success of our last post, the PM's and comments we've received, we've decided to continue with sharing the outcome of our maps with the community, however, this post will focus more on Tips and Tricks for your own group, how we progressed our gear and what makes the most sense from a Profit perspective, some frustrations, which we've encountered over the last 3 weeks.

    Before we start, I just wanted to set a disclaimer:

    This is our own experience, therefore, you might not get the same results, or get even better results. Invest at your own risk but most importantly, have fun in the game, enjoy time with your friends and take a break, step away if the maps don't work as expected.

    Tips and Tricks:

    We have made several updates to our builds since we've posted the first time, had several Roster changes and made a lot of new friends.

    Sometimes it makes sense to stop playing and not push through a rough patch, as this will demotivate the group and people might quit very quickly. You need to enjoy playing, this is a game and we all just want fun. We had several times in the last 100 maps the situation, that we were not able to continue to play, due to lags, crashes and real-life stuff, which will always take priority for the group.

    Carry: We have started off with a Rain of Arrows Jugg, which used a HH, while we were doing the first 100 Tower maps, which was the right decision at the time, however, due to changing the maps from a closed Tower map to an open Burial Chamber map, we switched to our current KB Wanderer, as we can have more quant, which is what we've focused on. The HH was dropped and we switched to CI, for more survivability, as we have got enough damage with just the Aurabot.

    Rain of Arrow Jugg: https://pastebin.com/Q0cFXARS

    POB from the previous post: https://pastebin.com/td3JFcz3

    Current POB: https://pastebin.com/Jm8t1sxX

    Aurabot: We've started off with a two-man group, therefore I've switched from my starting Necro Aurabot to a Scion, to have the defensive aspect from the Guardian Ascendancy and the offensive aspect from the Necro Ascendancy. However, with the addition of members to our group, I've switched back to my Necro, as we had a full-time Mana Guardian at all times and we did not require the defensives anymore.

    My Aurabot is optimized for our group, therefore some decisions might seem strange to you, however, everything has their purpose in this build and this is the strongest Aurabot I've ever played. My Aurabot is very active, due to the March of the Legion boots and is slightly different to a normal Aurabot setup :) I've also switched several pieces, got the only useful Timeless Jewel I can find and finally went CI since the last post.

    Original Scion Aurabot: https://pastebin.com/CuRAxh6J

    LL Necro from the previous post: https://pastebin.com/hdZUq3wU

    Current CI Necro POB: https://pastebin.com/cgS0rTQM

    Cursebot: This was the first addition to our group and has had several changes since we started playing. We started off with a Doedre's Skin build, as this is super cheap and worked well for the start, however, we have evolved massively in the last few weeks and focus now on survivability for the group and curse effectiveness. We also made some changes to our Animated Guardian and Specters, but this will be touched on further down, as we got a lot of questions in my stream about them.

    Original Cursebot(Cheap AF): https://pastebin.com/v56BPUzP

    POB from the previous post: https://pastebin.com/y4JxDBvr

    Current POB: https://pastebin.com/KzfxyWDu

    Warcry Champion:

    Due to one of our members moving houses and not being able to play anymore, we have unfortunately dropped the Champion support, however, if you are playing in a 5man group, this is a massive dmg and utility increase.

    Please remember, that this is the last support to be added to the group and you should definitely have an Aurabot, Cursebot, and Managuardian before adding the Warcry Champion support.

    POB from the previous post: https://pastebin.com/cDbj8rZY

    Animated Guardians:

    The Animated Guardian situation has also evolved over the last few weeks and we have made some changes to their setup. We've started off with one Animated Guardian, however, Bruno was so lonely that we had to add his little brother Pluto to our setup. The Setup is slightly different from the last post, therefore please find the new items below:


    Weapon: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kingmaker

    Helmet: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Crown_of_the_Tyrant

    Body Armor(NEW):https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Garb_of_the_Ephemeral_(Synthesised))

    Gloves: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hands_of_the_High_Templar

    Boots: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kaom%27s_Roots


    Weapon: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Dying_Breath

    Body Armor(NEW):https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Garb_of_the_Ephemeral_(Synthesised))

    Helmet: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Crown_of_the_Tyrant

    Gloves: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hands_of_the_High_Templar

    Boots: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kaom%27s_Roots

    Specters: We run Specters on both the Curesbot and Managuardian.

    Let me tell you, they make a difference! Not just from a survivability perspective, also from a performance perspective (negatively speaking). We've tried different combinations, but I think we found the combination, which makes the most sense for us:

    1x https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/They_of_Tul

    (10-15)% reduced Damage taken

    (10-20)% chance to Dodge Attack Hits

    (10-20)% chance to Dodge Spell Hits

    2x https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Heretical_Guardian

    For the Proximity Shield

    Issues we've encountered:

    Due to being a group, which is very diverse and not even remotely in the same time zone, we have had several times the situation where we were only able to play 9 maps a night, due to the 6 hour time difference between our group members. This is also an issue from a performance perspective, as no matter what, anyone will always have lags, rubber banding or even disconnects every map.

    We decided very early on that we will play on the Sou Paulo Realm, as this is the closest server to our Carry, which will definitely die if he lags behind. However, this means that everyone else will have at least a high latency between 150-350ms.

    On some days, we were not able to play, due to so many server related issues, that our group was extremely frustrated. We've tried everything from disabling sound, reducing the resolution in-game, changing servers, however, no matter what, someone always will lag behind and die :( .

    We have lost ~20% of our T14 Maps due to those lags, which is a massive cost.

    Because we had so many issues, we've also not dropped the same amount of loot, we would have expected.

    Map preparation:

    Nothing really changed from our last post, therefore here is all the information:

    We Chisel, Alc and rolled all maps to have at least 88 Quantity, as this is already very important to have a good base for the map. We put all our Nemesis and Beyond maps to the side, as we wanted to run those with specific Sextans.

    Once we have prepared our maps, we apply our 5 Delirium Orbs (Average: 7c in Bulk), which were the following:

    1x Singular Delirium Orb as this will drop additional unique items, with every stage of the progress.

    4x Random, cheap Orbs.


    Do not apply 4 Fragmented or Skittering Delirium Orbs onto the same map unless it's a t14+, as your inventory will be full of cheap frags and scarabs and you cannot loot anything else, without dropping valuable loot.


    We experimented with different Scarabs, to see, where the sweet spots are, we landed on the following:

    Gilded Divination Scarab (~27-33c): This is super important, as those have a 150% More Divination Cards found in Area effect

    Gilded Reliquary Scarab: (~10c): For the 150% More Unique Items found in Area

    Gilded Cartography Scarab: (~7c): 50% More Maps found in Area

    Polished Harbinger (~1-2c): More mobs for the map and synergizes well when we get the Harbinger Sextant

    Watch Stones:

    Irresistable Temptation (~1.5c per Map)- Random Prefix

    Territories Unknown (~1.5c per Map)- Random Suffix

    Booming Populace (~3c per Map) - Increased Pack Size

    Misinformation Watchstone (~12c per Map) - Increases the Effect of Modifiers on the Maps by x%. This is very important as this boosts your Quantity and other modifiers on the map.

    Sextants (~10c per Map):

    We used Awakened Sextants and tried to get the following:

    Any mods that give more monsters


    Nemesis in combination with the above mentioned Nemesis maps for additional currency drops.

    Corrupted Strongbox in combination with 500% Strongbox

    We roll over mobs that heal sextant (makes my quant and my mana flask not work) and physical mobs (cause proximity shields are very annoying and dangerous)


    Beyond (5c per map)

    Total cost per Map:

    Map: ~25c

    Orbs: ~35c

    Scarabs: ~50c

    Watch Stones: ~18c

    Sextants: ~10c

    Zana: 5c


    Total: ~143c

    Drops of our 100 T14 Burial maps:

    Now it gets interesting! As mentioned above, we've only completed 80% of our maps, which means that we died 22 times in the first half of the map and had no drops, however, due to being now a level 82 Zone, we got additional loot, we didn't have before.

    We had a 22 and 24 Map Doctor dry streak in our 107 run maps, however, we still dropped a Doctor every ~10 Maps in this batch.

    I also want to mention that due to running T14, we dropped ~1000 maps which can be sold, so add massively to the end result with ~40ex.

    Notable Drops:




    As always, you can find all our drops here:


    We've spent around 105 Exa in preparation and made around 690 Exa in Drops, which means that we made a profit of 585 Exa.

    Where did we make the most currency? Please remember, that prices might have changed and you can make either more or less than shown below, the ratio to calculate those numbers are from today 1Exa=145c


    From a pure Return of investment perspective, I would recommend that you run T7 Burials with the following setup, as mentioned in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/fv6rwu/project_hospital_the_nhs_called_and_asked_if_we/

    Delirium Orb x5 - We used 1 Unique and 4 random cheap other orbs ~6c each

    Polished Divination Scarab ~ 6c

    Polished Breach Scarab ~ 3.5c each

    Polished Harbinger Scarab ~ 4c each

    Chisel/Alc/Vaal ~ 10c

    Sextant ~10c

    Zana Mod - Beyond 5c

    Watch Stones ~10c per map

    Irresistable Temptation - Random Prefix

    Territories Unknown - Random Suffix

    Booming Populace - Increased Pack Size

    War Among the Stars - Additional Elder/Shaper Mobs

    As mentioned in the post, we have switched our setup from the above to the following changes after the first 75 maps:

    We dropped the Polished Breach and Divination Scarab and replaced it with Polished Reliquary and Gilded Divination Scarabs.

    We changed the War Among the Stars Watchstone for the Misinformation Watchstone, which increases the Effect of Modifiers on the Maps.

    What's our next plan?

    300 Burials are enough for us, so we will go back to Tower, however this time T16 and use the same setup as we used for the batch of Maps, to see if the ROI is higher than in Burial. We can already confirm that Burial is way more laggy, due to the wide open spaces and mobs on the map, which need to be calculated by the game.

    Please do not hesitate to send us any questions here in Reddit, join my stream or Discord. We are happy to share our experience and the pure purpose of this post is to encourage group play, build a stronger community and enjoy the game with our friends.

    If you've made it this far in the post, well done! Here's a picture of Bruno, THE Lord God Emperor Bruno the First!



    Stay safe Exile!

    Your Team Hospital

    submitted by /u/Nedisa91
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    [Hideout] Pirate Bay (2 versions + timelapse)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    Empyrian gets 264 simulacrum spliters from a single map

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    I present to you... Path of Disco

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Reminder: Kammell Race Starts Now!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Skill which is granted by item can't be applied MTX on

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I want 5 heralds MTX on my harolds, I can't use them because I got 2 best looking heralds (ice and ash) on my ring, I'm sad now. I want refund for my MTX.

    submitted by /u/nguoihn1988
    [link] [comments]

    Everyone : You can't not make profit on simulactum My simulacrums :

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I'm sorry, could you repeat that?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    [PSA] Stash tab names (symbols)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Hello, choosing good stash symbols help you navigate your stash tabs faster.


    I prefer my first few stash names(most used ones) to be symbols, so more fit on the screen and i dont have to open the sidebar.


    Here is a link to the most comprehensive list of symbols you can use as stash names. The Website is down, so you can access it only over https://web.archive.org/

    You can use CTRL - mouse wheel to zoom in and see the symbols better.


    My own setup of symbols looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/qATTkcd.jpg


    ☐ , ☒ - quad tab

    ♣ - divination cards

    ㊍ - maps

    ⊕ - fragments

    ☼ - essences

    ❂ - high value items(a diamond)

    凸 - flasks

    ☯ - bases

    ☥ - prophecies


    One thing i just recently found out is, that you can name your stash tabs, which have a fixed price for all items. It is a shame, i didnt know that earlier. I was assuming the syntax didnt allow this.


    So lets say, you have 2 tabs with 10 chaos all items and you want to distinguish between them: Then all you do is something like this:


    "~price 10 chaos ①" and "~price 10 chaos ②"


    You can type any text after the word chaos and it will still price the whole tab to 10 chaos.


    I hope this helps a few people to be creative with their stash tab names. ;)

    submitted by /u/Patonis
    [link] [comments]

    Interesting/obscure interaction: apparently you can have all three offerings affecting you WITHOUT a Leash of Oblation if you socket spell totem support into The Queen's Hunger

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    Can "failed to connect to instance" get more attention?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    It required a hotfix 3 days ago when patch came out (never happened before that). Still nothing. A lot of people experience this. Right now i have alva temple and conqueror map that both end up with this error. They are lost, every portal gives this error. Right after patch came out i also lost Sirus. More than 5 maps. It is worse than buffer underflow.

    Would be nice to have for situations like this: "if you never loaded into the map you can restart sirus\conqueror encounter from zana". Because this game will never be bugfree.

    Changed realm. Did 7 maps again to spawn veritania. Failed to connect to instance. Very random

    submitted by /u/Sunw1sh
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    State of Singapore Server (GMT +8 14:00)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    That took some time

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    my 5-herald CoC iCe Nova boss killing CD59 APS 19.7

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    GGG fix Burial Chambers pls!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Made a Jousis inspired CWDT Poison Blade Blast Assassin - sorry SGP servers

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 12:22 PM PDT

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