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    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - September 15, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - September 15, 2020

    Questions Thread - September 15, 2020

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - September 15, 2020

    This is a general question thread on September 15, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Has science gone too far?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    GGG triggering OCDs on 5 continents. Just... why, GGG, whaaaaai? *palms upward*

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ PATCH NOTES TAKE MY ENERGY༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:46 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/anus_blaster9000
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    Harvest was best league for me atleast!!!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    Remember, GGG doesn't do "balance", they do "meta adjustments"

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    I am sure most of you are aware of this, but it's almost always in GGG's favorite to nerf popular skills/playstyle a bit too hard. In general, players are attracted to playing the strongest build every league. If the same build is considered strong multiple leagues in a row, many people would be playing builds they've already played recently. These people would already know all the pros and cons of the build they are playing, and they would spend less time discovering all the nuances about a build, which in turn leads to less playtime. By forcing a specific playstyle out of the meta entirely, GGG makes sure that most players would be more inclined to try new builds/playstyle they've never done before, and that's exactly what they want to see. So, before you rant about how your favorite build has been nerfed to oblivion, think about all the fun you had when discovering a new build you've never done before.

    submitted by /u/otto303969388
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    Steam users will understand - 3.11.2 Best Patch!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Here's a small improvement that benefits summoners!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    The Glancing Blows nerf makes sense

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of complaints about the nerf and I wanted to provide a different perspective.

    Glancing Blow's primary purpose is to provide an easy way to boost effects that scale with block%. This includes counter-attacks, Tempest Shield, passives that give bonuses based on your block% (like the block% equals damage passive between Duelist & Ranger), and on-block effects like healing & gaining charges. A secondary effect was that it reduced the chance of one-shots in specific instances (when you get hit by only a single hit that does more than your eHP but not double that amount and it's slow enough that you won't get hit again in succession). It didn't actually increase your defenses in the long run and in fact if your base block% was over half the maximum, it decreased your overall defense.

    The problem is that players are so afraid of one-shots and since there was no real penalty to taking Glancing Blows if you don't invest in block, tons of people were taking it just for that secondary effect. It was becoming a no-brainer pick for anyone in that part of the passive tree instead of an option that allowed for more builds to scale block% bonuses & effects.

    The nerf to Glancing Blow now allows it to function properly by giving it a proper opportunity cost. Now you have to decide if getting a high block% with minimal investment is worth lowering your defenses or if you're better off increasing your block chance through more normal methods. And the secondary effect is now even more situational (anything that does over 50% overkill will still kill you now and you're now more vulnerable to death from multiple hits).

    Nerfing Glancing Blows by having it reduce on block effects instead would be counterproductive - it would hurt builds that were actually designed for Glancing Blows, while not doing anything to deter generic builds from taking it.

    If life gain on block effects are too powerful, those should be directly nerfed in general, not Glancing Blows. And we've seen them do that already with one instance with the Necromancer nerf (which BTW, should rarely have been taking Glancing Blows since they were already close to the cap).

    submitted by /u/Werezompire
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    So You Want to Try SSF in 3.12 Heist? A Friendly Guide.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Hello there, midtown here! As usual I'm posting this guide for the upcoming league. I don't believe any league is inherently superior, so the goal of this post is not to convince you that SSF is the best, but simply to explain how to have some success if it is your first time! Here goes:

    1. Most important! Choose a fun league starter that doesn't require any non-trivially farmable uniques and doesn't need Uber Lab to map efficiently. Lots of streamers play SSF and have appropriate guides. Safe uniques would be very common uniques or ones that are fast to farm via div cards: Tabula, Stormcloud, Sire of Shards, Whispering Ice, etc. There are plenty of guides in the forums that mention they are SSF-friendly, so go for one of those if it is your first time. As you get the hang of it you won't need to follow SSF-specific guides, but it helps a lot in the beginning.
    2. That said, you have access to a lot more uniques than you think. Because trade is the easiest method to get most uniques, it's what most people do and you never learn the other ways. A surprising number of uniques have divination cards that can be farmed. Additionally, every recent league has had access to Ancient Orbs, or access to an identical mechanic (Incursion = T3 Sacrifice, Bestiary = Beast craft recipe, Delve = Harb nodes), which can make it fairly statistically straightforward to get many uniques with the right iLvl. Finally, add Chance orbs to your loot filter as well as any bases for your most desired uniques, and chance them all. For context, my SSFHC DP Heiro had a 6L Soul Mantle, 2x Kikazarus, and a Self-Flagellation. And my TR Heiro had a 6L Quill Rain, 2 Abyssal Tombfist, and a Kintsugi.
    3. Try to fit increased item rarity (IIR) into your build. This is much more powerful than most people realize in SSF, because it gives you significantly more build-enabling uniques, significantly more alchemy orbs (via alch shards from vendors), and significantly more T1/T2 rares to identify. If you can, fit Item Rarity gem in your main skill, or swap it in for clearing. If you freeze, HoI+IR is a great combo, or if you DoT, Contagion+IR (the first DoT gets the kill credit and this includes spreading w/ ED). If you end up with an Ambitious Bandit Prophecy, this is a great one to follow through on for The Ascetic for an MF build.
    4. You'll get more items overall than you might expect (including uniques and currency), because SSF feels like a league with inherent IIQ. I don't mean the zones themselves have IIQ of course, but because there's no time to spend on poe.trade, looking up items, whispering for trades, doing rotas, and leaving maps for trading, etc, you simply spend more time killing monsters and will find an increased number of items per hour. It can be a really refreshing experience, and you should generally be swimming in everything you need to map (chaos / alc / scour / sextants), not only from killing more monsters, but from having more currency you aren't spending on trades.
    5. If playing an attack-based build, you'll have the easiest time choosing a skill which provides added damage as it levels, so you aren't dependent completely on your base weapon damage. 3.7 gave a lot more attack skills added damage as they level! There are also very useful Vendor Recipes for % physical damage and added damage so you can occasionally use these on better bases as you level.
    6. Drop-only gems: With Added Chaos and Detonate Mines from vendors now, the only thing you have to worry about is Enhance/Empower/Enlightens. Generally I find them each league, but sometimes not. I wouldn't run a league starter that absolutely depends on them. To help find them roll Gemcutter strongboxes for "only support gems" and run gem Delves/Temple rooms. (GGG, can we buy these for a Divine please?)
    7. Vaal gems: You have a ~25% chance to get one with a Vaal orb, so don't be afraid to spend vaal orbs to get your Vaal Summon Skeletons / Vaal Blight / Vaal BV for sweet, sweet leveling, if you don't quickly get it from Vaal side areas.
    8. Unique Jewels: These are the hardest to plan around in my experience, because they can't be reliably chanced. Obviously many are quest rewards, and if you need two, just race another character to A5 if it doesn't drop. Some are more common than others, but don't exactly plan a single-element Elemental Hit build in SSF. Some do have Div cards, so that's a great option for those (A Mother's Parting Gift for Icestorm, for example). Generally I play a solid league starter and then base my future builds around which of these (and other items) drop. (GGG, Threshold Jewel Vendor plz)
    9. Atlas: Filling out your atlas is much easier in recent updates, with the Zana map rewards and non-deterministic 3:1 recipe. The most important thing is to add Chance orbs to your loot filter while leveling so you can buy Kirac/Zana out after her daily missions as you progress through the Atlas. I believe you find Zana in your first T3 map. For red maps, 3-to-1 will help a lot as you farm them (I do this each time I hit 5 of a map so I always have at least 2 of each), and the various source of Horizon Orbs (drops, Delve, Zana missions) make life a lot easier. These are especially valuable at the higher tiers where you are more likely the get the map you want as the pool is limited! Note that the Zana "alternate of same tier" (not sure if we'll have this in 3.12) is very helpful and seems to follow drop rules such she has an increased chance to give you an uncomplete map. Don't forget that Vaaling a map has a 12.5% to upgrade it as well. For filling out your unique maps, Ancient orb mechanics are also great once you've got the unique gear you need!
    10. Masters. 3.8 fixed a lot of issues here! Run more maps, login daily, and get lots of missions. You'll want to check Zana's inventory after every mission of hers (it resets when she open the portals), grabbing any missing/needed maps. The only minor thing to keep in mind is that when the servers roll over at midnight UTC and you get a new mission, it will be based on the tier you last ran a map on. So if you are logging out for the day, make sure the last map you run is the tier you want to receive your daily missions at.
    11. Lootfilter. Use one! For league start: Filterblade.xyz > Presets > Leveling > Wands/Bows/1H as appropriate, I prefer Semi-Strict. Move Chance Orbs and Silver Coins to Fuse tier. Then quickly transition into Strict once you are all rare gear, and then potentially Very Strict around maps. For a league start, the only changes I make are to move Chance Orbs and Silver Coins to the Fusing tier so I don't miss any. Make sure to add your chancing bases, div cards, and remove any T1/T2 rares you won't use. That last bit is especially critical if you play with IIR/IIQ. Generally I keep only the top 2-3 tiers of each gear slot of the right type for my build (Evasion, ES, etc) in my loot filter, and once I have a great item for a slot, I remove all but the top tier base for that slot.
    12. Currency. So you're short on a currency you need? Make sure you are alching every 6+ map you run for quant sustain, and Chisel + Vaaling whatever the highest tier red maps you are running/sustaining. Take any reasonably close Currency or City Delve node. If that isn't enough, let's see what you need:
      • Vaal orbs: sell 7 vaal gems + a fragment for a Vaal orb. Run extra fragments in your map device for a Vaal area when you need more Vaal gems. You can also run your maps that drop The Catalyst.
      • Chaos orbs: generally self-sustaining, but can do the occasional chaos recipe as needed, but focus more on Delve Currency/City nodes. Pick up <75 ilvl items from Vaal areas (above) as needed so at least one item is < 75 ilvl to get 2 Chaos.
      • Regals: there's always the regal recipe, but if you are hitting up Delves and Temples it isn't likely to be needed.
      • Alchemy: Generally self-sustaining, but in case not, you can buy them 1:1 for Regret orbs, which are otherwise useless end-game SSF! Pick up and sell identified unique items you don't need for alch shards. Consider maps which drop good div cards (Survivalist) when you are low. "Also keep in mind that you can use unneeded fossils or Orbs of Binding to roll your maps if you are running low on alcs." - @ot4ku
      • Fuses: Sell Jeweller's 4-to-1. Run maps for cards like Loyalty. Don't forget to 20+ qual anything you are trying to link!
      • Jewellers: pick up every 6S of course, and pick them up from maps.
      • Silver Coins. Transmute + Augment every white Strongbox you find. "Extra silver coins" rolls surprisingly often! I ID blue Strongboxes so I can augment if it only has one mod. Adding a suffix is generally where the good stuff is, but rolling an Exile prefix is great too.
      • GCPs and Baubles: Keep a dump tab of quality gems and sell a full inventory for lots of GCPs. For Baubles you can trade Blacksmiths, or add high quality flasks to your loot filter (the latter is probably only worth doing for a league starter that benefits a lot from 20% flasks).
      • Sextants: Now you can 3-to-1 upgrade Sextants, and they are easier to move around via Watchstones. Buy them from Zana always. It is possible to run out of sextants SSF, at which point just run one or two. With Delve, Temple, and Zana, you really don't need to run entirely max sextant 20% corrupted maps to sustain :)
      • Scours: These generally self-sustain even with liberal map re-rolling, but you can grab extra from vendors as needed.
      • Wisdoms/Portals/Armourers: Hopefully these are off your loot filter and you just sell Transmute stacks as needed (Blacksmiths in the case of Armourers).

    Please share anything else that has helped you or any questions you might have. It is really a lot less overwhelming and more fun than I expected, and don't forget you can always migrate to Trade if you get stuck. Keep in mind that the "Migrate All" button migrates all of your lab trials / delve / Atlas, etc (except master missions!), so as a general rule there's not much penalty for starting in SSF and deciding you want to go trade. And, don't forget to join Global 773! Finally, try to die...less than Ziz does :)

    submitted by /u/mrooney
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    An Alternative Solution for Glancing Blows

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Guess I won the Weta Pet Box gamble

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Reworked Glancing Blows like Acrobatic & Phase acrobatics

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    About a month ago, Bex tweeted about "one particular thing in common" about Heist that everyone was most looking forward to. What was that thing?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    5K STRONK wasn't Enough so now its 5.4k STRONK

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Path of Exile: Heist Balance Manifesto

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    I just wanna play crackling lance archmage

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:11 AM PDT


    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Organized my stash tabs on standard

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    Sadly i have to quit this game to get my life in order. Happy heisting fellow exiles

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Im way too addicted,the game has consumed 3 years of my life.Though i havent commented too much on this subreddit(not that it proves anything)I've done atleast 36 challanges each league i played,i've lost friends and opportunity for a better life after i dropped out of college and lost scholarship

    Im sure you've heard this story a million times on reddit,but i have to leave a reminder for myself not just share this cliché story

    Sorry for bad english it's my 2nd language

    submitted by /u/Kassace
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    Is Burning an Ailment? only on Influenced items!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    [Angry Reddit Thread] RE: Balance Manifesto - Not Touching On-Block Recovery Effects and Other Things Get Shafted Because of It?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    Preface: I want to note that some things are still subject to change in the patch notes, and I know that, but I just want to share my criticism on some of the decisions that have been shared so far (and this actually addresses the entirety of the game).

    • I don't understand the nerf to Glancing Blows. Just... why? 65% of the damage taken is huge. I'd have kept my mouth shut if it were 55%. Would still be a considerable nerf, but at least it'd feel more like a slap on the wrist instead of a slap in the face. Glancing Blows is not the culprit. It's an effective tool for builds that have low Physical mitigation or for builds that want some extra defense for being in the thick of the fight. It comes with a tradeoff and not every build can/wants to use it.

    • On-Block Recovery Effects: These are the real culprits. Especially Bone Offering. I feel like those nerfs mentioned in the manifesto are backhanded slaps in the face because of stuff like this. Specifically Bone Offering. It grants Block and Life Recovery on Block on top.

    What I don't understand is how this is allowed to stay (note: we don't have patch notes yet, but still), but everything else has to die for it. It at least feels that way. It already grants additional chance to block, which in itself is a mechanic you can stack to mitigate damage. And the on-block effect stacks with other sources like it, e.g. on shields or something like The Anvil.

    The 50% Offering effect change (back to old values) for Necro changes practically nothing. It will be barely noticeable on builds that abused it prior. Why? Because they already gained a multitude more (compared to the damage taken) Recovery from it.

    • How many more consecutive nerfs to defenses do we need to endure? They nerfed Fortify to Less Damage Taken due to Reduced Damage Taken stackers that built immortal builds by reaching 100%. Instead of, again, nerfing the other sources that granted additional RDT. That change specifically was uncalled for imo. Fortify and the easy obtainability of it was part of Champion's identity as an offensive-defensive Ascendancy. We never received any compensation for this nerf, which in some cases were the equivalent of ~20% more damage taken compared to before.

    • They nerfed Soul of Steel (removed the % PDR).

    • Edit: This might paint the picture more clearly. (thank you, /u/diruuo)

    • Etc., etc. (I don't want to start listing everything, cuz that'd just turn into a stupid back-and-forth argument.)

    It feels like, every time we get good new defensive capabilities that make it interesting to build a tanky toon, they soon nerf it and/or other previously fine defenses for the sake of some mechanical combinations that turned out to be broken, instead of fixing those particular issues. It also doesn't help when players immediately start crying foul as soon as something is remotely good ("Are we allowed to have this? This is broken!"), simply because we are not used to being allowed to have any meaningful defenses. Everything is just seemingly "balanced around one-shots".

    With every consecutive patch it feels as if I'm better off just saying "F it" and going all-in on damage. It just doesn't feel as rewarding anymore to go super tanky. They change something "minor" that all adds up over time that you have to adjust for again and again, to the point where you have to ask yourself if it is even worth it anymore.

    Like, who gives a fuck if a 500ex build can tank Sirus' storms? Isn't that kinda the point of such huge investment? Why does everyone with their 50ex build have to suffer for it? (Yes, Herald stackers are something else here, but that's a topic for another discussion.)

    Every nerf to defenses means you have to sacrifice some damage to make up for it. Something you already do when you decide to make your build tankier than usual. I just don't get it. Do the devs want us to build our characters to just one-shot everything?


    submitted by /u/HoldMySoda
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    [Shitpost] When even the devs forget about staves

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Chad mirror gambling vs virgin currency grinding

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:13 AM PDT

    Bex when knowing stuff

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:31 PM PDT

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