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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 09, 2021

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 09, 2021

    Questions Thread - April 09, 2021

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Questions Thread

    This is a general question thread on. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in any of the questions channels under the "help" category in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.

    We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    POE 2 globe reflects light in real time

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    Don't get scammed in the coming league, Exiles!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    This is what the league will look like for my nice-build.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    GGG Fighting Monopolies by DROPPING the Ceiling and RAISING the Floor

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    GGG just basically dropped a BOMB on TOS violations and A LOT of issues with the Economy and the top 0.1%.

    I'm happy, I'm very happy actually.

    During 3.13, I released a series of video named the 0.1%, I have to say, it aged like milk.


    In this series, I wanted to shed light on as many "broken" mechanics as possible that people were abusing, in order to both level the playing field, but also to make sure these methods were known, the more people took advantage of them, the better!

    I have no idea if my videos or anything I said had any effect on the changes upcoming in 3.14 regarding these, and to be honest, I don't care. I'm just happy changes are being made.

    The most notable changes are as follows:

    1. A "duped" item can no longer be duped again.
    2. Deep Delving is being nerfed to be more inline with other options.
    3. Witnessing ONLY applies to the map owner.

    The only thing I was hoping for was that beasts would be captured "in close proximity" to prevent multiboxing beasts entirely, but I guess that would give a complete monopoly to beast farming bots and any legit player really wouldn't be able to compete.

    For people less in tune with the economy, these changes are MASSIVE.


    Let's talk about "duping" first, duping was a problem because the FIRST people / group of people who had access to a given base would have a complete monopoly on that base, being able to dupe it endlessly and being able to "protect" their base from further duping from others through various methods, be it influencing the item, adding a Harvest Implicit or even catalysts. Anything to prevent others from duping their base.

    This shouldn't be a problem in a perfect world, someone who got lucky or who invested huge amounts of currency would be able to reap the rewards! Unfortunately, that's not how it went. We had groups being fed by TOS BREAKING (almost the entire beast farming community got banned last league in a huge ban wave - you can guess what for) communities in order to make all the most profitable bases as early as possible and then snowballed from there. The same people, every single league. A complete monopoly allowing people to "print" mirrors with 0 effort.

    Don't believe me? During Legion, in the era of +3 Ranged Foil, I was the only active player with a merciless +3 ranged foil for a while, I was making over 1 mirror per day barely playing for a few hours. Making foils for 15ish ex and selling them for 35-45 depending on the divine. That was just luck for me, I got merciless after just a few imprints, hit the jackpot back then!

    With the upcoming changes, while the actual beast farming methods haven't changed, since it's still shared and hasn't been mentioned to be given to "close proximity", beast farming is getting massively nerfed. The income from beast farming is mostly from 3 sources, imprints, splits and "yellows".

    Imprints and Splits are used in tandem to dupe, but with the new "split" tag preventing further splits, it means the demand for those will drop drastically. This is also the main sink of "yellow", the regular rare beasts needed for each craft. With this change, the demand for those also drops significantly.

    This means people being able to print mirrors either from being on the side of having a monopoly on "dupe bases" or the side of farming these beasts via TOS methods like Virtual Machines or outright botting, are getting the potential ceiling on their currency generation by a MASSIVE MARGIN.

    To make up for this, GGG has added some new beasts to replace some of the Harvest crafts, because of this, I really believe they should also only have beasts allocated to people "in close proximity", the same way sulphite works, but in the end, it stills lowers the ceiling of currency / hour farmed by those communities on either side of the duping method.

    Deep Delving

    Deep Delving has been SSS tier for far too long, it's been one of those methods that dedicated people can literally lose themselves into, farming upwards of a mirror every single day, and in some cases, multiple mirrors in a day.

    Funny enough, those same people can never link you any sort of relevant amount of currency?
    Why is this...well, you can take a guess. Note, this doesn't apply to EVERYONE in the delving community at all, but there are MANY bans handed out to that community every single league amongst the top delvers, coincidence? Who knows.

    The issue isn't that people made a lot of currency delving, the issue is that anyone who wanted to delve but didn't have the kind of time to dedicate on the level of the "6k+ delvers" simply wouldn't see any returns. From 0 to 1500 or so, you wouldn't encounter more than a couple T1 Fossils.

    The upcoming change will raise the floor, so that even the more casual players can have access to seeing returns in delve, we don't have the exact numbers, but I'm hopeful.

    More importantly, those people who do push to the "promise land" of 6k+ delving, basically had a monopoly on the market of T1 fossils, meaning they get to dictate the price of these fossils. Not only that, the delving community has been very vocal about people "lowering the price" of T1 fossils.

    This is bad, as in any economy, any sort of monopoly is bad. Allowing players who won't dedicate their existence to delving to have an effect on the T1 fossil economy can only help, and also allow to fund additional sulphite for themselves as they are delving deeper. Meanwhile, lowering the ceiling of currency / hour for the top delvers only makes their effect on the market smaller, preventing unhealthy market behaviors like the price of T1 fossils lowering 50% and then doubling in price within a few days as we have more players affecting the overall market volume.

    Witnessing Invitations

    This change is the most important of all, as this is not just preventing monopolies, it's also fighting against ridiculous inflation. While you may think being able to buy a Bottled Faith for a few exalts is good, it isn't. Not for the economy, not for the people who want to have access to the content.

    It got to the point during Ritual League, where you literally could not farm "The Feared" invitation without using AT LEAST 3 characters (more than the limit of 2 per physical PC within TOS). The individual price of the boss encounters were so high that the returns were negative, in the case of every single encounter.

    So if you wanted to farm Cortex, Uber Atziri (for some reason?) or Uber Elder (amongst others really), you would LOSE currency every single time, even if you were witnessing them with maven in order to then do "The Feared" invitation. This was due to the ridiculous demand of those encounters from the people who were using multiple accounts to farm those encounters, who were willing to pay outrageous prices because no matter what, they were making profit, A LOT OF PROFIT.

    Upwards of 50 exalts / hour with 5 alts.

    Getting the value of 7 boss sets for the price of 1 set and 6 invitations being sold for 20c.

    By lowering the ceiling and preventing people to be able to do multiple invitations with a single boss set, GGG is drastically decreasing the amount of sets / hour people are capable of going through. By doing so, the price of these sets goes down due to the demand decreasing exponentially as well, since people can't make 7x the value of their bossing encounters, they aren't willing to pay outrageous prices.

    This means ANYONE who is capable of completing these encounters CAN do so and turn a profit, without having to turn to "grey" areas such as multiboxing. The floor is therefore raised in terms of currency / hour for anyone who is actually capable of completing the encounters and their invitations.


    All in all, these 3 changes are absolute game changing. It shows that GGG are finally putting their feet down on people "abusing" certain game mechanics which have been far too powerful for, in some cases, far too long.

    This also means the maximum possible currency / hour is lowered drastically, which is good as this prevents unnecessary inflations from the "rich" who are capable of paying more.

    Not only that, the changes to basically every currently existing mechanic also raises the floor in terms of currency gains, the effect of the floor raising and the ceiling lowering means that overall, we have less of a discrepancy between the average player and the 0.1%. "Godly items" drop in price since rich players are less rich and aren't willing to pay as much, and average players are making more money for their time spent on the game and therefore are capable of affording better items.

    This is a buff

    submitted by /u/RealPathofMatth
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    GGG We need A Tornado spell in POE.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    Steal deal

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    Taskmaster league

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Player retention graphs for the last 4 leagues (on Steam)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 05:41 AM PDT

    What a grand and intoxicating innocence!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Path of Exile Second Screen : another leveling tool because I don't like the current options

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    Path of Exile Second Screen : another leveling tool because I don't like the current options

    Hello exiles,

    Before Ultimatum release, I wanted to have a nice leveling tool to have on a second screen, but I couldn't find one that was a 100% match for me. I'm a relatively new player with 600hours in, so I like having a leveling cheat sheet just in case

    Here's why I'm not satisfied with the two most popular third-party program for leveling:

    • Level Qik : The overlay is nice, but it made my screen very bloated. I'd rather have something on the side
    • Path of Building : This is nice for theorycrafting and such, but having the whole tree displayed in the screen has 2 major downsides for me :
      • I don't need to have the whole tree, just what's my next big notable passive.
      • I can't find gems setup unless I switch windows and I don't like switching windows. I just want something that I can interact with with shortcuts.
      • Same for the notes section: it's in another window, and when I need to find gem swap it's usually there
      • Path of Building is ultimately best for the end-game tweaking and damage breakdown

    Both these options also lacked something important (in my opinion at least): a clear way of displaying what gems should be swapped in and out, at which level, and on which links.

    => So with that in my mind, I worked on my own project, and today I'm releasing the first version !

    You can find it on github here: https://github.com/Halkreen/poe-secondscreen/releases

    You can also find the instructions on how to make it work, the next steps etc. in the Readme right here : https://github.com/Halkreen/poe-secondscreen/blob/master/README.md

    Basically once you have your leveling file ready and imported, everytime you level up you can find several things in one look:

    • What is the next notable passive I should go to
    • What are the links I should look for
    • What gems should I swap and where
    • When are the next gem swap coming

    and all this without switching screen or enabling overlays.

    Here's a preview of the interface :



    - As of today, there's no support for weapon options. Weapons slot is basically a 6link gear piece (two-handed), but you can put 2 * 3 links in there if you want, like sword/shield for instance.

    - You have to create your own leveling file. There is an example in the GitHub repository that you can download to try it, right here . Also in the README, I tried to be as precise as possible so that everyone can build its own easily. Maybe in the future I will have a "pob-like" system where you can share a pastebin for leveling

    - All the sockets appear linked for now. Having a link/unlink system would be confusing and annoying in the leveling file. Not anymore ! Thank you /u/Nagisan for the sweet suggestion.

    - It might contain bugs since it's my first release, I tried a few test cases but maybe I didn't cover everything. Check the "Issues" section in README :)

    - It lacks some graphic resources, like notable assets that you have to input manually (although it's totally optional !), gem assets

    - Sorry Mac/Linux users, it's only a .exe for now :(

    I hope you'll like it ! I built it for myself first but any feedback/suggestions are appreciated.

    Enjoy 3.14, exiles :) I'm really hyped after the announcements

    Cheers !

    submitted by /u/Halkreen
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    Never touching one of these Ultimatums

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    3.14 (pi), 69 (nice), 420 (4 lures + 20 fusings) You did it!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 03:51 AM PDT

    My disappointment is immeasureable that GGG got it backwards and my League is ruined!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    Baeclast #68 Lead Designer Rory Rackham on PoE2 & Ultimatum League

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:59 AM PDT

    Hypnotic Whorl - My 'perfect' cyclone ring

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    PoE 2 is downright gorgeous. Here are some concept artists and designers that are working on PoE 2. Do check them out

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    I was surprised to find out some of the artists I follow are working on PoE 2, and they too seem to be delighted with how their works came out. The designs are just out of this world, do check them out, and if anyone knows more artist do share them so we can show their support for them.























    submitted by /u/binarysingularities
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    Because Life is just Spicy Mana

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    We're happy to introduce the Incubator Incubator

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    The real 3.14 league mechanic

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    wrong pill, exile

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 03:50 AM PDT

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